Top Secret

Top Secret
Author: Robert M. Price
Total Pages: 384
Release: 2008
Genre: Body, Mind & Spirit

Examines popular new spiritual doctrines such as Rhonda Byrne's "The Secret" to determine what they set out to teach and whether they are healthy and wise alternatives to spiritual enlightenment.

Market Triangulation

Market Triangulation
Author: Barry Gumm
Publisher: Barry Gumm
Total Pages: 250
Release: 2015-04-07
Genre: Business & Economics

This book replaces the successful No:1 Market Top Secret. Written with two thoughts in mind and that is declaring the truth on how the markets move and it was written for spiritual people. You are not a Spiritual and do you do not want to know how the markets move from a Spiritual point of view, then, you should purchase the compact copy of The No:1 Market Top Secret or if you are an professional or have advance trading skill you should buy "The Mathematically Correct Rhythm "wave" Model. In this book the author demonstrates that the Law of Vibration and Harmony is in control. Yes the imputes may be different all the time but the fact remains the markets are and must leave a mathematical trail and must comply with the mathematics of the universe. This Mathematical "trail if you will" is 100% predictable, after taking just a couple of its numbers (that any market leaves) and computing them out. Unfortunately we humans cannot get it 100% all the time. However the Author demonstrates with much improved charts that are seen and read easily, in this book again and again that he is constantly and consistently over 99.++++% accurate. Yes down to the fourth decimal point! The Author has developed a process and technology for you to be able to do this as well and all within the information contained in this one book. You can use the information contained in my book right down to Tick charts to years in advance and even more. The methods and principle are simple, but one had to work them out, and that is what the author has done for you. This is the only book that the author has found so far that provides mathematically proof that this works, No not one other book from another author, offers you this - a Target Percentage of Accuracy. You will achieve this accuracy 95% and over time maybe 99-100% but mostly 99.++++% on your targeting. The technology and processes if followed consistently will provide you with Accuracy almost unheard of in the Financial Markets before.

Top Secret Restaurant Recipes

Top Secret Restaurant Recipes
Author: Todd Wilbur
Publisher: Penguin
Total Pages: 340
Release: 1997-06-01
Genre: Cooking
ISBN: 144067440X

#1 bestselling Top Secret Recipes series with more than 4 million books sold! Every year, Americans spend billions of dollars gobbling up meals at full-service restaurant chains, inspiring Todd Wilbur to change his focus from cracking the recipes for convenience store foods to cloning the popular dishes served at these sit-down stand-bys. Wilbur's knock-offs, absolutely indiscernible from the originals, are selected from national and regional chains, many drawn from a list of the top ten full-service restaurant chains, including Houlihan's, Red Lobster, and Pizza Hut. Also included in this savory cookbook is a special section devoted to dishes from hot theme restaurants such as Hard Rock Cafe, Planet Hollywood, and Dive! Recipes include: Applebee's Quesadillas; Denny's Moons Over My Hammy; Bennigan's Cookie Mountain Sundae; The Olive Garden Toscana Soup; The Cheesecake Factory Bruschetta; T.G.I.Friday's Nine-Layer Dip; Pizza Hut Original Stuffed Crust Pizza; Chi-Chi's Nachos Grande, and many more!

The Mathematically Correct Triangulation Rhythm Model – Second Edition

The Mathematically Correct Triangulation Rhythm Model – Second Edition
Author: Barry Gumm
Publisher: Cornerstone Targeting
Total Pages: 240
Release: 2017-05-01
Genre: Business & Economics
ISBN: 1545426163

This book is an updated version of the book The Mathematically Correct “wave” Rhythm Model The charts are better and easier to view, and this book in paperback from is in colour. One when purchasing this book should consider purchasing the spreadsheet as it will save hours trying to set one up your self. This book is designed for Experienced Traders and Investors including Professional Traders & Investors. It has been designed to be able to be read in a Traders Lunch time about 2-3 hours. It is only 200 pages long. And the experience traders can skip the trading chapter and trading plan making it for them only around 180 pages and a lot of it is charts in order to show the process. There is very little back ground information just enough to inform you of the mathematical process used. If one needs the background information they should buy one of Barry’s trading books titled “Market Triangulation” or the compact version. There is no Christian or secret society information in this version of “The Mathematically Correct “wave” Triangulation Rhythm Model” at all. It is pure market information on how the “waves” or more correctly rhythms work and how to target simply and very quickly. It is so simple one can do it in their head in seconds and with basic maths education. This book will show you how to target with a greater than 95% accuracy and with very little practice you will probably start measuring your accuracy like the Barry does down to the fourth decimal point, being 99.++++% to 100% correct on targets set. You are left in no doubt how to do the above (Target and therefore Trade) simply, quickly and precisely.

The NWO and the Woman in Heaven gives Birth - Second Addition

The NWO and the Woman in Heaven gives Birth - Second Addition
Author: Barry Gumm
Publisher: Cornerstone Targeting
Total Pages: 404
Release: 2017-05-01
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 1545374627

What you will find in this book that takes a scripture and endeavours, using simple mathematics of the universe, to prove that they are very accurate and coming true. This book does not beat around the bush and end with questions, such as “could it be? ” or “is it that? ” “Could it have been?”, and similar statements that you hear on TV and YouTube from some very “credible people” as well as the statements that can be read in their books. Many more Scriptures could have been included; however the author has tried to take a more “scientific approach” as stated further in the book. Albert Einstein said: "Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." We prove the Bible is true even down to the second and fourth decimal point in time. To our knowledge no other book about the Bible has been able to achieve that when taking time into account, and this we do - even into the future.

Woman in Heaven gives Birth - Digital Full Colour

Woman in Heaven gives Birth - Digital Full Colour
Author: Barry Gumm
Publisher: Cornerstone Targeting
Total Pages: 422
Release: 2017-05-01
Genre: Religion

You will see that it is all in the stars and movement of the planets that God created. God set it all in motion and he made the Angels, the Stars, including the Law of Vibration and Harmony to control it all as well as the law of, you reap is what you sow . After all God is interested in people. Jesus did not die for the planets or the universe, "for God so loved the world he gave his only begotten Son for us so that if we only believe we might have Eternal life" . God made the laws and the Angels to control it all while he focused on his most precious creation - Human Beings. In Genesis 1 v14 – 18 KJV And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: 15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. 16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. 17 And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, 18 And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good. We see that God said they will rule over the earth and they “stars and planets” can be used for signs and seasons. In other words Astronomy and Astrology and the cycles of such for timing and calculations . Jesus said in Luke 21 v 11 KJV And great earthquakes shall be in diverse places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven. Let’s just look at this scripture, situations inserted for clarity in relation to today’s world. And great earthquakes (including sinkholes) shall be in diverse places, and famines (3,400,000 people die each year due to lack of clean water), and pestilences ( Modified Ebola, Bubonic Plague & Aids - man made diseases); and fearful sights (Wars) Aliens, bottomless pit (Energy Prison) opened and great signs shall there be from heaven. Like this one Woman in Heaven giving birth as a warning to people on earth things are going to get a lot worse. He gave us so many tools to help us if we only do the research. He made it extremely complex for those who have unbelief and extremely simple if one just has faith as a grain of mustard seed to believe!

Woman in Heaven gives Birth - Second Addition

Woman in Heaven gives Birth - Second Addition
Author: Barry Gumm
Publisher: Cornerstone Targeting
Total Pages: 420
Release: 2017-05-01
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 1545372705

Genesis 1 v 14 And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years, 15 and let them be lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light upon the earth. ” And it was so. At the very beginning God said the lights or stars in the heaven will be for Signs (Astronomy and Astrology). But God does not like the “starry predictions” in the paper each day or the magazines or the ones on the end of your phone speaking to the dead. Do not turn to mediums or necromancers; do not seek them out, and so make yourselves unclean by them: I am the LORD your God. Necromancer’s means ‘A method of divination through alleged communication with the dead’; black Art, magic in general, especially that practiced by a witch or sorcerer; sorcery; witchcraft. God’s Astrology Therefore, Astrology is only to be used in the way it has been used in this book – the numbers in Astrology must match up with what the scriptures are saying and for example the woman in Revelation 12 v 1 and 2 is Virgo; and in Arabic The Undefended One. There are many scriptures in the Bible where Astronomy and Astrology is used. Here are a few for your reference. 1. The Sun and Moon Stood Still – Joshua 10:13. 2. Make the Sun go backwards – Isaiah 38:8. 3. There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars – Luke 21.25. 4. The sun will become dark, and the moon will turn blood red before that great and terrible day of the LORD arrives. Joel 2 v31 and Acts 2 v20. 5. Jesus’ birth was a star of Bethlehem. This led the wise men to where Jesus was laid in a manger. God used Astronomy and Astrology to lead people to Christ. Matthew 2.2. 6. Which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and the chambers of the south. Job 9:9. 7. And great earthquakes shall be in diverse places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven. Luke 21 v 11. 8. I will judge thee in the place where thou wast created, in the land of thy nativity. Ezekiel 21:30 KJV. In Hebrew and Chinese astrology there are 27, and sometimes 28 houses. When you are born your precise time of Birth is in one of these houses. When the ‘thing’ that is born at 7:36 am on the 23/09/2017 its precise time is noted and taken to God. Revelation 6 v 1 and 2 which came true on the 16/11/2014. The seal was broken and out came a rider on a horse with a bow. The 16/11/2014 was a Blood Moon with Mars, Blood Moons happen with other planets, not just Earth. Mars the Roman god of war is in the rider’s Jugular on the 16/11/2014. Moon is under Leo and Jupiter is at Leo’s Throat. Moon’s number is 18 or 6+6+6 and Jupiter rotates round the (360 degrees or 12 constellations) Sun + one constellation being 12+1 is 13. 13 is the change number of cycles, this takes Jupiter 671 weeks to do, 5 for Grace or grace over death and 666 the warning number. So God, Jesus and Holy Spirit on this day were being attacked in 3 ways. By Mars, in the Jugular, The Moon under Leo, and Jupiter the Major 666 clock is at Leo’s throat. You can see now that Astrology and Astronomy are in the Bible, and God uses them to provide signs for us, as warnings of what is happening. The Sun and Moon are also there for seasons, in order for farmers to know when to plant crops and fishermen to go fishing, all still used today by the learned person.

The NWO and the Woman in Heaven gives Birth

The NWO and the Woman in Heaven gives Birth
Author: Barry Gumm
Publisher: Cornerstone Targeting
Total Pages: 404
Release: 2017-05-01
Genre: Religion

What you will find in this book that takes a scripture and endeavours, using simple mathematics of the universe, to prove that they are very accurate and coming true. This book does not beat around the bush and end with questions, such as “could it be? ” or “is it that? ” “Could it have been?”, and similar statements that you hear on TV and YouTube from some very “credible people” as well as the statements that can be read in their books. Many more Scriptures could have been included; however the author has tried to take a more “scientific approach” as stated further in the book. Albert Einstein said: "Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." We prove the Bible is true even down to the second and fourth decimal point in time. To our knowledge no other book about the Bible has been able to achieve that when taking time into account, and this we do - even into the future.

Virgo gives Birth

Virgo gives Birth
Author: Barry Gumm
Publisher: Cornerstone Targeting
Total Pages: 372
Release: 2015-04-08
Genre: Religion

What this book is endeavouring to show you This book is different to most books about the bible! Let me make that clear very clear. You will not find scripture upon scripture upon scripture upon scripture being you pack to the same point but not quite and therefore confused! What you will find is a book that takes scriptures and endeavours using the following to prove that are very true and coming true by the beginning of May 2021. This book does not beat around the bush and they end with questions, like “could it be?” Or “is it that?” “Could it have been” and such like statements I hear on TV and You Tube from some very credible people and read in books. There are many Scriptures and I could have put them in here, instead I have tried to take a more “scientific approach”. Albert Einstein said "Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." *

Top Secret America

Top Secret America
Author: Dana Priest
Publisher: Back Bay Books
Total Pages: 368
Release: 2012-09-11
Genre: Political Science
ISBN: 9780316182201

After 9/11, the United States government embarked on an unprecedented effort to protect America. The result has been calamitous: after ten years of unparalleled spending and growth, the result is that a system put in place to keep America safe may in fact be putting us in even greater danger-but we don't know because it's all Top Secret. In TOP SECRET AMERICA, award-winning journalists Dana Priest and William M. Arkin lift the curtain on this clandestine universe. From the companies and agencies keeping track of American citizens and the military commanders building America's first "top secret city" to a hidden army within the U.S. military more secret than the CIA, this new national security octopus has become a self-sustaining "Fourth Branch" of government. A tour de force of investigative journalism, TOP SECRET AMERICA presents a fascinating and disturbing account of government run amok and a war on terrorism gone wrong in a post-9/11.