Stands to Reason

Stands to Reason
Author: Gillian Mary Hibbins
Total Pages: 144
Release: 1980
Genre: English language
ISBN: 9780333299609


Author: Gregory Koukl
Publisher: Zondervan
Total Pages: 210
Release: 2009
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 0310282926

Tired of finding yourself flat-footed and intimidated in conversations? Want to increase your confidence and skill in discussions with family, friends, and coworkers? Gregory Koukl offers practical strategies to help you stay in the driver's seat as you maneuver comfortably and graciously in any conversation about your Christian convictions.


Author: Traveling Engineers' Association
Total Pages: 272
Release: 1897

ALL+ 互動英語 2020 年 6 月號 No.187[有聲版]

ALL+ 互動英語 2020 年 6 月號 No.187[有聲版]
Author: LiveABC編輯群
Publisher: 希伯崙股份有限公司
Total Pages:
Release: 2020-05-15
Genre: Education

〔適用對象:進階英語學習者、具基礎能力,想英語再升級的高中生~成人〕 ALL+互動英語以深度教學內容、和豐富多元的題材,讓您的英語向下扎根深度學習,精選大量閱讀文章、實用會話、主題式寫作和新聞時事等內容,讓您的聽說讀寫全面升級! Waste Not, Want Not 節約用水從自己做起 -Owain Mckimm 6/18 The enormous fires that burned through Australia last year and this year have scientists very concerned. They worry that when the rains fall, they will wash the ash left by the fires into the rivers and pollute Australia’s water supply, a situation that would leave thousands of Australians without drinking water. This looming water crisis in Australia has also called attention to Taiwan’s own dangers of water shortage. Although Taiwan has an average rainfall of 2,500 millimeters per year, its lack of storage capacity means that much of that rainfall flows into the ocean. In fact, the nation’s reservoirs can only store about six weeks’ worth of water before running completely dry. As a result, Taiwan faced water shortages nine times between 2002 and 2015. An additional element that perpetuates this problem is the low cost of water in Taiwan—one of the lowest in the world. Inexpensive water bills mean people hardly think about saving water. And although a rise in water prices could reduce Taiwan’s water usage significantly, no politician is brave enough to suggest that solution. To reduce the risk of a severe water crisis in the future, it’s therefore up to us to cut back on the amount of water we use. 去年和今年在澳洲延燒的大火讓科學家憂心忡忡。他們擔心下雨時,雨水會把火災留下的灰燼沖刷到河裡、汙染澳洲的水源,此情況會讓數以萬計的澳洲人沒有飲用水喝。 澳洲迫在眉睫的水資源危機也讓人注意到台灣自身缺水的危險。雖然台灣每年有兩千五百毫米的年均降雨量,但缺乏蓄水容積就表示大多數的降雨都流入海洋。事實上,全國的水庫在完全乾涸前只夠儲存六個星期的用水。因此,台灣在二○○二年和二○一五年期間就面臨了九次缺水。 另一個使這個問題持續的要素是台灣的水費低廉——是世界上數一數二低廉的。便宜的水費意味著人們幾乎不會想到要節約用水。而且即使水費調漲可以大幅降低台灣的用水,但沒有一位政治人物敢建議這個解決方法。為了降低未來嚴峻的水資源危機的風險,因此就需要靠我們來減少我們的用水量。 6/19 To figure out what actions are needed to conserve water, it helps to know where water is being wasted. In an average household, flushing the toilet and showering account for an overwhelming percentage of all water used. It stands to reason, then, that the most significant change you can make is to your bathroom habits. Everyone loves a long hot shower, but do try to limit your shower time to around five minutes. To help you stick to this rule, find a five-minute-long song that you can play while showering, and make sure you’re finished when it ends! Limiting your shower time is pointless if you’re allowing the shower water to drain away while it warms up. To solve this, collect that initial stream of cold water in a container. You can then use that water to flush your toilet. Besides trying to minimize the number of times you flush, check your toilet for leaks. After all, leakages are the biggest waste of water. You may think these small actions won’t make much of a difference, but there are over 23 million people in Taiwan. If everyone takes steps to waste less water, the nation’s water security is all but assured. 想瞭解節約用水需要什麼樣的行動,知道水在哪裡被浪費會有幫助。在一般家庭中,沖馬桶和淋浴占所有用水中很大的百分比。那麼顯而易見地,你所能做的最大改變就是你的衛浴習慣。 每個人都喜歡好好洗個熱水澡,但試著將你的淋浴時間限制在五分鐘左右。為了幫助你遵守這項原則,找一首可以在淋浴時播放的五分鐘長的歌曲,並確保歌播完時你澡也洗好了! 假如你讓淋浴的水在加熱時流掉,那麼限制淋浴時間就毫無意義了。為了解決這個問題,將開始的冷水收集在一個容器中。之後你可以用那些水來沖馬桶。除了試著將沖水的次數減到最少,也檢查馬桶有沒有漏水。畢竟滲漏是最浪費水的。 你或許認為這些小小的行動不會有很大的不同,但台灣有超過兩千三百萬人。如果每個人都採取行動少浪費水,國家的水資源安全就幾乎獲得保證。 News Report 看新聞學英語 Huge Locust Outbreak Hits East Africa, Heads Beyond 蝗災肆虐東非威脅南亞 People 人物側寫 Florence Pugh: Hollywood’s Confident Newcomer 佛蘿倫絲.普伊:好萊塢的耀眼新星 History 歷史探究 Denim Jeans: From Worker Safety to Fashion Staple 牛仔褲:從工作褲到時尚單品 CNN News Who Are BTS? 韓國人氣男團——BTS防彈少年團 Dialogue Focus 情境對話 Different Jobs 圖解不同職業 Becoming a Professional Gamer 成為職業玩家 Internet 網路安全 How to Protect Your Smart Home from Hackers 網路安全:如何避免駭客入侵 Travel 繞著地球玩 Camino de Santiago—The Walk of a Lifetime 西班牙朝聖之路——千載難逢的健行體驗 Writing 寫作練習 Translation Practice 翻譯寫作 Reading Skill 閱讀策略 The Black Poodle 〈黑色貴賓犬〉 Environment 環境保育 Waste Not, Want Not 節約用水從自己做起 Plus Talk 會話百分百 Expressing Opinions 表達意見 1. Discussing a New Policy? 討論新的規定 2. Choosing a Place for Dinner? 選擇晚餐地點 3. Deciding on Evening Plans 決定晚上的計畫 4. Holding an Evaluation Meeting 舉辦評估會議 Biology 生物知識 Facts about Viruses 你所不知道的病毒 Debate 議題探討 Adventure Tourism—a Risky Business 探險旅遊——冒險不尋險 Topic Writing 主題式寫作 A Letter to the Teacher 給老師的一封信

The Mount

The Mount
Author: Charles F. Keary
Total Pages: 316
Release: 1911