Joint Review Panel

Joint Review Panel
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2015
ISBN: 9780662039105

The Minister of the Environment and the President of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) established the Panel on January 24, 2012 to undertake the review of the project under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act and the Nuclear Safety and Control Act. [...] Over half of the total radioactivity of the L&ILW would decay between the start of the project and the closure of the repository. [...] The Panel notes that a comparison of the proposed DGR in the Cobourg Formation to a hypothetical repository in granite showed that the main difference between the two was the additional risk of transporting the waste from the Bruce nuclear site to the granite site. [...] The Minister of the Environment and the President of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) established the Joint Review Panel (The Panel) to undertake the review of the project under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (S. [...] The Panel Agreement outlined how the Panel would function and included the Panel Terms of Reference for the environmental assessment and the consideration of the licence application.

Report of the Joint Review Panel

Report of the Joint Review Panel
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2014
ISBN: 9781100236315

The Panel was mandated to inquire into the environmental, economic, social, health, and heritage effects of the Project and their significance, to examine proposals for the mitigation of adverse effects, and to record assertions of Project effects on the Aboriginal rights and treaty rights of the affected First Nations and Métis peoples. [...] Then the Panel conducted an assessment of the need for the Project and potential alternatives and reported on the benefits and economics of the Project to aid the governments in their decisions. [...] With its appendices, it includes the legislative framework and requirements for the review, the Panel's mandate and responsibilities, a description of the Proponent's environmental assessment methodology, the Panel's approach, and the key milestones of the review process, including public participation. [...] September 5, 2012 was chosen to demarcate the baseline case from the future case; and • A Project case demonstrating the predicted status of the VC, taking into account the residual effects of the Project combined with those due to other projects and activities as identified in the future case without the Project. [...] The Panel considered all of the information gathered since the beginning of the review until the close of the Project's official record on February 3, 2014.