Memorable Messages that Shape Student-athletes' Perceptions of Seeking Mental Health Services

Memorable Messages that Shape Student-athletes' Perceptions of Seeking Mental Health Services
Author: Aviry L. Reich
Total Pages: 219
Release: 2019
Genre: College athletes

"Student-athletes encounter a series of unique stressors associated with their athletic status that can compromise their well-being (Beauchemin, 2012; Brown et al., 2014; Parham, 1993; Valentine & Taub, 1999). There is evidence to suggest that demands on student-athletes' increase their risk for experiencing certain mental and physical distress (e.g., eating disorders, anxiety, depression) (Brown et al., 2014; Etzel et al., 2006; Rice et al., 2016). Further, student-athletes are less likely to seek help from mental health professionals than their non-athlete peers (Watson, 2005). The purpose of this study was to understand the role that communication plays in socializing student-athletes, and how communication influences their perceptions of seeking mental health services. The research questions in this study were the following: 1) What are the memorable messages student-athletes receive that inform their perceptions of seeking mental health services? 2) Which sources who deliver the memorable messages have the greatest impact on student-athletes' attitudes and perceptions of seeking mental health services? This study utilized Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) to conduct and analyze in-depth interviews about Division I student-athletes' experiences and context surrounding the memorable messages received, with the intention of identifying themes that capture the impact the messages have had on their help-seeking attitudes and behaviors. The current body of research provides evidence that memorable messages student-athletes received have positively and negatively influenced their attitudes and behaviors towards seeking professional help. Findings from this current study revealed that, across the two domains that directly answered the research questions, there were five general categories and seven typical categories indicating there were commonalities in the memorable messages received and significant sources who communicated them. All participants identified and recalled specific memorable messages, both positive and negative, regarding seeking mental health services; however, overall student-athletes received a higher frequency of positive messages. The common theme around the positive messages student-athletes received were some variation of "It's ok to not be ok" while the theme around the negative messages received were rooted in sport culture norms such as "Athletes are supposed to be tough" and "You're weak if you need help." The significant sources who most influenced student-athletes' perceptions of seeking mental health services were coaches and family (parents, dad, mom, sister, and uncle)."--Abstract from author supplied metadata

Student-athletes' Perceptions of Mental Illness and Attitudes Towards Help-seeking

Student-athletes' Perceptions of Mental Illness and Attitudes Towards Help-seeking
Author: Jordan David Barnard
Total Pages: 184
Release: 2013
Genre: College athletes
ISBN: 9781303008375

The negative effects of disclosing a history of mental illness and the need for mental health services are well documented in the professional literature (Corrigan, 2005). Being labeled as "mentally ill" can lead to negative stereotypes placed on the individual that lead to prejudice and discrimination (Corrigan, 2004). These negative effects of disclosing psychological disturbances have led to some individuals being hesitant to seek help, even if the individuals or those close to them feel it is needed (Thornicroft, 2006). College students are a vulnerable population due to the likelihood that they will experience their first psychological disturbance during their college years (Eisenberg, Golberstein, & Gollust, 2007), making access to mental health care crucial. College student-athletes may be even more at-risk for certain psychological disturbances, based on their unique demands and environmental stressors they face (Pinkerton, Hintz, & Barrow, 1989). College student-athletes appear to be underutilizing the mental health services available to them on college campuses (Watson & Kissinger, 2007). Prior studies have shown that college student-athletes are less likely to seek out mental health treatment than other college students (Watson, 2005). The purpose of this study was to see whether or not college student-athletes would exhibit more negative attitudes than student-nonathletes towards mental illness. This study also compared the attitudes toward seeking psychological help between athletes and non-athletes (using a measure developed for use with student-athletes and student-nonathletes by Watson, 2005). Scales that measure social distance, perceived devaluation and discrimination towards mental illness were used to operationalize stigma towards mental illness. The scales this study used to measure social distance (Martin et al., 2000) and perceived discrimination towards mental illness (Link, 1987) had never been used before in a student-athlete population. The potential roles that athletic identity, race, and gender play in treatment-seeking comfort were also examined.

Female Collegiate Student Athletes and the Perception, Attitudes and Experiences of Psychological and Mental Health Services

Female Collegiate Student Athletes and the Perception, Attitudes and Experiences of Psychological and Mental Health Services
Author: Breonna Bejaran
Total Pages: 42
Release: 2020
Genre: Help-seeking behavior

This study explored eighteen National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division II female student athletes’ experiences and opinions of help seeking for mental health concerns. A mixed methodological design was used. Qualitative and quantitative data was collected to gain an understanding of help seeking barriers for the participant and their beliefs about help seeking barriers for their peers. Results from the qualitative data identified several themes that assisted in understanding help seeking behaviors. Data suggest that there was a lack of motivation when it came to seek mental health services as a whole by the female student athlete population. Time, lack of understanding as to where to get counseling, as well as lack of information as a whole showed to be the most prominent barriers within the female athlete population. There was also a significant finding involving lack of information and the amount of time the participant has been at the university, showing that the longer they were at the university the less information they had about mental health services. Many themes were also collected such as fear of being misunderstood, as well as feeling there is a lack of qualified counselors and a lack of counselors of the respondents’ own gender and race.

Exploring Mental Health Help-seeking Behaviors in Student-athletes

Exploring Mental Health Help-seeking Behaviors in Student-athletes
Author: Geana R. Shemak
Total Pages: 118
Release: 2021
Genre: Mental health

Introduction: Adolescents and young adults experience a high level of mental health conditions.These disorders appear to be increasing in number and severity. The prevalence rate for 18-25-years-olds is 8.7% in 12 months. Mental health conditions are treatable, yet many people do not seek professional help. Seeking help from a professional source is particularly important for preventing, early detection, treatment, and recovery from mental health conditions. Purpose: The purpose of this mixed-methods study is to demonstrate the prevalence of depression, explore student-athletes attitudes towards seeking mental health help, understand what factors may influence help-seeking behaviors, and explore the athlete's perceptions of the role that athletic trainers play in the assessment and referral process. Methods: An exploratory, concurrent mixed methods design was used. Survey data from the ATSPPH-SF and PHQ-9 were collected from collegiate student-athletes. A phenomenological approach will guide the qualitative research process. Semi-structured interviews will be audiotaped, transcribed, and analyzed using an interpretive thematic analytical approach. Study Participants: National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) student-athletes participating at the Divsion III (DIII) level. Results: The prevalence of depression was almost 42% in the study population. There was no relationship between PHQ-9 scores and sex. Attitudes towards seeking help were generally positive. Females tend to have more favorable attitudes than males, but this finding was not statistically significant. There was no relationhship between PHQ-9 scores and ATSPPH-SF scores. Barriers to help-seeking included perceived seriousness, stigma, lack of time, accessibility, prefer to handle issues on own, and cost. Facilitators to help-seeking included perceived and nee-problems that were serious enough to warrant help and a supportive network. Clinical Importance: As we continue to address the mental health crisis, it is imperative to understand what prevents student-athletes from seeking professional psychological help and develop supportive programs to help them overcome these barriers. Certified athletic trainers, coaches, and other athletic personel need to understand the seriousness of untreated mental health conditions and be educated to recognize when an athlete may be struggling with issues beyond their control. Knowing when to refer a student-athlete to a professional is essential in preventing potential unnecessary and irreversible consequences.

Student Athlete Perception of Mental Health Support at Division II Institutions

Student Athlete Perception of Mental Health Support at Division II Institutions
Author: Amy Sandstrom
Total Pages: 41
Release: 2012
Genre: College athletes

Over 360,000 student athletes participate in NCAA sanctioned intercollegiate athletic programs each year. Of these student athletes, between 10 and 15 percent, 2 percent higher than their nonathlete counter parts, will experience psychological issues severe enough to warrant counseling (Watson & Kissinger, 2007). While student athletes are at a greater risk to experience psychological issues than non-athletes, they are less likely to seek out professional help (Moulton, Molstad, & Turner, 1997). The author conducted a study of student athletes at a large Division II institution. The study examined the perceptions of student athletes in relation to sport psychologists and mental health support available to them at their institution. Results identified that a large percentage of the student athletes had no knowledge of the mental health services provided by health services on campus. The findings conveyed the hesitancy of student athletes to seek help outside of the athletic department, in regard to mental health issues.

Understanding the Help-seeking Behaviors of Student-athletes

Understanding the Help-seeking Behaviors of Student-athletes
Total Pages: 67
Release: 2019

This study was aimed at identifying barriers and facilitators that influence help-seeking as well as the effect of implementing an integrated healthcare approach based on current recommendations. A total of 411 student-athletes from 18 intercollegiate teams at a mid-major Division I institution in the mid-Atlantic region completed a 12-item instrument comprised of ten quantitative items and two open-ended questions. The quantitative data was analyzed using SPSS software, and a constant comparative method was used to code responses from the open-ended questions. Findings suggested a prevalence of mental health challenges among student-athletes, especially overwhelming stress, struggles with time management, and anxiety. Female student-athletes seek help more often and are more satisfied with the care they receive from friends, teammates, and athletic trainers. Their male counterparts seek out peers and faculty members for support. There are also gender differences present in the perceptions of barriers and facilitators to seeking care. Qualitative findings were divided into positive help-seeking experiences, negative help-seeking experiences, and neutral/no help-seeking experiences. Conclusions drawn from this study include incorporating stronger and more frequent education on resources for student-athletes, coaches, support staff, and faculty members and establishing a peer support network within the athletics department.

The Prevalence of and Issues Associated with the Help Seeking Behavior Among College Student-athletes

The Prevalence of and Issues Associated with the Help Seeking Behavior Among College Student-athletes
Author: Jamie Elshire-Dulle
Total Pages: 242
Release: 2019
Genre: Academic achievement

Division I student-athletes are faced with unique and sometimes stressful college experiences. They are expected to meet the academic rigors associated with attending college while also excelling in their team sport. And yet, research reported by the NCAA (2016) indicates student-athletes are less likely to seek mental health counseling than their non-athlete counterparts for issues related to depression and anxiety. The hesitation to seek mental health counseling has been attributed to the athletic culture, influences of those close to the student-athlete, and a lack of resources. In order to best assist student-athletes with mental health related concerns, including performance anxiety, one must first hear their narratives. A mixed-methods research study was conducted to explore the prevalence of and issues associated with help-seeking behavior of college student-athletes. The results of this study indicated that while student-athletes struggled with the same mental health concerns of their non-athlete counterparts, they had an increased pressure of maintaining their student-athlete identity. The challenge in addressing their mental health needs was due to the lack of time available for anything other their academic and athletic commitments. The most desired (and possibly most effective) solution in accommodating the emotional and mental health needs of this unique student population was being able to seek mental health services within the confines of the athletic department. This location was found to be a safe place in which student-athletes spent the majority of their time and felt the most connected to the campus, peer group, and stakeholders.

Mental Health in Collegiate Athletics

Mental Health in Collegiate Athletics
Author: Sara Smith
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2022
Genre: College athletes

Purpose. The purpose of this study was to assess collegiate student-athlete perception of mental health. A secondary purpose was to develop a list of attitudes and behaviors toward athletes seeking help, and university perception. Methods. Alcorn State University student-athletes were given a survey about mental health in collegiate athletics. One-hundred and ninety student athletes submitted a complete response. Results. There was no significant relationship between the number of barriers and seeking help. There was an overwhelming number of student-athletes that do not believe that Alcorn is prepared to help with a mental health crisis. There was no significant difference between male and female participants for willingness to seek help. Discussion. The number of barriers data was skewed due to the high number of responses for zero and one barrier, but questions could be used for future studies. Many of the student-athletes feel that Alcorn is not prepared and provided several qualitative responses that could benefit the athletic department. Lastly, even though there was no significance between the sexes, it shows that the gap between them is starting to decrease. Conclusion. There are a lot of improvements that could be made to the mental health crisis response. Student-athlete opinions are important and should be used to develop protocols and policies.

Althletic Trainer's Knowledge, Perceptions, and Perceived Comfort of Mental Health Best Practices

Althletic Trainer's Knowledge, Perceptions, and Perceived Comfort of Mental Health Best Practices
Author: Chelsea Wolff
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2023
Genre: Athletic trainers

Objective: Mental health disorders are increasing in our society. Research on athletic trainer's knowledge and perception of mental health disorders and if policies are developed and used is limited. This study investigates athletic trainers' knowledge of mental health illness, current policies and procedures concerning mental health, and the perceptions athletic trainers have of mental health. Method: This study used a cross-sectional design to build upon quantitative and qualitative approaches. The study had a web-based survey to collect quantitative information followed by semi-structured qualitative interviews. Using a phenomenology approach, the study focused on how life is experienced by giving the participant a voice. Three hundred eighty-four certified athletic trainers completed a web-based survey; 15 participants volunteered for the semi-structured interview. Results: Participants scored above 70% on all knowledge questions; 72% have screening policies; 83% have mental health-specific emergency action plans, and 81.2% agreed or strongly agreed that the stigma associated with mental health is why student-athletes do not seek help for mental health problems. An inductive analysis resulted in 2 emergent themes: (1) Athlete Training (AT) scope of practice and (2) perception of mental health. Each theme had numerous sub-themes. Conclusions: Participants knew mental health signs and symptoms, and many reported wanting more information on specific mental health topics. Participants felt that discussion mental health topics and referrals is difficult due to the athletic trainer's scope of practice. Participants who did not have policies and procedures needed more staff and acceptance of mental health in their athletic departments. Barriers such as stigma, fear, lack of knowledge, and lack of time still exist and cause student-athletes not to seek treatment. Athletic trainers value mental health and continue improving their knowledge and strive to convince athletic departments to support the mental health of athletes despite barriers.