MARION MARLOWE’S NOBLE WORK - The Tragedy at the Hospital

MARION MARLOWE’S NOBLE WORK - The Tragedy at the Hospital
Author: Grace Shirley
Publisher: Abela Publishing Ltd
Total Pages: 114
Release: 2018-10-10
Genre: Fiction
ISBN: 8829521116

It is 1900 and Marion Marlowe is now a nurse at the Charity Hospital. She had passed through many trials since she came to the city, acting the part of heroine on several occasions, yet each time withdrawing herself and her noble deeds as rapidly as possible into the background so as not to attract too much attention. Her sister, Dollie, has also moved into the city where she has found work as a secretary with a company of lawyers. An old friend Bert decides to visit Dollie and calls upon her at the office, where social calls are frowned upon. She finds Bert has been rescued from poverty and has been adopted by a wealthy gentleman, who offers him the world. He is in town to find Marion and intends proposing to her – now that he is being educated and will soon be wealthier than he could imagine. However, Bert is disappointed to find Marion is already spoken for. Dollie has not quite realised that her employer, Mr Atherton, is sweet on her and could be blindly walking into what could become a messy social situation. Marion finds Dollie at lunch with her employer, whose intentions she challenges. Only then does Dollie realise what is going on. Dressed down and found out, Mr Atherton retreats. An old gentleman overhears the exchange and congratulates them on their win. But who is George Colebrook? What happened between him and Marion and what has he played in their past and what role will he play in their futures? 10% of the profit from the sale of this book will be donated to charity. ============= KEYWORDS-TAGS: Marion Marlowe, Noble, Deeds, Works, Allyn, Archie, Ass, Atherton, Belle, Bert, Beauty, Body, Breasts, Brookes, cat, carriage, doctor, Dollie, employer, friend, girl, Greenaway, heart, Horseless Carriage, Charity Hospital, hospital, Island, Jackson, laughing, lawyer, lawyer, love, Manhattan, Marion, Marion’s, Marlowe, money, Motor Car, nurse, poor, prison, pussy, Ralph, Ray, Reginald, sister, sweetheart, wife, woman, young, Grace Shirley

MARION MARLOWE’S TRUE HEART or How a Daughter Forgave

MARION MARLOWE’S TRUE HEART or How a Daughter Forgave
Author: Grace Shirley
Publisher: Abela Publishing Ltd
Total Pages: 116
Release: 2018-10-10
ISBN: 8829521515

It is 1900 and after arriving penniless in New York, Marion Marlowe has just been accepted into a trainee nurse position at Charity Hospital. Her twin-sister, Dollie, has her eyes on a typist position, also in New York, and had also turned down Silas Johnson’s proposal of marriage. Tom, Marrion’s brother-in-law, has borrowed $500 off Marion’s parents, which forced them to take out a mortgage. In the meantime, Silas bought the mortgages off the bank with ulterior motives in mind. Tom refuses to repay the $500 leaving Marion’s parents in a tough financial spot. Out of spite Silas Johnson decides to foreclose on Marion’s parent’s farm in the hope that it may force Dollie to agree to marry him. On hearing the news, Marion immediately returns home and demands to be told why Tom borrowed the money. But what scrape did Tom get himself into, for in 1900, $500 was a great deal of money and will Marion be able to help her parents avoid the pending foreclosure? YESTERDAY’S BOOKS FOR TODAY’S CHARITIES. 10% of the profit from the sale of this book will be donated to charity. ============= KEYWORDS-TAGS: Marion Marlowe, True Heart, borrow, scam, , Allyn, Alma, ambulance, apron, ass, beautiful, beauty,believe, Bellevue, Bert, Bible, Blackwell’s, body, Breasts, Brookes, bum, Charity Hospital, Colebrook, cry, daughter, Deacon, discover, dock, doctor, dollars, Dollie, Farm, farmer, father, forgive, Franklin, gentleman, George, Hickorytown, horror, hundred, husband, Island, Jenkins, Joshua, Joshuy, kiss, Kittie, Kitty, laugh, Lawson, little, love, lover, Marion Marlowe, marry, Matt, money, Moore, mortgage, mother, murmur, New York, noble, officer, orderly, passion, patients, physician, picture, Poor, pretty, prisoners, probationer, pussy, Ralph, Ray, reason, Reginald, Sallie, Samantha, Sam, Silas Johnson, Sile, soul, Tom, train, typewriter, typist, Waal, whisper, Williams, woman, work

MARION MARLOWE - From Farm to Fortune

MARION MARLOWE - From Farm to Fortune
Author: Grace Shirley
Publisher: Abela Publishing Ltd
Total Pages: 98
Release: 2018-10-10
Genre: Fiction
ISBN: 8829523283

Farm girl Marion Marlowe is on her way home when she stops to take in the surrounding countryside. “Same farms, same hills, same animals! Oh, I’m just sick of country life and a farm life!” Little does she know that her circumstances are about to change! A magnificent singer, she breaks into song and might readily be forgiven for glorying in her superb natural talent. On arrival at home, she finds Dolores, or Dollie as she was called, weeping in the yard. She tells Marion that her father, not for the first time, wants her to enter a loveless marriage with the detestable Silas Johnson, which she has refused to do. Time passes and a mysterious Mr Carlos Lawson appears at the farm, which causes unease with Marion. She also overhears a conversation between Silas and her father and realises that Silas has a hold on her father and is wanting Dollie in exchange. Despite her misgivings she confides in Carlos Lawson and instantly regrets what she has done. While helping the orphan Bert Jackson escape from the orphanage after one beating too many, she discovers that Dollie, too, has runaway. Only she hasn’t runaway but been abducted by the black-hearted Carlos Lawson and the two have gone to New York. Marion sees the rescue of her sister as a valid excuse to escape the confines of the farm and plans to go to New York in search of her sister. She then packs and leaves for the city on a quest to find her sister. What adventures will her quest lead this inexperienced farm girl on, alone and almost penniless in New York city. To whom will she turn? Will they listen or simply dismiss her as a naïve farm girl? And what will happen if the money runs out before she has found her sister? Join Marion Marlowe on this, the first of her many adventures in 1900’s New York city. YESTERDAY’S BOOKS FOR TODAY’S CHARITIES. 10% of the profit from the sale of this book will be donated to charity. ============= KEYWORDS-TAGS: Marion Marlowe, Dollie, From Farm to Fortune, , abducted, Adele, arm, Aunt, Bert, bitter, blushing, Body, brain, Breasts, cabman, chief, clutches, companion, control, courage, crowd, daisy, daughter, detective, Dollie, Emile, Emile Vorse, exhibition, Farm, farmer, father, features, figure, flashed, flush, garments, gentleman, God, Gray, handsome, headquarters, homespun, hotel, housekeeper, hypnotised, hypnotized, innocent, instinctively, Jackson, Jenkins, jewels, kin, lashes, Lawson, lodging-house, Marion, Marlowe, married, Matt, Miss, monster, New, City, noble, Norwood, officer, officers, parlor, passengers, Passion, pity, pleasure, Police, Poor, power, prison, Professor Dabroski, pussy, queen, question, Ray, Ray, scream, sharp, Silas Johnson, Sile, sister, society, Stanton, station, station-house, straight, sunbonnet, superintendent, Susan, topazes, train, uncle, villain, whip, whisper, window, seduction, seduce, kidnap, capture, hostage, snatch

THE BOY GENERAL - The Story of Marquis de Lafayette

THE BOY GENERAL - The Story of Marquis de Lafayette
Author: Edward Cary
Publisher: Abela Publishing Ltd
Total Pages: 41
Release: 2018-11-20
Genre: History
ISBN: 8829543624

For any readers who have visited Union Square in New York, maybe you have seen a bronze statue standing among the trees of the park. It represents a tall young man, in the close-fitting uniform of an American General of the Revolution. He is erect and with his right hand he clasps a sword against his breast. His left hand is stretched out toward the statue of Washington. His name was Marie Jean Paul Roch Yves Gilbert Motier, better known as Marquis de Lafayette. The story of his whole life is one of the most interesting that has ever been written. This short volume will give only the story of his services to the United States of America, and of his life during the few years in which those services were rendered. The statue was set up in honor of these great services. If you ever embark upon reading the history of the USA, his name will forever be linked with that of General Washington. They were both brave, faithful, just, and generous, and both honored the name of American citizen—a title which Lafayette proudly claimed so long as he lived. =========== KEYWORDS/TAGS: 73, 77, Boy General, action, adventure, admiration, America, André, army, Arnold, attack, Austria, battalion, battle, Boston, brave, British, campaign, Canada, cannon, capture, Carlisle, cause, character, Clinton, command, commander-in-chief, Commissioners, Congress, Cornwallis, Count, countrymen, courage, Deane, Declaration, d'Estaing, Emperor, enemy, England, English, expedition, fight, fleet, France, freedom, French, gallant, garrison, General, government, gratitude, hero, honor, honour, horseback, independence, injustice, Island, Jersey, King, Lafayette, Lee, liberty, Lord, Louis, love, Major-General, march, Marquis de Lafayette, Monmouth, Napoleon, Newport, northward, officers, oppressed, overthrow, Paris, Paul, Philadelphia, Philippe, prison, prisoner, quarters, reconnaissance, reconnoissance, revolution, Revolutionary, River, Rochambeau, services, seventy-seven, seventy-three, soldier, statesman, statue, Sullivan, surrounded, three-cornered, Union, United States, Valley Forge, veteran, victory, Virginia, war, Washington, wound, York, Yorktown, young adult, YA

MY OWN STORY - The Emmeline Pankhurst Story

MY OWN STORY - The Emmeline Pankhurst Story
Author: Emmeline Pankhurst
Publisher: Abela Publishing Ltd
Total Pages: 314
Release: 2018-11-15
Genre: Social Science
ISBN: 882954115X

The closing paragraphs of this book were written in the late summer of 1914, when the armies of every great power in Europe called upon their citizens, and the citizens of their colonies, to mobilised for savage, unsparing, barbarous warfare against one another, against small and unaggressive nations, against helpless women and children, and against civilisation itself. How mild, by comparison with the despatches in the daily newspapers, will seem this chronicle of women's militant struggle against political and social injustice in one small corner of Europe. Yet, let it stand as it was written, with peace—so-called, and civilisation, and orderly government as the background for heroism such as the world has seldom witnessed. The militancy of men, through all the centuries, has drenched the world with blood, and for these deeds of horror and destruction men have been rewarded with monuments, with great songs and epics. Yet, the militancy of women has harmed no human life save the lives of those who fought the battle of righteousness. Time alone has revealed what reward has been allotted to the women. In the black hour that struck in Europe, the men, indeed Governments, turned to their women and called on them to take up the work of keeping civilisation alive. Through all the harvest fields, in orchards and vineyards, women garnered food to send to the front, as well as for the children left fatherless by war. In the cities the women kept open the shops, drove trucks and trams, and operated machines in the factories which made clothing and the munitions for the impending battle ahead and altogether attended to a multitude of tasks to keep the wheels of commerce turning. At the first alarm of war, the militants proclaimed a truce, which was answered half-heartedly by Reginald McKenna, the Home Secretary’s announcement that all suffrage prisoners would be released who gave an undertaking "not to commit further crimes or outrages." A few days later, no doubt influenced by representations made to the Government by men and women of every political persuasion, Mr. McKenna announced in the House of Commons that it was the intention of the Government, to release unconditionally, all suffrage prisoners. So ended, for a short time, the war of women against men – until the clash of arms ceases. Then once more women will take up the arms they so generously laid down. “There can be no real peace in the world until woman, the mother half of the human family, are given liberty in the councils of the world” – Emmeline Pankhurst. YESTERDAY’S BOOKS FOR TODAY’S CHARITIES 10% of the profit from the sale of this book will be donated to charity. ============= KEYWORDS-TAGS: My Own Story, Emmeline Pankhurst, , 1914, Act of Parliament, agitate, Annie, arrest, authorities, Bill, Cabinet, case, Christabel Pankhurst, committee, Conciliation, court, daughter, declare, demands, deputation, doctor, education, Edward, election, England, facilities, Fight, franchise, freedom, friends, girls, Gladstone, Government, Great War, Hall, Herbert Asquith, Holloway, House of Commons, hundred, hunger, imprisonment, justice, King, law, Lawrence, leaders, letters, Liberal, life long, Lloyd George, London, Lord, magistrate, majority, Manchester, meetings, members, men, militancy, Minister, movement, Parliament, party, Pethick, petition, place, pledge, police, policy, political, power, Prime Minister, prison, prisoners, property, protest, public, punishment, question, refuse, release, school, Secretary, sentence, session, Social Movement, speech, Street, suffrage, Suffragettes, suffragists, trial, Union, vote, Winston Churchill, woman, women, Women’s rights, world, World War One, WWI

THE LITTLE DOLL'S DRESSMAKER - A Children's Story by Charles Dickens Charles Dickens

THE LITTLE DOLL'S DRESSMAKER - A Children's Story by Charles Dickens Charles Dickens
Author: Charles Dickens
Publisher: Abela Publishing Ltd
Total Pages: 54
Release: 2018-12-29
Genre: Fiction
ISBN: 8829564451

Jenny Wren, The Doll’s Dressmaker, is a welcome contrast to stereotypes of disabled individuals as "permanent children" always in need of protection, "defined by their perceived dependence on the nondisabled" (Klages 2). Far from slinking through life as an object of pity, Jenny proclaims herself "the person of the house". It is a frequent complaint that Dickens's ideal heroine is the angel of the house and that his "stereotypical presentations of angels, fallen sisters, and eccentric women regrettably leave today's readers in search of a viable heroine". While several Dickens’ characters fit binary stereotypes of the disabled as pitiful and helpless, sometimes even monstrous and villainous, Jenny Wren, the dolls' dressmaker, creates a unique and constructive life with regards to her infirmities. She has successfully adaptated her life and in several respects she reverses and challenges and limits usually imposed on disabled women in Victorian fiction. To this end Jenny has built a successful business making dolls clothes for the wealthier members of society. The little dressmaker is so strong and courageous that she physically assaults a vile businessman, Fascination Fledgeby, who has hounded Jenny's friends and ruined many other lives through his extortionate lending practices. Jenny's weapon of choice is pepper, the Victorian girl's counterpart of mace. In a complete reversal of the usual paradigm, the able-bodied man finds himself writhing helplessly, temporarily disabled, humiliated and in pain. Jenny Wren anticipates today's view that the disabled and the able-bodied can work together in interdependent relationships, subverting the expectation that the disabled are inevitably dependent. While typically the disabled woman in the Victorian novel is denied a reproductive future, Jenny is an exception. Dickens was ahead of his time in providing a suitor for Jenny, and envisioning that a disabled woman can be beautiful. With thanks to Sara D. Schotland of Georgetown University and the Disability Studies Quarterly for publishing this summary of Jenny Wren in “The Doll’s Dressmaker.” 10% of the publisher’s profit will be donated to Charities. ------- KEYWORDS/TAGS: YA, Young Adult, story, Victorian, young person, young people, alone, back, bad, beautiful, bench, best, chair, Charles, child, children, children’s story, chin, city, clothes, creature, cry, crutch, dark, dead, Dickens, disabled, disability, , doll, dressmaker, fairy Godmother, Fledgeby, flowers, Jenny Wren, Lizzie, Lizzie-Mizzie-Wizzie, London, looking, master, miss, money, old, person, pin cushion, pleasant, poor, pretty, queer, quick, Riah, roof, sharp, shook, shop, Sloppy, small, smell, strange, tea, throw, toy, turn, Victorian, voice, Well, white, window, working, yellow, young

KNIGHTS OF THE FAERY QUEEN - Their Quests and Adventures

KNIGHTS OF THE FAERY QUEEN - Their Quests and Adventures
Author: Edmund Spenser
Publisher: Abela Publishing Ltd
Total Pages: 270
Release: 2019-05-05
Genre: Fiction
ISBN: 883258509X

This volume contains 39 stories of quests and adventures which the Knights of the Faery Queen undertake to prove their abilities and worthiness. Full of action and adventure, the quests the knights undertake are accompanied by 34 full-page colour illustrations. Herein you will find the heroes and heroines like Britomart, Sir Artegall, the Lady Una and her lion, Florimell, Pastorella, Tristram, Sir Calepine and the Lady Serena plus many more. Each on a quest to answer a burning question or a dilemma they face which they need to overcome. Some of the stories in this volume are: The Red-Cross Knight – a women with the heart and armour of a man. And she fights like a man as well. The Fortunes of Una – how she faced and tamed her fear. What befell at the House of Pride - and what the Red Cross Knight did to help it fall. The Giant Orgoglio – and how the Red Cross Knight overcame a person thrice his size. The Deeds of (the young) Prince Arthur. Sir Calidore and (the beautiful) Pastorella, and many more. The book is a reworking of Edmund Spenser’s epic poem “Stories from the Faery Queen” into a Y.A. novel. Just like Spenser’s poem the work is an allegory of good versus evil and each of the quests or adventures portray a “fight” young people will have to face at some point in their life. Hidden within the quests, the action and adventure are the life lessons to better equip young people before they venture into the wide world of life. What actually happens on these quests and adventures you ask? Well you’ll just have to download this book and find out for yourself!

PRINCESS WHITE FLAME - The Adventures of Prince Radiance and Princess Whileflame in the Fire Kingdom

PRINCESS WHITE FLAME - The Adventures of Prince Radiance and Princess Whileflame in the Fire Kingdom
Author: Gertrude Crownfield
Publisher: Abela Publishing Ltd
Total Pages: 125
Release: 2018-10-20
Genre: Fiction
ISBN: 882952462X

This is a children’s story about a curse placed on Princess White Flame of the Fire Fairies and how it was lifted. In this story you will hear tell of Prince Radiance, and Princess White Flame, who lived in the Fire Country and of many strange and wonderful adventures on which they journeyed on to reach, at last, a never-ending happiness. OF all the fairy countries in the world none is more wonderful or beautiful than the country where the Fire Fairies live. Into that land no fairies of the earth, or air, or water dare venture. They would be seared, or changed to ash or vapor. There are many doors which open into the Fire Kingdom. They number in the thousands, and hundreds of thousands. Wherever you see the firelight flicker, wherever you see flames leaping and dancing, wherever you hear the snap of the burning logs, there you may be sure is an open door. Then if you choose to creep close to it, and peer in, you may perhaps see wonderful things; fairy forms that flit and vanish, and reappear, and vanish again among the leaping flames. Perhaps, also, you may see the shining domes and glittering turrets of the fairy palaces. But when the fire burns down, and the hearth grows dark the door is closed—there is no more to be seen of that wonderland. In the very heart of the Fire Country stands the palace of King Red Flame, the gleaming flame-coloured palace, the Palace of Burning Coals. Around it lies a wonderful garden, where paths wind away among great fields of fire lilies, and flame roses lift their heads, and the tall shining trees rustle in the wind with a sound like the whispering of the fire on the hearth. Here in this glowing country the good and happy fairies work and play, and serve their king as all good fairies should. But not all fairies in this land are good and happy. Beyond the glow of the roses and the lilies, beyond all sight of the glimmering trees, there lies another part of the country where the evil fairies live. Here are great Plains of Ash, and huge Caverns of Soot, and stretches of gloom in which the Shadow Witch comes and goes. Here lurk the Imps of Darkness, Dragons crouch, and Wizards dwell. Perhaps sometimes when you have looked into the Fireplace you have seen those dismal plains and darksome valleys. They lie away from the heart of the Fire, at the side of the Hearth, and between the flames and the heaps of ashes. Yesterday’s Books for Today’s Charities. 10% of the profit from the sale of this book will be donated to charity. ============= KEYWORDS/TAGS: children's stories, folklore, fairy tales, folk tales, myths, legends, storyteller, bedtime story, moral stories, happiness, fable, Princess Whiteflame, , Ash, black, blonde, body, break, breast, brother, Burning, Cave, Chimney, Cloak, Coals, cradle, Curling, curls, dark, Dragon, Earth, entrance, errand, evil, Fairies, Fairy, Fire, firm, Flame, Flames, Flying, folds, garden, Giant, Glow, Goblin, gold, golden, Green, Grey, head, King, Land, love, magic, Majesty, messenger, palace, pass, presence, Prince, Princess, pure, Queen, Radiance, Red, restore, rose, Shadow, shining, Smoke, Soot, spell, Sword, Veil, wand, whisper, white, Whiteflame, wicked, Wind, Wisdom, Wise, Witch, Wizard

THE VILLAGE of Hide and SEEK - a Magical Tale of Adventure for Children

THE VILLAGE of Hide and SEEK - a Magical Tale of Adventure for Children
Author: Bingham Thorburn Wilson
Publisher: Abela Publishing Ltd
Total Pages: 119
Release: 2020-03-13
Genre: Fiction
ISBN: 8834175360

On a bright sunny day in the middle of the month of August, a merry group of brightly dressed children were romping upon the green lawn of a country place. The old-fashioned stone house, with its wide porch and heavily carved wooden columns green-coated with climbing ivy, rose amid the stately trees of the lawn, until it seemed lost in a bower of shadowy foliage. The low, thatch-roofed out-buildings and long lines of a far-reaching fence, stood glistening in the sunlight, quite in harmony with the polished marble window sills of the great stone mansion. Standing in the very centre of the scene, arose the tall, rustic arm of an old-fashioned well-sweep, that raised or lowered a moss-covered, old oak bucket, filled to overflowing and dripping wet with cool, clear water, frequently visited by this frolicking group of merry children both during and after their play. As the children rested for a moment beneath the sheltering arms of an old oak tree, they were much surprised to behold the form of a wandering vagabond ambling along the dusty road. His hat was well drawn down over his eyes to avoid the glaring rays of the mid-day sun. Over his shoulder and made fast to the end of a crooked stick, that might have answered as well for a defence as for a staff, hung his sum total of earthly possessions, tied carefully into a small bundle and as carefully hid from view within the folds of a red bandanna handkerchief... And so begins the magical adventure to the Village of Hide and Seek. But what does the vagabond have to do with this bunch of happily cavorting children? And, just who is Aunt Twaddles? Well you’ll have to download and read the book to find out. ============== KEYWORDS/TAGS: Village of Hide and Seek, fairy tales, fairytales, folklore, myths, legends, children’s stories, children’s books, children’s fantasy, fables, bedtime stories, wonderland, parents with children, parents to be, grandparents, mothers with children, mothers to be, nursery school, king, kindergarten, kindergarden, Arthur, Aunt Twaddles, beautiful, Claus, dolls, Dreams, face, far, golden, great, Island, journey, magical, Maud, merry, happy, , mountain, old, path, palace, prince, princess, pennyroyal, Queen, River, Santa Claus,, stream, sweet, tall, throne, Vagabond, valley, village, water, wild, well, wonderland