Robots Bring What Advantages To

Robots Bring What Advantages To
Author: John Lok
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2023-07-20
ISBN: 9789357902786

Prepare This book divides two part, first part discuss how AI can change market development to be better as well as second part discuss how Ai improves economic recession. Can apply robotics to bring advantages to change organizational structure in order to improve market development to be better in the future ? Different kinds of business organizations will encounter different kinds of challenges, e.g. cost increasing, staff shortage, reducing customers number or sale etc. challanges. So, when the organization can judge whether which aspects of weaknesses it is experiencing as well as it can know why and how to attempt to implement the most suitable or the best strategy to solve its challenge when it is facing. Then, the organization will have possible to continue to existen. Otherwise, if the organization can not find whether which aspects are its difficuties, it is facing. Then, it can not implement the most suitable strategy to solve its challenges. Then, it will be closed down in possible. In my this book, I shall attempt to indicate some organizational cases and find whether what weakness or difficulties it is facing. Then, I shall recommend the best strategy to attempt to help it to solve the kind of challenge, it is encountering. Any have interesting to learn business strategy students, they can learn new strategic knowledge to help these organizations to solve their challenges. Nowadays, robotic had been applies to different aspect to bring benefits to satisfy humans needs, they may include any hospitals' surgeon rooms medical surgeon equipment aspect, hotel room food delivery or hotel front line customer service aspect, shopping center, leisure places cleaning task aspect, student educational service aspect, warehouse logistic goods transport delivery tasks aspect, even general restaurants kitchen cooking tasks aspect, lawyer and accountant firms general bookkeeping, law writing draft clerical tasks aspects etc. Can robotic invention help employers to improve efficiencies or raise productivities in order to raise economic growth or it can be replaced low-skillful workers to cause any low-skillful jobs are done by artificial robots to achieve many low skillful workers will lose jobs and unemployment ratio will be influenced to raise in our societies? I write this first part aims to discuss whether future robotic invention may help our societies improve economic growth or it can bring recession. This book includes two parts to discuss, this part indicates what reasons to explain why robotics may influence our societies economic growth as well as second part indicates what reasons to explain why robotics may bring our social recession both in possible. Readers can make individual analysis to judge whether robotics can influence our social economic growth or it may bring recession more. This book second part aims to explain why and how future artificial intelligent technology ( big data gathering method) can be applied to assit businesses to predict why and when and how consumer behavior changes in service industry. I shall explain why traditional psychological and statistic and marketing methods are applied to predict consumer behaviors, human's judgement and analytical effort will be worse to compare AI machine's judgement and analytical effort in srvice industry. Also, I shall indicate different business organizations why they apply AI big data gathering method to help them to design any questionnaires ( surveys) questions which will be more valid and useful to conclude human's questionnaires ( surveys) design questions method to predict what service requirements can be satisfied to their potential service consumers' needs.Can apply (AI) learning machine predict what and how consumers service to satisfy their needs ? Can (AI) learning machine replace human marketing research method, e.g. survey or human psychological and micro and macro economic methods to predict consumers service needs more accurate? In

Robots How Bring Business Advantages

Robots How Bring Business Advantages
Author: John Lok
Total Pages: 32
Release: 2022-04-29

Nowadays, artificial intelligent robotic technology which is one kind of popular tool to help workers to work in factories or offices or serve clients in restaurants or shopping centers. It brings this question: Can artificial intelligent robotic machine men assist workers to raise productive efficiencies or improve service performance? If one factory or one office only applies artificial intelligent robotic machine men to replace human labors to help its different departments to do any tasks, whether can its (AI) robotic machine men help them to raise productive efficiencies ? If one restaurant or one shopping center only apply (AI) robotic machine men to help to serve clients, whether can its (AI) robotic machine men help them to improve service performance? Is it better to apply half manual labors and half (AI) robotic machine men to work in one organization in order to raise productive efficiencies or improve service performance? In my this book, I shall indicate some cases to explain how and why (AI) robotic machine men can either raise productive efficiencies or improve service performance or they can't either raise productive efficiencies or improve service performance in any situations.

Why Robotics Particiaption Can Influence

Why Robotics Particiaption Can Influence
Author: Johnny Ch LOK
Total Pages: 471
Release: 2020-07

Advantages to robotic bring to working environmentWhat advantages that robotic will bring to working environment? They may include: Many people fear that robots or full automation may someday take their jobs, but this is simply not the case. Robots bring more advantages than disadvantages to the workplace. They enrich a company's ability to succeed while improving the lives of real, human employees who are still needed to keep operations running smoothly. If you're thinking about investing in some robots, share the advantages with your employees. You might be surprised at how many of them are quick to support the idea.1. SafetySafety is the most obvious advantage of utilizing robotics. Heavy machinery, machinery that runs at hot temperature, and sharp objects can easily injure a human being. By delegating dangerous tasks to a robot, you're more likely to look at a repair bill than a serious medical bill or a lawsuit. Employees who work dangerous jobs will be thankful that robots can remove some of the risks.2. SpeedRobots don't get distracted or need to take breaks. They don't request vacation time or ask to leave an hour early. A robot will never feel stressed out and start running slower. They also don't need to be invited to employee meetings or training session. Robots can work all the time, and this speeds up production. They keep your employees from having to overwork themselves to meet high pressure deadlines or seemingly impossible standards.3. ConsistencyRobots never need to divide their attention between a multitude of things. Their work is never contingent on the work of other people. They won't have unexpected emergencies, and they won't need to be relocated to complete a different time sensitive task. They're always there, and they're doing what they're supposed to do. Automation is typically far more reliable than human labor.4. PerfectionRobots will always deliver quality. Since they're programmed for precise, repetitive motion, they're less likely to make mistakes. In some ways, robots are simultaneously an employee and a quality control system. A lack of quirks and preferences, combined with the eliminated possibility of human error, will create a predictably perfect product every time.5. Happier EmployeesSince robots are often assigned to perform tasks that people don't particularly enjoy, like menial work, repetitive motion, or dangerous jobs, your employees are more likely to be happy. They'll be focusing on more engaging work that's less likely to grind down their nerves. They might want to take advantage of additional educational opportunities, utilize your employee wellness program, or participate in an innovative workplace project. They'll be happy to let the robots do the work that leaves them feeling burned out.6. Job CreationRobots don't take jobs away. They merely change the jobs that exist. Robots need people for monitoring and supervision. The more robots we need, the more people we'll need to build those robots. By training your employees to work with robots, you're giving them a reason to stay motivated in their position with your company. They'll be there for the advancements and they'll have the unique opportunity to develop a new set of tech or engineering related skills.7. ProductivityRobots can't do everything. Some jobs absolutely need to be completed by a human. If your human employees aren't caught up doing the things that could have easily be left for robots, they'll be available and productive. They can talk to customers, answer emails and social media comments, help with branding and marketing, and sell products. You'll be amazed at how much they can accomplish when the grunt work isn't weighing them down.

Robots Bring What Advantages And Disadvantages To

Robots Bring What Advantages And Disadvantages To
Author: Johnny Ch Lok
Publisher: Independently Published
Total Pages: 44
Release: 2021-04-14

How (AI) influences labor marketToday, it may be challenging to predict exactly which jobs will be most immediately affected by (AI)-driven automation. Because (AI) is not a single technology, but rather a collection of technologies that are applied to specific tasks.Some specific predictions are possible based on the current (AI) technology. For example, driving jobs and house cleaning jobs, bank counter service jobs, telephone enquiry service operators. Restaurant cooking jobs, simple accounting record service jobs etc. that require relatively less education to perform. Advancements in computer vision and related technologies have made the feasibility of fully appear more likely, potentially displacing some workers in driving-dominant professions. Seemingly similar robot, for which the operational tasks is less specific of navigating to a specific destination when following a set of given rules and preserving safety.In the future, the effects of (AI) on the labor market in the decade ahead will continue the trend toward skill-biased change that computerization and communication innovations have driven in recent decades. Thus, some human driving occupation will be disappeared or replaced by (AI) automation driven. For example, bus drivers, light truck or delivery services drivers, heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers, school drivers, tax drivers, travel bus drivers.However, (AI) technology could enable some workers to focus time on other job responsibilities, boosting their productivity, and actually raised wage growth among those still holding the reshaped jobs. For example, salespeople, who currently spend a considerable amount of time driving could find themselves able to do other work when a car drives them from place to place, or inspectors and appraisers could fill out paperwork, when their car drives itself. This (AI) -driven technology should make these workers more productive, with (AI) -driven technology serving as a complement, not a substitute. New jobs will also likely be created, both in existing occupations cheaper transportation costs with lower prices and increase demand for products and all the related occupations, such as service and fulfillment, and in new occupations not currently foreseeable.What kind of jobs will be created by (AI) technology? Predicting future job growth is extremely difficult, due to it depends on technologies or substitute for existing today as well as they may complement or substitute for existing human skills and jobs. However, (AI) will also lead to substantial indirect job creation to the degree it raises productivity and wages, it may also lead to higher consumption that would support additional jobs from high-end draft production to restaurant and retail. The future(AI) " augmented intelligence", the technology's role is as assisting and expanding the productivity of individuals rather than replacing human work. Thus, based on the biased-technical change framework, demand for labor will likely increase the most in the areas where humans complement (AI) automation technologies. For example, (AI) technology, such as IBM's Watson may improve early detection of some cancers or other illnesses, but a human healthcare professional is needed to work with patients to understand and translate patients' symptoms, inform patients of treatment options, and guide patients through treatment plans. Shipping companies may also partner workers who pick up and deliver products over the last feet with (AI) enabled autonomous vehicles that move workers efficiently from site to site. In such cases, (AI) augments what a human is able to do and allows individuals to either be move effective in their specially task or to operate on a larger scale. Thus, it seems (AI) technology will also create new jobs, raise productivities and workers' efficiencies.

Future Robots Bring Working Environment Advantages

Future Robots Bring Working Environment Advantages
Author: John Lok
Total Pages: 184
Release: 2022-05-19

Can robtics workers bring what positive or negative influences to office working environment ?Artificial intelligence had been developed to be applied to any service, working aspects, e.g. auto-driven cars. In the future, it may replace manual transport drivers in possible, e.g. non-manual driven tram, train, bus, taxi etc. public transport service. In factory warehouse environment, it can replace some workers to deliver any goods in warehouse. In shopping center service environment, it can replace security to do patrol jobs. In restaurant, it can replace waiter to deliver food to client's table. So, AI will assist or replace any service workers to do any kinds of simple jobs in any working environment in possible future. In my this book, I shall concenrate on discussing whether artificial intelligence can bring what advantages or disadvantages to any kinds of office environment. How can they assist office workers' tasks ? Why employers need artificial intelligence either assist or replace any office workers' tasks? Can AI only bring advantages to office working environment ? I shall indicate different kinds of industry office environment whether AI can bring only advantages or advantages and disadvantages to any kinds of office working envirnments. Readers can have more clear understanding whether AI is real suitable technologic tool to assist any office workers' tasks.

Robotic Brings What Benefits

Robotic Brings What Benefits
Author: Johnny Ch LOK
Total Pages: 540
Release: 2020-06-18

⦁How robotic improves client communicationOn how robotic improvement to client communication beneficial aspect, robotics can help organizations to build better communication to clients. Clients communication is very important to influence customers' confidence and positive emotion feeling and service satisfactory feeling between the service providers and clients. However, robotics can help any service providers to improve communication service more efficient . I shall explain as below:Raising high communication effort, one-on-one meetings is importatn element to influence client's confident. Robotics can improve one-on-one meeting skill , e.g. let clients to feel that it is social intelligence skill. Consumer is emotional person, if the client feels the seller or service provider can not communicate to let him to understand what he is introducing his product or service clearly. Then, the seller will may lose the client. However, if robotics can participate any sale tasks, e.g. introducing the product's advantages to let the clients to know. Then, robotics can let the clients to understand whether what the product's actual function or advantages. So, robotics may be participated to be replaced any one salesperson to help him to introduce any product's benefits or advantages or finction to let clients to know in the shop. If any clients discover the shop's salespeople are robotics It is too fun to attract their emotion. Shop is such one entertainment place to let clients have chance to contact robotic salespeople. When they contact them, they can enquire the robotics any questions which concern the different product features and advantages.Then, robotics can entertain them to make any recommendations concern whether which products have different unique characteristics or functions to let them to know or understand clearly. So, robotics can be one good communication tool to replace any shop salespeople in shops. Then, their products introducing service can satisfy any client's enquiring needs, also their sale chance will raise. Hence, in the future, robotics can be attempted to participate any sale enquire service to achieve improving sale performance in any shops. It is one important new shop sale communication tool, robotics can replace any salespeople in shop in possible. If they can be participated on salespeople communication task in shop, their communication assistance may help any salespeople to solve any clients' enquiries immediately when the shop has many clients need to enquire any one salesperson, but the shop has no enough salespeople to answer their enquiries in the same time.

Robots Bring What Impacts

Robots Bring What Impacts
Author: John Lok
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2022-07-15

Whether (AI) will be raised either production or performance or unemployment to bring human job market more advantages or more disadvantages? In my this book, I shall explain whether (AI) will bring benefits or disadvantages to human job market. I shall give example to let my readers to think how to support my final view point. This book divides two parts. Part one explains how (AI) brings negative impaction to influence low skillfull labor unemployment number raises, due to human job will disappear. Part one explains how (AI) brings positive impaction to influence productivity and efficiency raising, even assisting any country itself economic growth.

Can Robots Only Bring Benefits To Develop Society

Can Robots Only Bring Benefits To Develop Society
Author: John Lok
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2023-09-22
ISBN: 9789358819472

I write this book aim to let readers to feel whether how artificial intelligent technology will influence future technological development to influence human life. How can artificial intelligent tools can bring positive or negative impact to influence future technological development to developing and developed countries ? The another research questions: Should robotic production of factor of technology be caused to economic development? What is future (AI) artificial intelligent products development trend and reasonable development stages? How to predict consumer behaviors to persuade who to feel (AI) products are more satisfactory to their needs? Why do consumers feel them to need to buy any (AI) products to use? Will it have other similar products to replace (AI) any products? How is the reasonable stages to achieve future (AI) development in success? What are the different development stages between developed and developing countries ? Whether (AI) robotic workers can be instead of traditional human workers in these different new markets to bring positive or negative impact to change human job nature change? In recent years, machines had been used to be human's tasks in the performance of certain tasks related to intelligence, such as aspects of image recognition. Experts also forecast that rapid progress in the field of specialized artificial intelligence will continue. Then, it also brings this question: Does (AI) exceed that of human performance on more and more tasks to replace human jobs? If it is truth, will some of human jobs to be disappeared? (AI) will be instead of human some simple jobs, then unemployment rate to the low skillful and low educated workers will be increased. Whether (AI) will be raised either production or performance or unemployment to bring human job market more advantages or more disadvantages? In my this book, I shall explain whether (AI) will bring benefits or disadvantages to human job market.

New Technology Brings Social Advantages

New Technology Brings Social Advantages
Author: John Lok
Total Pages: 216
Release: 2022-05-27
Genre: Technology & Engineering

Nowadays, robotic had been applies to different aspect humans, they may include any hospitals' surgeon rooms medical surgeon equipment aspect, hotel room food delivery or hotel front line customer service aspect, shopping center, leisure places cleaning task aspect, student educational service aspect, warehouse logistic goods transport delivery tasks aspect, even general restaurants kitchen cooking tasks aspect, lawyer and accountant firms general bookkeeping, law writing draft clerical tasks aspects etc. Can robotic invention help employers to improve efficiencies or raise productivities in order to raise economic growth or it can be replaced low-skillful workers to cause any low-skillful jobs are done by artificial robots to achieve many low skillful workers will lose jobs and unemployment ratio will be influenced to raise in our societies? I write this book aims to discuss whether future robotic invention may help our societies improve economic growth or it can bring recession. This book includes two parts to discuss, this part indicates what reasons to explain why robotics may influence our societies economic growth as well as second part indicates what reasons to explain why robotics may bring our social recession both in possible. Readers can make individual analysis to judge whether robotics can influence our social economic growth or it may bring recession more.