Galaxies Through Cosmic Time

Galaxies Through Cosmic Time
Author: Amber Bauermeister
Total Pages: 358
Release: 2012

In the past decade, molecular gas observations have begun probing the high redshift universe in a systematic way using increasingly powerful millimeter instruments. This work has significantly advanced our understanding of the history of gas consumption by star formation in galaxies, revealing the high redshift universe to be similar in many ways to what we know locally. Specifically, molecular gas studies suggest that at both high and low redshift, the molecular gas reservoir in galaxies is insufficient to support on-going star formation. This is the molecular gas depletion problem, and motivates the research presented in this dissertation. I first investigate the molecular gas depletion problem on cosmic scales. Using the observed cosmic densities of the star formation rate, atomic gas and molecular gas, combined with measurements of the molecular gas depletion time in local galaxies, I derive the history of gas consumption by star formation from z = 0 to z ~ 4. I show that models in which the molecular gas is not replenished, or is only replenished by atomic gas, are not consistent with observational constraints. I find that star formation on cosmic timescales must be fueled by intergalactic ionized gas at an average rate that roughly traces the star formation rate density of the universe. Further, I predict the volume averaged density of molecular gas to increase by a factor of 1.5 - 10 to z ~ 1.5 over the currently measured value, which implies that galaxies at high redshift must, on average, be more molecular gas-rich than they are at the present epoch, consistent with observations. Next I focus on the observational constraints on the molecular gas content of galaxies from z ~ 1 - 2 to today. Recent observations suggest z ~ 1 - 2 galaxies harbor molecular gas reservoirs an order of magnitude larger than their local counterparts, implying significant evolution of the molecular gas content of galaxies over the past 8 billion years. However, this period of time has been relatively un-observed in molecular gas. To fill in this observational gap, I carry out the Evolution of molecular Gas in Normal Galaxies (EGNoG) survey, a study of molecular gas in 31 star-forming galaxies from z = 0.05 to z = 0.5. With observations of the CO(1-0) and CO(3-2) rotational lines using the Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-wave Astronomy (CARMA), the EGNoG survey accomplishes two goals: tracing the evolution of the molecular gas content of galaxies at intermediate redshifts and constraining the excitation of the molecular gas in these galaxies. With 24 detections out of 31 observed galaxies, I calculate an average molecular gas fraction of 7 - 20% at z ~ 0.05 - 0.5, which is in line with observations at high and low redshift and agrees well with the evolution predicted by a simple empirical prescription for gas consumption by star formation in galaxies from z ~ 1 - 2 to today. The EGNoG observations of four galaxies at z = 0.3 (the gas excitation subsample) yield robust detections of both lines in three galaxies (and an upper limit on the fourth). I find an average line ratio, r31 = L'(CO(3-2)) / L'(CO(1-0)), of 0.46 ± 0.07 (with systematic errors less than 40%), which implies sub-thermal excitation of the CO(3-2) line. As the EGNoG galaxies are representative of the main sequence of star-forming galaxies, I extend this result to include main sequence galaxies at high redshift. To support the observations carried out at CARMA as part of the EGNoG survey, I give two appendices. The first details the data reduction and flux measurement for the EGNoG survey, including a description of the use of polarized calibrators to calibrate data from single, linearly polarized feeds. In the second appendix, I describe the absolute flux calibration of CARMA data and the automated monitoring system I helped put in place in order to maintain a historical record of the flux of common calibrators. Finally, I return to the gas depletion problem in the local universe. I carry out a pilot study of atomic (HI) gas in groups of galaxies in order to investigate the role of tidal interactions in transporting atomic gas from the outskirts of galaxy disks to the central regions so that it may replenish the molecular gas and fuel ongoing star formation. I image three groups of galaxies in the 21 cm line of HI with the Allen Telescope Array (ATA), detecting many galaxies not previously observed in HI as well as four previously undetected clouds of HI between galaxies that account for up to 3% of the HI reservoir of the groups. To investigate the potential role of this gas in the ongoing star formation in the group, I compare the mass of the detected HI gas in and between galaxies in the group to the estimated star formation rates of the group members.

Lighting the Dark Molecular Gas and a Bok Globule

Lighting the Dark Molecular Gas and a Bok Globule
Author: Aditya G. Togi
Total Pages: 202
Release: 2016
Genre: Galaxies

Stars are the building blocks of galaxies. The gas present in galaxies is the primary fuel for star formation. Galaxy evolution depends on the amount of gas present in the interstellar medium (ISM). Stars are born mainly from molecular gas in the GMCs. Robust knowledge of the molecular hydrogen H2 gas distribution is necessary to understand star formation in galaxies. Since H2 is not readily observable in the cold interstellar medium (ISM), the molecular gas content has traditionally been inferred using indirect tracers like carbon-monoxide (CO), dust emission, gamma ray interactions, and star formation efficiency. Physical processes resulting in enhancement and reduction of these indirect tracers can result in misleading estimates of molecular gas masses. My dissertation work is based on devising a new temperature power law distribution model for H2, a direct tracer, to calculate the total molecular gas mass in galaxies. The model parameters are estimated using mid infrared (MIR) H2 rotational line fluxes obtained from IRS-Spitzer (Infrared Spectrograph- Spitzer) instrument and the model is extrapolated to a suitable lower temperature to recover the total molecular gas mass. The power law model is able to recover the dark molecular gas, undetected by CO, in galaxies at metallicity as low as one-tenth of our Milky Way value. I have applied the power law model in U/LIRGs and shocks of Stephan's Quintet to understand molecular gas properties, where shocks play an important role in exciting H2. Comparing the molecular gas content derived through our power law model can be useful in studying the application of our model in mergers. The parameters derived by our model is useful in understanding variation in molecular gas properties in shock regions of Stephan's Quintet. Low mass stars are formed in small isolated dense cores known as Bok globules. Multiple star formation events are seen in a Bok globule. In my thesis I also studied a Bok globule, B207, and determined the physical properties and future evolutionary stage of the cloud. My thesis spans studying ISM properties in galaxies from kpc to sub-pc scales. Using the power law model in the coming era of James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) with the high sensitivity MIR Instrument (MIRI) spectrograph we will be able to understand the properties of molecular gas at low and high redshifts.

Diffuse Molecular Gas in the Cygnus X Star Forming Region and Its Effect on the Star Formation Law

Diffuse Molecular Gas in the Cygnus X Star Forming Region and Its Effect on the Star Formation Law
Author: Kaylie Green
Total Pages: 157
Release: 2015
Genre: Gases

Observations of star forming regions in our Milky Way show that there are two different forms of molecular gas: bright star forming molecular clouds and large diffuse clouds. What is not yet known is the difference in physical properties between these two types of molecular gas and the contribution of these diffuse clouds to the star formation efficiency in our galaxy. In this thesis I identify physical properties of low surface brightness gas in the nearby star forming regions of Cygnus X and W80, and explore the presence of these diffuse clouds as solutions to the increased efficiency of star formation observed in local clouds. I find that these low surface brightness clouds do not contribute in a significant way to the total molecular gas mass of the region. I also find that the method used for tracing star formation has a larger effect on the calculation of large scale star formation rate than previously thought.

Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Bulges (IAU S245)

Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Bulges (IAU S245)
Author: International Astronomical Union. Symposium
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Total Pages: 510
Release: 2008-09-04
Genre: Science
ISBN: 9780521874670

Bulges lie at the heart of most galaxies, the building blocks of our universe. With a selection of reviews and topical presentations, IAU Symposium 245 provides an up-to-date overview of our knowledge on galaxy bulges, and a concise introduction to all current research on the subject. The structure, dynamics, and stellar populations of galaxy bulges, both near and far, are analysed through state-of-the-art observations. The leading models for the formation and evolution of galaxy bulges are described in detail, and the constraints observations put on these are dissected. Particular emphasis is placed on exploring evidence for both hierarchical merging and secular processes. Special attention is also devoted to disentangling the complex web relating galaxy bulges and central supermassive black holes, and on the lessons learned from our exquisite knowledge of the bulge of our own Milky Way. This volume is the best one-stop reference on galaxy bulges currently available.

Star Formation in Galaxy Evolution: Connecting Numerical Models to Reality

Star Formation in Galaxy Evolution: Connecting Numerical Models to Reality
Author: Nickolay Y. Gnedin
Publisher: Springer
Total Pages: 375
Release: 2015-09-09
Genre: Science
ISBN: 3662478900

This book contains the elaborated and updated versions of the 24 lectures given at the 43rd Saas-Fee Advanced Course. Written by four eminent scientists in the field, the book reviews the physical processes related to star formation, starting from cosmological down to galactic scales. It presents a detailed description of the interstellar medium and its link with the star formation. And it describes the main numerical computational techniques designed to solve the equations governing self-gravitating fluids used for modelling of galactic and extra-galactic systems. This book provides a unique framework which is needed to develop and improve the simulation techniques designed for understanding the formation and evolution of galaxies. Presented in an accessible manner it contains the present day state of knowledge of the field. It serves as an entry point and key reference to students and researchers in astronomy, cosmology, and physics.

An Exploration of Inter-stellar Gas and Its Role in Galaxy Assembly Over Cosmic Time

An Exploration of Inter-stellar Gas and Its Role in Galaxy Assembly Over Cosmic Time
Author: Riccardo Pavesi
Total Pages: 408
Release: 2019

The key physical processes driving galaxy formation and evolution are controlled by gas and, in particular, the process of star formation from cold, dense gas is not well understood since it depends upon the gas cooling ability, its dynamical state and complex feedback processes. Galaxies were observed to form stars much more rapidly in the past (~10-11 billion years ago), which may be due to larger gas reservoirs or more efficient star formation processes. While previous studies have identified large molecular gas reservoirs in a few pre-selected star-forming galaxies, an unbiased survey for molecular gas is necessary to provide robust statistical constraints to the gas content of galaxies at the peak epoch of cosmic star formation. Taking advantage of the improved frequency coverage, sensitivity and bandwidth of the upgraded Very Large Array we have carried out the first unbiased survey by performing a deep-field blind search for CO(1-0) line emission at z~2-3 and CO(2-1) line emission at z~5-7, targeting CO(1-0) which is the most commonly used tracer of the cold, dense molecular gas which fuels star formation. Having detected the first CO(1-0)-selected galaxies at high redshift, we have used their luminosity and abundance to provide robust statistical constraints to the CO luminosity function at z~2-3, finding conclusive evidence for a much higher gas mass content relative to galaxies in the local Universe. This finding suggested that evolution in the mechanisms of star formation may not be the dominant contribution to the high observed star formation rates, but rather large amounts of available cold gas. In order to explore how this finding may apply to even higher redshift, we have also achieved the first detection of CO emission in "normal" galaxies at z>5 (in the first billion years of cosmic time) together with far-infrared fine structure line tracers of the atomic and ionized gas using the sensitive Atacama Large(sub-)Millimeter Array. We found that early galaxies appear to be extremely gas rich, relative to their stellar content, and to display comparable star formation efficiency to typical lower redshift "normal" galaxies. However, the interstellar medium in a fraction of such galaxies also appears to be strongly affected by lower metallicity, affecting the phase structure of the interstellar medium, and the usefulness of CO as a tracer of molecular gas.


Author: Stefano Minardi
Publisher: VCH
Total Pages: 350
Release: 2012-04-04
ISBN: 9783527411108

Written by well-known scientists in the field with vast experience in teaching astrophotonics, this is the first book to bridge astronomy and photonics for the benefit of developing new astronomical instrumentation. The textbook is clearly structured and covers four main methods relevant to observational astronomy: adaptive optics, photometry, interferometry and spectroscopy. It follows a progressive didactical path in photonics, starting from fundamentals of wave- and micro-optics and developing step-by-step the formalisms required for the treatment of optical multilayers, fiber optics and diffraction/holographic gratings. This approach allows students with a physics/engineering background to learn about the problematic of observational astronomy, while, conversely, students of astronomy are exposed to topics in modern photonics. Each chapter is divided into three main sections devoted to the discussion of astronomical concepts required to size an instrument designed for the particular method, the photonic concepts that most suit that instrument, and an analysis of existing, related photonic instruments. A set of exercises and a bibliography complete each chapter. Appendices include a short review of fundamentals of wave optics and photon detectors, plus an overview of project design and management using a real-life example of an astronomical instrumentation project. With its review of the latest instrumentation and techniques, this is invaluable for graduate and post-graduate students in astronomy, physics and optical engineering.