L’hyperactivité chez l’enfant (TDAH) - 2e édition

L’hyperactivité chez l’enfant (TDAH) - 2e édition
Author: Nathalie Franc
Publisher: Editions Ellipses
Total Pages: 119
Release: 2020-10-13
Genre: Psychology
ISBN: 2340044340

Pour tout savoir sur le TDAH chez l’enfant ! Cet ouvrage explique : Ses origines,Son diagnostic,Comment le gérer, du point de vue des enfants, des proches ou des enseignants.

Publisher: Odile Jacob
Total Pages: 300
ISBN: 2738191169

Managing ADHD in the presence of substance use disorders

Managing ADHD in the presence of substance use disorders
Author: Frieda Matthys
Publisher: Gompel&Svacina
Total Pages: 162
Release: 2018
Genre: Psychology
ISBN: 946371023X

ADHD is a highly comorbid disorder in patients with substance use disorders (SUD). This comorbid patient population is, however, often undertreated. Diagnosing ADHD in patients with SUD is not easy due to the large overlap of the ADHD characteristics with symptoms of intoxication and withdrawal. These patients often disappear prematurely from the treatment services, on the one hand because their untreated ADHD symptoms make it more diffi cult to follow the therapy, on the other hand because the treatment programs do not take their limitations into account. Caregivers expressed a great need for concrete tools to work with these patients. Therefore, “Managing ADHD in the presence of substance use disorders” consists of a theoretical and a practical part. The different aspects of the treatment are described from various therapeutic perspectives, and elaborated in ten modules with downloadable worksheets. “This is a practical and insightful book that I highly recommend to both novice and experienced clinicians alike.” Frances R. Levin, MD PhD, Columbia University Medical Center/New York State Psychiatric Institute “For the fi rst time clinical and scientifi c knowledge is summarized and integrated in a handsome format. In addition, this book can be used by clinicians and patients in the context of psychoeducation and as a shared decision making aid.” Wim van den Brink, MD PhD, Professor of Psychiatry and Addiction, Academic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam

ADHD Comorbidities

ADHD Comorbidities
Author: Thomas E. Brown
Publisher: American Psychiatric Pub
Total Pages: 480
Release: 2009
Genre: Psychology
ISBN: 1585621587

The only book that covers the multiple ways in which ADHD is complicated by other psychiatric and learning disorders in both children and adults, ADHD Comorbidities: Handbook for ADHD Complications in Children and Adults features comprehensive, research-based information on ADHD and its full range of coexisting syndromes. Contributing researcher-clinicians, familiar with the complications that additional disorders pose, summarize in accessible language what is currently known about ADHD and its comorbidities, from preschool age to adulthood. These authors describe how ADHD leads to different profiles at different stages of development and how to adjust treatment strategies for both ADHD and additional disorders to reduce the impairments resulting from their combination. The book offers a new paradigm for understanding ADHD, viewing it not as a simple behavior disorder but as a complex developmental impairment of executive functions in the brain. This important handbook gives developmental context to ADHD by describing how symptoms at preschool onset differ from those of older age at onset. Clinicians will find practical help for patients whose ADHD appears in conjunction with 11 other syndromes -- from mood disorders to developmental coordination disorder -- and acquire valuable guidance on adapting and adjusting medications and other interventions to optimize treatment effects for the wide diversity of complex cases that embody ADHD.

Magnesium in the Central Nervous System

Magnesium in the Central Nervous System
Author: Robert Vink
Publisher: University of Adelaide Press
Total Pages: 354
Release: 2011
Genre: Medical
ISBN: 0987073052

The brain is the most complex organ in our body. Indeed, it is perhaps the most complex structure we have ever encountered in nature. Both structurally and functionally, there are many peculiarities that differentiate the brain from all other organs. The brain is our connection to the world around us and by governing nervous system and higher function, any disturbance induces severe neurological and psychiatric disorders that can have a devastating effect on quality of life. Our understanding of the physiology and biochemistry of the brain has improved dramatically in the last two decades. In particular, the critical role of cations, including magnesium, has become evident, even if incompletely understood at a mechanistic level. The exact role and regulation of magnesium, in particular, remains elusive, largely because intracellular levels are so difficult to routinely quantify. Nonetheless, the importance of magnesium to normal central nervous system activity is self-evident given the complicated homeostatic mechanisms that maintain the concentration of this cation within strict limits essential for normal physiology and metabolism. There is also considerable accumulating evidence to suggest alterations to some brain functions in both normal and pathological conditions may be linked to alterations in local magnesium concentration. This book, containing chapters written by some of the foremost experts in the field of magnesium research, brings together the latest in experimental and clinical magnesium research as it relates to the central nervous system. It offers a complete and updated view of magnesiums involvement in central nervous system function and in so doing, brings together two main pillars of contemporary neuroscience research, namely providing an explanation for the molecular mechanisms involved in brain function, and emphasizing the connections between the molecular changes and behavior. It is the untiring efforts of those magnesium researchers who have dedicated their lives to unraveling the mysteries of magnesiums role in biological systems that has inspired the collation of this volume of work.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Adults

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Adults
Author: Wolfgang Retz
Publisher: Karger Medical and Scientific Publishers
Total Pages: 200
Release: 2010
Genre: Psychology
ISBN: 380559237X

Worldwide longitudinal studies performed since the 1970s have clearly shown that ADHD persists into adulthood. These findings have stimulated researchers to develop the therapeutic approaches for adult patients, especially in European countries where scientific and clinical interest in ADHD has increased.. In this volume, leading experts from Europe and the United States present their long-term results in order to provide an overview of important aspects of ADHD across the lifespan. These results include epidemiology, neurobiology, psychopathology, longitudinal course, comorbidity and social impairment associated with ADHD. Topics include diagnostic problems and therapeutic options as well as molecular genetic studies. Further, morphological and functional imaging studies in adult ADHD are reviewed, as well as the very important issue of comorbidity. Providing an excellent source of up-to-date information, this publication is essential reading for psychiatrists, neurologists, geneticists, psychotherapists, physicians and other therapists working with ADHD patients.

Les troubles anxieux

Les troubles anxieux
Author: BOULENGER Jean-Philippe
Publisher: Lavoisier
Total Pages: 344
Release: 2014-04-04
Genre: Anxiety
ISBN: 2257704088

Depuis les premières descriptions cliniques datant de la fin du XIXe siècle, montrant l’intérêt médical relativement récent pour l’anxiété, les symptômes anxieux et les troubles anxieux, les concepts ont considérablement évolué au cours du XXe siècle pour aboutir aux classifications syndromiques en vigueur dans la nosographie actuelle. Pourtant, un certain nombre de questions demeurent, par exemple sur l’existence d’un continuum entre une anxiété normale et adaptative et une anxiété pathologique, la nature de la réactivité émotionnelle dans les troubles anxieux par rapport à celle décrite dans les troubles bipolaires, etc... La première partie d’ouvrage présente les diverses approches actuelles pour comprendre les troubles anxieux : modèles émotionnels, approche évolutionniste, psychodynamique, théorie de l’attachement, génétique, neurobiologie, neuropsychologie, électrophysiologie et neuro-imagerie. Sont ensuite exposés les différents troubles anxieux (attaque de panique, phobie sociale, trouble anxieux généralisé, hypocondrie, état de stress post-traumatique, TOC, etc.) et les associations co-morbides (dépression, conduites suicidaires, troubles bipolaires, addictions, etc...). Réunissant plus d’une quarantaine de spécialistes reconnus, riche d’une trentaine tableaux et schémas explicatifs et d’un index détaillé, cet ouvrage offre un état des connaissances et des recherches sur les troubles anxieux. Jean-Pierre Lépine, Professeur des Universités, Praticien hospitalier, service de Psychiatrie Adultes, hôpital Lariboisière, Paris. Jean-Philippe Boulenger, Professeur des Universités, Praticien hospitalier, service de Psychiatrie Adultes, CHU, Montpellier.

Les médicaments psychotropes : les thymorégulateurs

Les médicaments psychotropes : les thymorégulateurs
Author: VERDOUX Hélène
Publisher: Lavoisier
Total Pages: 297
Release: 2013-12-16
Genre: Antipsychotic drugs
ISBN: 2257705440

La classe des médicaments thymorégulateurs s’est longtemps résumée au seul lithium, avant de s’élargir aux anticonvulsivants. Plus récemment, avec les modifications intervenues dans le profil des molécules regroupées dans cette classe médicamenteuse et la remise en cause de la distinction entre antipsychotiques et thymorégulateurs, différentes définitions ont émergé, selon les critères retenus et l’accent sur l’efficacité préventive ou curative. Ces interrogations sur la définition de la classe des thymorégulateurs s’accompagnent d’un questionnement sur l’évolution des modèles nosographiques et donc des stratégies thérapeutiques. Ainsi l’ouvrage a-t-il pour objectif d’apporter les informations nécessaires à une prescription raisonnée de thymorégulateurs : - les bases fondamentales : mécanismes neurobiologiques, pharmacocinétique, pharmacodynamie, pharmacogénétique, effets sur les processus cognitifs et émotionnels ; - les modalités de prescription : incluant l’instauration, la surveillance, l’arrêt du traitement ainsi que les effets secondaires et les complications, pour le lithium, les anticonvulsivants et les antipsychotiques ; - l’éducation thérapeutique du patient. - les indications : trouble bipolaire, dépression, troubles psychotiques, troubles de la personnalité, addictions, prescriptions dimensionnelles ; - les spécificités liées aux populations et aux situations : association de plusieurs thymorégulateurs ou à un antidépresseur ou à l’ECT, utilisation chez les enfants et les adolescents, chez la femme enceinte ou allaitant, chez les personnes âgées. Réunissant une cinquantaine de spécialistes reconnus, riche d’une trentaine de tableaux et schémas explicatifs et d’un index détaillé, cet ouvrage est la référence indispensable pour tous les praticiens devant prescrire des thymorégulateurs.

Short-term and Working Memory

Short-term and Working Memory
Author: Susan E. Gathercole
Publisher: Psychology Press
Total Pages: 268
Release: 2001
Genre: Medical
ISBN: 9781841699189

This special issue ponders a detailed and contemporary analysis of the theoretical underpinnings of short-term and working memory. Articles focus on short-term memory for phonological, semantic, and spatial material, on executive function and on short-term forgetting. The empirical perspectives include the neuroimaging of short-term memory, short-term memory development and the neuropsychology and neurobiology of memory, in addition to laboratory-based experimental studies. Together, these articles identify significant current models and approaches to short-term and working memory, providing a broad set of perspectives which illustrate the wide impact of working memory on the understanding of human cognition.