Pursuit of Holiness, Mortification and Abandonment

Pursuit of Holiness, Mortification and Abandonment
Author: Riaan Engelbrecht
Publisher: Riaan Engelbrecht
Total Pages: 198
Release: 2023-02-21
Genre: Religion

Years ago, the Lord spoke in my heart about three key aspects of our spiritual journey: Mortification. Abandonment. Purity. Together, they abbreviate M.A.P. Thus, the map to follow in our pursuit of holiness. For if we pursue such practice of always seeking God, yielding and laying it down for His glory, we shall then pursue holiness and we shall abide in His glorious presence. This is also a continuous journey of abandonment, mortification, and purification. We serve a great God, and so from the majesty of the heavens, ruling all dominion, He is Life and He shall forever be the One who grants us the physical breath and the spiritual regeneration of hope and glory. We are free because of the greatness of His love. And so, we are called to abandon all unto His care. To seek holiness. To seek purity. And to surrender it all to His Glory.

Pursuit of Holiness

Pursuit of Holiness
Author: Riaan Engelbrecht
Publisher: In pursuit of God
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2021-01-19

Years ago, the Lord spoke in my heart about three key aspects of our spiritual journey: Mortification. Abandonment. Purity. Together, they abbreviate M.A.P. Thus, the map to follow in our pursuit of holiness. For if we pursue such practice of always seeking God, yielding and laying it all down for His glory, we shall then pursue holiness and we shall abide in His glorious presence. This is also a continuous journey of abandonment, mortification, and purification. We serve a great God, and so from the majesty of the heavens, ruling all dominion, He is Life and He shall forever be the One who grants us the physical breath and the spiritual regeneration of hope and glory. We are free because of the greatness of His love. And so, we are called to abandon all unto His care. To seek holiness. To seek purity. And to surrender it all to His Glory.

Pursue Moral Goodness, Shun Evil

Pursue Moral Goodness, Shun Evil
Author: Riaan Engelbrecht
Publisher: Riaan Engelbrecht
Total Pages: 267
Release: 2023-07-11
Genre: Religion

Years ago, the Lord spoke in my heart about three key aspects of our spiritual journey: Mortification. Abandonment. Purity. Together, they abbreviate M.A.P. Thus, the map to follow in our pursuit of holiness. For if we pursue such practice of always seeking God, yielding and laying it down for His glory, we shall then pursue holiness and we shall abide in His glorious presence. We then shall shun evil, for as we abide in His presence, we seek the moral good path of God’s will and truth. We find the world is slipping deeper into decadence, depravity, wickedness, and immorality because we have forsaken God. As we forsake His ways and spiritual laws, we embrace the darkness, and in the darkness, we succumb to spiritual corruption and we are vulnerable to evil inclinations and wicked intent. We are called to abandon all unto His care. To seek holiness. To seek purity. And to surrender it all to His Glory. Yes, we are called to seek moral goodness by seeking God, for without Him, we only find a perilous path paved with self-destruction.

Spiritual Hunger: 60 Weekly Devotionals

Spiritual Hunger: 60 Weekly Devotionals
Author: Riaan Engelbrecht
Publisher: Riaan Engelbrecht
Total Pages: 315
Release: 2024-04-10
Genre: Religion

In this volume of work, you will find 60 devotionals. It is intended for you to read one devotional per week, for it serves as a call to action to ponder, to consider, and to reflect on your walk with God. They are written to also challenge your relationship with God. It is authentic, genuine and sincere? Are you truly abiding in His presence? Are you yielding and submitting to the Lord with all your might and strength? The question is simple: How hungry are you for God? How hungry are you to follow Him, to serve, to obey, to yield, to submit and to adhere to His perfect will? Are you really hungry? Are we just hungry for what God can do for us, or are we hungry for Him above all else? Are we just hungry for the work of His hands, or do we truly seek to have a real and meaningful relationship with God? Are we hungry to be faithful, loyal and dedicated to His Kingdom? Yes, do you love Him as you should? Do you serve Him as you should? Do you uphold His Word as you should? Take this journey, devote yourself to God and draw closer to Him. Seek Him, and He shall be found.

The Work and the Person of the Holy Spirit

The Work and the Person of the Holy Spirit
Author: Riaan Engelbrecht
Publisher: Riaan Engelbrecht
Total Pages: 333
Release: 2023-01-18
Genre: Religion

This is an in-depth study into the Holy Spirit, who is not a mere force. He is not energy. The Holy Spirit is a person and part of the Trinity along with the Father and the Son. God is Sovereign, and just so God wills and moves according to His will. Just so, the Spirit of the Lord moves and acts never out of His own accord, but always follows the leading of the Father. So the Spirit is interdependent, as there is a mutual dependency within the Trinity. The work of the Spirit is far greater in scope than merely the spiritual gifts, for the Spirit of the Lord leads us in our calling on the narrow path to the glory of the Lord. It is of utmost necessity for the Church to be one that is utterly and completely Spirit-filled and not led by the flesh. For only in the Spirit can we fulfil the Great Commission, be true disciples and walk in His truth, His way and His life.

Faith under Fire: Vanities, Fantasies, Mutiny and Psychedelic Entrapments

Faith under Fire: Vanities, Fantasies, Mutiny and Psychedelic Entrapments
Author: Riaan Engelbrech
Publisher: Riaan Engelbrecht
Total Pages: 305
Release: 2023-01-20
Genre: Religion

Written in these pages is not doctrine or dogma. It is neither intended as an in-depth history nor a philosophical lesson. This is but a burning cry for the true Bride to awaken from her slumber, to reflect on times gone past, and to consider her foundations. We need to wake up for today's new brand of Christianity is a different gospel and is targeting thousands of the younger generation with a so-called hip, cool, experiential spirituality, much of which is embracing a form of mysticism and ecumenical philosophy of uniting people from all faiths to work together and bring about a new world of peace and harmony.

The Witches’ Brew, Devious Gurus & Pied Piper Seducers

The Witches’ Brew, Devious Gurus & Pied Piper Seducers
Author: Riaan Engelbrecht
Publisher: Riaan Engelbrecht
Total Pages: 210
Release: 2023-01-24
Genre: Religion

The Witches’ Brew, Devious Gurus & Pied Piper Seducers Part 1 and 2 is the tenth volume of work in the Perilous Times Series. It continues along with the other volumes of work in the series to sketch an honest and no-holds-barred prophetic reality of the state of the Church and the dangers she faces. For make no mistake, we are living in times of great deception and apostasy, and the Church has been seduced, manipulated and tricked into believing the devil’s schemes, lies and foolish wisdom and also to embrace willfully such a diabolical agenda. Ignorance is not bliss when it comes to obeying and heeding God’s command to walk in God’s truth, perfect will, holiness, way and life. God is not a liar, yet we have heeded this world's dark and destructive temptations to be a loss at sea, tossed to and fro by every wind of teaching. Yet God remains our deliver, and shall bring us into the light from darkness those who seek Him and seek His true and ancient of ways.

Empowered for Supernatural Living

Empowered for Supernatural Living
Author: Riaan Engelbrecht
Publisher: Riaan Engelbrecht
Total Pages: 218
Release: 2023-02-02
Genre: Religion

Over many years the Lord has continually pressed it on my heart that the church is called to lead a supernatural life. We need to be reminded that as disciples of Jesus, we are sons and daughters of the Most High God. We are called to live in the supernatural and by the supernatural. As followers of Christ, we are challenged to demonstrate God’s power in the supernatural acts of God. Jesus wants us to live the reality of His Word and Presence. What would the church look like today if we had never limited and lost the supernatural demonstration of the power of God? The reality is that we want to live more like Jesus, we cannot ignore His supernatural ministry. The supernatural life is the everyday life the Christian lives under the influence and leading of the Holy Spirit. It is the ability to live victoriously by the power of the Holy Spirit and assailing the challenges of life. It is a life sold out to God, a life yielded to the impossible. Yet is a life dedicated to God and His Kingdom. So why would anyone choose to live in the natural realm, on a low, low level, when we can live in the supernatural realm and soar in the Spirit?

Dawn of the End-Time Remnant

Dawn of the End-Time Remnant
Author: Riaan Engelbrecht
Publisher: Riaan Engelbrecht
Total Pages: 334
Release: 2023-01-20
Genre: Religion

God is calling for a remnant that is completely and utterly set apart for His Kingdom. This volume of work is a collection of prophetic understandings and insights as led by the Spirit of God. It is designed to make us ponder, consider, and reflect on our walk with God. For there is without a doubt an urgent cry from heaven for SEPARATION, meaning we cannot continue looking, behaving, and acting like the world. It says if something looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck. The test implies that a person can identify an unknown subject by observing that subject's habitual characteristics. The problem these days is discerning whether someone is from the world or serving God. On the one hand, so many tend to behave like the world, so based on their habitual characteristics, you would say they are from the world. But then something funny happens – the “duck” is no longer quacking but making other “strange noises”, known by some as praise, worship and prayer! So is this a duck, a hybrid, or something completely different? In other words, are we true followers of Christ or a hybrid product that serves God and the world?