Precious Salvation

Precious Salvation
Author: Benjamin Maira
Publisher: AuthorHouse
Total Pages: 140
Release: 2012-05-07
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 1467897183

Salvation is real: made free from sin, Satan and the judgement to come by the Lord Jesus Christ. Salvation is eternal, thus why salvation is the greatest miracle of all. If you are healed physically or receive financial miracle one day you will ultimately die but if you are saved you will live eternally with God. The greatest miracle is not the dead raised or the sick healed or delivered from evil spirits or financial breakthrough but salvation. What is salvation? Salvation is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. Salvation is personal well-being; it means to be made whole spirit, soul and body. How can I be saved? Salvation is obtained by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Salvation is free gift. The Lord Jesus Christ paid the price; he died on your behalf. How do I know I am saved? There are three evidences of salvation: firstly, your life will be totally transformed, for example transformed from Simeon who denied the Lord Jesus Christ to Peter a key disciple and bold Christian or transformed from Saul the murderer to Paul who found the Lord Jesus Christ and follow him or transformed like Apollos from spiritual ignorance to knowing the right way of the Lord Jesus Christ. Secondly, you will have divine assurance inside of you that you are saved by faith. And thirdly, the Holy Spirit confirms your salvation as he testifies and witnesses in your spirit with his sweet, whispering gentle voice.

Personal Salvation and Filial Piety

Personal Salvation and Filial Piety
Publisher: University of Hawaii Press
Total Pages: 242
Release: 2008-02-20
Genre: History
ISBN: 0824832159

The Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara was a handsome prince when he entered China. As Guanyin, the bodhisattva was venerated from the eleventh century onward in the shape of a beautiful woman who became a universal savior. Throughout the last millennium, the female Guanyin has enjoyed wide and fervid veneration throughout East Asia and has appeared as a major character in literature and legend. In one tale, Guanyin (as the princess Miaoshan) returns from the dead after being executed by the king, her father, for refusing to marry. The most popular version of this legend is The Precious Scroll of Incense Mountain (Xiangshan baojuan), a long narrative in prose and verse and a work of considerable literary merit. It emphasizes the conflict between father and daughter, in the course of which all conventional arguments against a religious lifestyle are paraded and rebutted. A lengthy description of Guanyin’s visit to the underworld, which focuses on the conflict between grace and justice, is also included. Personal Salvation and Filial Piety offers a complete and fully annotated translation of The Precious Scroll, based on a nineteenth-century edition. The translation is preceded by a substantial introduction that discusses the origin of the text and the genre to which it belongs and highlights the similarities and differences between the scroll and female saints’ lives from medieval Europe. There follows a translation of the much-shorter Precious Scroll of Good-in-Talent and Dragon Daughter, which provides a humorous account of how Guanyin acquired the three acolytes—Sudhana, Nagakanya, and a white parrot—who are often shown surrounding her in popular prints. As the first English-language translation of major "precious scrolls," Personal Salvation and Filial Piety will appeal to a wide range of readers—from scholars of Chinese literature to students of Buddhism. Beyond the field of East Asian studies, it will interest specialists in comparative religion and literature and feminist theologians. Because of its lively and moving narratives, the text is suitable for courses on popular Buddhist religiosity (particularly female religiosity) in Chinese society.

The Precious Things Of God

The Precious Things Of God
Author: Octavius Winslow
Publisher: Darolt Books
Total Pages: 265
Release: 2020-03-09
Genre: Bibles
ISBN: 6586145449

A slight glance at the contents of this volume will convey an idea of its character and design. It is intended to be, not so much a systematic treatise of theology, as the companion, in his hours of devotional, meditative retirement, of the experienced and spiritual Christian. The truths which it contains, and the style in which they are presented, are perhaps more adapted to those peculiar seasons in the Christian experience of the believer, in which profound discussion and labored thought would not only be distasteful, but out of place. Bearing with him the volume in his sequestered walks with God, or making it the sharer of his temporary seclusion from the active engagements of life, the "precious things of God" which it unfolds may serve to shed the perfume and the luster of Jesus' name and work around his lone and pensive path cheering solitude, soothing grief, and dissolving doubt, depression, and gloom. Many and costly are the precious things of God not enumerated in this work; blessed are they who, from the volume of their personal and spiritual experience, can complete the catalogue, and supply the Author's lack. These pages address themselves pointedly and strongly to that essential principle of vital religionthe experimental. We really know as much of the gospel of Christ, and of the Christ of the gospel, as by the power of the Holy Spirit we have the experience of it in our souls. All other acquaintance with Divine truth must be regarded as merely intellectual, theoretical, speculative, and of little worth. But, to apprehend, in some measure, the value, the glory, and the preciousness of the Lord Jesus, and, as a consequence, to esteem Him above all good, to reflect His image, to labor in His service, and to be found preparing and waiting for the happy moment described with such exquisite beauty by Doddridge, and as he only could portray it, "That blessed interview, how sweet! To fall transported at His feet; Raised in His arms, to see His face Through the full beamings of His grace!"this, this is spiritual LIFE. And, compared with the heart-experience of this, when we take a close, realizing survey of eternity, all other subjects of study and employments of time appear but solemn trifling with our destiny. The Author regrets, that to the discussion of themes so transcendently important and precious he should have brought so much human feebleness and infirmity. His work, planned amid the happy tranquility and repose of a long and warmly-attached pastorate, and finished amid the scenes of anxiety, excitement, and toil incident to a new and more extended sphere of ministerial labor, has necessarily been exposed to much that was unfavorable to that matured thought, careful composition, and literary finish which he considers efforts of this kind should possess. His hope, however, is, that, imperfect as is his production, the Divine Spirit may yet deign to bless it to the saving of precious souls, give it acceptance with the Church of Christ, and use it for the advancement of the cause of God and truth in the world,and the glory shall be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, three Persons in the One God, world without end. Amen.

Salvation Accomplished by the Son

Salvation Accomplished by the Son
Author: Robert A. Peterson
Publisher: Crossway
Total Pages: 942
Release: 2011-11-03
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 1433507609

After writing and teaching on the subject for nearly thirty years, this beloved professor of theology presents a major volume on the atoning work of Christ.

Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, the Price of Your Salvation

Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, the Price of Your Salvation
Author: Methadius Iweanya Ofili
Publisher: Independently Published
Total Pages: 826
Release: 2021-04-21

ABOUT THIS BOOK"My children, why can't you prove this devotion? Why can't you write and prove the greatness of the Most Precious Blood of the salvation of men? My children, you know that men neglect this Precious Price of their salvation. Who can write? Let him write on this title, 'Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, the Price of your Salvation'. I am near to bless his intelligence. Read Hebrews 9:23 to the end, Hebrews 10, and meditate on the words of salvation. I will teach you much about the Most Precious Blood. I love you all. I know you all, you are Mine, show Me your love. I am looking for the one who will console Me. I bless you all. Peace be with you all." - (Agonizing Jesus Christ, Message of the Precious Blood to Barnabas Nwoye - 7/4/97).His Holiness, Pope Pius XII, in his response to the messages of the Sacred Heart, said: "The love of the Divine Spouse is so widespread that it embraces as its spouse the whole human race. If our Saviour shed His Blood on the cross it was to reconcile to God all mankind, even if they were separated by nationality and blood, and to unite them into one single body... If we really have at heart the salvation of mankind which has been redeemed by Christ's Blood, we must put into Mary's hands the desires we hold dear." St. Peter, the first Pope of the Catholic Church said that we were not "redeemed with corruptible things as gold or silver... but with the Most Precious Blood of Christ, as of a Lamb unspotted and undefiled." (IPeter 1:18-19). In the past centuries, in order to redeem or ransom a slave, you had to pay in gold or silver, to the master of the slave or the captors of the person, if he or she were a prisoner of war. If the person's status in the society was high, so also will be the amount of gold needed to redeem the person. Pope Pius IX who was captured and imprisoned by the then antichrist, Napoleon, instituted the Feast of the Most Precious Blood on July 1st, 1849, in thanksgiving to God, for his release from Gaeta after the revolution of 1848, because, as he said, he 'owed' his release from prison to the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. Our souls are created in God's image and are very precious to Him, but through sin, we enslaved ourselves to the devil. God, in the person of Jesus Christ paid the Price to free us. Not in the perishable gold or silver of this world, but in the "supernatural imperishable gold" of His Most Precious Blood, as no other price was acceptable. The pagan sacrifices could not do it (cf. Heb 10:4). Even the sacrifices of the blood of goats and bulls, commanded by God in Exodus 12, could not do it. It cost God, His Blood to free and save us. Fr. Faber and numerous Saints tell us that the Church is the Temple of the Most Precious Blood, and that the seven Sacraments are the channels through which this Most Precious Blood is sprinkled on our souls. St. Paul warned those who treat the Precious Blood as a cheap thing or with irreverence. Liturgical abuse and theological dissent from the constant Papal Magisterial teachings and general lack of discipline against the Sacraments and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass offends Heaven greatly and they are costly, endangering the salvation of many. "How much more do you think he deserveth worse punishments, who hath trodden underfoot the Son of God and hath esteemed the Blood of the Testament unclean by which he was sanctified, and hath offered an affront to the spirit of grace?" (Heb 10:29). Catholic institutions have now become Theological Laboratories, where 'new theories' are tested, while many protestant errors are openly taught and practiced by many theologians, within Catholicism, leading many astray. It is not the 'Opino Theologorum' (Opinion of Theologians), which today, contradicts many century - old Papal teachings, that matters, rather it is the 'Sensus Ecclesiae' (the Mind of the Church- as seen in old Church documents and Papal teachings). To reverse this, will be to make individual