Permeability Tests in Rigid-Wall Permeameters

Permeability Tests in Rigid-Wall Permeameters
Author: RP. Chapuis
Total Pages: 10
Release: 2004
Genre: Dissolved air

This paper documents a method to determine the degree of saturation, Sr, of a soil specimen at any time during a rigid-wall permeameter test. This method first indicates that the tested specimen usually is not fully saturated. Then it is used to prove that the usual test termination criterion based on equality of inflow and outflow volumes may be misleading. Examples are provided where the two volumes were equal within 1 %, whereas Sr increased from 80 to 100 % and k increased by a factor of 4. Without knowing the technique to determine the Sr value at any time, the test would have been stopped prematurely and would have given some k(Sr) value for an unknown Sr with the risk of misinterpreting this result as k(Sr = 100 %). New equations for gas transfer between water and gas bubbles are also established and experimentally verified for specimens permeated with either deaired water or water over-saturated with air.

How to Improve the Quality of Laboratory Permeability Tests in Rigid-Wall Permeameters: A Review

How to Improve the Quality of Laboratory Permeability Tests in Rigid-Wall Permeameters: A Review
Author: Robert P. Chapuis
Total Pages: 20
Release: 2020
Genre: Permeameter

ASTM D2434, Standard Test Method for Permeability of Granular Soils (Constant Head) (Withdrawn 2015) , and ASTM D5856, Standard Test Method for Measurement of Hydraulic Conductivity of Porous Material Using a Rigid-Wall, Compaction-Mold Permeameter , are used to measure the saturated hydraulic conductivity, K sat , of soil specimens in rigid-wall permeameters (RWPs). Several laboratory conditions and settings explain why the tests do not give K sat values but unsaturated hydraulic conductivity, K ( S r ), values for a degree of saturation, S r , that is often in the 80-85 % range. It is suggested to improve ASTM D2434 and ASTM D5856 by adding two requirements: (1) use a watertight-and-airtight RWP (a control method is provided), and (2) use a mass-and-volume method to obtain the true S r value of the tested specimen. To illustrate potential detrimental impacts of current standards, the article describes a case where sand was planned to be used as a filter layer for a solid waste project. Large quantities of sand had been delivered at the construction site. The K sat value of the sand, as compacted, had to exceed 10 -4 m/s to satisfy a bylaw. To prove this, two laboratories followed ASTM D2434 for their tests but found K values of 5-8×10 -5 m/s. The project engineers asked the authors to make verifications. The prior tests were redone and yielded similar K values. However, it was found that the real S r value was close to 80 % instead of being assumed to be 100 %. Other tests were performed after using vacuum and deaired water in a watertight-and-airtight permeameter: the specimens reached S r =100 % and gave K sat values of about 2×10 -4 m/s, 3-4 times higher than initial tests. As a result, the already delivered sand satisfied the bylaw condition and there was no need to return large quantities of sand already delivered, to purchase a new type of sand after having done laboratory tests, and to have a time delay in construction, all these items having a high economic impact.

Permeability Testing with Flexible-Wall Permeameters

Permeability Testing with Flexible-Wall Permeameters
Author: DE. Daniel
Total Pages: 10
Release: 1984
Genre: Compatability

The equipment and testing procedures used at The University of Texas at Austin for measuring the hydraulic conductivity of fine-grained soil with flexible-wall permeameters are described. The permeability cell is similar to a triaxial cell; it has interchangeable base pedestals to accomodate specimens of various diameters, is equipped with double drainage lines to the top and bottom of the test specimen, and can accomodate a differentially acting pressure transducer to measure head loss across the soil specimen. An air-over-liquid interface is maintained in devices called "accumulators." Stainless steel accumulators designed with transparent sight tubes offer excellent resistance to corrosion, are convenient to use, and can be used with a wide range in flow rates. The permeability tests are normally performed using back pressure. Care is taken to be certain that flow is steady state and that the soil is permeated long enough for the influent liquid to pass through the soil and to appear in the effluent liquid in full concentration. When clays are permeated with dilute chemicals that are adsorbed by the soil, testing times on the order of months or years may be required to achieve full breakthrough of the permeant liquid. Use of large hydraulic gradient and excessive effective confining pressure are sometimes difficult to avoid but are two of the most important sources of potential error.

Large-Scale Laboratory Permeability Testing of a Compacted Clay Soil

Large-Scale Laboratory Permeability Testing of a Compacted Clay Soil
Author: CD. Shackelford
Total Pages: 9
Release: 1991
Genre: Compacting

Constant-head permeability (hydraulic conductivity) tests were performed on samples of a compacted clay soil using a 0.914 by 0.914 by 0.457-m (3 by 3 by 1.5-ft) large-scale, double-ring, rigid-wall permeameter. A naturally occurring silty clay soil was used for the permeability tests. The soil was separated into five different fractions representing five different ranges in precompaction clod sizes. Soil from each of the soil fractions was used for soil specimens. The soil for the large-scale permeameter was compacted in two 7.62-cm (3-in) lifts. Small-scale, constant-head permeability tests also were performed on soil specimens compacted into standard Proctor molds (9.44 × 10-4 m3). Comparison of the results from the two different scales of permeameters indicated that, in all cases, the permeability for a given soil fraction was higher in the large-scale permeameter than it was in the small-scale permeameter. In addition, the permeability for all soil fractions measured in the large-scale permeameter ranged from 0.6 to 2.4 orders of magnitude higher than the value measured in the small-scale permeameter. As a result of the permeability tests performed in this study, there appears to be a scale effect associated with laboratory permeability testing, especially when a significant proportion of the soil being tested consists of precompaction clod sizes which are large relative to the size of the permeameter. The scale effect in this study is thought to be due to the relationship between the compactive effort and the different degrees of confinement associated with the different scales of permeameters. The implication of the study is that a more realistic evaluation of the fieldmeasured permeability of a compacted clay soil may be possible in the laboratory if the permeameter is sufficiently large to test a representative sample of soil.

Comparing GCL Performance Using Rigid Versus Flexible Wall Permeameters

Comparing GCL Performance Using Rigid Versus Flexible Wall Permeameters
Author: GR. Koerner
Total Pages: 8
Release: 2004
Genre: Geosynthetic clay liner

Geosynthetic clay liners consist of a layer of bentonite supported by various types of geosynthetics to form a composite material. Their primary function is to serve as liners for environmental, geotechnical and transportation applications. These materials are conformance tested as well as designed based upon their hydraulic conductivity. There are currently two different permeability tests used to measure the permeability of these materials. They are rigid and flexible wall variations of ASTM D5887 entitled Test Method for Measurement of Index Flux through Saturated Geosynthetic Clay Liner Specimens Using Flexible Wall Permeameter. It is the intent of this paper to illustrate how results are influenced by different equipment. This issue is relevant because it appears that many European and Asian testing laboratories are tending toward rigid walled testing, whereas laboratories in the USA are testing via flexible permeameters.

Fixed-Wall Versus Flexible-Wall Permeameters

Fixed-Wall Versus Flexible-Wall Permeameters
Author: DC. Anderson
Total Pages: 20
Release: 1985
Genre: Clay

Permeameters are of two general types: fixed-wall and flexible-wall cells. A controversy has developed over which type of cell is best suited for measuring the hydraulic conductivity of relatively impermeable, fine-grained soils. The various types of permeameters are discussed and their relative advantages and disadvantages are listed. Differences in applied stress, boundary leakages, and degree of saturation are the major differences between cells. It is concluded that no one type of cell is best suited to all applications. Data show that the type of permeameter used has little effect for laboratory-compacted clay permeated with water but can have a major effect for clays permeated with concentrated organic chemicals. Fixed-wall cells are perhaps best suited to testing laboratory-compacted clays that will be subjected to little or no effective overburden pressure in the field. Flexible-wall cells are better suited to testing undisturbed samples of soil (to minimize boundary leakages) and testing soils that will be subjected to significant effective stress.