My Kundalini Website on E-reader

My Kundalini Website on E-reader
Author: Premyogi vajra
Publisher: Premyogi vajra
Total Pages: 64
Release: 2020-12-27
Genre: Computers

This book is a brainchild of the explorers while making the website “” The website creator began to suspect that if the website went bad due to any reason unfortunately, then all the hard work would be spoiled, and all the text written would be gone. In addition, the website creator also desired that the website should be available on any e-reader, so that the readers are comfortable in reading, and the eyes are not affected. Both these objectives could be fulfilled only by creating an e-book of the website. Hence fixed web pages and some web posts which were not included in the another e-book were included in this e-book. In another e-book, all the web posts related to Kundalini were inserted, which contained all the remaining material. The name of that other book is "Kundalini science- A Spiritual Psychology". The first two home pages of this website have been included in still another book, “kundalini demystified- what Premyogi vajra says”. The description of Tantra and Kundalini is clear, simple, true, natural, practical and scientific as described by Premayogi Vajra. Such description is not visible anywhere else. Hope that dear reader will take full advantage of the book presented.

Quantum Science and Space Science in Yoga

Quantum Science and Space Science in Yoga
Author: Premyogi vajra
Publisher: Bhishm Sharma
Total Pages: 49
Release: 2023-07-20
Genre: Fiction

Dear readers, today's time is the time of climax of science. Due to the untiring work of scientists, the world has solved many so-called inexplicable puzzles of quantum science and space science. But now the needle of science is stuck in invisible elements like blackhole, dark matter and dark energy. It seems that these invisible things are connected with yoga and spirituality. Anyway, even if science has got an indirect idea about their form, they can be known fully only by feeling those. When even such subtle elements cannot be proved without feeling, then how can God, who is the most transcendent and the most subtle, be known without direct feeling? Undoubtedly, science will also get an idea of God someday, but it will be fully achieved only through experiencing him, won't it? Yoga gives such subtle experiences. Probably that's why nowadays the craze for yoga is increasing in the world, even among scientists. This booklet has shown how quantum science and space science are merging into yoga. Hope it will live up to your expectation.

Purana Riddles

Purana Riddles
Author: Premyogi vajra
Publisher: Premyogi vajra
Total Pages: 274
Release: 2023-08-04
Genre: Body, Mind & Spirit

In olden times, physical science was beyond the understanding of common people, then how could they understand the subtle and transcendental science like Kundalini Yoga. That's why the knowledge of Kundalini Yoga was known only to a few selected people of the affluent class. They wanted the common people also to attain it, because only human beings have the right to spiritual liberation. But they were not successful in explaining Kundalini Yoga to them directly. That's why they molded Kundalini Yoga in the form of allegorical and mythological stories, so that people would read them with interest, due to this, gradually, they got inclined towards Kundalini Yoga. The collections of those stories became the Puranas. By reading those Puranas Kundalini started developing inside people unknowingly. This made them happy, due to which they got addicted to Puranas. People's attraction towards such ancient texts since then till today's modern age seems to be due to this Kundalini-Anand. The one whose mind was sharp among the people who read and listened to Puranas, he used to wake up his Kundalini quickly by catching Kundalini Yoga. In this way, Puranas have been doing immense service to humanity since ancient times. Similarly, in the olden days, mystical teachings were not directly revealed to public. That's why they have been explained in the form of metaphor, that's why many such vidyas are also called Guhya vidyas. Therefore, through allegorical stories, Tantra would have been indirectly put into the subconscious mind of the people, and would have been hoped that in the future it would be decoded and deserving people would benefit from it. The treasure was secured in a sort of secret cave, leaving the map of the cave of knowledge as a labyrinthine puzzle in the form of an allegory. Mythical investigative campaigns shown in films are psychological attempts to express this mysterious mechanism. That's why such movies are very popular. Metaphors give materiality, simplicity, interestingness, sociability and scientificity to spiritual subjects. Without it, spirituality would have been very boring. Many people oppose metaphors with a variety of quirks. It is considered conservatism, fanciful imagination etc. Of course it may seem so in today's scientific age, but in ancient times, metaphors have benefited mankind a lot. If in place of Shiva it is said to be formless Brahman, then it would be so boring. Where is that sweetness in the word brain and Sahasrar, which is obtained by writing Himalaya Mountain and Kailash Mountain in their places respectively? Similarly, the word Kundalini also does not sound as interesting as Mother Parvati or Sita appears in its place. Nevertheless, for the acceptance of today's so-called modern and intelligent society, reality has to be written while revealing the spiritual metaphor. Metaphors cannot replace scientific truth. Metaphors have no mathematics of their own. Metaphors are made only to explain the truth, which are based on scientific phenomena. It means to say that a metaphysical phenomenon became a metaphor, not that a metaphysical phenomenon happened out of a fabricated metaphor. The sages who create such good metaphors cannot be forest dwellers, as is the misconception in many places. They were the most elaborate and fabricated people in worldliness. There are many beautiful allegorical stories in the Puranas. The art of depicting different parts of the mind as different persons is of great importance in allegorical narratives. All Puranas seem to describe Kundalini Yoga in a mythological and metaphorical way. I think that while telling the story, along with the original story, the mystery of the metaphor given in it should also be decoded. Listeners will get more benefit from this. Although some people more propelled by nonlogical right brain like pure metaphor. It is the matter of liking. If we talk about the minor damage inflicted by unrevealed metaphor, it would have been that people would not have come to know what metaphor is and what is real. The present book is made in this context, which analyzes the metaphors of Puranas scientifically and logically. While not writing much, I pause with the hope that the present book will come true to the aspirations of the Yoga-loving and spirituality-loving readers.

संस्कृत साहित्य परिचायिका

संस्कृत साहित्य परिचायिका
Author: Dr. Lekh ram sharma
Publisher: डॉक्टर लेखराम शर्मा
Total Pages: 54
Release: 2022-01-05
Genre: Fiction

लेखक ने इस पुस्तक में संस्कृत वाङ्गमय सम्बन्धी विस्तृत ज्ञान-राशि को बड़े कौशल से संजोने का स्तुत्य प्रयास किया है। इस में कई तथ्यों को बड़े परिश्रम के साथ प्रस्तुत किया गया है। लेखक ने इस छोटी सी पुस्तक में ढेर सारी जानकारी को गागर में सागर की तरह समाविष्ट करने में सफलता प्राप्त की है। पुस्तक उपयोगी तथा ज्ञानवर्धक है। विद्यार्थियों तथा विद्वानों दोनों के लिए ही इसका सामान महत्त्व है। इसमें बहुत सी ऐसी ज्ञातव्य जानकारियां प्राप्त होती हैं, जिनकी ओर साधारणतया बहुत कम लोगों का ध्यान जाता है। हो सकता है कि कुछ ज्ञातव्य बातें छूट गई हों। पुस्तक के पाठकों तथा विद्वानों तक पहुँचाने पर उनके सुझाव तथा नई जानकारी के लेखक को प्राप्त होने पर इसमें और नई जानकारियों की वृद्धि होगी। इस पुस्तक के दूसरे संस्करण में लेखक तथा विद्वानों के प्रयत्न तथा सहयोग से यह और अधिक पूर्ण तथा उपयोगी बन सकेगी। लेखक का प्रयास स्तुत्य तथा महत्त्वपूर्ण है। आशा है इस प्रयास को विद्वानों का पूर्ण समर्थन तथा सहयोग प्राप्त होगा। लेखक के परिश्रम की सार्थकता इसी में है कि इस पुस्तक से पाठक लाभान्वित हों। सभी साहित्यप्रेमियों के पढ़ने लायक है। आजकल किसी भी विषय का आधारभूत परिचय ही काफी है। बोलने का तात्पर्य है कि विषय की हिंट ही काफी है। उसके बारे में बाकि विस्तार तो गूगल पर या अन्य साधनों से मिल जाता है। केवल साहित्य से जुड़े हुए प्रारम्भिक संस्कार को बनाने की आवश्यकता होती है, jise यह पुस्तक बखूबी बना देती है। संस्कृत साहित्य का भरपूर आनंद लेने के लिए इस पुस्तक का कोई सानी नहीं है। यह छोटी जरूर है, पर गागर में सागर की तरह है।

विपासना और कुंडलिनी इक

विपासना और कुंडलिनी इक
Author: प्रेमयोगी वज्र
Publisher: Bhishm Sharma
Total Pages: 48
Release: 2024-03-13
Genre: Body, Mind & Spirit

"विपासना और कुंडलिनी- इक-दूजे के लिए" की आकर्षक दुनिया में, एक परिवर्तनकारी यात्रा पर निकलने के लिए तैयार हो जाइए जो सामान्य से परे है। शांत आत्म-खोज की पृष्ठभूमि पर आधारित, यह उपन्यास दो प्राचीन प्रथाओं - **विपश्यना ध्यान** और **कुंडलिनी योग ध्यान**- के सम्मिलन की पड़ताल करता है, जहां मन और आत्मा के जटिल धागे एक-दूसरे से जुड़कर गहनता का ताना-बाना बुनते हैं। विपश्यना ध्यान के साथ अंतर्दृष्टि की कला में गहराई से उतरें, जहां प्रत्येक सांस निर्णय से मुक्त आंतरिक अवलोकन का प्रवेश द्वार बन जाती है। जैसे ही मन के शांत पानी में कमल की तरह सचेतनता खिलती है, नश्वरता का अनावरण होता है, जो साधकों का दुनिया को टालने के बजाय दुनिया को अपनाने के साथ जीवन के तूफानों से निपटने के लिए मार्गदर्शन करता है। कुंडलिनी योग ध्यान के दायरे में यात्रा करें और रीढ़ की हड्डी के आधार पर कुंडली मारे हुए सर्प को जगाएं। सांस, मंत्र और गति के माध्यम से, सुप्त ऊर्जाएं ऊपर उठती हैं, चक्र जागृत होते हैं और चेतना का विस्तार होता है। शरीर, सांस और आत्मा का यह रासायनिक संलयन भीतर की आग को प्रज्वलित करता है, आत्मज्ञान की ओर प्रेरित करता है और सांसारिक और दिव्य क्षेत्रों को जोड़ता है। जब विपश्यना और कुंडलिनी के मार्ग मिलते हैं, तो जागृति की एक लय उत्पन्न होती है। अंतर्दृष्टि आगे बढ़ती है, ज्ञान झरता है, और समता और उत्साह का सामंजस्यपूर्ण संलयन आकार लेता है। साधकों के प्रत्यक्ष वृत्तांतों के माध्यम से, उनके संघर्षों, रहस्योद्घाटनों और उन उज्ज्वल क्षणों को देखें जहां विपश्यना और कुंडलिनी आपस में जुड़ते हैं, जो आत्मज्ञान के गहन यिन और यांग की एक झलक पेश करते हैं। "विपासना और कुंडलिनी- इक-दूजे के लिए" अनुभवी ध्यानियों और जिज्ञासु नौसिखियों को दो प्रतिष्ठित परंपराओं के पारस्परिक रासायनिक नृत्य का पता लगाने के लिए प्रेरित करता है। शांति को अपनाएं, अपने भीतर के सर्प को जगाएं और आत्म-खोज और परिवर्तन की इस मनोरम यात्रा में विपश्यना और कुंडलिनी के संगम पर मौजूद रहस्यों को उजागर करें। *इस पुस्तक के सभी अध्याय मूल रूप से हमारे पहले के निम्न काम का हिस्सा हैं; 'कुंडलिनी विज्ञान' शृंखला की 'आध्यात्मिक मनोविज्ञान' पुस्तकें। यदि आपने इनका आनंद लिया, तो आपको संपूर्ण संकलन में और भी बहुत कुछ मिलेगा।*

भाव सुमन

भाव सुमन
Author: वागीश अपरिचित
Publisher: वागीश अपरिचित
Total Pages: 101
Release: 2021-02-14
Genre: Juvenile Nonfiction

इस लघु पुस्तिका में हमारे दैनिक जीवन से जुड़े हुए भौतिक और आध्यात्मिक पहलुओं को सुन्दर, स्मरणीय, और कर्णप्रिय कविताओं के रूप में छुआ गया है। ये कवितायेँ बहुआयामी हैं। प्रत्येक कविता अनेक प्रकार के विषयों को एकसाथ छूती है। कविता हमारे अवचेतन मन तक आसानी से पहुँच बना लेती हैं। इसीलिए कहा जाता है कि "जहां न पहुंचे रवि, वहां पहुंचे कवि"। बहुत सी पुस्तकों को पढ़ने से भी जो बात मन-स्वभाव में न बैठे, वह मात्र एक कविता के पठन-चिंतन से आसानी से बैठ सकती है। बहुत न लिखते हुए इसी आशा के साथ विराम लगाता हूँ कि प्रस्तुत कविता-संग्रह कविता-प्रेमी पाठकों की आकांक्षाओं पर खरा उतरेगा।

Kundalini Rising

Kundalini Rising
Author: Various Various Authors
Publisher: Sounds True
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2009-09-01
Genre: Body, Mind & Spirit
ISBN: 9781591797289

You have within you a latent energy waiting to transform your life. Known as kundalini, this legendary power is believed to catalyze spiritual evolution. But is kundalini real? And if so, how can we engage this energy to awaken our consciousness? For centuries, the secrets of kundalini have been guarded by masters and buried in esoteric texts around the globe. Kundalini Rising brings together 24 illuminating essays by some of today's most prominent voices to demystify this mysterious phenomenon. From personal accounts and yogic practices, to brain research and historical perspectives, this compelling anthology weaves together both the mystical and practical perspectives on the rise of kundalini energy to help support your own spiritual discovery. Contributors include: Lawrence Edwards, PhD; Bonnie Greenwell, PhD; Bruce Greyson, MD; Gene Keiffer; Penny Kelly; Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa; Shanti Shanti Kaur Khalsa, PhD; Sat Bir Singh Khalsa, PhD; Gurucharan Singh Khalsa, PhD; Gopi Krishna; Olga Louchakova; David Lukoff, PhD; Andrew B. Newberg, PhD; Stuart Perrin; John Selby; Stuart Sovatsky, PhD; Swami Sivananda Radha; Dorothy Walters, PhD; John White; Whitehawk; Barbara Harris Whitfield; Charles L. Whitfield, MD; and Ken Wilber.

A New Age Kundalini Tantra

A New Age Kundalini Tantra
Author: Premyogi Vajra
Publisher: Bhishm Sharma
Total Pages: 90
Release: 2024-02-22
Genre: Body, Mind & Spirit

Only two types of people exist in the entire cosmos. There is no difference between the two types of men, except in mental outlook. One type of man is gross, conditioned, ignorant of the self, attached to the world and full of dual vision. On the other hand, the other type of people are subtle, free, self-aware, unattached to the world and endowed with non-dual vision. There are innumerable literature to describe the first type of man, but the description of the second type of man is found mainly in the philosophy of physiology or Sharirvigyan darshan i.e. Shavid. The gross man also tries to adopt the same approach as the subtle man, for which he takes the help of various religions and spiritual practices. However a man tries to become like them simply by observing and imitating them through Sharirvigyan darshan. In this book we will discuss the story of one such obese man. Related to this, we will discuss the life story of the subtle man in the second book related to Sharirvigyan Darshan or Shavid.

The art of Self Publishing and Website creation

The art of Self Publishing and Website creation
Author: Premyogi vajra
Publisher: Premyogi vajra
Total Pages: 45
Release: 2021-01-02
Genre: Art

This book is a compilation of Premyogi vajra's blog posts that he has created for Premyogi vajra is a self-aware and mysterious person. With his Kundalini awakening, there was a flood of high mentality in his brain. Impressed by that, he created many books and the above website. Regarding his experiences related to book-publishing and website-making, he made them known as his blog posts. A separate chapter has been created for each article. Readers will surely find this e-book interesting, informative and comfortable to read. Knowledge sharing is a fundamental tool to grow a society. Experience gained without subsequent sharing is of little value. It remains confined to a single man and gets perished with him. Therefore, to be able to properly and easily share one’s experiences, one must know at least basics of self publishing and website creation for these are basic modern tools of sharing knowledge. Writer had to deal with great deal of hassel while learning self publishing and website creation. He took many years to learn their basic tips. So that people do not get suffered like himself, he complied all tips he got while learning these in form of this book. Hope that people will find this book brief, practical and easy. Friends, if the art of sharing experiences with everyone is not learned, then those experiences would not have special significance. Those experiences remain confined to that single man, and perish with him. In today’s times, websites and e-books are the most important means of sharing experiences. Therefore, it is important for everyone to have basic knowledge of website creation and self-publication. This book serves very well the same purpose of achieving this goal.