Pray With Your Limbs & Other Devotions of a Nanach

Pray With Your Limbs & Other Devotions of a Nanach
Author: Simcha Nanach
Publisher: Simcha Nanach
Total Pages: 162
Release: 2016-09-02
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 1537158090

HH this book is not for everyone, it is only for someone who really wants to go all the way, to absolutely know and abnegate himself to his Creator. Such a person will find great help and hope with this short treatise. The book contains: Prayers addressing each of the main limbs and body parts, addressing their particular attributes and functions, often kabalisticy, and primarily based on the holy teachings revealed by Rabbi Nachman of Breslov - Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman. The book also contains A Short List of Holy Tzaddikim spanning the entire creation, so that one can easily merit to mention their names daily. The book also contains a few Prayers Before Prayers which are summaries of entire Torahs of Likutay Moharan. The book also has the english translation of the transcript of the Story of Rabbi Yisroel Dov Odessers becoming a Breslov hassid, and the story of the Miracle of the Petek, as he himself told it over. Finally this book includes the entire book: Rabbi Nachman of Breslov; Who He Was and What He Said (which includes the transliteration of the Tikun Haklalee). Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!

Hisbodidus - Alone Time

Hisbodidus - Alone Time
Author: Rabbi Nachman of Breslov
Publisher: Simcha Nanach
Total Pages: 221
Release: 2019-12-04
Genre: Body, Mind & Spirit
ISBN: 1670630862

This book is primarily a translation of Likutay Aitzoas - A Collection of Advice/remedies pertaining hisbodidus - seclusion, and alone time with the Almighty (Likutay Aitzoas is a concise summary of the lengthy teachings of Rabbi Nachman, to facilitate actualizing and fulfilling them. Rabbi Nachman himself told Rabbi Nussun to compose it), and a translation of the prayers in Likutay Tefilos - A Collection of Prayers (authored by Rabbi Nussun of Breslov, prayers to merit to fulfill and realize all the various aspects and concepts revealed by Rabbi Nachman) pertaining hisbodidus. There is an introduction which highlights the importance and fundamental value of hisbodidus, and some other extras, like a translation of what the Ramchal - Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto obm wrote about hisbodidus.Also included in this volume is the book: Rabbi Nachman of Breslov - Who He Was and What He Said, which also includes a transliteration of the Tikun Haklali.The topic of hisbodidus is addressed at much fuller length in Outpouring of the Soul, the Likutay Aitzoas - Collection of Advice-remedies presented in this book is much more concise, this has advantages, and also only this book has the prayers and other extras.Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman

Live Up The Good Points - Azamru!

Live Up The Good Points - Azamru!
Author: Rabbi Nachman of Breslov o.b.m.
Publisher: Simcha Nanach
Total Pages: 112
Release: 2017-08-10
Genre: Body, Mind & Spirit
ISBN: 1974281507

One of the most famous teachings of Rabbi Nachman is to find a good point and see everything through that vantage point. Rabbi Nachman assures that through this the good will reign supreme. It is the way of powerful encouragement and renewed inspiration, and it is the way to joy and song, and bringing rectification to the world (tikun olam). In this booklet I present the original teaching from Likutay Moharan, accompanied with notes, the events of the time of its revelation, much of the Breslov lore regarding this holy teaching, many excerpts from the awesome book Blossom of the Spring - letters written to the President of Israel, Mr. Zalman Shazar, and the special prayer by Rabbi Nussun in Likutay Tefilos to merit to fulfill this teaching. The translation is most precise, authentic, and loyal to the original texts. Also included is the booklet Rabbi Nachman of Breslov; Who He Was and What He Said, which includes a very user friendly phonetic Teekoon Haklalee - the general rectification revealed by Rabbi Nachman. Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!

The Praises of Rabbi Nachman

The Praises of Rabbi Nachman
Author: R Nachman of Breslov O B M
Publisher: Simcha Nanach
Total Pages: 241
Release: 2018-05-02
Genre: Biography & Autobiography
ISBN: 1717446671

HH The Praises of Rabbi Nachman is a translation of the original Hebrew work: Shivchay HuRan, an all time Breslov classic and foundation of the Breslov tradition. This book has two parts. The first part primarily deals with Rabbi Nachman's early years, recounting his struggles, and his devotions, his piety, abstinence, holiness, challenges, and tests. It shows the reader how Rabbi Nachman began his service to Hashem which brought him to the highest levels possible. The second part of the book is a fascinating account of Rabbi Nachman's voyage to the Land of Israel, there and back, his great self sacrifice to surmount all the obstacles, and amazing adventures he had on the trip, more fantastic than any fiction. To help the reader, the book provides maps and a timeline of the major events of Rabbi Nachman's life, as well as a diagram of his family tree. This book also includes the booklet: Rabbi Nachman of Breslov: Who He Was and What He Said, to give the reader a brief synopsis of some of the things Rabbi Nachman is famous for. This booklet in turn contains the famous Tikun Haklali transliterated in a simple fashion easy to use. Enormous effort was expended to render the very most accurate translation of the material, even at the expense of style and grammar, because every nuance about Rabbi Nachman is critical. Also this book has extensive notes providing the reader with sources, background knowledge, and points to delve into and to study and ponder more in depth.Rabbi Nachman said there would in fact be such a book published about him, and I thank HY for giving me the merit to publish this book in English! Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman. HH after the first publication of this book, a second printing of a few thousand copies for free distribution was conducted in Israel. This had a more critical notes, and now this is the third edition with approximately 4 more pages of critical notes. Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman.

The Fires of Israel

The Fires of Israel
Author: Rabbi Israel Dov Odesser o.b.m.
Publisher: Simcha Nanach
Total Pages: 240
Release: 2016-11-24
Genre: Biography & Autobiography
ISBN: 1540621669

HH This is a book of the memoirs of Rabbi Yisroel Dov Odesser o.b.m, known affectionately as Saba Yisroel, who passed away not so long ago, almost hundred years old. In his lifetime the world went through a tremendous metamorphosis, famine and war plagued the world from the outside, and from the inside reigned all types of servitude and social injustice. Even any personal recounting of these huge upheavals would be fascinating, but Saba Yisroel takes things to an altogether different paradigm, sharing with the reader his passionate heart which didn't take the affairs lying down, but confronted his fate head on, with unfathomable courage. Saba recounts what he suffered and endured, and what he merited to learn in his very blood, life lessons which are impossible to impart except by keenly experiencing them first hand or by very strong connected association - to really empathize, feel, and relate to those that ran the gamut - and this is what Saba affords the reader - a chance to really connect with him, and with this the reader is empowered and emboldened to rise up and surmount the challenges of life, the constraints that wish to shackle him and keep him GF unaccomplished in small minded consciousness at best - or utterly devastate and pull him down to the lowest behavior and being. Saba Yisroel gives renewed hope to persevere, to hold out, to build the desire and the working to eventually really pull through and make it to the top. Saba Yisroel's went through the most trying pressures and challenges, just to stay loyal to the truth he had found and was searching for, always praying, trying, seeking with all his might to get every closer, to the eternal tachlis - ultimate purpose. These transcripts were said over to people who were no strangers to the issues at hand, they were Breslover Chasidim who understood a little the colossal obstacles and impediments that most people don't even consider surmountable, and thus Saba was able to go a little more in depth, a shade more of nuance and expression, to give them to understand what it is a person must undergo and how much tenacity and resolution is needed to master oneself and the life he is given. Along the way Saba Yisroel shares the most remarkable memories of events and holy special people of those times of yore. Saba Yisroel merited to completely abnegate himself to the holy tzaddik Rabbi Nachman of Breslov, and the entire tradition of Breslov was passed down to him, and he is the vital key transmitter of the traditions of Breslov to our generation and all future generation. Saba received the legacy in the direct link of primary disciples, generation after generation directly from Rabbi Nachman, and in addition he collected everything that was possible to be gleaned from other disciples, hearing it from them first hand in the most personal manner. Saba was not just a repository of information, but the living epitome of the values and aspirations of a true follower of Rabbi Nachman. Today, if one really desires to know what it means to be a true adherent to the holy ways, remedies, and directives of Rabbi Nachman one must turn to Saba Yisroel, to see what it's all about, and to get the correct understanding, direction, and guidance, and to get the urgent encouragement which is essential and critical especially for one who has entered and has taken up the task of living the truth, happiness, and holiness of Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman! In addition this book includes the entire booklet of: Rabbi Nachman of Breslov; Who He Was and What He Said, which gives over close to 100 important teachings of Rabbi Nachman to get a better picture of what Breslov is about. It also contains the most user friendly and accurate transliteration of the Tikun Haklali - the general/comprehensive rectification which Rabbi Nachman revealed and is known and established to do its part. Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!

Outpouring of the Soul

Outpouring of the Soul
Author: Rabbi Nachman of Breslov o.b.m.
Publisher: Simcha Nanach
Total Pages: 340
Release: 2016-07-07
Genre: Self-Help
ISBN: 1534848010

HH “This is the gateway to G-d, the righteous come through (/with) it!” (Psalms 118:20). Many great and famous tzaddikim (righteous/saints) asserted that they did not attain their lofty standing, except through this practice of personal prayer and dialog conducted frequently and constantly with G-d, especially in seclusion (Likutay Moharan, vol. 2, Torah 25). Whether one is G-d forbid in the utter abyss of hell and still sinking, May the Holy Merciful One G-d save us, or soaring and aspiring towards the utmost holiness, his entire survival and success is contingent on the words he pours out to G-d. The words are the paradigm of the soul, their expression will be the soul's determination. Outpouring of the Soul is the textbook for this, and as such, everyone should be very familiar with it, and keep it handy at all times. Rabbi Nachman of Breslov revealed that his entire enterprise is prayer. Many of his teachings are dedicated exclusively to prayer, and interspersed throughout the rest of his teachings, are many more important fundamentals of prayer. Outpouring of the Soul is a collection of all of these, and as such it is one of the Breslov classics. Outpouring of the Soul is a comprehensive compilation particularly addressing personal prayer. First, as an introduction, the book presents the various instances of personal prayer which are written in the Bible and the Scriptures, and then it follows with excerpts from the Talmud and other early works of our Sages. The main part of the book is a collection of all the teachings of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov intrinsic to prayer; how to pray, encouragement to pray, and so forth. Bringing down from the holy books Likutay Moharan, Sefer Hamidos (“Character – The Aleph Beth Book of Traits”), The Words of Our Leader Rabbi Nachman, The Life of Our Leader Rabbi Nachman, and from the holy books of Rabbi Nachman's chief disciple, Rabbi Nussun, including the holy book Likutay Aitzoas (A colleciton of directives/advice/remedies), the letters which are publish under the name Ullim Li'ti'roo'fa (Leaves for Healing), and Likutay Halachos. The final section of the book is an abridged excerpt from Likutay Halachos which explains extensively the idea of taking holy teachings and ideas and making prayers for them. As the name of the book already suggests, it is a guide and a manual to help a person really unburden himself before the One Holy Merciful G-d, and to be able to overcome all adversity and hardship, even in the most dire circumstances, may the Holy Merciful One spare us, one can prevail and rise above, with the help of these wondrous, awesome advice, remedies, and directives presented simply and understandably in this holy book. One should familiarize himself with the entire book, and keep it handy especially when things are tough G”F. Very great effort was made in the translation of this book to ensure that the most accurate and loyal word choice was provided. This book also includes the entire book, “Rabbi Nachman of Breslov; Who He Was and What He Said” which is available separately, by itself, as well. This book has around 100 teachings of Rabbi Nachman, and a transliteration of the Tikun Haklali – General/Comprehensive Rectification, as well as an English translation of “The Short Prayer” which many say daily, especially after the recital of the Tikun Haklalli. May we merit to fully utilize the powerful constructs and techniques brought down in this holy book. Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!

Rabbi Nachman of Breslov; Who He Was, and What He Said

Rabbi Nachman of Breslov; Who He Was, and What He Said
Author: Rabbi Nachman of Breslov o.b.m.
Publisher: Simcha Nanach
Total Pages: 52
Release: 2016-05-31
Genre: Body, Mind & Spirit
ISBN: 1533528233

HH: Rabbi Nachman of Breslov lived over 200 years ago. His great grandfather, the Baal Shem Tov had already brought radical reform and revitalization to the world and Judaism, but Rabbi Nachman did not suffice with this spiritual inheritance, rather he sought out anew the very core fundamental essence and source of existence with the Holy Merciful One G-d. Countless times, every single day, he would start completely new, throwing his complete devotion in seeking true life and bonding with the Creator. Although he was blessed with extraordinary brilliance and genius, he shunned sophistication and even put erudition second to prayer. He championed simple devotions, he prized heartfelt prayer and conversation with G-d more than everything. Rabbi Nachman confronted all the vices which influence people, and he conquered and prevailed. He rose above all the trappings and pettiness of human nature, and continued to rise in supernal spiritual attainments of goodness and G-dliness. From his lofty perspective Rabbi Nachman looks into the deepest abyss, and gives firm directions to self redemption. Back in his times the world still had a great deal of denial of human weakness, and open honest admittance to one's failings were almost not existent, just on a very private and somewhat theoretical paradigm. Rabbi Nachman's simple true approach of dedication to addressing one's character and standing in regular sessions of hisbodidus (seclusion) with G-d was a sharp and brutal attack on the sophisticated yet superficial systems which ruled society. Those who strongly needed to find the truth, would find Rabbi Nachman. Slowly his chasidus (sect) of Breslov grew, with individuals who had the strength to stand up for their values even in the face of condemnation by society at large. Ultimately the holy ways of Rabbi Nachman began to inoculate even the views of the world at large, and today we are witness to how the world at large has embraced many of the approaches which had previously been somewhat exclusive to Breslov. Hopefully this little booklet will help that initiative along, there's still quite a way to go B”H. In this little booklet I present many succinct teachings which are basics of Breslov; short, sweet, and to the point. Great care was given to accurately translate the teachings, and their exact sources are provided. In addition there is a short synopsis of who Rabbi Nachman was and what he was about. The booklet also explains the progression of Breslov into the present day, specifically with the revelation of the New Song in a letter signed by Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman. This booklet also has a transliteration of the Teekoon Haklalli – the comprehensive “General” rectification – which are the ten Psalms that Rabbi Nachman prescribed, and a short prayer which has become conventional. In short, this booklet is like a first aid kit, providing some basic directives to help a person gain his/her footing and gather his wit, so that he can get his life in order and set in the right direction. Everyone should be extremely familiar with all the teachings presented, and one should pray profusely and copiously over every teaching to merit to realize and achieve them.

The Stories of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov and Saba Yisroel

The Stories of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov and Saba Yisroel
Author: Rabbi Nachman of Breslov o.b.m.
Publisher: Simcha Nanach
Total Pages: 588
Release: 2016-06-06
Genre: Literary Collections
ISBN: 1533583617

HH Rabbi Nachman's birth already set the stage for the modern era, e.g. a mere few years after he was born in 1772, America declared independence. Many of his teachings speak more directly to the man of our present time and society than to the shtetel (small town) Jews who were his followers. E.g. Rabbi Nachman revealed that everyone has an aspect of monarchy even if it is only over his family, or on a subliminal paradigm, this teaching was readily understood by his followers, but it was somewhat theoretical being that they were so destitute they could barely have seen real manifestation of this principle. Today, even the less well off, can clearly see how they wield various privileges and amenities that would have been special even for a monarch of those times. With the changing times, also came changing attitudes, social climate, and personal truths, convictions, ideas, and prerogatives. Rabbi Nachman had to prepare the world for this transition, and he did so by revealing the highest and deepest teachings which are the root of everything that plays out in the world. Anyone that looks at a lesson from Rabbi Nachman will see reflections of what is going on that very moment in his own life. Yet, even still, Rabbi Nachman saw that his followers were not adjusting properly and sufficiently. He saw their struggles and how they grappled with forces far superior than them. Even his awesome teachings were not providing his followers with the necessary perspective and life knowledge that they needed so desperately in order to transcend the narrow confines of ideology that were trapping them and leaving them helpless to the wanton desires of the helpless. As a final last resort Rabbi Nachman found the solution, he would reveal timeless stories, stories that would recreate the perception of the workings of the world, the listener would be reborn into new consciousness and awareness, and would be impassioned to forever seek renewal and true vitality. These stories are called Stories of Ancient Years, corresponding to the Divine Countenance of Attik Yoamin (see book of Daniel), the countenance of the Ancient of Years, which subliminally transcends all of the ordinary chain of events manifested in the Divine Providence, a bridge to cognizance of what is utterly beyond. On the one hand, these legendary tales are completely unfathomable in their scope and import, they are allusions to the most deep and esoteric Divine secrets, and yet on the other hand, they are filled with practical morals and life lessons which any reader can easily glean and gain. To this day no one has merited to completely understand the root and intrinsic meaning of the stories in their rightful context, yet multitudes of people have gained phenomenal new insights through these stories, the stories literally open up gates to greater perspicacity and cognizance. The stories have captured the attention and fascination of even the most secular scholars, they have been translated into different languages, and they are studied in universities throughout the world. Rabbi Nachman said that even the minutest detail of the stories is extremely critical, and unfortunately most of the translations are fraught with the literary license an author has to set down his own perspective, which in this case is undoubtedly very damaging. This translation was done painstakingly to capture as best as possible the exact translation and nuance, even following the order of the original verbiage, and often favoring the original Yiddish in which Rabbi Nachman delivered the stories. In more recent times, one of Rabbi Nachman's followers, Rabbi Yisroel Dov Odesser, underwent a phenomenal course of events which themselves proved to be the mechanism of transition and development of Breslov, and are understood to be a clear aspect of Stories of Ancient Times, and thus some of his stories are fittingly included in this volume as well as are many other stories from Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman.

The Fiftieth Gate

The Fiftieth Gate
Author: Mark Raphael Baker
Publisher: Text Publishing
Total Pages: 369
Release: 2017-07-03
Genre: Biography & Autobiography
ISBN: 1925410854

What right did I possess, as a child of survivors, to recreate an account of the Holocaust as if I was there? In writing The Fiftieth Gate, Mark Baker describes a journey from despair and death towards hope and life; it is the story of a son who enters his parents’ memories and, inside the darkness, finds light. In his evocative prose, Baker takes us to this place of horror, and then brings us back to reflect on these events and remember: ‘Never again’. Across the silence of fifty years, Baker and his family travel from Poland and Germany to Jerusalem and Melbourne, as the author struggles to uncover the mystery of his parents’ survival: his father Yossl was imprisoned in concentration camps and his mother Genia was forced into hiding after the Jews of her village were murdered. Twenty years on from its first publication, The Fiftieth Gate remains an extraordinary book. It has become a classic and has now sold over 70,000 copies. In Baker's new introduction, he recalls his motivations for writing this important memoir, and highlights how the testimonial culture in Holocaust studies has spread to awareness of other genocides and our responsibility (and failure) to prevent them. As well as The Fiftieth Gate, A Journey Through Memory, a seminal book on his parents’ experience during the Holocaust, Mark Raphael Baker wrote a compelling memoir, Thirty Days, A Journey to the End of Love, about the death of his wife. He was Director of the Australian Centre for Jewish Civilisation and Associate Professor of Holocaust and Genocide Studies in the School at Monash University, Melbourne. He died in 2023. ‘Heartrending and beautiful...This simply written, subtly complex narrative is instantly recognisable as a masterpiece, and the reader is rewarded by the light it sheds.’ Age ‘Combining precise historical research and poetic eloquence, Mark Baker’s The Fiftieth Gate remains the gold standard of second generation Holocaust memoirs on the occasion of its twentieth anniversary edition.’ Christopher R. Browning ‘Baker does with memory, what Rembrandt does with light. He uses it to model, to imagine, to illuminate, to astonish.’ Philip Adams

Outpouring of the Soul

Outpouring of the Soul
Author: Naḥman (of Bratslav)
Total Pages: 104
Release: 1980
Genre: Religion

"When the summer begins to approach, go out to meditate in the meadows. When every bush of the field begins to return to life and grow, they all yearn to be included in your prayer." Rebbe Nachman emphasized the greatness of spontaneous, improvised prayer uttered in one's own language and springing from the heart -- hitbodedut. This handbook of his teachings on prayer includes Rabbi Kaplan's scholarly introduction setting hitbodedut in its context in the history of Jewish prayer and meditation.