William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare
Author: Yves Peyré
Publisher: Didier-Erudition
Total Pages: 204
Release: 1998
Genre: History

Of the many mythological verse narratives that were inspired by Ovid in the English Renaissance, Shakespeare's Venus and Adonis (1593) is one of the most important. Through close readings of the text, these essays explore the complexities of the poem's imaginative, rhetorical and structural patterns and provide keys to their elaborate construction by referring back to the context of Renaissance Ovidian poems, mythographical interpretations, and related myths such as that of the Gardens of Adonis. What emerges is a kaleidoscopic poem, constantly shifting in tone and perspective, that challenges the reader's capacity for intellectual versatility. This volume is designed to help candidates for the Agregation by suggesting lines of thought leading into the poem, while providing them with methodological tools so that they may in turn embark on their own exploration of this fascinating, elusive poem.

Aux carrefours du sens

Aux carrefours du sens
Author: Martin Riegel
Publisher: Peeters Publishers
Total Pages: 724
Release: 2006
Genre: Grammar, Comparative and general

Pour Georges Kleiber, la linguistique est (aussi) un champ de divertissement (langagier). On ne s'etonnera donc pas qu'un groupe de collegues, amis, collaborateurs et anciens etudiants aient decide d'offrir a Georges Kleiber cet ouvrage collectif en temoignage de leur amicale estime et, pourquoi ne pas le dire, de leur admiration. Les dimensions limitees du volume n'ont malheureusement pas permis aux editeurs d'accueillir tous ceux - et ils ont ete nombreux! - qui ont souhaite y contribuer. Les 44 contributions rassemblees dans ce volume ont ete regroupees en cinq sections qui recouvrent les domains de l'etude des "formes du sens" ou s'est principalement deployee l'activite scientifique et d'enseignement du recipiendaire: semantique et reference; categorisation et prototypicalite; deixis et anaphore; denomination, expressions nominales, noms propres; polysemie, metaphore et metonymie.