John Lamb to Henry Knox Updating Him on Military Repairs, and Discussing Foreign and Domestic Affairs, 20 July 1782

John Lamb to Henry Knox Updating Him on Military Repairs, and Discussing Foreign and Domestic Affairs, 20 July 1782
Author: John Lamb
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1782

Writes that he has noted Knox's previous letter, which indicates that artificers are working hard on wagons and tumbrils. However, At the same time, I am sorry to inform you, that, they will fall far short of your expectations, in this particular owing to the great portion of time which has been taken up, in making the necessary repairs of the carriages, of those Pieces, that were brought from Philadelphia, to this place, many of which were in a wretched state. Writes that he is chagrined to find that a Lieutenant Fisk has resigned to avoid a Court Martial. Adds that the bearer of the letter, Lieutenant Allen, wants to resign and Lamb has permitted it, because there is no arguing with, or reasoning down a man's feelings, when want stares him in the face. Lastly, is happy that Holland has recognized America's independence, and that Captain Barney from the Havanna has arrived with a large sum of money for the public. Sends his compliments to Mrs. Knox and Samuel Shaw, and adds that the men in the Corps present their compliments to Knox. On public service written on address leaf.

Henry Knox to John Lamb Reporting Orders from George Washington and Commenting on a Lack of Horses, 31 July 1782

Henry Knox to John Lamb Reporting Orders from George Washington and Commenting on a Lack of Horses, 31 July 1782
Author: Henry Knox
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1782

Has received directions from General George Washington to move the artillery park from Burlington, New Jersey, to New Windsor, New York. Writes that he has contacted the Wagonmaster General for horses and oxen for transport, and the Wagonmaster has arranged for plenty of oxen, but fears that there may be difficulty in obtaining the necessary horses. Also includes directions about obtaining other military stores and transporting them.

John Lamb to Henry Knox about Soldiers' Pay, 14 February 1782

John Lamb to Henry Knox about Soldiers' Pay, 14 February 1782
Author: John Lamb
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1782

Written from Burlington, likely in New Jersey. Writes that he was informed by the Pay-Master that the Financier intended the officers should receive two months Pay, in certain Notes, payable on the 1st of August next. He and the other officers agreed that our receiving Pay of any kind in which the Soldiers do not share, will have a tendency, to sour their minds, still more, - and, may involve consequences not only fatal to those who command them, but the Public. Is ready to travel to New York state and hopes to stop in Poughkeepsie and convince the legislature there to recruit new soldiers and advance some money to those already in their employ. See GLC02437.01355 for Knox's response.

John Lamb to Henry Knox on the Provision of Horses and Wagons, 4 July 1782

John Lamb to Henry Knox on the Provision of Horses and Wagons, 4 July 1782
Author: John Lamb
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1782

Comments that he only received Knox's most recent two letters the night before, which accounts for his late reply. Writes, I have (previous to your directions) made appreciation to the Qr. Mr. Genl. [Quartermaster General] for the necessary number of Horses, and wagons, to move us on the shorter notice. In consequence of your Letter, of the 14th ultimo, I have ordered Mr. Frothingham, to move with the Conductors, as soon as possible. Sends compliments to Mrs. Knox and Samuel Shaw.

Henry Knox to John Lamb about Military Matters and the Death of John Custis, 12 November 1781

Henry Knox to John Lamb about Military Matters and the Death of John Custis, 12 November 1781
Author: Henry Knox
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1781

Uncertain yet whether he will join the artillery park because General George Washington had not yet arrived. Writes, He has lately met with a severe Shock to his affections, in the loss of the amiable Mr. Custis, Mrs. Washington's only child. Believes Washington felt as affectionately for Custis as if he were his real father, as he had raised him from childhood. Only other affectionate parents might be able to understand this misfortune. Has nothing to add about the disposition of the park, only that it might be in the vicinity of Head Quarters. Has no objection to Lamb paying his family a visit if Lt. Col. Stevens remains in camp: I see no reason for making any other arrangement of the corps this winter than what exists at the moment. Advises that Lamb's regiment form the park and Col. Crane's form the garrison of West Point and its defenses with the artificers to remain in Philadelphia. Written in the clerical hand of Samuel Shaw, Knox's aide-de-camp, and signed for Knox by him.

Henry Knox to John Lamb about Soldiers' Pay, 15 February 1782

Henry Knox to John Lamb about Soldiers' Pay, 15 February 1782
Author: Henry Knox
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1782

Responds to Lamb's letter (see GLC02437.01354) that the notes which were to be paid to the officers were intended, by Robert Morris, to counterbalance the clothing provided for the soldiers. Morris's priorities are first to provide the soldiers and officers with rations, second to provide clothes (which these notes were intended to do for the officers), and third to provide pay, which they are working on obtaining. Argues that an officer who paid for clothing out of his own purse may use the payment as he likes, but that the intention was to pay for clothing for the officers. Mentions the Marquis de Lafayette.