Water Communication

Water Communication
Author: Celine Herve-Bazin
Publisher: IWA Publishing
Total Pages: 234
Release: 2014-04-14
Genre: Science
ISBN: 1780405219

Water Communication aims at setting a first general outlook at what communication on water means, who communicates and on what topics. Through different examples and based on different research and contributions, this book presents an original first overview of “water communication”. It sets its academic value as one distinct scientific domain and provides tips and practical tools to professionals. The book contributes to avoid mixing messages, targets and discourses when setting communication related to water issues. The book facilitates coordination within the water sector and its organizations as water is a wide field of applications where inadequate words and language understanding between its stakeholders is one of the main obstacles today. Water Communication provides and describes: a general outlook and retrospective of the history of the water sector in terms of communication the landscape of organizations communicating on water and classification of topics the differences between communication, information, mediation, raising awareness examples of communication campaigns on water Water Communication is a vital resource for communication managers, utility managers, policy makers involved in water management and students in water sciences and environment. Colour figures from the book are available to view on the WaterWiki at: http://www.iwawaterwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Articles/WaterCommunicationAnalysisofStrategiesandCampaignsfromtheWaterSector Editor: Celine Herve-Bazin, Celsa - Sorbonne University, Paris, France

Publisher: Odile Jacob
Total Pages: 318
ISBN: 2738170943

L'eau, enjeux politiques et théologiques, de Sumer à la Bible

L'eau, enjeux politiques et théologiques, de Sumer à la Bible
Author: Stéphanie Anthonioz
Publisher: BRILL
Total Pages: 712
Release: 2009-10-23
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 9047441338

This book investigates a corpus of royal inscriptions and literary texts, with special emphasis on those that are mythological and biblical, stretching over several millennia from the early days of Sumer to the Biblical period, in order to determine the ways in which the concept of water was used, in particular the way it functions in the political and theological ideology of the time. Three literary motifs are the object of a careful study : the crossing of water, the flood and the water of abundance. Though their study shows diversity in evolution, transmission and reception, it appears that their function is common at the heart of the Mesopotamian political theology of royal mediation.

Développement territorial durable : renforcement des relations intersectorelles

Développement territorial durable : renforcement des relations intersectorelles
Author: Council of Europe
Publisher: Council of Europe
Total Pages: 164
Release: 2003-01-01
Genre: Political Science
ISBN: 9789287152091

L'aménagement du territoire joue un rôle important dans le renforcement des relations intersectorielles. Mais, la diversité de l'environnement, des valeurs culturelles, et des caractéristiques nationales et ethniques est un atout majeur en Europe qu'il convient de préserver et de mettre en valeur dans le contexte de la mondialisation. Il est tout aussi important de réduire les disparités entre pays, régions et communes d'Europe en matière de qualité de vie, de perspectives économiques, de prospérité et de niveau de développement. La question de l'accès aux services essentiels - accès à l'eau potable, assainissement des eaux usées, collecte et traitement des déchets, transport public, construction durable - dans ce contexte prend ici toute son importance. Ouvrage en anglais et en français.

Vers une gestion intégrée de l'eau dans l'Empire romain

Vers une gestion intégrée de l'eau dans l'Empire romain
Author: Ella Hermon
Total Pages: 304
Release: 2008
Genre: History
ISBN: 9788882654818

Ella Hermon, Avant-propos. Concepts et paradigmes ; Luigi Capogrossi Colognesi, Pr�face. Acque, terre e paesaggi umani nella storia di Roma; A. Trevor Hodge, Introduction. Reflections on Water; i. aspects de gestion int�gr�e de leau: I.1. Pratiques de la gestion int�gr�e de leau; Mich�le Brunet, La gestion de leau en milieu urbain et rural � D�los dans lAntiquit�; Monique Clavel-L�veque, Gestion de leau et d�veloppement de la colonie de B�ziers; dans la plaine littorale; Sophie Collin-Bouffier, Organisation des territoires grecs antiques et gestion de leau; H�le`ne Dessales, Le prix de leau dans lhabitat romain: une �tude des modes de gestion; � Pomp�i; Maurizio Gualtieri, The Water Supply System of a Senatorial Estate in Southern Italy; (Oppido Lucano, PZ); Alberto Prieto, Les guerres de leau dans lHispanie romaine; I.2. La gestion des risques environnementaux : C�cile Allinne, L�volution du climat � l�poque romaine en M�diterran�e occidentale:; aper�u historiographique et nouvelles approches; Robert Bedon, Les villes des Trois Gaules et leur recherche dune proximit� de leau:; gestion des atouts et des difficult�s cr��es par la pr�sence de rivi�res et de mar�cages; Jean-Fran�ois Berger, �tude g�oarch�ologique des r�seaux hydrauliques romains de; Gaule Narbonnaise (haute et moyenne vall�e du Rh�ne): apports � la gestion des; ressources en eau et � lhistoire agraire antique; Rita Compatangelo-Soussignan, La lagune-mar�cage de Salapia / Siponte (Pouilles,; Italie) � l�poque romaine: modifications environnementales et r�ponses anthropiques; Philippe Leveau, Les inondations du Tibre � Rome: politiques publiques et variations; climatiques � l�poque romaine; Marinella Pasquinucci, Water Management Practices and Risk Management in North; Etruria (Archaic Period to Late Antiquity): A Few Remarks; ii. savoirs traditionnels : ii.1. Usages �conomiques et conflits dusage : Pascal Arnaud, Conscience de limpact environnemental et choix dam�nagements ; concurrentiels des cours deau chez les auteurs anciens; Raffaella Biundo, La gestion publique de leau: finances municipales et centre du pouvoir; � l�poque imp�riale; Geoffrey Kron, Reconstructing the Techniques and Potential Productivity of Roman; Aquaculture in the Light of Recent Research and Practice; Philippe Leveau, Les aqueducs de la colonie romaine dArles et lexploitation des eaux souterraines (Ground Water): conflits dusage, changements dutilisation des eaux,; �volution des environnements dans un massif karstique; Elio Lo Cascio and Paolo Malanima, Mechanical Energy and Water Power in Europe:; A Long Stability ?; Almudena Orejas, Mar�a Ruiz del �rbol et F.-Javier Sanchez-Palencia, La gestion; int�gr�e de leau dans les zones mini�res du nord-ouest dHispania; Stefania Quilici Gigli, The Management of the Water Regime in Agrarian Contexts in; Central Italy; ii.2. Aspects juridiques : Pierre Jaillette et Francesca Reduzzi Merola, Leau � usage agricole dans la; l�gislation romaine de l�poque tardive: du Code Th�odosien au Code Justinien; Dennis Kehoe, Economics and the Law of Water Rights in the Roman Empire; Jean Peyras, La gestion int�gr�e de leau dans lAntiquit� tardive: la r�ception du droit; romain dans lAfrique Mineure; Robert H. Rodgers, Ex rei publicae utilitate: Legal Issues Concerning Maintenance of; the Aqueducts at Rome; Francesco Salerno, Opus manu factum, natura agri et lutilisation de leau de pluie; dans la jurisprudence romaine; conclusion : Luigi Labruna, Rome et le droit de lenvironnement; Ella Hermon, LEmpire romain: un paradigme interpr�tatif ?

Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development from Rio to Rio+20

Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development from Rio to Rio+20
Author: Malgosia Fitzmaurice
Publisher: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
Total Pages: 428
Release: 2015-01-08
Genre: Law
ISBN: 9004282912

The Challenges of Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development from Rio to Rio+20 and Beyond is an innovative and original book which addresses in an analytical and critical way the issues raised by Rio+20. Its content offers a wealth of information from world leading experts in the fields of international law, international environmental law and international health law. The book provides a unique insight in issues which are at the core of the contemporary management of social, environmental and economic questions and thus represents a very important contribution to our further understanding of the concept of sustainable development. It is aimed at a global audience and at anybody interested in the future of our Planet and the fate of future generations. Contributors are: Pia Acconci, Estelle Brosset, Francesco Buonomenna, Lucien Chabason, Carina Costa de Oliveira, Angela Di Stasi, Jérôme Dubois, Malgosia Fitzmaurice, Leonardus Gerber, Elizabeth Hodson de Jaramillo, Sophie Lavallée, Antonio Leandro, Sandrine Maljean-Dubois, Panos Merkouris, Claudia Napoli, Stefania Negri, Anna Oriolo, Rossana Palladino, Teresa Russo, Ingrid Schuler, Francesco Sindico, José Manuel Sobrino Heredia, Hélène Tigroudja, Valentina Vadi, Anna Vigorito