ReaxFF And EReaxFF Reactive Force Field Development And Applications To Energy Storage Interfaces

ReaxFF And EReaxFF Reactive Force Field Development And Applications To Energy Storage Interfaces
Author: Md Jamil Hossain
Total Pages:
Release: 2021

The depletion of fossil fuels necessitates alternate and clean energy sources. Lithium-ion batteries and solid oxide electrocatalysis devices are some of the most popular candidates. However, further improvements of these energy storage devices are essential in order to meet the ever-increasing global energy demand. Improvement of the performance of these high energy chemical systems is directly linked to the understanding and improving the complex physical and chemical phenomena and exchanges that take place at their different interfaces. Surfaces or interfaces, structures created between dissimilar media, such as liquids and solids, and interphases, structures arising in between these dissimilar media, present great challenges for their study and understanding since these are the regions where myriad events such as electron transfer, ion transfer and migration, reactions, and solvation/desolvation processes take place and significantly alter their landscape. In order to investigate the physical and chemical interactions at the interfaces of energy storage devices such as Li-ion batteries and solid oxide electrocatalysis devices, we used ReaxFF and eReaxFF reactive molecular dynamics simulations in the following research areas: 1) In the electrode/electrolyte interface of a typical lithium-ion battery a solid electrolyte interphase layer is formed as a result of electrolyte decomposition during the initial charge/discharge cycles. Electron leakage from anode to the electrolyte reduces the Li+-ion and makes them more reactive resulting in decomposition of the organic electrolyte. To study the Li-electrolyte solvation, solvent exchange and subsequent solvent decomposition reactions at the anode/electrolyte interface, we have extended existing ReaxFF reactive force field parameter sets to organic electrolyte species such as ethylene carbonate, ethyl methyl carbonate, vinylene carbonate and LiPF6 salt. Density Functional Theory (DFT) data describing Li-associated initiation reactions for the organic electrolytes and binding energies of Li-electrolyte solvation structures were generated and added to existing ReaxFF training data and subsequently, we trained the ReaxFF parameters with the aim to find the optimal reproduction of the DFT data. In order to discern the characteristics of Li neutral and cation, we have introduced a second Li parameter set to describe Li+-ion. ReaxFF is trained for Li-neutral and Li+-cation to have similar solvation energies but unlike the neutral Li, Li+ will not induce reactivity in the organic electrolyte. Solvent decomposition reactions are presumed to happen once Li+-ions are reduced to Li-atoms, which can be simulated using a Monte-Carlo type atom modification within ReaxFF. This newly developed force field is capable of distinguishing between a Li-atom and a Li+-ion properly. Moreover, it is found that the solvent decomposition reaction barrier is a function of the number of EC molecules solvating the Li-atom. 2) Graphene, a 2D material arranged in an sp2-bonded hexagonal network, is one of the most promising materials for lithium-ion battery anodes due to its superior electronic conductivity, high surface area for lithium intercalation, fast ionic diffusivity and enhanced specific capacity. A detailed atomistic modeling of electronic conduction and non-zero voltage simulations of graphitic materials require the inclusion of an explicit electronic degree of freedom. To enable large length and time scale simulations of electron conduction in graphitic anodes, we developed an eReaxFF force field describing graphitic materials with an explicit electron concept. The newly developed force field, verified against quantum chemistry-based data describing, amongst others, electron affinities and equation of states, reasonably reproduces the behavior of electron conductivity in pristine and imperfect graphitic materials at different applied temperatures and voltages. Our eReaxFF description is capable of simulating leakage of excess electrons from graphene which are captured by exposed lithium ions; a common behavior at the anode/electrolyte interface of a lithium-ion battery. Finally, the initiation of Li-metal-plating observed at the graphene surface reveals the eReaxFF force field's potential for the future development of Li-graphene interactions with explicit electrons. 3) Electrocatalysis results in the change of the rate of an electrochemical reaction occurring on an electrode surface by varying the electrical potential. Electrocatalysis can be used in hydrogen generation and the generated hydrogen can be stored for future use in fuel cells for clean electricity. The use of solid oxide in electrocatalysis specially in hydrogen evolution reaction is promising. To enable large length and time scale atomistic simulations of solid oxide electrocatalysis for hydrogen generation, we developed an eReaxFF force field for barium zirconate doped with 20 mol% of yttrium (BZY20). All parameters for the eReaxFF were optimized to reproduce quantum mechanical (QM) calculations on relevant condensed phase and cluster systems describing oxygen vacancies, vacancy migrations, water adsorption, water splitting and hydrogen generation on the surfaces of the BZY20 solid oxide. Using the developed force field, we performed zero-voltage molecular dynamics simulations to observe water adsorption and the eventual hydrogen production. Based on our simulation results, we conclude that this force field sets a stage for the introduction of explicit electron concept in order to simulate electron conductivity and non-zero voltage effects on hydrogen generation. Overall, the work described in this dissertation demonstrate how atomistic-scale simulations can enhance our understanding of processes at interfaces in energy storage materials.

Development and Application of a ReaxFF Reactive Force Field for Solid Electrolyte Interphase Study in Silicon Based Li-ion Batteries

Development and Application of a ReaxFF Reactive Force Field for Solid Electrolyte Interphase Study in Silicon Based Li-ion Batteries
Author: Mahdi Khajeh Talkhoncheh
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2024

The amount of energy required to satisfy the demands of the human population may not be able to be supplied solely by fossil fuels as the world population continues to rise and the supply of fossil fuels starts to decline. Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), since being suggested as commercialized energy storage systems by Sony company in the 1990s, have been considered an important device in alternative energy solutions owing to their high energy density, wide working voltage, long cycling life, and low self-discharge rate. Improvement of the performance of these high energy chemical systems is directly linked to the understanding and improving the complex physical and chemical phenomena and exchanges that take place at their different interfaces. Surfaces or interfaces, which means structures built between dissimilar media such as liquids and solids, and interphases, which means structures formed within these dissimilar media, present significant challenges for their study and understanding since these are the regions where myriad events such as electron transfer, ion transfer and migration, reactions, and solvation/desolvation processes occur and significantly alter their configuration. A detailed understanding of battery chemistry, especially the formation of a solid electrolyte interphase (SEI)--a thin passivation layer which is generated during the first charge cycle due to the reduction of electrolytes--is still elusive. It is well known that the SEI has a strong influence on the battery performance characteristics, such as irreversible capacity, safety, and cycle life, when the SEI is a thin layer between the liquid electrolytes and anode surfaces formed by the electrochemical reductive decomposition reaction of the electrolyte during the initial few cycles. A stable SEI with full surface coverage over the electrode is important for achieving optimal electrochemical performances of Li-ion batteries. Understanding the SEI is quite challenging due to its complicated and amorphous structure. In order to investigate the physical and chemical interactions at the interfaces of energy storage devices such as Li-ion batteries a, we used ReaxFF reactive molecular dynamics simulations in the following two research areas: 1. In the last decade silicon has attracted significant attention as a potential next generation anode material for Li-ion batteries (LIBs) due to its high theoretical specific capacity (3579 mAh/g (Li15Si4)) compared to that of the commonly used graphite (372 mAh/g). However, despite the apparent attractiveness of Si in view of its application in LIBs, it is known to suffer from severe degradation problems which lead to performance losses of Si-based anodes, and the electrochemical outcome of the degradation is well documented in the literature: rapid capacity fading of the anode accompanied by the increased internal resistance of the cell. Full utilization of silicon's potential as an anode material is thus prevented by incomplete understanding of the degradation mechanisms and the resulting inability to implement effective mitigation tactics. To study the Si anode degradation at the anode/electrolyte interface, we have developed a ReaxFF reactive force field simulation protocol. In this protocol, a delithiation algorithm is employed. This novel systematic delithiation algorithm helps to capture the effect of different delithiation rates, which plays an important role in the irreversible structural change of delithiated Si. Besides, the fundamental of degradation was investigated by analyzing the relationship between the depth of discharge and corresponding volume and structural changes at different rates. 2. The SEI (solid-electrolyte interphase) is important for protecting silicon anodes in batteries from losing both silicon and electrolyte through side reactions. A major issue with this technology is SEI breakdown caused by cracking in silicon particles. A strategy is presented for creating a self-sealing SEI that automatically covers and protects the cracked surface of silicon microparticle anodes by bonding an ion pair to the silicon surface. The cations in the bond prevent silicon-electrolyte reactions while the anions migrate to the cracked surface and decompose more easily than the electrolyte. The SEI formed in this way has a double layer structure with a high concentration of lithium fluoride in the inner layer. To study the electrode electrolyte reactions at the anode/electrolyte interface, we have developed ReaxFF reactive force field parameter sets to organic electrolyte species such as ethylene carbonate, N-methyl-N-propyl pyrrolidinium bis(fluorosulfonyl)imide (PYR13FSI), LiPF6 salt and lithium-Silicon oxygen electrode. Density Functional Theory (DFT) data describing Li-associated initiation reactions for the organic electrolytes and bonding energies of Li-electrolyte structures were generated and added to ReaxFF training data and subsequently, we trained the ReaxFF parameters with the aim to find the optimal reproduction of the DFT data. This force field is capable of distinguishing Li interaction with electrolyte in presence of self-sealing layer. Moreover, these findings provide a new way to design a stable SEI at the highly dynamic electrode-electrolyte interface. In addition to this battery work, we also studied halogen interaction with platinum surfaces, a system that has received considerable attention in catalysis and semiconductor mannufacturing. These halogen gases are applied as platinum mobilizers in both deposition and corrosion or etching processes since PtCl4 adsorption from an electrolyte and subsequent reduction to metallic Pt clusters is an electrochemical pathway for obtaining highly dispersed, catalytically active Pt surfaces. A novel ReaxFF reactive force field has been developed to understand the size and shape-dependent properties of platinum nanoparticles for the design of nanoparticle-based applications. The ReaxFF force field parameters are fitted against a quantum mechanical (QM) training set containing the adsorption energy of Cl and dissociative HCl on Pt (100) and Pt (111), the energy-volume relations of PtCl2 crystals, and Cl diffusion on Pt (100) and Pt (111). ReaxFF accurately reproduces the QM training set for structures and energetics of small clusters and PtClx crystals. The predictive capacity of the force field was manifested in molecular dynamics simulations of the Cl2 and HCl molecules interactions on the (100) and)111(surfaces of c-Pt crystalline solid slabs. The etching ratio between HCl and Cl2 are compared to experimental results, and satisfactory results are obtained, indicating that this ReaxFF protocol provides a useful tool for studying the atomistic-scale details of the etching process.

Development and Application of the ReaxFF Reactive Force Field Method to Ferroelectrics and Crosslinked Polyethylene

Development and Application of the ReaxFF Reactive Force Field Method to Ferroelectrics and Crosslinked Polyethylene
Author: Dooman Akbarian
Total Pages:
Release: 2021

In order to design and optimize advanced materials such as ferroelectrics and polymers it is essential to obtain detailed, atomistic-scale insight of the materials characteristics. Quantum chemical (QC) methods are considered the most accurate technique among atomistic simulation methods; however, these methods are computationally highly expensive, making them impractical for larger systems. The ReaxFF reactive force field method can model chemical reactions based on the bond order concept without the full expense of QC methods, and it has been successfully applied to a wide range of systems, including covalent and metal oxide/hydride/carbide materials. In this dissertation, ReaxFF reactive force fields are developed and verified against density functional theory (DFT) data for barium titanate (BaTiO3) and crosslinked polyethylene (XLPE) materials to improve atomistic-scale understanding of these materials. Subsequently, these ReaxFF force fields were used in molecular dynamics simulations used to elucidate the reactive dynamical response of these materials. Ferroelectric perovskites such as BaTiO3 have seen numerous applications in nonvolatile memories, transducers, micro sensors and capacitors because of their unique properties such as spontaneous polarization, piezoelectric and pyroelectric effects, as well as large dielectric constants. In this dissertation, we developed an easily extendable atomistic ReaxFF reactive force field for BaTiO3 that can capture both its field- as well as temperature-induced ferroelectric hysteresis and corresponding changes due to surface chemistry and bulk defects. Using our force field, we were able to reproduce and explain a number of experimental observations: (1) existence of a critical thickness of 4.8 nm below which ferroelectricity vanishes in BaTiO3; (2) migration and clustering of oxygen vacancies (OVs) in BaTiO3 and reduction in the polarization and the curie temperature due to the OVs; (3) domain wall interaction with surface chemistry to influence ferroelectric switching and polarization magnitude. This new computational tool opens up a wide range of possibilities for making predictions for realistic ferroelectric interfaces in energy-conversion, electronic and neuromorphic systems. XLPE has emerged as an outstanding insulator for high-voltage direct current power transmission cables due to its favorable dielectric properties, low water permeability, structural integrity at high temperature and chemical resistance. Dicumyl peroxide (DCP) is the most commonly used peroxide crosslinking agent for polyethylene (PE) in high voltage power cables. The DCP reactions in the PE matrix lead to the formation of a range of byproducts, some of which remain in the final XLPE product and may have adverse effects on the cable function and its long-term properties. Currently, our knowledge of the effects of the byproducts and chemical reactions involved during the crosslinking procedure on the properties of the final XLPE product is limited. By understanding how the crosslinking byproducts change the XLPE properties, improvements may be formulated relative to conventional XLPE cables. In order to design and optimize XLPE cables, it is crucial to obtain atomistic-scale insight of XLPE chemistry since each and every byproduct in XLPE affects differently the electrical properties of the polymer and thus the effect of each of the byproducts should be investigated. In this dissertation, we developed a ReaxFF force field validated against DFT data obtained for XLPE chemistry. Using this force field, we studied the effects of different parameters such as temperature, density, type of peroxide, and the ratio of peroxides to PE on the formation of byproducts, distribution of functional groups, and crosslinking. Our results indicate that a moderate curing temperature rise to 500 K leads to an increased crosslinking extent, however, temperature rise above 500 K may have adverse effects on the PE crosslinking. Additionally, our results indicate that elevating the density improves the PE crosslinking. Our study showed that a high ratio of DCP to PE can increase the amount of generated byproducts but may not necessarily lead to an increased amount of XLPE. Our MD results also indicate that the presence of an external electric field had almost no effect on crosslinking and that di-(1-decyl-1-phenylundecyl) peroxide, may not be as efficient as DCP in XLPE production. These results indicate that ReaxFF based molecular dynamics (MD), validated by experiments, is an efficient tool for analyzing -- and improving -- the conditions of polymerization chemistry. As the final part of this dissertation, we present an eReaxFF-based MD simulation framework, which includes an explicit electron description verified against DFT data, to investigate the roles of XLPE byproducts and processing variables such as density and voids on the time to dielectric breakdown (TDDB) of PE. The eReaxFF method is an extension of the ReaxFF method with description of an explicit electron-like or hole-like particle. Our simulation results indicate that an increase in density of PE increases the TDDB, however, adding a byproduct with positive electron affinity (EA) such as acetophenone can reduce the TDDB. Furthermore, during the electrical breakdown in PE, electrons tend to migrate through voids when transferring from anode to cathode. In comparison to neutral acetophenone, we find that the acetophenone radical anion can significantly reduce the energy barrier and the reaction energy of secondary chemical reactions.

Energetic Materials at Extreme Conditions

Energetic Materials at Extreme Conditions
Author: David I.A. Millar
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
Total Pages: 222
Release: 2011-09-24
Genre: Technology & Engineering
ISBN: 9783642231322

David I.A. Millar's thesis explores the effects of extreme conditions on energetic materials. His study identifies and structurally characterises new polymorphs obtained at high pressures and/or temperatures. The performance of energetic materials (pyrotechnics, propellants and explosives) can depend on a number of factors including sensitivity to detonation, detonation velocity, and chemical and thermal stability. Polymorphism and solid-state phase transitions may therefore have significant consequences for the performance and safety of energetic materials. In order to model the behaviour of these important materials effectively under operational conditions it is essential to obtain detailed structural information at a range of temperatures and pressures.

Classical And Quantum Dynamics In Condensed Phase Simulations: Proceedings Of The International School Of Physics

Classical And Quantum Dynamics In Condensed Phase Simulations: Proceedings Of The International School Of Physics
Author: Bruce J Berne
Publisher: World Scientific
Total Pages: 881
Release: 1998-06-17
Genre: Science
ISBN: 9814496057

The school held at Villa Marigola, Lerici, Italy, in July 1997 was very much an educational experiment aimed not just at teaching a new generation of students the latest developments in computer simulation methods and theory, but also at bringing together researchers from the condensed matter computer simulation community, the biophysical chemistry community and the quantum dynamics community to confront the shared problem: the development of methods to treat the dynamics of quantum condensed phase systems.This volume collects the lectures delivered there. Due to the focus of the school, the contributions divide along natural lines into two broad groups: (1) the most sophisticated forms of the art of computer simulation, including biased phase space sampling schemes, methods which address the multiplicity of time scales in condensed phase problems, and static equilibrium methods for treating quantum systems; (2) the contributions on quantum dynamics, including methods for mixing quantum and classical dynamics in condensed phase simulations and methods capable of treating all degrees of freedom quantum-mechanically.

Computational Approaches for Chemistry Under Extreme Conditions

Computational Approaches for Chemistry Under Extreme Conditions
Author: Nir Goldman
Publisher: Springer
Total Pages: 293
Release: 2019-02-18
Genre: Science
ISBN: 3030056007

This book presents recently developed computational approaches for the study of reactive materials under extreme physical and thermodynamic conditions. It delves into cutting edge developments in simulation methods for reactive materials, including quantum calculations spanning nanometer length scales and picosecond timescales, to reactive force fields, coarse-grained approaches, and machine learning methods spanning microns and nanoseconds and beyond. These methods are discussed in the context of a broad range of fields, including prebiotic chemistry in impacting comets, studies of planetary interiors, high pressure synthesis of new compounds, and detonations of energetic materials. The book presents a pedagogical approach for these state-of-the-art approaches, compiled into a single source for the first time. Ultimately, the volume aims to make valuable research tools accessible to experimentalists and theoreticians alike for any number of scientific efforts, spanning many different types of compounds and reactive conditions.

Computational Materials, Chemistry, and Biochemistry: From Bold Initiatives to the Last Mile

Computational Materials, Chemistry, and Biochemistry: From Bold Initiatives to the Last Mile
Author: Sadasivan Shankar
Publisher: Springer Nature
Total Pages: 1344
Release: 2021-01-25
Genre: Technology & Engineering
ISBN: 3030187780

This book provides a broad and nuanced overview of the achievements and legacy of Professor William (“Bill”) Goddard in the field of computational materials and molecular science. Leading researchers from around the globe discuss Goddard’s work and its lasting impacts, which can be seen in today’s cutting-edge chemistry, materials science, and biology techniques. Each section of the book closes with an outline of the prospects for future developments. In the course of a career spanning more than 50 years, Goddard’s seminal work has led to dramatic advances in a diverse range of science and engineering fields. Presenting scientific essays and reflections by students, postdoctoral associates, collaborators and colleagues, the book describes the contributions of one of the world’s greatest materials and molecular scientists in the context of theory, experimentation, and applications, and examines his legacy in each area, from conceptualization (the first mile) to developments and extensions aimed at applications, and lastly to de novo design (the last mile). Goddard’s passion for science, his insights, and his ability to actively engage with his collaborators in bold initiatives is a model for us all. As he enters his second half-century of scientific research and education, this book inspires future generations of students and researchers to employ and extend these powerful techniques and insights to tackle today’s critical problems in biology, chemistry, and materials. Examples highlighted in the book include new materials for photocatalysts to convert water and CO2 into fuels, novel catalysts for the highly selective and active catalysis of alkanes to valuable organics, simulating the chemistry in film growth to develop two-dimensional functional films, and predicting ligand–protein binding and activation to enable the design of targeted drugs with minimal side effects.

Organic Reaction Mechanisms 2017

Organic Reaction Mechanisms 2017
Author: A. C. Knipe
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Total Pages: 672
Release: 2020-07-20
Genre: Science
ISBN: 1119426197

Organic Reaction Mechanisms 2017, the 53rd annual volume in this highly successful and unique series, surveys research on organic reaction mechanisms described in the available literature dated 2017. The following classes of organic reaction mechanisms are comprehensively reviewed: • Reaction of Aldehydes and Ketones and their Derivatives • Reactions of Carboxylic, Phosphoric, and Sulfonic Acids and their Derivatives • Oxidation and Reduction • Carbenes and Nitrenes • Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution • Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution • Carbocations • Nucleophilic Aliphatic Substitution • Carbanions and Electrophilic Aliphatic Substitution • Elimination Reactions • Polar Addition Reactions • Cycloaddition Reactions • Molecular Rearrangements An experienced team of authors compile these reviews every year, so that the reader can rely on a continuing quality of selection and presentation.

Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskites

Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskites
Author: Li Wei
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Total Pages: 290
Release: 2020-10-19
Genre: Science
ISBN: 3527344314

Hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites (HOIPs) have attracted substantial interest due to their chemical variability, structural diversity and favorable physical properties the past decade. This materials class encompasses other important families such as formates, azides, dicyanamides, cyanides and dicyanometallates. The book summarizes the chemical variability and structural diversity of all known hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites subclasses including halides, azides, formates, dicyanamides, cyanides and dicyanometallates. It also presents a comprehensive account of their intriguing physical properties, including photovoltaic, optoelectronic, dielectric, magnetic, ferroelectric, ferroelastic and multiferroic properties. Moreover, the current challenges and future opportunities in this exciting field are also been discussed. This timely book shows the readers a complete landscape of hybrid organic-inorganic pervoskites and associated multifuctionalities.

Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths

Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths
Publisher: North Holland
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2015-11-18
Genre: Science
ISBN: 9780444634832

Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths is a continuous series of books covering all aspects of rare earth science, including chemistry, life sciences, materials science, and physics. The main emphasis of the handbook is on rare earth elements [Sc, Y and the lanthanides (La through Lu)], but whenever relevant, information is also included on the closely related actinide elements. The individual chapters are comprehensive, broad, up-to-date, critical reviews written by highly experienced invited experts. The series, which was started in 1978 by Professor Karl A. Gschneidner Jr., combines and integrates both the fundamentals and applications of these elements, now publishing two volumes a year.