National Dam Safety Program. Township Line Dam (NDI-Pa-475), Ohio River Basin, Township Line Run, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. Phase I Inspection Report

National Dam Safety Program. Township Line Dam (NDI-Pa-475), Ohio River Basin, Township Line Run, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. Phase I Inspection Report
Author: Bernard M. Mihalcin
Total Pages: 83
Release: 1978

The Dam Inspection Act, Public Law 92-367 authorized the Secretary of the Army, through the Corps of Engineers, to initiate a program of inspection of dams throughout the United States. The purpose is to determine if the dam constitutes a hazard to human life or property.

National Dam Safety Program. Township Line Dam (NDI-PA 00625, PA DER 15-266) Delaware River Basin, East Branch of Chester Creek, Chester County, Pennsylvania. Phase 1 Inspection Report

National Dam Safety Program. Township Line Dam (NDI-PA 00625, PA DER 15-266) Delaware River Basin, East Branch of Chester Creek, Chester County, Pennsylvania. Phase 1 Inspection Report
Author: John J. Williams
Total Pages: 65
Release: 1979

Township Line Dam is an earth embankment approximately 530 feet long with a height of 34 feet and crest width of 10 feet. The dam, originally constructed to impound and supply water for the Borough of West Chester, is presently being used for recreation, flood abatement and maintenance of a minimum discharge into the East Branch of Chester Creek. The concrete Ogee spillway has a crest width of 50 feet and is located at the south dam abutment. The spillway, for this 'Intermediate' size, 'High' hazard dam, is capable of discharging 48 percent of the PMF without overtopping of the earth embankment. A review of the hydrologic analysis indicates that the embankment would be overtopped by 0.15 feet for about 2 hours during a flood equal to 50 percent of the PMF. It is considered unlikely that the dam would fail during this event; therefore, the spillway is classified as 'Inadequate', but not 'Seriously Inadequate'. Based upon visual observations, review of the information obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources, Division of Dam Safety, and conversations with the Owner's representative, Township Line Dam is considered to be in fair condition. However, the detection of potentially unstable conditions at this site was severely restricted due to thick vegetation covering the entire embankment. Certain conditions require further investigations, maintenance, or monitoring.

National Dam Safety Program. Ward Run. NDI Number PA-01124 PennDER Number 63-75 SCS Number PA-483. Ohio River Basin, Washington County, Pennsylvania. Phase I Inspection Report

National Dam Safety Program. Ward Run. NDI Number PA-01124 PennDER Number 63-75 SCS Number PA-483. Ohio River Basin, Washington County, Pennsylvania. Phase I Inspection Report
Author: John A. Dziubek
Total Pages: 87
Release: 1980

PA 483 is a 74-foot high, zoned-earthfill floodwater retarding dam designed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service (SCS). The dam is owned and operated by the Washington County Commissioners. The dam consists of a 360 foot long embankment, a vegetated earth side channel emergency spillway, and an intake riser and outlet conduit (principal spillway). The dam and appurtenant structures were found to be in good overall condition at the time of the inspection. Hydraulic/hydrologic evaluations revealed that the spillway will pass the Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) without overtopping the dam. PA 483 is a 'High' hazard, 'Intermediate' size dam requiring evaluation for a spillway design flood (SDF) equal to the PMF. Therefore, the spillway is assessed as 'adequate.' The inspection revealed certain items of remedial work which should be performed immediately by the owner.

National Dam Safety Program. Ethel Springs Dam (NDI Number PA 01121, PennDER Number 65-13), Ohio River Basin, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. Phase I Inspection Report

National Dam Safety Program. Ethel Springs Dam (NDI Number PA 01121, PennDER Number 65-13), Ohio River Basin, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. Phase I Inspection Report
Total Pages: 92
Release: 1980

Ethel Springs Dam is owned and operated by the Borough of Derry Municipal Water Authority. The dam is classified as a 'High' hazard - 'Intermediate' size dam. The dam was found to be in poor overall condition at the time of inspection. Hydraulic/hydrologic evaluations, performed in accordance with procedures established by the Baltimore District, Corps of Engineers, for Phase I Inspection Reports, revealed that the spillway will pass approximately 40 percent of the Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) before overtopping will occur. A spillway design flood (SDF) equal to the PMF is required for Ethel Springs Dam. Additional analyses were performed to assess whether or not the dam would fail under 1/2 Probable Maximum Flood (1/2 PMF) conditions. Since the duration and depth of overtopping under the 1/2 PMF (6.0 hours and 0.28 feet, respectively) do not exceed the limiting criteria assumed for failure of the dam (8.0 hours and 1 foot), it has been estimated that failure of the dam under 1/2 PMF conditions is not likely. The spillway is therefore considered 'inadequate' but not 'seriously inadequate.' The owner should immediately initiate an engineering study to further evaluate the spillway capacity and to develop recommendations for remedial measures to reduce the overtopping potential of the dam. The possibility of movement of the upstream slope and the uncertainties of construction of the dike and downstream slope are causes for concern for the continued stability and safety of this dam. It is recommended that a detailed overall investigation of this dam be performed.

National Dam Safety Program. Unnamed Tributary to Harmon Creek, NDI Number PA-01123 PennDER Number 63-81. SCS Number PA-485. Ohio River Basin. Washington County, Pennsylvania. Phase I Inspection Report

National Dam Safety Program. Unnamed Tributary to Harmon Creek, NDI Number PA-01123 PennDER Number 63-81. SCS Number PA-485. Ohio River Basin. Washington County, Pennsylvania. Phase I Inspection Report
Author: John A. Dziubek
Total Pages: 96
Release: 1980

PA 485 is a zoned earthfill embankment with a total length of 630 feet, including the emergency spillway on the left abutment. The height and crest width of the embankment are 78 feet and 14 feet, respectively. The embankment was constructed using three zones of fill material. The principal spillway is a drop-inlet structure consisting of a two stage reinforced concrete riser connected to a 30 inch diameter reinforced concrete outlet pipe. The emergency spillway for the dam is located at the left abutment. It consists of a vegetated trapezoidal channel with a bottom width of 50 feet and 2H:1V side slopes. Hydrologic/hydraulic evaluations revealed that the spillway will pass the Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) without overtopping the dam. A spillway design flood (SDF) equal to the PMF is required for PA 485. The spillway is therefore considered to be 'adequate'. The visual inspection revealed several minor deficiencies which require remedial action by the owners of the dam.

National Dam Safety Program. West Leechburg Reservoir Dam (NDI-PA.-452), Ohio River Basin, West Penn Run, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania

National Dam Safety Program. West Leechburg Reservoir Dam (NDI-PA.-452), Ohio River Basin, West Penn Run, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania
Total Pages: 67
Release: 1978

West Leechburg Reservoir Dam is an earth embankment approximately 406 feet long reaching a maximum height of about 60 feet near the center of the embankment. The structure is provided with a cutoff trench, excavated to rock, as well as a concrete cutoff wall extending two feet into rock and extending five feet above the rock surface. The visual inspection, records of past performance, and hydologic and hydraulic analysis indicate that the facility is in fair condition and in need of remedial repair and further engineering evaluation. Hydrologic and hydraulic calculations indicate that the facility is capable of passing and/or storing 43% of the runoff associated with a storm of PMF intensity without overtopping the spillway wingwalls. Based on screening criteria estabished by the Dept. of the Army, Office of Chief of Engineers, the spillway, in its present configuration, is considered seriously inadequate. Seepage flow was observed in the lower portion of the embankment behind the treatment plant.

National Dam Safety Program. Kahle Lake Dam (NDI Number PA-00825, Penn DER Number 61-20), Ohio River Basin, Mill Creek, Venango County, Pennsylvania. Phase I Inspection Report

National Dam Safety Program. Kahle Lake Dam (NDI Number PA-00825, Penn DER Number 61-20), Ohio River Basin, Mill Creek, Venango County, Pennsylvania. Phase I Inspection Report
Author: Chuan Yuan Chen
Total Pages: 87
Release: 1979

Kahle Lake Dam is a zoned, earthfill embankment with a maximum height of 45 feet and a total length between abutments of 1300 feet. The embankment has a crest width of 19 feet and side slopes of 3H:1V (Horizontal to Vertical) upstream and 2.5H:1V downstream. The upper 10 feet of the upstream slope is provided with 18 inch thick riprap for wave and ice protection. The auxiliary spillway, located in the left abutment, consists of a concrete weir, a concrete chute, and a stilling basin. The weir has an overall length of 81 feet with the crest elevation 6 feet below the top of dam. Flow over the weir discharges into a reinforced concrete chute. The chute width varies from 81 feet at the weir to 60 feet at the stilling basin. The bottom of the chute has a slope of 5H:1V and an overall length of 144.33 feet. Reinforced concrete training walls are provided from the weir to the end of the stilling basin.