Pope Saint Pius X Complete Set of Encyclicals

Pope Saint Pius X Complete Set of Encyclicals
Author: Pope St Pius X
Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Total Pages: 292
Release: 2016-05-04
ISBN: 9781533093981

A Compilation of all of Pope St Pius X's EncyclicalsE Supremi (October 4, 1903) 4ON THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS IN CHRISTAd Diem Illum Laetissimum (February 2, 1904) 18ON THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTIONIucunda Sane (March 12, 1904) 37ON POPE GREGORY THE GREATAcerbo Nimis (April 15, 1905) 60ON TEACHING CHRISTIAN DOCTRINEIl Fermo Proposito (June 11, 1905) 75ON CATHOLIC ACTION IN ITALYVehementer Nos (February 11, 1906) 92ON THE FRENCH LAW OF SEPARATIONTribus Circiter (April 5, 1906) 108ON THE MARIAVITES OR MYSTIC PRIESTS OF POLANDPieni L'Animo (July 28, 1906) 115ON THE CLERGY IN ITALYGravissimo Officii Munere (August 10, 1906) 124ON FRENCH ASSOCIATIONS OF WORSHIPUne Fois Encore (January 6, 1907) 130ON THE SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATEPascendi Dominici Gregis (September 8, 1907) 140ON THE DOCTRINES OF THE MODERNISTSCommunium Rerum (April 21, 1909) 208ON ST. ANSELM OF AOSTAEditae Saepe (May 26, 1910) 243ON ST. CHARLES BORROMEOIamdudum (May 24, 1911) 269ON THE LAW OF SEPARATION IN PORTUGALLacrimabili Statu (June 7, 1912) 278ON THE INDIANS OF SOUTH AMERICASingulari quadam (September 24, 1912) 284ON LABOR ORGANIZATIONS

Pope Saint Pius X Complete Set of Encyclicals

Pope Saint Pius X Complete Set of Encyclicals
Author: Pope Pius X
Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Total Pages: 300
Release: 2017-09-13
ISBN: 9781976333644

E Supremi (October 4, 1903) 5ON THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS IN CHRISTAd Diem Illum Laetissimum (February 2, 1904) 19ON THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTIONIucunda Sane (March 12, 1904) 39ON POPE GREGORY THE GREATAcerbo Nimis (April 15, 1905) 63ON TEACHING CHRISTIAN DOCTRINEIl Fermo Proposito (June 11, 1905) 78ON CATHOLIC ACTION IN ITALYVehementer Nos (February 11, 1906) 96ON THE FRENCH LAW OF SEPARATIONTribus Circiter (April 5, 1906) 113ON THE MARIAVITES OR MYSTIC PRIESTS OF POLANDPieni L'Animo (July 28, 1906) 120ON THE CLERGY IN ITALYGravissimo Officii Munere (August 10, 1906) 130ON FRENCH ASSOCIATIONS OF WORSHIPUne Fois Encore (January 6, 1907) 136ON THE SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATEPascendi Dominici Gregis (September 8, 1907) 146ON THE DOCTRINES OF THE MODERNISTSCommunium Rerum (April 21, 1909) 215ON ST. ANSELM OF AOSTAEditae Saepe (May 26, 1910) 251ON ST. CHARLES BORROMEOIamdudum (May 24, 1911) 278ON THE LAW OF SEPARATION IN PORTUGALLacrimabili Statu (June 7, 1912) 287ON THE INDIANS OF SOUTH AMERICASingulari quadam (September 24, 1912) 293ON LABOR ORGANIZATIONS

Encyclical of Pope Pius X on the Doctrines of the Modernists

Encyclical of Pope Pius X on the Doctrines of the Modernists
Author: Saint Pius X
Publisher: Aeterna Press
Total Pages: 78
Release: 2015-07-31
Genre: Religion

The office divinely committed to Us of feeding the Lord’s flock has especially this duty assigned to it by Christ, namely, to guard with the greatest vigilance the deposit of the faith delivered to the saints, rejecting the profane novelties of words and oppositions of knowledge falsely so called. There has never been a time when this watchfulness of the supreme pastor was not necessary to the Catholic body; for, owing to the efforts of the enemy of the human race, there have never been lacking “men speaking perverse things” (Acts xx. 30), “vain talkers and seducers” (Tit. i. 10), “erring and driving into error” (2 Tim. iii. 13). Aeterna Press

The Complete Collected Works of Pope Pius X

The Complete Collected Works of Pope Pius X
Author: Jacob Criostoir
Total Pages: 293
Release: 2019-03-24
ISBN: 9781091411760

St. Pope Pius X, born Giuseppe Melchoiorre Sarto, was born in the small town of Riese the Kingdom of Lombardy, in what is now the province of Treviso, Italy, in 1835. He came from a larger family, having a total of nine siblings, of which he was the second oldest. The family was quite poor for the standards of the time, and relied on the income of Giuseppes father, a simple postman.This simple son of a postman would grow into one of the most influential Popes of our time. Having written more about modernist heresies and the collapse of the traditional Church than any other Pope of the 20th century, Pope Pius X's writings are a must have for any Papal scholar or interested layman.

Pope St. Pius X

Pope St. Pius X
Author: F. A. Forbes
Publisher: TAN Books
Total Pages: 249
Release: 1992-11
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 0895559803

A fast-paced, fascinating life. From poor peasant to Pope. He condemned Modernism, allowed Communion at seven, reformed Church music & the Breviary, initiated a new code of Canon Law, etc., and set out "to restore all things in Christ".

Popes Against Modern Errors

Popes Against Modern Errors
Author: Tan Books
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1999
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 9780895556431

In 1789, the French Revolution took place and launched a host of religious, political and social errors which the Popes for over 160 years afterwards wrote and legislated against. Yet most of these errors have spread and today have filtered down to the common man... with the result that most people now take for granted many fundamental assumptions that are positively false! But almost from the beginning of these errors, the Popes spoke out as with one voice, inveighing against them. Today, as we see these errors bearing evil fruit, many thoughtful Catholics are returning to those Papal documents which condemned these modern errors, to examine what the Popes have said all along about them. Here, in one handy volume, are the best and most famous of those papal denunciations: - On Liberalism (Mirari Vos). Gregory XVI. 1832. - On Current Errors (Quanta Cura). Pius IX. 1864. - The Syllabus of Errors. Pius IX. 1864. - On Government Authority (Diuturnum Illud). Leo XIII. 1881. - On Freemasonry and Naturalism (Humanum Genus). Leo XIII. 1884. - On the Nature of True Liberty (Libertas Praestantissimum). Leo XIII. 1888. - On the Condition of the Working Classes (Rerum Novarum). Leo XIII. 1891. - On Christian Democracy (Graves de Communi Re). Leo XIII. 1901. - Syllabus Condemning the Errors of the Modernists (Lamentabili Sane). St. Pius X. 1907. - On Modernism (Pascendi Dominici Gregis). St. Pius X. 1907. - Our Apostolic Mandate (On the "Sillon"). St. Pius X. 1910. - The Oath Against Modernism. St. Pius X. 1910. - On the Feast of Christ the King (Quas Primas). Pius XI. 1925. - On Fostering True Religious Unity (Mortalium Animos). Pius XI. 1928. - On Atheistic Communism (Divini Redemptoris). Pius XI. 1937. - On Certain False Opinions (Humani Generis). Pius XII. 1950. After this book, the reader will be forced to conclude: "The Popes were right all along!" Only by heeding the advice and counsel of these enlightened Roman Pontiffs will the world be able to cast off its yoke of error and enjoy once more the true freedom Our Lord spoke of when He said, "If you continue in my word, you shall be my disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:31-32).

All Things in Christ

All Things in Christ
Author: Catholic Church. Pope (1903-1914 : Pius X)
Total Pages: 275
Release: 1954
Genre: Encyclicals, Papal

The Leonine Encyclicals

The Leonine Encyclicals
Author: Pope Leo XIII
Total Pages: 390
Release: 2014-03-18
ISBN: 9780615984933

Vincenzo Gioacchino Raffaele Luigi Pecci was born March 2, 1810, and became Pope Leo XIII on February 20, 1878. His reign was one of the longest in history, during which he produced a total of eighty-six encyclicals-a record approached by no other pope before or since. Out of this immense canon, fifteen have been collected for this volume based on their social impact and doctrinal profundity. They cover subjects such as the proper relationship between church and state, the foundations of political authority, the study of Sacred Scripture, Christian philosophy, and Catholic Social Teaching, including Pope Leo's most famous social encyclical, Rerum Novarum. While all papal letters are timely in their own manner, these were chosen because they are, in the opinion of the publisher, most indispensable: -- Inscrutabili Dei Consilio, Aeterni Patris, Arcanum Divinae Sapientia, Diuturnum, Humanum Genus, Immortale Dei, Libertas, Exeunte Iam Anno, Sapientiae Christianae, Rerum Novarum, Providentissimus Deus, Satis Cognitum, Divinum Illud Munus, Testem Benevolentiae Nostrae, Graves de Communi Re, Mirae Caritatis.