Using SWAT (Soil Water and Assessment Tool) to Evaluate Streamflow Hydrology in a Small Mountain Watershed in the Sierra Nevada, Ca

Using SWAT (Soil Water and Assessment Tool) to Evaluate Streamflow Hydrology in a Small Mountain Watershed in the Sierra Nevada, Ca
Author: David Jonathan Bailey
Total Pages: 58
Release: 2015

Hydrological models have been increasingly used for the effect of land cover change and forest management operations on hydrological processes. In the Sierra Nevada, where timber harvest and prescribed fire are commonly employed for forest management, hydrological models have rarely been used, especially in small watersheds. In this research, the SWAT model (Soil Water and Assessment Tool) was used to simulate streamflow on a daily time-step in P301, a small headwater mountain watershed located in the southern Sierra Nevada. The watershed is 1 km2, where about 72% of the land is covered by a dense mixed-conifer forest. SWAT performs satisfactorily with a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.59 and a Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency value (NSE) of 0.59. This is important to know given the complexity arising from model uncertainty and the intricacies of Sierra Nevada hydrology. Although SWAT performed "satisfactory", the model still missed two key hydrological processes: the timing of snowmelt and isolated peak flow events. In addition, simulating streamflow on the daily time-step is good for understanding watershed processing and functioning but is not as useful for forest and land management. SWAT will need further model adjustments as well as monthly and yearly water yield estimates in order to be considered for the evaluation of forest management operations in P301.

Evaluation of Conservation Practices Effect on Water Quality Using the SWAT Model

Evaluation of Conservation Practices Effect on Water Quality Using the SWAT Model
Author: Vivek Venishetty
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2023

The deterioration of water quality due to human-driven alternations has an adverse effect on the environment. More than 50% of surveyed surface water bodies in the United States (US) are classified as impaired waters as per the Clean Water Act. The pollutants affecting the water quality in the US are classified as point and non-point sources. Pollutant mitigation strategies such as the selective implementation of best management practices (BMPs) based on the severity of the pollution could improve water quality by reducing the amounts of pollutants. Quantifying the efficiency of a specific management practice can be difficult for large watersheds. Complex hydrologic models are used to assess water quality and quantity at watershed scales. This study used a Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) that can simulate a longer time series for hydrologic and water quality assessments in the Yazoo River Watershed (YRW). This research aims to estimate streamflow, sediment, and nutrient load reductions by implementing various BMPs in the watershed. BMPs such as vegetative filter strips (VFS), riparian buffers, and cover crops were applied in this study. Results from these scenarios indicated that the combination of VFS and riparian buffers at the watershed scale had the highest reduction in sediment and nutrient loads. Correspondingly, a comparative analysis of BMP implementation at the field and watershed scale showed the variability in the reduction of streamflow, sediment, and nutrient loads. The results indicated that combining VFS and CC at the field scale watershed had a greater nutrient reduction than at the watershed scale. Likewise, this study investigated the soil-specific sediment load assessments for predominant soils in the YRW, which resulted in soil types of Alligator, Sharkey, and Memphis soils being highly erodible from the agricultural-dominant region. This study also included the effect of historical land use and land-cover (LULC) change on water quality. The analysis revealed that there was a significant decrease in pastureland and a simultaneous increase in forest and wetlands, which showed a decreasing trend in hydrologic and water quality outputs. Results from this study could be beneficial in decision-making for prescribing appropriate conservation practices


Total Pages:
Release: 2017

Abstract : Climate change and anthropogenic activities create uncertainty with respect to future hydrological conditions, and thus pose challenges in predicting streamflow, particularly the magnitude of extreme events. Several studies have focused on understanding future flood risk under climate and land use/land cover (LULC) changes using hydrological models. In addition to biases from climate data, biases from hydrological models, especially on peak flow simulations were reported to be large (usually underestimations). This could limit the dependability of flood risk projections and their applicability for future decision making. This research study investigates techniques and approaches for improved simulation of streamflows with focus on peak flows using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) for three case study watersheds. In particular, evaluations include choice of criteria for sensitivity analysis and parameter identification, choice of objective function for calibration, and impact assessment when calibrated models are applied for periods with alternate climate and physical characteristics. For ease of calibration, sensitivity analysis is crucial to identify relevant parameters; however, it can provide different parameter sets based upon the implemented sensitivity criteria. Herein, four sensitivity criteria, namely the Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE), coefficient of determination (R2), modified R2 (bR2), and percent bias (PBIAS) were compared in watersheds of contrasting climate, hydrology, and land cover. For rainfall-runoff dominated agricultural watersheds, NSE, bR2, and R2 produced relatively similar parameter sets, and thus these criteria can be used individually or together for the purposes of sensitivity analysis, especially if peak flows are the target. For a snowmelt dominated forested watershed, R2 was found to be the best sensitivity criterion to identify parameters affecting peak flows. Moreover, for this watershed, sensitivity analysis and light calibration of snowmelt related parameters separately followed by calibration of the hydrological parameters resulted in improved flow simulations compared to the default approach where all parameters were analyzed together. The ability of models calibrated to a given set of climate and LULC data to simulate flood risk under altered conditions was assessed in each watershed by applying parameters calibrated for 2002-2005 to 1970-1999. Simulated annual maximum daily flows for the latter period were used to estimate the instantaneous annual maximum flow (AMF) series, and the impact of altered parameter values on the resulting flood distribution was assessed via a one-at-a-time sensitivity analysis. As anticipated, AMFs in the agricultural rainfall-runoff dominated watersheds were sensitive to changes in runoff related parameters, whereas AMFs in the forested snowmelt and dominated watershed were sensitive to changes in snowmelt related parameters. Alteration of the bank storage recession constant was found to significantly affect AMFs in all three watersheds. It was observed that simulation of the flood risk distribution under altered climate can be improved by modifying snow related parameters based upon the observed change in temperature from the calibration period. In flood risk studies with projected urbanization and expansion of agricultural areas, the curve number parameter should be adjusted by the proportion of change relative to the baseline (or calibration) period.

Hydrologic Modeling and Climate Change Study in the Upper Mississippi River Basin Using SWAT

Hydrologic Modeling and Climate Change Study in the Upper Mississippi River Basin Using SWAT
Author: Manoj Jha
Total Pages: 396
Release: 2004

This dissertation describes the modeling efforts on the Upper Mississippi River Basin (UMRB) using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model. The main goal of this study is to apply the SWAT model to the UMRB to evaluate the model as a tool for agricultural policy analysis and climate change impact analysis. A sensitivity analysis using influence coefficient method was conducted for eight selected hydrologic input parameters to identify the most to the least sensitive parameters. Calibration and validation of SWAT were performed for the Maquoketa River Watershed for streamflow on annual and monthly basis. The model was then validated for the entire UMRB streamflow and evaluated for a climate change impact analysis. The results indicate that the UMRB hydrology is very sensitve to potential future climate changes. The impact of future climate change was then explored for the streamflow by using two 10-year scenario periods (1990 and 2040s) generated by introducing a regional climate model (RegCM2) to dynamically downscale global model (HadCM2) results. The combined GCM-RCM-SWAT model system produced an increase in future scenario climate precipitation of 21% with a resulting 50% increase in total water yield in the UMRB. Furthermore, evaluation of model-introduced uncertainties due to use of SWAT, GCM, and RCM models yielded the highest percentage bias (18%) for the GCM downscaling error. Building upon the above SWAT validation, a SWAT modeling framework was constructed for the entire UMRB, which incorporates more detailed input data and is designed to assess the effects of land use, climate, and soil conditions on streamflow and water quality. An application of SWAT is presented for the Iowa and Des Moines River watersheds within the modeling framework constructed for the UMRB. A scenario run where conservation tillage adoption increased to 100% found a small sediment reduction of 5.8% for Iowa River Watershed and 5.7% for Des Moines River Watershed. On per-acre basis, sediment reduction for Iowa and Des Moines River Watersheds was found to be 1.86 and 1.18 metric tons respectively. Furthermore an attempt to validate the model for the entire UMRB yielded strong annual results.

Streamflow and Soil Moisture Assimilation in the SWAT Model Using the Extended Kalman Filter

Streamflow and Soil Moisture Assimilation in the SWAT Model Using the Extended Kalman Filter
Author: Leqiang Sun
Total Pages:
Release: 2016

Numerical models often fail to accurately simulate and forecast a hydrological state in operation due to its inherent uncertainties. Data Assimilation (DA) is a promising technology that uses real-time observations to modify a model's parameters and internal variables to make it more representative of the actual state of the system it describes. In this thesis, hydrological DA is first reviewed from the perspective of its objective, scope, applications and the challenges it faces. Special attention is then given to nonlinear Kalman filters such as the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). Based on a review of the existing studies, it is found that the potential of EKF has not been fully exploited. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) is a semi-distributed rainfall-runoff model that is widely used in agricultural water management and flood forecasting. However, studies of hydrological DA that are based on distributed models are relatively rare because hydrological DA is still in its infancy, with many issues to be resolved, and linear statistical models and lumped rainfall-runoff models are often used for the sake of simplicity. This study aims to fill this gap by assimilating streamflow and surface soil moisture observations into the SWAT model to improve its state simulation and forecasting capability. Unless specifically defined, all 'forecasts' in Italic font are based on the assumption of a perfect knowledge of the meteorological forecast. EKF is chosen as the DA method for its solid theoretical basis and parsimonious implementation procedures. Given the large number of parameters and storage variables in SWAT, only the watershed scale variables are included in the state vector, and the Hydrological Response Unit (HRU) scale variables are updated with the a posteriori/a priori ratio of their watershed scale counterparts. The Jacobian matrix is calculated numerically by perturbing the state variables. Two case studies are carried out with real observation data in order to verify the effectiveness of EKF assimilation. The upstream section of the Senegal River (above Bakel station) in western Africa is chosen for the streamflow assimilation, and the USDA ARS Little Washita experimental watershed is chosen to examine surface soil moisture assimilation. In the case of streamflow assimilation, a spinoff study is conducted to compare EKF state-parameter assimilation with a linear autoregressive (AR) output assimilation to improve SWAT's flood forecasting capability. The influence of precipitation forecast uncertainty on the effectiveness of EKF assimilation is discussed in the context of surface soil moisture assimilation. In streamflow assimilation, EKF was found to be effective mostly in the wet season due to the weak connection between runoff, soil moisture and the curve number (CN2) in dry seasons. Both soil moisture and CN2 were significantly updated in the wet season despite having opposite update patterns. The flood forecast is moderately improved for up to seven days, especially in the flood period by applying the EKF subsequent open loop (EKFsOL) scheme. The forecast is further improved with a newly designed quasi-error update scheme. Comparison between EKF and AR output assimilation in flood forecasting reveals that while both methods can improve forecast accuracy, their performance is influenced by the hydrological regime of the particular year. EKF outperformed the AR model in dry years, while AR outperformed the EKF in wet years. Compared to AR, EKF is more robust and less sensitive to the length of the forecast lead time. A combined EKF-AR method provides satisfying results in both dry and wet years. The assimilation of surface soil moisture is proved effective in improving the full profile soil moisture and streamflow estimate. The setting of state and observation vector has a great impact on the assimilation results. The state vector with streamflow and all-layer soil moisture outperforms other, more complicated state vectors, including those augmented with intermediate variables and model parameters. The joint assimilation of surface soil moisture and streamflow observation provides a much better estimate of soil moisture compared to assimilating the streamflow only. The updated SWAT model is sufficiently robust to issue improved forecasts of soil moisture and streamflow after the assimilation is 'unplugged'. The error quantification is found to be critical to the performance of EKF assimilation. Nevertheless, the application of an adaptive EKF shows no advantages over using the trial and error method in determining time-invariant model errors. The robustness of EKF assimilation is further verified by explicitly perturbing the precipitation 'forecast' in the EKF subsequent forecasts. The open loop model without previous EKF update is more vulnerable to erroneous precipitation estimates. Compared to streamflow forecasting, soil moisture forecasting is found to be more resilient to erroneous precipitation input.

Evaluation of Scale Issues in SWAT

Evaluation of Scale Issues in SWAT
Author: Sivarajah Mylevaganam
Total Pages:
Release: 2010

In Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), oftentimes, Critical Source Area (CSA), the minimum upstream drainage area that is required to initiate a stream, is used to subdivide a watershed. In the current literature, CSA has been used as a trial and error process to define the subwatershed levels. On the other hand, the ongoing collaboration of the United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water and the United States Geological Survey has promoted a national level predefined catchments and flowlines called National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) Plus to ease watershed modeling in the United States. The introduction of NHDPlus can eliminate the uncertain nature in defining the number of subwatersheds required to model the hydrologic system. This study demonstrates an integrated modeling environment with SWAT and NHDPlus spatial datasets. A spatial tool that was developed in a Geographical Information System (GIS) environment to by-pass the default watershed delineation in ArcSWAT, the GIS interface to SWAT, with the introduction of NHDPlus catchments and flowlines, was used in this study. This study investigates the effect of the spatial size (catchment area) of the NHDPlus and the input data resolution (cell/pixel size) within NHDPlus catchments on SWAT streamflow and sediment prediction. In addition, an entropy based watershed subdivision scheme is presented by using the landuse and soil spatial datasets with the conventional CSA approach to investigate if one of the CSAs can be considered to produce the best SWAT prediction on streamflow. Two watersheds (Kings Creek, Texas and Sugar Creek, Indiana) were used in this study. The study shows that there exists a subwatershed map that does not belong to one of the subwatershed maps produced through conventional CSA approach, to produce a better result on uncalibrated monthly SWAT streamflow prediction. Beyond the critical threshold, the CSA threshold which gives the best uncalibrated monthly streamflow prediction among a given set of CSAs, the SWAT performance can be improved further by subdividing some of the subwatersheds at this critical threshold. The study also shows that the input data resolution (within each NHDPlus catchments) does not have an influence on SWAT streamflow prediction for the selected watersheds. However, there is a change on streamflow prediction as the area of the NHDPlus catchment changes. Beyond a certain catchment size (8-9% of the watershed area), as the input data resolution becomes finer, the total sediment increases whereas the sediment prediction in high flow regime decreases. As the NHDPlus catchment size changes, the stream power has an influence on total sediment prediction. However, as the input data resolution changes, but keeping the NHDPlus catchment size constant, the Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation topographic factor has an influence on total sediment prediction.

Multi-criteria Validation of the SWAT Hydrologic Model in a Small Forested Watershed

Multi-criteria Validation of the SWAT Hydrologic Model in a Small Forested Watershed
Total Pages: 157
Release: 2005

The goal of the study is to perform a multi-criteria automated calibration and validation of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model using multiple observed datasets. A multi-criteria calibration uses multiple noncommensurable measures of information in order to improve the structural validity of the model. To achieve this goal two automated calibration methods, the Monte Carlo approach and the Multi-Objective Complex Evolution, are applied to a small watershed in western New York. Model calibration is performed in two stages. At the first stage a traditional manual calibration is employed. The purpose of the manual calibration is to ensure that the model provides an adequate representation of the catchment by modeling all relevant hydrologic processes, and to set the foundation and the basis of comparison with subsequent automated calibration. At the second stage an automated model calibration is performed using two strategies, a single-criteria and a multi-criteria. The single-criteria calibration for discharge at the outlet is performed with the Monte Carlo method. For the multi-criteria strategy the Multi-Objective Complex Evolution (MOCOM-UA) algorithm is employed to calibrate SWAT against several datasets of discharge and groundwater levels. The model is then validated using the split-sample and the proxy basin approaches. The study shows that multi-criteria calibration with the MOCOM-UA algorithm is able to utilize the information contained in the additional datasets to improve model performance. The effectiveness and efficiency of the MOCOM-UA calibration exceeds those of the single-objective calibration approach during both calibration and validation periods. It is demonstrated that the MOCOM-UA multi-objective calibration results in lower model uncertainty compared to the single-objective calibration. It is also shown that automated calibration with the MOCOM-UA and Monte Carlo methods is able to achieve better model performance than the traditional manual calibration.