Journal of Moral Theology, Volume 10, Issue 1

Journal of Moral Theology, Volume 10, Issue 1
Author: Jason King
Publisher: Wipf and Stock Publishers
Total Pages: 256
Release: 2021-01-27
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 1725297809

The Evolution of Human Dignity in Catholic Morality Bernard Brady Gregory of Nyssa’s “Reverse Contagion” and Roberto Esposito’s “Immunity”: Which Way Forward in the Aftermath of the Pan-demic? Carlo Calleja An Augustinian Correction to a Faulty Option: The Politics of Salt and Light Anthony Crescio “The Perspective of the Acting Person” and Moral Action: Reading Veritatis Splendor no. 78 with Servais Pinckaers, OP Matthew Kuhnar Round Table Discussion: On the Work of Paul J. Wadell Thanks Be to God for Paul J. Wadell: Essays in Honor of a Friend and His Work Tobias Winright Stories of Friendship: The Generous Contributions of Paul Wadell Charles R. Pinches A Consideration of Teaching: Friendship, and Boundaries in Catholic Higher Education Bridget Burke Ravizza and Mara Brecht Spiritual Rescue Darin Davis Jesus Is Not Just My Homeboy: A Friendship Christology Justin Bronson Barringer Reciprocity within Community: Ancient and Contemporary Challenges to and Opportunities for Civic Friendship Anne-Marie Ellithorpe The Place of Friendship in Christian Ethics – A Response Written in Gratitude Paul J. Wadell BOOK REVIEWS Thomas C. Behr, Social Justice and Subsidiarity: Luigi Taparelli and the Origins of Modern Catholic Social Thought Michael Krom Charles C. Camosy, Resisting Throwaway Culture: How a Con-sistent Life Ethic Can Unite a Fractured People Alessandro Rovati Daniel P. Castillo, An Ecological Theology of Liberation: Salvation and Political Ecology Xavier M. Montecel Dennis M. Doyle, The Catholic Church in a Changing World: A Vat-ican II-Inspired Approach Martin Madar Joshua Dubler and Vincent W. Lloyd, Break Every Yoke: Religion, Justice, and the Abolition of Prisons Joshua R. Snyder Daniel K. Finn, ed. Moral Agency within Social Structures and Cul-ture Kevin Ahern Reinhard Huetter, Bound for Beatitude: A Thomistic Study in Escha-tology and Ethics William Mattison James Davison Hunter and Paul Nedelisky, Science and the Good: The Tragic Quest for the Foundations of Morality Frederiek Depoortere Maureen Junker-Kenny, Approaches to Theological Ethics: Sources, Traditions, Visions Mariele Courtois Nicholas Kahm, Aquinas on Emotion’s Participation in Reason Andrew Kim Jason King and Julie Hanlon Rubio, eds., Catholic Perspectives on Sex, Love, and Families Conor M. Kelly Rebecca Langlands, Exemplary Ethics in Ancient Rome Anthony Crescio Jerry L. Martin, ed., Theology Without Walls: The Transreligious Im-perative Daniele Clausnitzer Eli S. McCarthy, ed., A Just Peace Ethic Primer: Building Sustaina-ble Peace and Breaking Cycles of Violence Wesley Sutermeister Mary E. McGann, RSCJ, The Meal That Reconnects: Eucharistic Eating and the Global Food Crisis Lucas Briola Marcus Mescher, The Ethics of Encounter: Christian Neighbor Love as a Practice of Solidarity Vincent Miller Joseph Ogbonnaya and Lucas Briola, eds., Everything Is Intercon-nected: Towards a Globalization with a Human Face and an In-tegral Ecology Randall S. Rosenberg Matthew Petrusek and Jonathan Rothchild, eds., Value and Vulnera-bility: An Interfaith Dialogue on Human Dignity Peter Feldmeier D. C. Schindler, Freedom from Reality: The Diabolical Character of Modern Liberty Jerome C. Foss

Journal of Moral Theology, Volume 10, Special Issue 1

Journal of Moral Theology, Volume 10, Special Issue 1
Author: William C. Mattison
Publisher: Wipf and Stock Publishers
Total Pages: 148
Release: 2021-06-23
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 1666730920

Introduction: Trends in Post-Vatican II Scholarship on Scripture and Moral Theology William C. Mattison III On Pilgrimage with Abraham: How a Patriarch Leads Us in Formation in Faith Jana M. Bennett Joseph the Just and Matthew’s Matrix of Mercy: The Redefinition of Righteousness Jonathan T. Pennington “Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand!ˮ (Mt 3:1 and 4:17): Conversion in the Gospel and the Christian Life Anton ten Klooster “Those He Predestined He Also Calledˮ (Romans 8:30): Aquinas on the Liberating Grace of Conversion Daria Spezzano Almsgiving as an Integral Practice of Repentance for Christian Discipleship: The Gospel of Luke and Daniel 4:24 James W. Stroud A Defense of the Command/Counsel Distinction Based on Matthew 19 and 1 Corinthians 7 John Meinert Newness of Life and Grace Enabled Recovery from Addiction: Walking the Road to Recovery with Romans 7 Andrew Kim

Journal of Moral Theology, Volume 10, Issue 2

Journal of Moral Theology, Volume 10, Issue 2
Author: David M. Cloutier
Publisher: Wipf and Stock Publishers
Total Pages: 302
Release: 2021-07-27
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 1666732966

Introduction David Cloutier and Robert Koerpel “But from the begining it was not so”: The Jewish Apocalyptic Context of Jesus’s Teaching on Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage John W. Martens Historical Theology and the Problem of Divorce and Remarriage Today David G. Hunter Saint John Henry Newman, Development of Doctrine, and Sensus Fidelium: His Enduring Legacy in Roman Catholic Theological Discourse Kenneth Parker The Risk of Tradition: With de Certeau toward a Postmodern Catholic Theory Philipp W. Rosemann Tradition as Given: Eucharist, Theological Pugilism, and Eschatological Patience Jonathan Martin Ciraulo Interpreting Chapter Eight of Amoris Laetitia in Light of the Incarnation Nicholas J. Healy, Jr. Beyond the Law-Conscience Binary in Catholic Moral Thought David Cloutier and Robert Koerpel Inculturating through the Lens of Liberation: John Mary Waliggo and the Renewal of Catholic Tradition in Africa J.J. Carney Gnoseological Concupiscence, Intersectionality, and Living Truthfully: Insights into How and Why Moral Theology Develops Kathryn Lilla Cox The Challenge of Technology to Moral Theology Paul Scherz Book Reviews Thomas Crean and Alan Fimister, Integralism: A Manual of Political Philosophy Kent J. Lasnoski Marie Dennis, ed., Choosing Peace. The Catholic Church Returns to Gospel Nonviolence Margaret R. Pfeil Kevin Flannery, Action and Character According to Aristotle: The Logic of the Moral Life Michael Bolin Richard Grigg, Science Fiction and the Imitation of the Sacred Kim Paffenroth Elizabeth T. Groppe, ed., Seeing with the Eyes of the Heart: Cultivating a Sacramental Imagination in an Age of Pornography Matthew Sherman Matthew Hanley, Determining Death by Neurological Criteria: Current Practices and Ethics Gina Maria Noia Theodora Hawksley, Peacebuilding and Catholic Social Teaching Caesar A. Montevecchio Albert de Mingo Kaminouchi, Brother John of Taizé, trans., An Introduction to Christian Ethics: A New Testament Perspective Thomas P. Scheck Han-Luen Kantzer Komline, Augustine on the Will: A Theological Account J. M. Stewart Matthew Levering, Aquinas’s Eschatological Ethics and the Virtue of Temperance Steven J. Jensen Matthew Levering, Engaging the Doctrine of Marriage: Human Marriage as the Image and Sacrament of the Marriage of God and Creation Timothy P. O’Malley Marcus Mescher, The Ethics of Encounter: Christian Neighbor Love as a Practice of Solidarity Jessica Wrobleski Kelley Nikondeha, Defiant: What the Women of Exodus Teach us About Freedom Patricia Sharbaugh Michael S. Sherwin, OP, On Love and Virtue: Theological Essays James W. Stroud Janet E. Smith, Self-Gift: Essays on Humanae Vitae and the Thought of John Paul II John Sikorski

Journal of Moral Theology, Volume 11, Issue 1

Journal of Moral Theology, Volume 11, Issue 1
Author: Jason King
Publisher: Wipf and Stock Publishers
Total Pages: 214
Release: 2022-01-14
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 1666737968

Table of Contetnts Editorial Essay Jason King Keynote Addresses from the second convening of "Laudato Si' and the US Catholic Church: A Conference Series on Our Common Home” co-sponsored by Catholic Climate Covenant and Creighton University. From “Not Enough”’ to Bold Embrace: US Catholic Responses to Laudato Si’ Blase Cardinal Cupich Responding to the Invitation: Fostering a Bolder Response to Laudato Si’ Maureen K. Day Lisa Sowle Cahill: Five Significant Contributions to Reimagining Christian Ethics Charles Curran Racial Habitus, Resurrection, and Moral Imagination Ebenezer Akesseh $ymbol and Sacrament: Fossil Fuel Divestment and Reinvestment as a Real Symbol of Love Erin Lothes Biviano Guns and Practical Reason: An Ethical Exploration of Guns and Language Mark Ryan Aquinas’s Unity Thesis and Grace: Ingredients for Developing a Good Appetite in a Contemporary Age Megan Heeder Revolution of Faith in Les Misérables: The Journey from Misery to Mercy in the Secular Age Jean-Pierre Fortin “All Creatures Moving Forward”: Reconsidering the Ethics of Xeno-transplantation in the Light of Laudato Si’ Skya Abbate Resurrecting Justice Daniel Philpott Book Reviews Daniel J. Daly, The Structures of Virtue and Vice Nichole M. Flores Donal Dorr, A Creed for Today: Faith and Commitment for Our New Earth Awareness Mari Rapela Heidt Gusztáv Kovács, Thought Experiments in Ethics Piotr Morciniec Michael P. Krom, Justice and Charity: An Introduction to Aquinas’s Moral, Economic, and Political Thought R. Jared Staudt Stuart Lasine, Jonah and the Human Condition: Life and Death in Yahweh’s World Karina Martin Hogan James McCarty, Matthew Tapie, and Justin Bronson Barringer, eds., The Business of War: Theological and Ethical Reflections on the Military Industrial Complex Vincent Birch R. Jared Staudt, Restoring Humanity: Essays on the Evangelization of Culture Jesse Russell Dietrich von Hildebrand, Morality and Situation Ethics and Graven Images: Substitutes for True Morality Kevin Schemenauer

Journal of Moral Theology, Volume 9, Special Issue 1

Journal of Moral Theology, Volume 9, Special Issue 1
Author: Daniel R. DiLeo
Publisher: Wipf and Stock Publishers
Total Pages: 128
Release: 2020-06-18
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 1725280183

Introduction: The ‘Climate Emergency’ and US Catholic Responses to Laudato Si’ Daniel R. DiLeo Introductory Address at the Inaugural Gathering of “Laudato Si’ and the U.S. Catholic Church” Daniel J. Misleh Welcome to “The U.S. Catholic Church: Laudato Si’, Creation Care, and the Climate Crisis” – with Letter from Apostolic Nuncio Christophe Pierre Most Reverend George J. Lucas Opening Remarks to “The U.S. Catholic Church: Laudato Si’, Creation Care, and the Climate Crisis” Reverend Daniel S. Hendrickson, SJ Paradise Lost: The Urgent Summons of Laudato Si’ to the American People at This Moment in Our History Most Reverend Robert W. McElroy The Work of the Church and Care for Creation: Implementing an Integral Ecology in Praxis Meghan Goodwin Inspiring the Ecological Mission of the American Catholic Church: Laudato Si’ at a Moment of Crisis and Hope Erin Lothes Biviano What Is Happening to Our Common Home? Considerations from a Catholic Climate Scientist and a Catholic Theological Ethicist Martha D. Shulski and Daniel R. DiLeo Laudato Si’ in the United States: Reflections on Love, Charitable Works, and Social Justice Kenneth R. Himes, OFM and Daniel R. DiLeo In Honor of Laudato Si’: Stories of Ecological Conversion in Action Sister Patricia Siemen, OP

Journal of Moral Theology, Volume 13, Issue 1

Journal of Moral Theology, Volume 13, Issue 1
Author: M. Therese Lysaught
Publisher: Wipf and Stock Publishers
Total Pages: 183
Release: 2024-01-29
Genre: Religion

Ad (Synodalem) Theologiam (Moralem) Promovendam M. Therese Lysaught ORIGINAL ARTICLES “And You, Africans: Who Do You Say Jesus Is?”: The Legacy of Laurenti Magesa for the Future of African Theology SimonMary Asese Aihiokhai A View from the Dunghill: Learning Forbearance in a Synodal Church Christopher McMahon Blade Runner’s Replicant Humanity: Self-Discovery and Moral Formation in a World of Simulation Jean-Pierre Fortin Afrofuturist Worlds: The Diseased Colonial Imagination and Christian Hope Adam Beyt Moral Exemplarism in the Key of Christ Noah Karger Power Literacy in Abuse Prevention Education: Lessons from the Field in the Catholic Safeguarding Response Cathy Melesky Dante, Mark A. Levand, and Karen Ross BOOK REVIEWS Andrew Blosser, The Ethics of Doing Nothing: Rest, Rituals, and the Modern World Keunwoo Kwon Erin M. Brigham and Mary Johnson, SNDdeN, eds., Women Engaging the Catholic Social Tradition: Solidarity toward the Common Good Sandie Cornish Charles C. Camosy, One Church: How to Rekindle Trust, Negotiate Difference, and Reclaim Catholic Unity Steven P. Millies Drew Christiansen, SJ, and Carole Sargent, eds., Forbidden: Receiving Pope Francis’s Condemnation of Nuclear Weapons Jacques Linder Stewart Clem, Lying and Truthfulness: A Thomistic Perspective James W. Stroud Daniel J. Fleming, James Keenan, SJ, and Hans Zollner, SJ, eds., Doing Theology and Theological Ethics in the Face of the Abuse Crisis Ramon Luzarraga Jennifer A. Herdt, Assuming Responsibility: Ecstatic Eudaimonism and the Call to Live Well Nicholas Ogle Mary Jo Iozzio, Disability Ethics and Preferential Justice: A Catholic Perspective J. Tyler Campbell James F. Keenan, SJ, A History of Catholic Theological Ethics Bernhard Bleyer D. Stephen Long, The Art of Cycling, Living, and Dying: Moral Theology from Everyday Life Jana Marguerite Bennett Eric Patterson and J. Daryl Charles, Just War and Christian Traditions Thomas Ryan

Journal of Moral Theology, Volume 6, Special Issue 1

Journal of Moral Theology, Volume 6, Special Issue 1
Author: William Collinge
Publisher: Wipf and Stock Publishers
Total Pages: 184
Release: 2017-05-11
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 1725256304

LAUDATO SI' AND NORTHERN APPALACHIA Volume 6, Special Issue 1 Edited by William J. Collinge, Christine Cusick, and Christopher McMahon The Significance of Pope Francis's Prophetic Call: 'Care for Our Common Home'for Northern Appalachia Anne Clifford Sustainable Communities and Eucharistic Communities: Laudato Si', Northern Appalachia, and Redemptive Recovery. Lucas Briola An Integral Eucharist? Pope Francis, Louis-Marie Chauvet, and Ecology's Relationship to Eucharist Derek Hostetter Pope Francis, Theology of the Body, Ecology, and Encounter Robert Ryan The Catholic Worker Farm in Lincoln County, West Virginia, 1970-1990: An Experiment in Sustainable Community William J. Collinge The Catholic Workers and "Green" Civic Republicanismin Lincoln County, WV: 1969-1979 Jinny A. Turman Discerning a Catholic Environmental Ethos: Three Episodes in the Growth of Environmental Awareness in Western Pennsylvania Tim Kelly The Consequences ofFossil Fuel Addictionin Schoharie County Nancy M. Rourke LaudatoSi', Communication Ethics, and the Common Good: To-ward a Dialogic Meeting amid Environmental Crisis John H. Prellwitz Strange as This Weather Has Been: Teaching Laudato Si'and Ecofeminism David von Schlichten At Home in Northern Appalachia: Laudato Si'and the Catholic Committee of Appalachia Jessica Wrobleski Contributors

Journal of Moral Theology, Volume 12, Special Issue 1

Journal of Moral Theology, Volume 12, Special Issue 1
Author: Meghan J. Clark
Publisher: Wipf and Stock Publishers
Total Pages: 180
Release: 2023-06-06
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 1666780502

Special Issue on Intersectional Methods and Moral Theology: Introduction Meghan J. Clark, Anna Kasafi Perkins, and Emily Reimer-Barry Cartographies in the Wilderness: A Decolonial Theological Reflection on Intersectionality Rufus Burnett, Jr. An Interdisciplinary Theological Method from the Knowledge of the Forgotten Alexandre A. Martins The Case for Intersectional Theology: An Asian American Catholic Perspective Hoon Choi Enfleshing the Work of Social Production: Gender, Race, and Agency Kristin E. Heyer Intersectionality at the Heart of Oppression and Violence against Women in Law: Case Studies from India Julie George, SSpS Intersectionality and Orthodox Theology: Searching for Spandrels Rachel Contos Black Feminism, Womanism, and Intersectionality Discourse: A Theo-Ethical Roundtable jennifer s. leath, Nontando Hadebe, Nicole Symmonds, and Anna Kasafi Perkins

Journal of Moral Theology, Volume 12, Issue 1

Journal of Moral Theology, Volume 12, Issue 1
Author: M. Therese Lysaught
Publisher: Wipf and Stock Publishers
Total Pages: 176
Release: 2023-01-16
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 1666768642

Outing Gay Priests: Toward a Theological Ethics of Privacy in the Digital Era Levi Checketts Pope Francis's Apology to the Indigenous Peoples of Canada Doris M. Kieser The Papal Apology and Seeds of an Action Plan Archbishop Donald Bolen Papal Apologies for Residential Schools and the Stories They Tell Jeremy M. Bergen Pope Francis's Apology Encounter and Meaning Christine Jamieson Missed Opportunities and Hope for Healing: Reflections of an Indigenous Catholic Priest--Interview with Fr. Daryold Winkler Doris M. Kieser and Jane Barter Walking Apart and Walking Together: Indigenous Public Reception of the Papal Visit Jane Barter Dialogue after Dobbs: Introduction M. Therese Lysaught, Mari Rapela Heidt, Mary Doyle Roche, and Kate Ward Intentional Killing or Right to Bodily Integrity: Can We Bridge the Moral Languages of Abortion? M. Cathleen Kaveny Towards Universal Communion Simeiqi He Captive Minds and Civil Dialogue: A Reflection on Catholic Universities in the Post-Dobbs Era David E. DeCosse Discerning the Roles of Reason and Emotion in Classroom Conversations about Abortion Jane Sloan Peters Holding the Tensions: Female Bodily Integrity as an Intrinsic Good Kathleen Bonnette Catholic Higher Education and Student Formation in a Post-Roe World: A Modest Proposal for Women's Personhood and Reproductive Autonomy Maria Teresa Davila Danger Invites Rescue: An Argument for Legal Protection of Unborn Life Holly Taylor Coolman A Call to Truth-Telling Jana M. Bennett Wisdom from a Reproductive Justice Framework Emily Reimer-Barry Substance and Style in the Prolife Discourse Daniel Daly Intellectual Hospitality as Guiding Virtue in Campus Conversations on Abortion Megan Halteman Zwart Lisa Allen, A Womanist Theology of Worship: Liturgy, Justice, and Communal Righteousness Xavier M. Montecel Anthony M. Annett, Cathonomics: How Catholic Tradition Can Create a More Just Economy M. Therese Lysaught Gerald A. Arbuckle, The Pandemic and the People of God: Cultural Impacts and Pastoral Responses Megan Bowen Jessica Coblentz, Dust in Blood: A Theology of Life with Depression Andrew Staron Abigail Favale, The Genesis of Gender: A Christian Theory Beth Zagrobelny Lofgren Grace Ji-Sun Kim, Invisible: Theology and the Experience of Asian American Women Fiona May Kay Li Jurgen Moltmann, Resurrected to Eternal Life: On Dying and Rising Steven G. Rindahl Lincoln Rice, ed., The Forgotten Radical Peter Maurin: Easy Essays from the Catholic Worker Marc Tumeinski Olga M. Segura, Birth of a Movement: Black Lives Matter and the Catholic Church Kate Ward Mark P. Shea, The Church's Best-Kept Secret: A Primer on Catholic Social Teaching Marcus Mescher Kate Ward, Wealth, Virtue, and Moral Luck: Christian Ethics in an Age of Inequality Edward A. David J. Lenore Wright, Athena to Barbie: Bodies, Archetypes, and Women's Search for Self Kathleen Cavender-McCoy