Psi Prime and J/ Psi Suppression in High-energy Nucleon-nucleus and Nucleus-nucleus Collisions

Psi Prime and J/ Psi Suppression in High-energy Nucleon-nucleus and Nucleus-nucleus Collisions
Total Pages:
Release: 2001

The observed features of[psi]' to J/[psi] suppression in pA and nucleus-nucleus collisions can be explained in terms of a two-component absorption model. For the hard component of the absorption due to the interaction of the produced c[bar c] systems with baryons at high relative energies, the absorption cross sections are insensitive to the radii of the c[bar c] systems, as described by the Additive Quark Model. For the soft component due to the low energy c[bar c] interactions with soft particles produced by other baryon-baryon collisions, the absorption cross sections are greater for[psi]' than for J/[psi], because the breakup threshold for[psi]' is much smaller than for[psi].

Psi ' and J/ Psi Suppression in High-energy Nucleon-nucleus and Nucleus-nucleus Collisions

Psi ' and J/ Psi Suppression in High-energy Nucleon-nucleus and Nucleus-nucleus Collisions
Total Pages: 5
Release: 1995

The observed features of [psi]' to J/[psi] suppression in pA and nucleus-nucleus collisions can be explained in terms of a two-component absorption model. For the hard component of the absorption due to the interaction of the produced c{bar c} systems with baryons at high relative energies, the absorption cross sections are insensitive to the radii of the c{bar c} systems, as described by the Additive Quark Model. For the soft component due to the low energy c{bar c} interactions with soft particles produced by other baryon-baryon collisions, the absorption cross sections are greater for [psi]' than for J/[psi], because the breakup threshold for [psi]' is much smaller than for [psi].

J/[psi] And[psi][prime] Suppression in High-energy Heavy-ion Collisions

J/[psi] And[psi][prime] Suppression in High-energy Heavy-ion Collisions
Total Pages:
Release: 2001

The anomalous suppression of J/[psi] production in Pb-Pb collisions at 158 GeV observed by the NA50 Collaboration can be explained as due to the occurrence of a new phase of strong J/[psi] absorption, which sets in when the local energy density exceeds about 3.4 GeV/fm[sup 3]. The peculiar behavior of the[psi][sup']/[psi] ratio in[ital p]-A and nucleus-nucleus collisions can be understood as due to approximately equal[psi]-N and[psi][sup']-N absorption cross sections, but greater absorption cross sections for[psi][sup'] than J/[psi] with regard to absorption by soft particles and matter in the new phase.

J/[Psi] Suppression as a Signal for the Quark-gluon Plasma

J/[Psi] Suppression as a Signal for the Quark-gluon Plasma
Total Pages: 12
Release: 1997

The authors review the search for the quark-gluon plasma using the signal of the suppression of J/[psi] production in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. Recent anomalous J/[psi] suppression in high-energy Pb-Pb collisions observed by the NA50 Collaboration are examined and compared with earlier results from pA and nucleus-nucleus collisions with heavy ions of smaller mass numbers. The anomalous suppression of J/[psi] production in Pb-Pb collisions can be explained as due to the occurrence of a new phase of strong J/[psi] absorption, which sets in when the number of nucleon-nucleon collisions at a spatial point exceeds about 4 and corresponds to a local energy density of about 3.4 GeV/fm3.

Unresolved Questions in J/[psi] Production and Propagation in Nuclei

Unresolved Questions in J/[psi] Production and Propagation in Nuclei
Total Pages: 10
Release: 1998

In order to understand the J/[psi] suppression arising from the possible occurrence of the quark-gluon plasma in high-energy heavy-ion collisions, it is necessary to have a comprehensive picture how the J/[psi] and its precursors are produced, what their properties after production are, and how the J/[psi] and its precursors propagate inside nuclear matter. There are unresolved questions in the descriptions of J/[psi] production and propagation. The author outlines some of these questions and discusses the approaches for their resolution.

Cold Nuclear Matter Effects on J/psi-->e+e- and Psi'-->;e+e- Production in D+Au Collisions at 200 Gev

Cold Nuclear Matter Effects on J/psi-->e+e- and Psi'-->;e+e- Production in D+Au Collisions at 200 Gev
Author: Darren McGlinchey
Total Pages:
Release: 2012
Genre: Nuclear physics

ABSTRACT: Mesons composed of heavy quark-antiquark pairs, known as quarkonia, provide the only direct probe of the screening length in the deconfined state of quarks and gluons, known as the quark gluon plasma (QGP), which is believed to be produced in high energy heavy ion collisions. However, the observation of suppression of quarkonia production in heavy ion collisions at high energies is complicated by the modification of quarkonia production in normal nuclear matter. Measuring the modification of quarkonia production due to the effects of normal nuclear matter, often termed cold nuclear matter (CNM) effects, provide a critical baseline for understanding the properties of the QGP. Measurements of CNM effects on quarkonia production are also interesting in their own right, and can be measured independently in proton-nucleus (p+A) collisions. The modification of quarkonia production in p+A collisions provides insight into quarkonia production mechanisms unavailable through the study of proton-proton collisions alone. The study of quarkonia production in p+A collisions over a wide range of kinematic variables can also provide constraints on the modification of parton distribution functions in nuclei. In order to quantify the CNM effects present at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), the PHENIX experiment has recorded data on d+Au collisions at \sqsn=200 GeV. The analysis of J/psi→e+e- and psi'→e+e- production from that data set is presented here. Both J/psi and psi' production are found to be suppressed in d+Au relative to p+p collisions, with the suppression increasing for collisions with small impact parameters. The psi' production is found to be much more suppressed than J/psi production, a result which is unexpected based on measurements at lower collision energy and present theoretical pictures. A parametrization of the J/psi modification measured by PHENIX in terms of two CNM effects is also presented. One is the nuclear breakup of the forming quarkonium state through collisions with nucleons during the d+Au collision. The other is the modification of the gluon distribution in the Au nucleus. It is found that the two effects can be separated due to the very different impact parameter dependencies. A strongly non-linear geometric dependence on the modification of the gluon distribution function is observed, with the modification found to be concentrated near the center of the Au nucleus. This parametrization is also used to estimate the modification of J/psi production in Au+Au collisions due to CNM effects. This modification is compared to PHENIX measurements of J/psi production in Au+Au collisions. Suppression of J/psi production in Au+Au collisions beyond CNM effects is observed. This excess suppression is interpreted as suppression of J/psi production due to the formation of a QGP.

Signatures of Absorption Mechanisms for J[psi] And[psi]' Production in High Energy Heavy-Ion Collisions

Signatures of Absorption Mechanisms for J[psi] And[psi]' Production in High Energy Heavy-Ion Collisions
Total Pages:
Release: 2001

J/psi and psi' produced in high-energy heavy-ion collisions are absorbed by their collisions with nucleons and produced soft particles, leading to two distinct absorption mechanisms. The signature of absorption by produced soft particles, as revealed by psi' production data, consists of a gap and a change of the slope in going from the pA line to the nucleus-nucleus line when we make a semi-log plot of the survival probability as a function of the path length. Using this signature, we find from the J/psi production data in pA, O-Cu, O-U, and S-U collisions that the degree of J/psi absorption by produced soft particles is small and cannot account for the J/psi data in Pb-Pb collisions. The anomalous suppression of J/psi production in Pb-Pb collisions can be explained as due to the occurrence of a new phase of strong J/psi absorption, which sets in when the local energy density exceeds about 3.4 GeV/fm3. To probe the chemical content of the new phase, we propose to study the abundance of open-charm mesons and charm hyperons which depends sensitively on the quark chemical potential.

J/psi Production and Absorption in P + A and D+Au Collisions

J/psi Production and Absorption in P + A and D+Au Collisions
Total Pages: 6
Release: 2010

The level of 'anomalous' charmonium suppression in high-energy heavy-ion collisions and its interpretation as a signal of quark-gluon plasma formation requires a robust understanding of charmonium production and absorption in proton-nucleus collisions. In a previous study we have shown that, contrary to common belief, the so-called J/[psi] 'absorption cross section', [sigma]{sub abs}{sup J/[psi]}, is not a 'universal constant' but, rather, an effective parameter that depends very significantly on the charmonium rapidity and on the collision energy. Here we present ugraded Glauber calculations with the EPS09 parameterization of nuclear modifications of the parton densities. We confirm that the effective 'absorption cross section' depends on the J/{psi} kinematics and the collision energy. We also make further steps towards understanding the physics of the mechanisms behind the observed 'cold nuclear matter' effects.

Signatures of Absorption Mechanisms for J? And?? Production in High Energy Heavy-Ion Collisions

Signatures of Absorption Mechanisms for J? And?? Production in High Energy Heavy-Ion Collisions
Total Pages: 15
Release: 1997

J/psi and psi ̀produced in high-energy heavy-ion collisions are absorbed by their collisions with nucleons and produced soft particles, leading to two distinct absorption mechanisms. The signature of absorption by produced soft particles, as revealed by psi ̀production data, consists of a gap and a change of the slope in going from the pA line to the nucleus-nucleus line when we make a semi-log plot of the survival probability as a function of the path length. Using this signature, we find from the J/psi production data in pA, O-Cu, O-U, and S-U collisions that the degree of J/psi absorption by produced soft particles is small and cannot account for the J/psi data in Pb-Pb collisions. The anomalous suppression of J/psi production in Pb-Pb collisions can be explained as due to the occurrence of a new phase of strong J/psi absorption, which sets in when the local energy density exceeds about 3.4 GeV/fm3. To probe the chemical content of the new phase, we propose to study the abundance of open-charm mesons and charm hyperons which depends sensitively on the quark chemical potential.

Theoretical Status of J/? Suppression

Theoretical Status of J/? Suppression
Total Pages: 10
Release: 1993

High energy heavy ion collisions are expected to produce hadron densities far beyond the density in nuclei,?0 = 0.16 fm−3. Remarkably, no single measurement from the AGS and SPS light ion programs with projectiles A ≤ 32 stands out as unambiguous evidence of these extreme densities. To separate the high density signals from the background effects that result, e.g. from scattering with primary nucleons, careful systematic studies of hadron-nucleus, hA, and nucleus-nucleus, AB, data are needed. In this talk the author surveys the ongoing systematic study of the most notorious case in point -- J/? suppression. In principle, measurements of J/? suppression provide a probe of the densities obtained in AB collisions that is also sensitive to quark gluon plasma production. The latest results from SPS experiment NA38 reported by A. Romana in these proceedings show that the ratio of cross sections in the dimuon channel B{sub??}?{sub {psi}}/?{sub cont} is reduced by a factor 0.50 ± 0.05 in central S+U compared to minimum bias pU collisions at 200 AGeV. This is precisely the sort of suppression that one expects if high densities are obtained. On the other hand, a target-mass dependence suggestive of this suppression is found in hA collisions where high densities are not expected. At 200 GeV, NA38 finds that B{sub {mu}{mu}}?{sub {psi}}/?{sub cont} falls to 0.84 ± 0.08 in pU compared to pCu. The hA suppression in this kinematic regime is likely due to a combination of nuclear effects: nucleon absorption and shadowing.