Post Offering Earnings Performance of Firms that Issue Seasoned Equity

Post Offering Earnings Performance of Firms that Issue Seasoned Equity
Author: Hei Wai Lee
Total Pages:
Release: 1998

This study finds that growth firms experience significant unanticipated deterioration in their earnings performance following their seasoned equity offerings (SEO), but mature firms do not share the same negative experience. This finding is consistent with the findings of long run post offering stock price underperformance documented in the literature. However, it is inconsistent with the findings of a weak positive impact of growth opportunities on the stock price reaction to the SEO announcement. The negative role of growth opportunities also contradicts the predictions of signaling models that growth potential of the issuing firm has a positive impact on the information content of the SEO. Overall, the findings in this study are consistent with the general implication of the overvaluation hypothesis that managers issue equity securities when they know their firm is not as valuable as what the market believes.

Is the Market Surprised by Poor Earnings Realizations Following Seasoned Equity Offerings?

Is the Market Surprised by Poor Earnings Realizations Following Seasoned Equity Offerings?
Author: Atulya Sarin
Total Pages: 41
Release: 2009

We examine the stock price reaction to earnings announcements in the five years following seasoned equity offerings (SEOs). On average, post-SEO earnings announcements are met with a significantly negative abnormal stock price reaction. Although, this negative reaction accounts for a disproportionately large portion of long-run post-SEO abnormal stock returns, on average, abnormal stock price reactions to post-SEO earnings announcements are reliably negative only within the smallest quartile of equity issuers. For small firms, therefore, these findings are broadly consistent with the hypothesis that firms issue equity when the market over-estimates the firm's future earnings performance. For larger equity issuers, however, our findings provide no support for the overoptimism hypothesis.

Earnings Management, Corporate Governance and the Market Performance of Seasoned Equity Offerings

Earnings Management, Corporate Governance and the Market Performance of Seasoned Equity Offerings
Author: Michael Firth
Total Pages: 32
Release: 2002

This paper examines whether pre-issue discretionary current accruals predict post-issue earnings performance and returns. We find evidence suggesting that offering firms borrow future income to manage earnings in pre-issue years and consequently earnings decrease in post-issue year 2. The information content of pre-issue discretionary current accruals is reflected in one-year buy and hold abnormal returns for the rights offering firms. Our paper also examines whether the incidence of earnings management around SEOs depends on corporate governance structures. Our results show that SEO firms that have larger board size have a higher degree of earnings management around SEOs. This result is consistent with Jensen's (1993) view that smaller boards provide more of a controlling function than do larger boards.

Long-Term Performance of Seasoned Equity Offerings

Long-Term Performance of Seasoned Equity Offerings
Author: Narasimhan Jegadeesh
Total Pages:
Release: 2009

I investigate the long-term performance of firms that issue seasoned equity relative to a variety of benchmarks. I find that these firms significantly underperform all of my benchmarks over the five years following the equity issues. Across SEOs, I find similar levels of underperformance for both small firms and large firms, and both growth firms and value firms. The paper also shows that factor-model benchmarks are misspecified. Hence inferences on SEO underperformance based on such benchmarks are misleading. I also find that SEOs underperform their benchmarks by twice as much within earnings announcement windows as they do outside these windows.

The Long-Run Performance of Firms that Withdraw Seasoned Equity Offerings

The Long-Run Performance of Firms that Withdraw Seasoned Equity Offerings
Author: Brian L. Betker
Total Pages: 32
Release: 1998

We examine the long-run stock price and operating performance of companies that withdraw seasoned equity offerings. Firms that withdraw an offering provide an opportunity to examine the long-run impact of the intent to issue shares, independent of any agency problems that might be intensified by the actual acquisition of equity capital. As in completed SEOs, long-horizonstock returns to sample firms are substantially lower than returns to control firms. Long-run operating performance is similarly poor. Long run stock price performance is worst among high market-to-book assets firms that withdraw equity issues in hot SEO markets. The evidence is consistent with a model in which firms attempt to sell overvalued shares to a market that doesn't react sufficiently to the implications of the action, even if the shares are not actually issued.

The Operating Performance of Firms Conducting Seasoned Equity Offerings

The Operating Performance of Firms Conducting Seasoned Equity Offerings
Author: Tim Loughran
Total Pages:
Release: 1998

Recent studies have documented that firms conducting seasoned equity offerings have inordinately low stock returns during the five years after the offering, following a sharp run-up in the year prior to the offering. This paper documents that the operating performance of issuing firms shows substantial improvement prior to the offering, but then deteriorates. The multiples at the time of the offering, however, do not reflect an expectation of deteriorating performance. Issuing firms are disproportionately high-growth firms, but issuers have much lower subsequent stock returns than nonissuers with the same growth rate.

Underwriter Choice and Earnings Management

Underwriter Choice and Earnings Management
Author: Hoje Jo
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2009

Using a sample of seasoned equity offerings (SEOs), this paper examines the association between the choice of financial intermediary and earnings management. We contend that with more stringent standards for certification and intense monitoring, highly prestigious underwriters restrict firms' incentives for earnings management to protect their reputation and to avoid potential litigation risks, while firms with greater incentives for earnings management avoid strict monitoring by choosing low-quality underwriters. Consistent with our predictions, we find an inverse association between underwriter quality and issuers' earnings management. In addition, we find that underwriter quality is positively related to SEOs' post-issue performance, even after controlling for the effect of earnings management. We also find that firms with low underwriter prestige and high levels of earnings management under-perform the most. However, the effect of underwriter choice on post-issue performance does not last long.

The Long-Run Performance of Companies that Withdraw Seasoned Equity Offerings

The Long-Run Performance of Companies that Withdraw Seasoned Equity Offerings
Author: Michael J. Alderson
Total Pages:
Release: 2001

We examine the long-run stock price and operating performance of companies that withdraw seasoned equity offerings. Firms that withdraw an offering provide an opportunity to examine whether markets fully adjust to the information conveyed when managers announce the intent to issue shares, independent of any agency problems that might be intensified by the completion of the offering. As in completed seasoned equity offerings (SEOs), long-horizon event-time operating and stock price performance in sample firms is substantially lower than what is observed among control firms. Underperformance is also observed in an equal-weighted calendar-time analysis. Results are consistent with overpricing among small firms that attempt, but then withdraw, SEOs.