Crystalline Silica, Quartz

Crystalline Silica, Quartz
Author: F. Rice
Total Pages: 62
Release: 2000
Genre: Medical

A concise assessment of the adverse effects on human health caused by exposure to quartz the most common form of crystalline silica. Quartz is a frequently occurring solid component of most natural mineral dusts. Human exposure occurs most often during occupational activities involving movement of earth disturbance of silica-containing products such as masonry and concrete or use or manufacture of silica-containing products. As respirable quartz dust particles can be inhaled and deposited in the lung the report gives particular attention to evidence of an increased risk of lung cancer in occupationally exposed workers. Most studies in laboratory animals have concentrated on adverse effects associated with long-term inhalation of particles. Effects observed include cellular proliferation nodule formation suppressed immune function and alveolar proteinosis. While exposure clearly induces pulmonary tumours in one species other species show less or no malignant tumour response. The evaluation of risks to human health draws on a large number of epidemiological studies of workers exposed to respirable quartz dust. Occupational exposure has been linked to an increased incidence of silicosis ung cancer and pulmonary tuberculosis. Studies have also documented statistically significant increases in cases of bronchitis emphysema chronic obstructive pulmonary disease autoimmune-related diseases including scleroderma rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus and renal disease. In reviewing these findings the report underscores several uncertainties inherent to the study of respiratory diseases in occupational populations that complicate the assessment of risks associated with exposure to quartz dust. The need for improved methods of exposure assessment and data analysis is stressed.

Controlling Silica Exposures in Construction

Controlling Silica Exposures in Construction
Author: U. S. Labor
Publisher: CreateSpace
Total Pages: 70
Release: 2012-06-28
ISBN: 9781478152446

This guidance document, OSHA 3362-04, Controlling Silica Exposures in Construction, addresses the control of employee exposures to respirable dust containing crystalline silica, which is known to cause silicosis, a serious lung disease, as well as increase the risk of lung cancer and other systemic diseases. This document provides information on the effectiveness of various engineering control approaches for several kinds of construction operations and equipment, and contains recommendations for work practices and respiratory protection, as appropriate. Quartz is the most common form of crystalline silica. In fact, it is the second most common surface material accounting for almost 12% by volume of the earth's crust. Quartz is present in many materials in the construction industry, such as brick and mortar, concrete, slate, dimensional stone (granite, sandstone), stone aggregate, tile, and sand used for blasting. Other construction materials that contain crystalline silica are asphalt filler, roofing granules, plastic composites, soils, and to a lesser extent, some wallboard joint compounds, paint, plaster, caulking and putty. Cristobalite, a less common form of crystalline silica, is formed at high temperatures (>1,470°C) in nature and by industrial processes. The ceramic and brick lining of boilers and vessels, some ceramic tiles, and volcanic ash contain cristobalite. The crystalline silica permissible exposure limit (PEL) for the construction industry at 29 CFR 1926.55(a) is expressed in terms of millions of particles per cubic foot (mppcf). This PEL is based on a particle count method long rendered obsolete by respirable mass (gravimetric) sampling, which yields results reported in milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m3). In contrast with the construction PEL, the crystalline silica PEL for general industry is based on gravimetric sampling, which is the only method currently available to OSHA compliance personnel. In this guidance, OSHA uses a benchmark 8-hour time-weighted average exposure of 0.1 mg/m3 of respirable silica dust as a point of reference in describing control measures utilized by the construction trades. OSHA is reviewing the construction and general industry PELs for silica in its ongoing silica rulemaking. The recommendations presented in this document are based on a review of information in the published literature, NIOSH In-Depth Survey Reports and OSHA inspection data. Engineering control evaluations reported in the published literature were generally performed in controlled work environments and may not reflect actual workplace exposures experienced at construction worksites. Moreover, potential silica exposure levels will depend on the concentration of silica in materials at construction sites, as well as factors in the work environment (such as enclosed, semi-enclosed, or open spaces and/or multiple operations generating silica dust) as well as environmental conditions (such as wind direction and speed). Therefore, OSHA encourages employers to conduct periodic exposure monitoring to confirm that engineering and work practice controls are effective and that appropriate respiratory protection is being used where necessary. Controls continue to evolve and OSHA encourages equipment suppliers and contractors to work with industrial hygienists to evaluate new designs and products to obtain objective information that can be used to evaluate performance and support informed decisions on use. If you choose to modify equipment, it is important to follow equipment manufacturers' recommendations in order to ensure that modifications do not adversely affect equipment performance and that no additional hazards are created. Furthermore, ground-fault circuit interrupters (GFCI) and water tight/sealable electrical connectors should be used with electric tools and equipment on construction sites (OSHA, 1996). These features are particularly important in areas where water is used to control dust.

Crystalline Silica in Quartz Agglomerates

Crystalline Silica in Quartz Agglomerates
Author: D. Martínez-Blanco
Total Pages: 19
Release: 2014
Genre: Quartz agglomerates

An increasing number of cases of silicosis have been diagnosed in Spain in the last few years, reversing the trend of previous decades. Most cases have been found in marble masons because of the exponential growth in the use of quartz agglomerates as substitutes of marble. Quartz agglomerates are synthetic materials containing mainly quartz, but also other silica polymorphs (cristobalite and tridymite), which are considered more pernicious than quartz. The presence of different polymorphs of silica implies the need for x-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis for these to be distinguished, not only in bulk materials but also in respirable fractions from workplace atmospheres, as different threshold-limit values (TLVs) are established by Spanish legislation. For analysis of manufactured products, the Rietveld method allows the quantification of the mineral phases present in bulk materials from good-quality data obtained by XRD without the use of standards. Although it is known that high silica content in a bulk material does not necessarily mean high silica content in its respirable fraction, the aim of this work was to estimate the potential risk of quartz agglomerates by analyzing bulk samples and to evaluate the real risk for workers handling these materials by measuring their exposure to respirable crystalline silica. The Spanish National Silicosis Institute has analyzed in its laboratory a great amount of quartz agglomerate samples, corresponding both to workplace atmospheres and bulk material of manufactured products. A summary of the results obtained is presented here.

Characterization of Forms of Silica with Varying Degrees of Crystallinity in Respirable Mine Dust

Characterization of Forms of Silica with Varying Degrees of Crystallinity in Respirable Mine Dust
Author: Saboor Ahmad Torabi
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2023

Coal was, is, and will be one of the major energy sources for our society. Coal mining activities, from extraction to utilization, intrinsically produce coal dust and its associated aerosols, which are known to be safety and health hazards. Within the mine dust aerosols, the exposure of the respirable crystalline silica (RCS) dust is the most toxic component for the coal workers. Excessive RCS exposure can potentially cause the development of disabling and irreversible lung disease which is known as silicosis. The silicosis cases and its related mortality trend are still high in the United States, and the recent resurgence of coal miners' lung disease sends an alarming sign for the industry. Characterization of the physiochemical properties of RCS is the prerequisite for the improved understanding of its toxicity and adverse effects on miners' respiratory system. In this study, the mineral composition of respirable coal mine dust (RCMD), and type (s) of crystalline silica with its varying degrees of crystallinity in the mine dust were investigated. For this purpose, samples were collected from the top of coal (ToC) and bottom of coal (BoC) rock strata, which are believed to have the highest amount of crystalline silica. In addition, we also collected rock samples from both the roof and pillar of a limestone mine in Pennsylvania to define its crystalline components for potential silica characterization. After preparing the lab-generated respirable dust using a cryomill, the X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique in combination with JADE software was employed to identify the mineral phases and determine the quantitative mineral composition. The results from the quantitative analysis revealed that quartz (crystalline silica), muscovite, kaolinite, and clinochlore are the most abundant minerals in the ToC and BoC strata. The average amount of crystalline silica (quartz) was assessed to be 25% in the ToC and 17.3% in the BoC samples from the Lower Freeport coal seam. The quartz content in the samples from the ToC strata of Lower Kittanning was found to be 16.5%. Furthermore, phase identification analyses determined that, among the quartz types, alpha quartz ([alpha]-quartz) is the only type that exists in the samples. The quantitative analysis also reported a considerable amount of amorphous content for all samples. The amorphous content associated with the samples from near the coal seam comparatively showed a higher quantity, suggesting that the coal-ToC and coal-BoC interfaces contain a significant amount of amorphous. The quantitative analyses of limestone samples reported high calcite and dolomite with negligible quartz content. The amount of quartz in the sample from the pillar of the limestone mine was 0.22%, whereas no quartz was reported for the sample from the roof of the same mine. According to the results, it is advisable to conduct additional elemental analysis to verify the mineral composition of the samples. Additionally, it is recommended to undertake comprehensive investigations into the mineralogy and toxicity of the amorphous content found in coal mine dust, especially those originating from the interfaces of coal and rock strata.

Health Surveillance in Silica Exposed Workers

Health Surveillance in Silica Exposed Workers
Author: Lisa Bradshaw (Respiratory nurse specialist)
Total Pages: 47
Release: 2010

There is uncertainty in Great Britain (GB) about what constitutes appropriate health surveillance for silica-exposed workers, despite evidence that new cases of silicosis are occurring. The latter is supported by data from UK-based, HSE funded, national surveillance systems for work-related illness. There is also evidence to suggest that the risk of silicosis is finite at current permissible exposure levels. Many of the industries in GB in which exposure to Respirable Crystalline Silica (RCS) may arise have signed up to a Social Dialogue Agreement (SDA), a pan-European initiative to improve the control of silica dust exposure. In part, this agreement is a commitment to undertake health surveillance where this is necessary because of a potential continuing risk of silicosis, even when recommended engineering and other controls are in place. The appropriate target population for this surveillance would likely include all workers who are exposed to levels of crystalline silica that place them at risk of developing silicosis or other silica-related lung diseases. Consequently, the GB regulator wishes to establish a standard for the health surveillance of silica-exposed workers, in order to assess whether dutyholders are complying with their duties under appropriate legislation. The objectives of this paper are 1) To identify existing recommendations for health surveillance for silica-exposed workers. 2) To assess the evidence base for these recommendations and other relevant evidence in the scientific literature. 3) To make recommendations for a standard approach to health surveillance for silica-exposed workers in the UK. It is specifically not the aim of this report to review all the available wider evidence base related to silica-exposed workers, including annual estimates of decline in lung function, although mention of these issues will be made when they pertain to health surveillance for exposed workers.

Crystalline Silica Overview

Crystalline Silica Overview
Author: Sarkis G. Ampian
Total Pages: 36
Release: 1992
Genre: Silica

In 1987, the International Agency for Research Against Cancer conducted a review of the health literature and concluded that crystalline silica was a probable human carcinogen. As a result of this finding, OSHA was required to regulate crystalline silica under its Hazard Communication Standard (HCS). The standard requires that all materials handled by OSHA-regulated facilities be labeled according to the requirements of HCS and that workers receive proper training on the handling of the material if the crystalline silica content equals or exceeds 0.1 weight percent (0.1%). MSHA currently is considering enacting its own HCS. This will be similar to OSHA's HCS. If the standard is enacted, most mineral producers will have to determine the respirable monitor filter and bulk crystalline silica contents of their ores and products so that workers and/or customers will know whether they are in compliance with the 0.1% HCS and/ or the OSHA permissible exposure level (PEL) of 50 micro-g for an 8-hour workday for respirable crystalline silica as determined from monitor samples. Two major concerns with the HCS are the widespread occurrence of crystalline silica in nature and the suitability of current technology for routinely determining crystalline silica concentrations at the 0.1% HCS level. Most ores are extracted from silica-bearing deposits, and silica is a common constituent of rocks and soils. OSHA's HCS will have the greatest impact on the producers of crushed stone, diatomite, dimension stone, gravel, industrial sand, perlite, pumice, pyrophyllite, sand, and talc because these materials frequently are shipped directly from the mill to the customer. MSHA's HCS would affect nearly all mineral producers. Those producers that have crystalline silica present in concentrations near the 0.1% cutoff point will have the most difficulty with the analysis. Crystalline silica can be quantified at the 0.1% level by X-ray difractometry in simple systems containing one, two, and possibly three minerals if (l) none of the accessory minerals has X-ray diffraction reflections that coincide or overlap with those of crystalline silica and (2) the standard has a particle size distribution and crystallinity similar to those of the sample. In some instances, it may not be possible to determine the crystalline silica content of a sample with any degree of certainty using the recommended regulatory protocol. In all cases, it is recommended that a qualified mineralogist identify the minerals in a sample prior to any regulatory analysis. Additionally, the uncertainty as to whether some silica polymorphs should be classified as crystalline or noncrystalline and the suitability of metastable high-temperature standards, such as cristobalite and tridymite, for regulatory analysis at ambient temperatures should be addressed further. This overview is written both to highlight these problems and to serve as a guide for analysts, regulators, and industry personnel who are involved in the crystalline silica issue. It also covers some of the difficulties and/or shortcomings in quantifying crystalline silica, such as the ubiquitous mineral quartz, in the workplace.