QCD Resummation for High-pT Jet Shapes at Hadron Colliders

QCD Resummation for High-pT Jet Shapes at Hadron Colliders
Author: Kamel Khelifa Kerfa
Total Pages:
Release: 2012

Exploiting the substructure of jets observed at the LHC to better understand and interpret the experimental data has recently been a very active area of research. In this thesis we study the substructure of high-pt QCD jets, which form a background to many new physics searches. In particular, we explore in detail the perturbative distributions of a certain class of observables known as non-global jet shapes. More specifically, we identify and present state-of-the-art calculations, both at fixed-order and to all-orders in the perturbative expansion, of a set of large logarithms known as non-global logarithms. Hitherto, these logarithms have been largely mis-treated, and in many cases ignored, in the literature despite being first pointed out more than a decade ago. Our work has triggered the interest of many groups, particularly Soft and Collinear Effective Theory (SCET) groups, and led to a flurry of papers on non-global logarithms and related issues. Although our primary aim is to provide analytical results for hadron-hadron scattering environments, it is theoretically instructive to consider the simpler case of e+e- annihilation. We thus examine, in chapters 4, 5 and 6, the the said jet shapes in the latter environment and compute the full next-to-leading logarithmic resummation of the large logarithms present in the distribution for various jet definitions. We exploit the gained experience to extend our calculations to the more complex hadronic environment in chapter 7. We provide state-of-the-art resummation of the jet mass observable in vector boson + jet and dijet QCD processes at the LHC up to next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy. The resultant distribution of the former (vector boson + jet) process agrees well, after accounting for hadronisation corrections, with standard Monte Carlo event generators and potential comparisons to data from the LHC will be made soon.

Looking Inside Jets

Looking Inside Jets
Author: Simone Marzani
Publisher: Springer
Total Pages: 205
Release: 2019-05-11
Genre: Science
ISBN: 3030157091

This concise primer reviews the latest developments in the field of jets. Jets are collinear sprays of hadrons produced in very high-energy collisions, e.g. at the LHC or at a future hadron collider. They are essential to and ubiquitous in experimental analyses, making their study crucial. At present LHC energies and beyond, massive particles around the electroweak scale are frequently produced with transverse momenta that are much larger than their mass, i.e., boosted. The decay products of such boosted massive objects tend to occupy only a relatively small and confined area of the detector and are observed as a single jet. Jets hence arise from many different sources and it is important to be able to distinguish the rare events with boosted resonances from the large backgrounds originating from Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). This requires familiarity with the internal properties of jets, such as their different radiation patterns, a field broadly known as jet substructure. This set of notes begins by providing a phenomenological motivation, explaining why the study of jets and their substructure is of particular importance for the current and future program of the LHC, followed by a brief but insightful introduction to QCD and to hadron-collider phenomenology. The next section introduces jets as complex objects constructed from a sequential recombination algorithm. In this context some experimental aspects are also reviewed. Since jet substructure calculations are multi-scale problems that call for all-order treatments (resummations), the bases of such calculations are discussed for simple jet quantities. With these QCD and jet physics ingredients in hand, readers can then dig into jet substructure itself. Accordingly, these notes first highlight the main concepts behind substructure techniques and introduce a list of the main jet substructure tools that have been used over the past decade. Analytic calculations are then provided for several families of tools, the goal being to identify their key characteristics. In closing, the book provides an overview of LHC searches and measurements where jet substructure techniques are used, reviews the main take-home messages, and outlines future perspectives.

Jet Production at Hadron Colliders

Jet Production at Hadron Colliders
Author: Teppo Tapani Jouttenus
Total Pages: 104
Release: 2012

Hadronic jets feature in many final states of interest in modern collider experiments. They form a significant Standard Model background for many proposed new physics processes and also probe QCD interactions at several different scales. At high energies incoming protons produce beam jets. Correctly accounting for the beam and central jets is critical to precise understanding of hadronic final states at the Large Hadron Collider. We study jet cross sections as a function of the shape of both beam and central jets. This work focuses on measuring jet mass but our methods can be applied to other jet shape variables as well. Measuring jet mass introduces additional scales to the collision process and these scales produce large logarithms that need to be resummed. Factorizing the cross section into hard, jet, beam, and soft functions enables such resummation. We begin by studying jet production at e + e- collisions in order to focus on the effects of jet algorithms. These results can be carried over to the more complicated case of hadron collisions. We use the Sterman-Weinberg algorithm as a specific example and derive an expression for the quark jet function. Turning to hadron colliders, we show how the N-jettiness event shape divides phase space into N +2 regions, each containing one central or beam jet. Thus, N-jettiness works as a jet algorithm. Using a geometric measure gives central jets with circular boundaries. We then give a factorization theorem for the cross section fully differential in the mass of each jet, and compute the corresponding soft function at next-to-leading order (NLO). We use a method of hemisphere decomposition, which can also be applied to calculate N-jet soft functions defined with other jet algorithms. Our calculation of the N-jettiness soft function provides the final missing ingredient to extend NLO cross sections to resunmmed predictions at next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic order. We study the production of an exclusive jet together with a Standard Model Higgs boson. Based on theoretical reasons and agreement between our calculation and data from the ATLAS collaboration, we argue that our results for the jet mass spectrum are a good approximation also for inclusive jet production and other hard processes.

Resummation of Event-shapes at Hadron-hadron Colliders

Resummation of Event-shapes at Hadron-hadron Colliders
Author: G. Zanderighi
Total Pages: 3
Release: 2005

We point out that a study of event shapes at hadron colliders allows to explore novel aspects of QCD. These studies are today made easier by the development of a program which automates the resummation.

QCD Radiation in Top-Antitop and Z+Jets Final States

QCD Radiation in Top-Antitop and Z+Jets Final States
Author: Kiran Joshi
Publisher: Springer
Total Pages: 188
Release: 2015-06-12
Genre: Science
ISBN: 3319196537

This thesis contains new research in both experimental and theoretical particle physics, making important contributions in each. Two analyses of collision data from the ATLAS experiment at the LHC are presented, as well as two phenomenological studies of heavy coloured resonances that could be produced at the LHC. The first data analysis was the measurement of top quark-antiquark production with a veto on additional jet activity. As the first detector-corrected measurement of jet activity in top-antitop events it played an important role in constraining the theoretical modelling, and ultimately reduced these uncertainties for ATLAS's other top-quark measurements by a factor of two. The second data analysis was the measurement of Z+2jet production and the observation of the electroweak vector boson fusion (VBF) component. As the first observation of VBF at a hadron collider, this measurement demonstrated new techniques to reliably extract VBF processes and paved the way for future VBF Higgs measurements. The first phenomenological study developed a new technique for identifying the colour of heavy resonances produced in proton-proton collisions. As a by-product of this study an unexpected and previously unnoticed correlation was discovered between the probability of correctly identifying a high-energy top and the colour structure of the event it was produced in. The second phenomenological study explored this relationship in more detail, and could have important consequences for the identification of new particles that decay to top quarks.


Total Pages:
Release: 2004

Quantum Chromo-Dynamics (QCD), and more generally the physics of the Standard Model (SM), enter in many ways in high energy processes at TeV Colliders, and especially in hadron colliders (the Tevatron at Fermilab and the forthcoming LHC at CERN), First of all, at hadron colliders, QCD controls the parton luminosity, which rules the production rates of any particle or system with large invariant mass and/or large transverse momentum. Accurate predictions for any signal of possible ''New Physics'' sought at hadron colliders, as well as the corresponding backgrounds, require an improvement in the control of uncertainties on the determination of PDF and of the propagation of these uncertainties in the predictions. Furthermore, to fully exploit these new types of PDF with uncertainties, uniform tools (computer interfaces, standardization of the PDF evolution codes used by the various groups fitting PDF's) need to be proposed and developed. The dynamics of colour also affects, both in normalization and shape, various observables of the signals of any possible ''New Physics'' sought at the TeV scale, such as, e.g. the production rate, or the distributions in transverse momentum of the Higgs boson. Last, but not least, QCD governs many backgrounds to the searches for this ''New Physics''. Large and important QCD corrections may come from extra hard parton emission (and the corresponding virtual corrections), involving multi-leg and/or multi-loop amplitudes. This requires complex higher order calculations, and new methods have to be designed to compute the required multi-legs and/or multi-loop corrections in a tractable form. In the case of semi-inclusive observables, logarithmically enhanced contributions coming from multiple soft and collinear gluon emission require sophisticated QCD resummation techniques. Resummation is a catch-all name for efforts to extend the predictive power of QCD by summing the large logarithmic corrections to all orders in perturbation theory. In practice, the resummation formalism depends on the observable at issue, through the type of logarithm to be resummed, and the resummation methods. In parallel with this perturbative QCD-oriented working programme, the implementation of both QCD/SM and New physics in Monte Carlo event generators is confronted with a number of issues which deserve uniformization or improvements. The important issues are: (1) the problem of interfacing partonic event generators to showering Monte-Carlos; (2) an implementation using this interface to calculate backgrounds which are poorly simulated by the showering Monte-Carlos alone; (3) a comparison of the HERWIG and PYTHIA parton shower models with the predictions of soft gluon resummation; (4) studies of the underlying events at hadron colliders to check how well they are modeled by the Monte-Carlo generators.

Top Quark Physics at Hadron Colliders

Top Quark Physics at Hadron Colliders
Author: Arnulf Quadt
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
Total Pages: 166
Release: 2007-08-16
Genre: Science
ISBN: 3540710604

This will be a required acquisition text for academic libraries. More than ten years after its discovery, still relatively little is known about the top quark, the heaviest known elementary particle. This extensive survey summarizes and reviews top-quark physics based on the precision measurements at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider, as well as examining in detail the sensitivity of these experiments to new physics. Finally, the author provides an overview of top quark physics at the Large Hadron Collider.

The Structure of Jets at Hadron Colliders

The Structure of Jets at Hadron Colliders
Author: Andrew James Larkoski
Total Pages:
Release: 2012

Jets are collimated, high energy streams of particles that are ubiquitous at hadron colliders such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. It has been recognized that jets are a feature of the strong force, quantum chromodynamics (QCD). QCD predicts an approximate scaling behavior at high energies. Due to the very high energies made available by the LHC, the decay products of heavy, unstable particles can also be collimated into a narrow cone and these are observed as jets by the LHC experiments. Recently, there has been significant interest in studying the substructure of jets with the goal of discriminating QCD jets from jets initiated by heavy particle decay. In this thesis, I will describe the modeling of jets in QCD as well as the pattern of radiation from heavy particles, such as the top quark. This will lead to a discussion of a correlation function on the constituents of a jet that is useful in understanding jet substructure. This correlation function encodes angular scaling properties of jets and its behavior in QCD will be studied.

QCD-resummation and Non-minimal Flavour-violation for Supersymmetric Particle Production at Hadron Colliders

QCD-resummation and Non-minimal Flavour-violation for Supersymmetric Particle Production at Hadron Colliders
Author: Benjamin Fuks
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2007

Cross sections for supersymmetric particles production at hadron colliders have been extensively studied in the past at leading order and also at next-to-leading order of perturbative QCD. The radiative corrections include large logarithms which have to be resummed to all orders in the strong coupling constant in order to get reliable perturbative results. In this work, we perform a first and extensive study of the resummation effects for supersymmetric particle pair production at hadron colliders. We focus on Drell-Yan like slepton-pair and slepton-sneutrino associated production in minimal supergravity and gauge-mediated supersymmetry-breaking scenarios, and present accurate transverse-momentum and invariant-mass distributions, as well as total cross sections. In non-minimal supersymmetric models, novel effects of flavour violation may occur. In this case, the flavour structure in the squark sector cannot be directly deduced from the trilinear Yukawa couplings of the fermion and Higgs supermultiplets. We perform a precise numerical analysis of the experimentally allowed parameter space in the case of minimal supergravity scenarios with non-minimal flavour violation, looking for regions allowed by low-energy, electroweak precision, and cosmological data. Leading order cross sections for the production of squarks and gauginos at hadron colliders are implemented.

High Pt Physics at Hadron Colliders

High Pt Physics at Hadron Colliders
Author: Dan Green
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2009-10-01
Genre: Science
ISBN: 9780521120487

This comprehensive introduction to high transverse momentum reactions at hadron colliders begins with the Standard Model of high energy physics and a description of the specialized detectors used. It then analyzes the reactions and summarizes the state of the art in hadron collider physics defined by Tevatron results. The experimental program at the detectors being built for the Large Hadron Collider at CERN is also described, with details of the general strategy to find the postulated Higgs particle.