Henry Knox to William Knox on Matters of Business, Land and Politics, 24 June 1791

Henry Knox to William Knox on Matters of Business, Land and Politics, 24 June 1791
Author: Henry Knox
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1791

Knox signs with his initials. References receiving several letters from William since 7 April. Has no excuses for why he has not written more often. Says this letter will not be long because there is a ship in port that is just about to leave for Liverpool and this note needs to be on it. Says they are all well and situated comfortably near the city at Bush Hill, Vice President John Adams's house. Adams was away at Braintree, Massachusetts, so the house was available. Reports he is going into a good house in Philadelphia in the autumn. Is surprised that William is living in a strange Country without a Guinea. Says he has not paid Shaw and Randall, but he will. Will not draw upon Webber. Tells him not to worry, If you cannot sell the lands ... why you must not starve. Says that Mr. Morris has sold the lands which he bought of Gorham and Phelps. Makes references to 120,000 acres around Lake Ontario called the Yenesee Lands. Has heard that Gouverneur Morris has neglected the St. Lawrence Lands. Relates that the consular bill was put before the Senate on the last day of the session. Says it will be taken up again next session. Says that Thomas Jefferson has been absent, but he will communicate with him on the subject. Says George Washington has been absent or in the Southern states since 23 March. Has returned in good health to Mount Vernon though. Washington will be back in Philadelphia next month. Says his wife is expecting a baby on 25 July. Tells him to keep his spirits up and to keep writing even though he is a bad correspondent. Claims We have a force of about 3000 men going against the Indians. Says that unless they make peace they will need to be punished.

Samuel Ogden to Henry Knox on Social and Family Matters, 28 June 1791

Samuel Ogden to Henry Knox on Social and Family Matters, 28 June 1791
Author: Samuel Ogden
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1791

Ogden says some person, a Country man of yours, stopped by to give their compliments to him, but he was absent. Adds that old Thomas took the message but forgot the name of the visitor. The acquaintance is on his way to Philadelphia. Ogden asks Knox to let me know his name, & tell him I wish to see him. Says their little girl is mending fast.

Henry Knox to John Adams on Adams Becoming the Next President, 19 March 1797

Henry Knox to John Adams on Adams Becoming the Next President, 19 March 1797
Author: Henry Knox
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1797

Writes that he does not know if he ought to congratulate Adams on becoming the next president, since there are also a lot of issues and heavy responsibilities that come with the office, but expresses his happiness that Adams will be at the helm of Government. Discusses Adams' inaugural speech and an impending war with France.

Henry Knox to Lucy Knox about Various Matters Concerning Family and Friends, 8 July 1792

Henry Knox to Lucy Knox about Various Matters Concerning Family and Friends, 8 July 1792
Author: Henry Knox
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1792

Expresses his happiness on hearing about his son Henry's current situation. Sends Lucy news of various acquaintances, which he lists by number. States that he is sorry to hear of Mrs. [Abigail] Adams's indisposition, noting that the Adams family has ordered their furniture to be shipped to Boston. Vice President John Adams plans to return to New York without his family. Reports that George and Martha Washington will be going to Mount Vernon the following Wednesday, and will not return until 15 October. Mentions the Ogdens, Mrs. Smith, the Izards, the Stewarts, and Count Andreani. Writes, My evenings cannot possibly be any cause of jealousy - They are stupid indeed... The City is dull enough. Only two tea parties since your absence. Reports that he has not sold to William Duer, and comments on Henry Jackson's dissatisfaction with their current land dealings. Relates, No Indian depredations lately - I hope they have called in their war parties - Our recruits are getting forward. Notes that he does not know whether the Winslows, Lucy's cousins, will accept his offer to buy land from them.

Henry Knox to John Adams Urging Him to Allow Knox's Son Henry to be Promoted in the US Navy, 2 June 1799

Henry Knox to John Adams Urging Him to Allow Knox's Son Henry to be Promoted in the US Navy, 2 June 1799
Author: Henry Knox
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1799

Knox writes to President Adams, urging him to allow Knox's son Henry to be promoted from midshipmen to Lieutenant in the US Navy. (Knox Jr. was midshipman on the USS Constitutional). The docket reads, The President on the receipt of this letter dd Henry a Commission of Lieutenant in the Navy, filled up with his own hand.