Digestive Intelligence

Digestive Intelligence
Author: Irina Matveikova
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
Total Pages: 240
Release: 2014-06-06
Genre: Body, Mind & Spirit
ISBN: 1844098591

Digestive Intelligence tells the fascinating story of how our digestive systems are the centre of our bodies’ second brain and how we think and live our emotions via our stomachs. Not surprising when you consider there is something equivalent to the size of a village football pitch hiding inside our bellies--that’s the incredible magnitude of our digestive systems. Dr Matveikova answers the obvious questions: “How?” and “Why can this be so?” by explaining, in straight forward layman’s language, that the digestive system contains more than one million neurones, identical to those in the brain and is responsible for producing 90% of the body’s hormone, serotonin, the all-important hormone which makes us feel happy and full of wellbeing. It follows that, if our stomach is “out of sorts” we feel irritable and lacking in energy; and those feelings block our intellectual productivity, disorientate us and completely change our thought patterns and physical processes.

Investment in Health

Investment in Health
Publisher: Pan American Health Org
Total Pages: 315
Release: 2001
Genre: Caribbean Area
ISBN: 9275115826

This publication considers the final reports of three research projects that explored how investing in health can benefit economic growth, household productivity, and poverty reduction in Latin America and the Caribbean. It contains case studies of health systems and policies in a number of countries including Brazil, Jamaica, Mexico and Peru; as well as a review of experiences from other regions in the world regarding health inequalities and poverty alleviation.

Epheta Misión Salud

Epheta Misión Salud
Author: Hugo Galindo Salom MD
Publisher: Editorial San Pablo Colombia
Total Pages: 144
Release: 2020-10-16
Genre: Health & Fitness

Hugo Galindo Salom, médico colombia - no, epidemiólogo e investigador con publicaciones sobre la calidad de vida en el cáncer. Conferencista internacional en temas de salud holística, gracias a su forma - ción en Sagradas Escrituras en Israel en 1982. Tiene Posgrado en Medicina Ortomole - cular en el Australian College of Medical Nutrition, y un Diplomado en Medicinas Alternativas de la Universidad del Ro - sario en Bogotá. Su perfil lo completa una Maestría en Educación en Brisbane, Australia, y la creación de la Sociedad Colombiana de Medicina Preventiva y Ortomolecular de la cual ha sido su Presi - dente en los últimos 6 años. Actualmente cursa su segundo año de Doctorado en Medicina Ortomolecular en CIC. Traductor del libro Vitamina C, misil sa - nador de la naturaleza, de los doctores Ian y Glenn Dettman, que ha superado el medio millón de copias impresas y vendidas en Latinoamérica. Creó la Fundación Ephetá, la cual cuenta con el novedoso Programa de Retiro de Salud para la Prevención de Cáncer, con resultados extraordinarios. Hugo Galindo entrena médicos en el manejo ortomolecular del cáncer uti - lizando la “dieta de los 7 colores” que promete ser la gran novedad en nutri - ción, después de las revolucionarias dietas Gerson, paleo y cetógenica; al igual que las megadosis de Vitamina C.

The Pilgrim's Progress

The Pilgrim's Progress
Author: John Bunyan
Publisher: Ransom Press International
Total Pages: 489
Release: 2021-11-17
Genre: Fiction
ISBN: 1647650291

John Bunyan was born in 1628, seventeen years after the Authorized Version of the Bible was approved by King James and published (in 1611). Even though the intensity of the persecution of genuine believers was diminishing (in the sense that capital punishment was not as likely), religious freedom remained limited. At the time, clergy were well educated, and there were virtually no legal opportunities for an unlicensed, poor, unsophisticated, nonconformist preacher like Bunyan. Bunyan, a tinker by trade, insisted on preaching not only to closed groups (such as the Congregational Church at Bedford) but also in public (and to great effect); this led to ongoing confrontation with secular and ecclesiastical authorities, which resulted in Bunyan being imprisoned on at least three occasions, for a total of over twelve years behind bars, before eventually being pardoned and licensed to teach. Not only was the cold, dark prison a hazard to his health and a trial to his faith, it also imposed severe hardship on his wife and four children (one of whom was blind). Yet it was while in prison (between 1660 and 1672 and again for six months in 1675) that Bunyan had his famous dream(s) and subsequently wrote The Pilgrim´s Progress from This World to That Which Is to Come in two parts in addition to many other writings. It has been said that John Bunyan had a very simple personal library consisting only of his Bible and a four-volume edition of Foxe’s Book of Martyrs. His inspiration did not come from advanced theological training but from the Scriptures in the light of a very close personal relationship with the Lord. In this volume, note the extensive and virtually unprecedented use of Scripture. This special edition of The Pilgrim´s Progress was born out of my frustrating quest to find an accurate Spanish translation of this work for use in our Latin America ministry. Then, I began to search for an appropriate English edition to serve as the basis for a Spanish translation. Once again, I was stymied. All of the editions I have collected (some plain and some fancy), which have been published over the past one hundred years or so, have also been so edited or abridged that it soon became clear to me that the original intent of the author had been (at least, in certain places) significantly altered. I have not been able to find an edition of The Pilgrim’s Progress published in the past hundred or so years that has not in some way degraded, twisted, manipulated, or even deleted serious portions of the text that did not happen to line up with the modern doctrinal views of the editors (and different editors, in their varying editions, tended to distort entirely separate sections according to their conflicting theological views). Even between my 1832 and 1893 editions significant manipulation occurred, particularly with the author’s notes (early editions have them in the margin; nineteenth century editions and on have them converted into footnotes). By 1893, many notes were missing, or others that were not written by the author had been added. Also, many of the original Scripture references had been deleted or replaced with other references that detracted from rather than strengthened the original argument. Therefore, as our base text, we used a simple, no-frills pocket edition published by R.W. Pomeroy in Philadelphia (1832) in which the original spelling has been somewhat reformed but the Scripture references and footnotes (formerly margin notes) are much more intact. So, what has our editing accomplished? The original style of Bunyan reads half like a screenplay and half like normal dialogue with narration mixed in. Also, things such as capitalization, punctuation, and so on seem to blend according to Bunyan’s own style. We have turned the screenplay parts into normal dialogue and bent or even disregarded some of the modern rules of English so as to preserve the original style and meaning. We have also divided the book into chapters with subheadings to provide added comfort to the reader. We have gone through and solved some puzzles with the Old English, particularly with the slang used in certain parts of England prior to 1660 that, unlike the King James Bible (or even Shakespeare), contained words that are no longer relevant in any dictionary and that were combined in such a manner as to be exceedingly obscure. In other places, I left some “gems” intact because I thought they were so priceless that I could not bring myself to mess with them (also thinking that the reader could probably eventually figure them out). There were, however, places where I simply could not find an exact modern equivalent. Here are two examples or the original and edited versions: 1. As Cristiana and Mercy come up the hill Difficulty, the thirsty pilgrims come to a spring of water that has been deliberately muddied by the feet of some that do not desire for pilgrims to be able to quench their thirst. Original: Thereat Mercy said, “And why so envious, trow?” Updated: At this, Mercy said, “This is unimaginable; why so spiteful?” 2. While Christiana and friends are at the house of Mr. Mnason in Vanity Fair, here is part of the conversation: Original: Then said Mr. Dare-not-lie; “It is true, they neither have the pilgrim’s weed, nor the pilgrim’s courage; they go not uprightly, but all awry with their feet; one shoe goeth inward, another outward; and their hosen out behind; here a rag, and there a rent, to the disparagement of their Lord.” Updated Then Mr. Dare-not-lie said, “It is true. They have neither the pilgrim’s bearing, nor the pilgrim’s courage; they do not go uprightly, but all awry with their feet; one shoe goes inward, another outward; and their trousers are out behind: here a tatter and there a tear, to the disparagement of their Lord. The Pilgrim’s Progress is one of the most read books (after the King James Bible) in the history of the English language. I want my children and grandchildren to be able to read and understand this book according to the fullness of the original intent of the author as part of our accurate, historical Christian heritage that shall continue to bear good fruit into the future. Russell M. Stendal June 11, 2020

Discerning the Day of the Lord

Discerning the Day of the Lord
Author: Russell Stendal
Publisher: Ransom Press International
Total Pages: 598
Release: 2021-04-09
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 1647650585

The darkness that will come upon the people of God at the beginning of the day of the Lord shall not be the same as the affliction that came upon her when Jesus came the first time. The end of the age of grace will not be as dark as the end of the age of the law because the [Gentile] people that walked in darkness have seen a great light; those that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them has the light shined. Yes, it’s true that great apostasy has engulfed much of Western Europe and seems to be making quite a bit of headway in North America. But what about places (to name a few) such as China, Iran, Egypt, Venezuela, Cuba, Brazil, Colombia, Africa, and even India, where the gospel is surging? Most of the end-time harvest is taking place under great adversity and persecution. So, for now it can be said, As thou hast multiplied the nation [the people of God], thou hast not increased the joy. But the day of the Lord will be the biggest game-changer ever seen in human history. For those among the people of God who have clean hearts when Jesus returns, They shall rejoice before thee as they rejoice in the harvest and as men rejoice when they divide the spoil, even as all the kingdoms of this world crumble and come down. The vision of Isaiah is a prophetic hub placed in the middle of the Scriptures with ties to almost every book in the Bible (most are footnoted in this work). There are living parables of events that actually happened during the lifetime of Isaiah, prophecies regarding Judah and Jerusalem with both a near and a far fulfillment, all interwoven with messianic prophecy depicting events surrounding the first and second comings of Jesus Christ, the final judgment, and the new creation with new heavens and a new earth. A central theme of Isaiah relates to the day of the LORD (as does the book of Revelation). We know there is a special blessing on the seventh day (Genesis 2:3). Scripture also defines what some call a “prophetic day” mentioned in both the unique Psalm attributed to Moses: For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past and as a watch in the night (Psalm 90:4), and by Simon Peter: But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day before the Lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years are as one day (2 Peter 3:8). Human history has now entered into the beginning of the seventh millennium since the creation of Adam, according to the years and generations meticulously recorded in Scripture. There is, however, the possibility of two distinct timelines — one dating from the creation of Adam and the other dating from the fall of man when the present world system founded on lies devised by Satan began. Scripture does not specify exactly when the curse was pronounced, and Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden. The original world created by God (and founded on truth) was pronounced "very good." It’s clear, however, that Satan subverted the authority God had placed on Adam, and this sorry situation will not be corrected until the day of the Lord (the seventh millennium). We now appear to be in an ambiguous period in which it’s clear (no matter what relatively minor discrepancies there may be in our calendar) that more than six thousand years have passed since the creation of Adam. However, it does not appear that six thousand years have gone by since the fall of man. If the seventh prophetic day begins with the demise of Satan and the promise he will be bound for a thousand years, the first resurrection of those who will reign and rule with Christ for a thousand years, and the return of Jesus Christ, then it’s also clear that the prophesied day of the LORD has not yet begun — although it may be very close. This is when religion that has been contaminated by man (by humanism) and manipulated by the devil will all come down. The pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their tribulation and to keep thyself unspotted by the world (James 1:27). As we enter the end-time events described by Isaiah, it’s good to keep in mind that there is a substantial godly remnant containing true ministers (servants) of God who, like Isaiah, have been cleansed by the fire of God and commissioned from the throne, and who have authority to represent God according to his will. They desire to see the people entrusted to their care joined to the Lord Jesus, so that all of God’s people may have intimate communion with him and with the Father, by the Holy Spirit. This is the only covering that will provide secure protection. How much time do we have left? I think we probably do have a little time, but not a lot. The world situation around us is not improving. It is, in fact, degenerating rapidly (even though some countries are experiencing spiritual revival). We can expect things to continue to polarize as the bride of Christ is cleansed and purified and as Babylon the Great continues to degenerate. The evil in the world will soon pass a threshold that will trigger the indignation and wrath of God the Father, and Jesus will soon return for a bride without spot or wrinkle or any such thing. These two things seem to happen in very close succession on the day of the Lord. There are other prophetic markers that may bear watching. The two thousandth anniversaries of the beginning of the ministry of Jesus, of his death and resurrection, of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, and of the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple are all coming up within what many of us can expect to be our lifetime. Even if the coming of the Lord should be delayed (so that more people can be given the opportunity to be saved), we are told to always be ready. None of us knows when our own death will take place and when we could be suddenly thrust into the presence of God. Russell M. Stendal December 17, 2020 Bogotá, Colombia

Pura vida

Pura vida
Author: Norma Lopez-Burton
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Total Pages: 594
Release: 2019-11-26
Genre: Foreign Language Study
ISBN: 111949334X

In Pura vida (Life is good)Spanish is more than vocabulary and grammar, just as Spanish-speaking cultures are more than products and practices. In this learner-centered introductory program, the authors’ commitment to a methodology based on true-to-life experiences brings Spanish to life. Pura vida is the discovery of a Spanish-speaking world through the experiences of real people who share anecdotes and reflections on those experiences. Students relate to these people and make deeper, more meaningful connections between language and culture, and acquire Spanish with an unparalleled sense of personal engagement. In this 12-chapter introductory program, students don’t only learn Spanish for real life, but also from real life. They discover that there is not just one homogeneous Hispanic culture, but rather that each Spanish-speaking country has its own rich, unique culture and that the people who live in these countries speak one common language with different accents, characteristics, and idiosyncrasies. The program offers truly seamless integration of cultural notions and language instruction and features 100% contextualized and personalized activities.