Politiques Sociales / Social Policies

Politiques Sociales / Social Policies
Author: Jean-Claude Barbier
Publisher: Peter Lang
Total Pages: 304
Release: 2008
Genre: Business & Economics
ISBN: 9789052014203

La multiplication des recherches comparatives internationales, notamment européennes, contraste singulièrement avec le peu de réflexion sur leur épistémologie et sur les questions de méthode. C'est à ce manque que cet ouvrage cherche à remédier en s'appuyant sur l'expérience d'historiens, de sociologues, de politistes et d'économistes de divers pays européens. Comment ces chercheurs construisent-ils la comparabilité de leurs objets ? Quel rôle les langues jouent-elles dans la clarté de la comparaison ? Comment dépasser l'opposition entre universalisme et relativisme culturaliste ? Telles sont quelques-unes des questions auxquelles cet ouvrage apporte un éclairage tout à fait novateur. Prenant appui sur leur expérience empirique, les auteurs proposent à la fois un instrument de travail utile pour les chercheurs et un outil de réflexion pour les acteurs des politiques sociales qui travaillent de plus en plus en milieu international. While the amount of cross-national comparative research has continued to grow, especially in Europe, remarkably little attention has been devoted to epistemological and methodological questions. Papers in this book by historians, sociologists, economists and political scientists aim to contribute to this insufficiently explored research topic. Drawn from various European countries, they explain how they construct their research objects. They address the role of languages in comparative research and they all try to reach beyond the opposition between universalism and culturalist relativism or particularism. The authors draw on their extensive empirical knowledge to produce a useful instrument for researchers. Their writing will also find important echoes among practitioners of social policies, who are increasingly confronted with international situations and need models to interpret the practical differences they experience.

Publisher: Odile Jacob
Total Pages: 471
ISBN: 2738191207

Young People and Social Policy in Europe

Young People and Social Policy in Europe
Author: L. Antonucci
Publisher: Springer
Total Pages: 368
Release: 2014-10-07
Genre: Political Science
ISBN: 1137370521

This edited collection provides the first in-depth analysis of social policies and the risks faced by young people. The book explores the effects of both the economic crisis and austerity policies on the lives of young Europeans, examining both the precarity of youth transitions, and the function of welfare state policies.

Un cadre d'investissement pour la nutrition

Un cadre d'investissement pour la nutrition
Author: Meera Shekar
Publisher: World Bank Publications
Total Pages: 272
Release: 2017-07-26
Genre: Business & Economics
ISBN: 1464811431

L'ouvrage Un cadre d'investissement pour la nutrition: atteindre les cibles mondiales en matiere de retard de croissance, d'anemie, d'allaitement maternel et d'emaciation estime les couts et les impacts des differents scenarios de financement qui permettraient l'atteinte des cibles mondiales de nutrition adoptees par l' Assemblee mondiale de la sante en matiere de retard de croissance, danemie chez la femme, d'allaitement matemel exclusif et de mise a I'echelle du traitement de I'emaciation severe chez le jeune enfant. 11 faudra, pour atteindre ces quatre cibles, proceder a des financements mondiaux de 70 milliards de dollars sur lOans, ceci dans des interventions specifiques a la nutrition a fort impact. Ces investissements auraient toutefois des retornbees substantielles : 65 millions de cas de retard de croissance et 265 millions de cas danemie chez la femme auraient ete evites en 2025 comparati vement a I' annee de reference 2015. En outre, sur 10 ans, au moins 91 millions d' enfants supplementaires auraient ete traites pour emaciation severe et 105 millions de nourrissons additionnels auraient ete beneficiaires d'un allaitement matemel exclusif au cours de leurs premiers six mois de vie. L'atteintede l'ensemble de ces cibles permettrait d'eviter au moins 3,7 millions de mortalites infantiles. Chaque dollar investi dans ce paquet d'interventions genererait des rendements econorniques de4 a 35 dollars, ce qui fait du financement de la nutrition precoce l'une des interventions de developpement les plus rentables. Certaines des cibles - particulierement celles qui sont axees sur la reduction du retard de croissance chez l'enfant et de I'anemie chez la femmeparaissent ambitieuses et demanderont des efforts concertes de financement, de mise a l' echelle et d' engagement continu; toutefois, l' experience tiree de plusieurs pays indique que leur atteinte reste possible. Les investissements au cours des 1000 premiers jours decisifs de la petite enfance sont inalienables, transportables et porteurs de retombees tout au long de la vie - non seulement pour les enfants directement concernes, mais aussi pour nous tous - sous forme de societes plus robustes, qui agissent comme moteur des economies a venir.

Recent Social Trends in Quebec, 1960-1990

Recent Social Trends in Quebec, 1960-1990
Author: Simon Langlois
Publisher: McGill-Queen's Press - MQUP
Total Pages: 620
Release: 1992-02-05
Genre: Social Science
ISBN: 0773563172

Readers will follow an intense period of social change in Quebec, during which there was a remarkable increase in the level of modernization. They will note a massive entry of women into the labour force and a growing service sector that now constitutes seventy percent of all economic activity. They will observe also that the Québécois have dramatically increased their television viewing and that, while they express a generally high level of satisfaction with life, the Québécois must contend with escalating crime and suicide rates.

The Road to Social Europe

The Road to Social Europe
Author: Jean-Claude Barbier
Publisher: Routledge
Total Pages: 250
Release: 2013
Genre: Law
ISBN: 0415688884

In the wake of the Greek and Irish crises, and at a moment when solidarity between states is hotly debated on a daily basis at EU level, it is important to understand how 'solidarity' can happen at all. The Road to Social Europe reviews the development of political cultural processes since the nineteenth century, showing how social protection and social justice have gradually become interwoven with systems of social protection, or welfare states. Grounded on extensive empirical research conducted in many EU countries and in the European Commission's administration over twenty years, the book provides a cultural analysis of welfare systems in Europe. It also presents an original enquiry into the importance of languages for politics in Europe, for the politics of welfare, and for sociological research. It shows how sociological and ethnographic analysis can help in understanding the current and future challenges of European integration that rely unilaterally on functional economics. This in-depth sociological analysis of European diversity will appeal to a wide audience of students and scholars of sociology, political science, political economy and European studies.

The Oxford Handbook of French Politics

The Oxford Handbook of French Politics
Author: Robert Elgie
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Total Pages: 840
Release: 2016-11-24
Genre: Political Science
ISBN: 0191648477

The Oxford Handbook of French Politics provides a comprehensive and comparative overview of the French political system through the lens of political science. The Handbook is organized into three parts: the first part identifies foundational concepts for the French case, including chapters on republicanism and social welfare; the second part focuses on thematic large-scale processes, such identity, governance, and globalization; while the third part examines a wide range of issues relating to substantive politics and policy, among which are chapters on political representation, political culture, social movements, economic policy, gender policy, and defense and security policy. The volume brings together established and emerging scholars and seeks to examine the French political system from a comparative perspective. The contributors provide a state-of-the-art review both of the comparative scholarly literature and the study of the French case, making The Oxford Handbook of French Politics an invaluable resource for anyone interested in the foundations of contemporary political life in France.

The Social Origins of the Welfare State

The Social Origins of the Welfare State
Author: Dominique Marshall
Publisher: Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Press
Total Pages: 301
Release: 2011-04-07
Genre: Political Science
ISBN: 155458664X

The Social Origins of the Welfare State traces the evolution of the first universal laws for Québec families, passed during the Second World War. In this translation of her award-winning Aux origines sociales de l ́État-providence, Dominique Marshall examines the connections between political initiatives and Québécois families, in particular the way family allowances and compulsory schooling primarily benefited teenage boys who worked on family farms and girls who stayed home to help with domestic labour. She demonstrates that, while the promises of a minimum of welfare and education for all were by no means completely fulfilled, the laws helped to uncover the existence of deep family poverty. Further, by exposing the problem of unequal access of children of different classes to schooling, these programs paved the way for education and funding reforms of the next generation. Another consequence was that in their equal treatment of both genders, the laws fostered the more egalitarian language of the war, which faded from other sectors of society, possibly laying groundwork for feminist claims of future decades. The way in which the poorest families influenced the creation of public, educational, and welfare institutions is a dimension of the welfare state unexamined until this book. At a time when the very idea of a universal welfare state is questioned, The Social Origins of the Welfare State considers the fundamental reasons behind its creation and brings to light new perspectives on its future.

Concilier flexibilité du travail et cohésion sociale

Concilier flexibilité du travail et cohésion sociale
Author: Council of Europe
Publisher: Council of Europe
Total Pages: 532
Release: 2005-01-01
Genre: Political Science
ISBN: 9789287158130

Ce volume bilingue pose la question des effets des réformes institutionnelles et organisationnelles du marché du travail sur la cohésion sociale. Dans cet ouvrage, le Conseil de l'Europe recherche la conciliation entre ce qui est inévitablement imposé par la mondialisation, c'est-à-dire la réorganisation des paramètres de la concurrence, et la cohésion sociale. La conciliation doit prendre en compte une valeur politique essentielle, la sécurité démocratique, qui se trouve d'abord dans l'emploi : le coût social et sociétal élevé de la précarité le confirme. Néanmoins, sécurité ne signifie pas rigidité et doit se traduire plutôt par la reconnaissance sociale d'un "droit à la transition" qui appelle à la coresponsabilité de tous les acteurs sociaux. La conciliation est plus qu'un devoir politique : elle est le prix de la stabilité qui assure la durabilité sociale.