Jonathan Trumbull to Henry Knox Communicating a Request from George Washington, 4 November 1781

Jonathan Trumbull to Henry Knox Communicating a Request from George Washington, 4 November 1781
Author: Jonathan Trumbull
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1781

Jonathan Trumbull Jr. communicates a request from George Washington asking Knox to send a copy of the information Washington is to incorporate into a letter to Governor of Virginia Thomas Nelson. Washington also wants a list of the cannons Knox proposed be sold to reimburse William Ross. Possibly concerns indemnification for impressed supplies needed for the siege of Yorktown. Washington recently wrote a letter to the Governor of Maryland under similar circumstances (see GLC02437.01273). Trumbull was Washington's military secretary. Knox's reply appears in GLC02437.01286.

Henry Knox to Jonathan Trumbull Requesting Information to George Washington, 4 November 1781

Henry Knox to Jonathan Trumbull Requesting Information to George Washington, 4 November 1781
Author: Henry Knox
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1781

Responds to Trumbull's letter requesting information for George Washington to incorporate into a letter to Governor of Virginia Thomas Nelson (see GLC02437.01282). Explains plans to establish an artillery magazine in Virginia, containing the ordnance remaining after the siege of Yorktown. The artillery would be for the use of the Southern Army and protection of Virginia in case of a British invasion. Washington needs to make requests to Governor Nelson for a location to store the munitions, preferably in Westham, and a party for the transport. Discusses the channels through which the requests and instructions to officers should travel. Knox's instructions to Colonel Edward Carrington in regard to the creation of the magazine appear in GLC02437.01284. Trumbull was Washington's military secretary.

Jonathan Trumbull to Henry Knox Asking Knox to Travel to Head Quarters for Important Business with Washington, 1 April 1783

Jonathan Trumbull to Henry Knox Asking Knox to Travel to Head Quarters for Important Business with Washington, 1 April 1783
Author: Jonathan Trumbull
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1783

Jonathan Trumbull Jr., Washington's secretary, relays Washington's request that General Knox be at Head Quarters the next day due to some important business of a very particular Nature that needs discussion and to bring General [Jedediah] Huntington with him. Noted as written at Head Quarters.

Jonathan Trumbull to Henry Knox about Military Supplies, 13 June 1782

Jonathan Trumbull to Henry Knox about Military Supplies, 13 June 1782
Author: Jonathan Trumbull
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1782

Written from Head Quarters. Jonathan Trumbull Jr. writes, The General directs the inclosed extract of a letter to be sent to you - and begs that you will take speedy measures to have Colo. Reid supplied. Trumbull was an aide-de-camp and secretary to General George Washington. See GLC02437.01445 for related information.

Henry Knox to George Washington Regarding a Pamphlet Written by Governor Pownall, 5 February 1780

Henry Knox to George Washington Regarding a Pamphlet Written by Governor Pownall, 5 February 1780
Author: Henry Knox
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1780

Sends Washington the volume of pamphlets belonging Governor [Jonathan] Trumbull. For several days, Knox has retained the pamphlet written by Governor Pownall and hopes to be able to browse through the volume again when Washington is finished. Hopes to go to West Point the same day, and to deliver a report to Washington the following day. Knox's retained draft.

Preliminary Draft of Letter from Henry Knox to George Washington Offering Advice on British Request to Move Troops Through US to Attack Spanish, 29 August 1790

Preliminary Draft of Letter from Henry Knox to George Washington Offering Advice on British Request to Move Troops Through US to Attack Spanish, 29 August 1790
Author: Henry Knox
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1790

This appears to be a preliminary draft of Knox's 29 August 1790 letter to George Washington (in the GW Papers at the Library of Congress) responding to Washington's secret communication of 27 August. In that communication, sent to the members of his Cabinet, Washington asked for opinions as to the proper response to take if the British asked for permission to travel across U.S. territory, from Detroit to the Mississippi, in order to attack Spanish posts. See GLC02437.08216, GLC02437.08217, and 2437.09449 for related drafts.