Ionization Gauge Measurements of Atmospheric Density from a Low Altitude Satellite

Ionization Gauge Measurements of Atmospheric Density from a Low Altitude Satellite
Author: J. P. McIsaac
Total Pages: 494
Release: 1976
Genre: Atmospheric density

Results obtained from an Air Force Satellite launched in the fourth quarter of 1974 are presented. Ionization gauge measurements of atmospheric density were performed, and the values obtained from these measurements are presented in two appendices in the form of density vs altitude and time plots. The method of data reduction its application is developed and discussed. The reduction technique differs from previously used techniques in that it is more suitable for the processing of large data files such as those obtained from satellite flights, as well as featuring a lessened dependence upon attitude determination. The experiment is also described and the theory of operation is given. (Author).

Ionization Gauge Measurements of Atmospheric Density from a Low Altitude Satellite

Ionization Gauge Measurements of Atmospheric Density from a Low Altitude Satellite
Author: J. P. McIsaac
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1976
Genre: Atmospheric density

Results obtained from an Air Force Satellite launched in the fourth quarter of 1974 are presented. Ionization gauge measurements of atmospheric density were performed, and the values obtained from these measurements are presented in two appendices in the form of density vs altitude and time plots. The method of data reduction its application is developed and discussed. The reduction technique differs from previously used techniques in that it is more suitable for the processing of large data files such as those obtained from satellite flights, as well as featuring a lessened dependence upon attitude determination. The experiment is also described and the theory of operation is given. (Author)

Satellite Ionization Gauge Measurements of Atmospheric Density

Satellite Ionization Gauge Measurements of Atmospheric Density
Author: J. P. McIsaac
Total Pages: 342
Release: 1978
Genre: Atmospheric density

Experiment details and measurement technique are described for ionization gauge measurements performed onboard the Air Force S3-1 satellite. Atmospheric density data obtained over the second half of the S3-1 satellite flight are presented in the appendices in the form of graphs of atmospheric density versus altitude and universal time. These representative data were acquired during the time period from January 1975 to May 1975. A flight summary of the processed data base is provided in tabular form. See also AD-A032 373.

Satellite Ionization Gauge Measurements of Atmospheric Density

Satellite Ionization Gauge Measurements of Atmospheric Density
Author: J. P. McIsaac
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1978
Genre: Atmospheric density

Experiment details and measurement technique are described for ionization gauge measurements performed onboard the Air Force S3-1 satellite. Atmospheric density data obtained over the second half of the S3-1 satellite flight are presented in the appendices in the form of graphs of atmospheric density versus altitude and universal time. These representative data were acquired during the time period from January 1975 to May 1975. A flight summary of the processed data base is provided in tabular form. See also AD-A032 373.

Hemispheric Asymmetries Detected from Satellite Ionization Gauge Measurements

Hemispheric Asymmetries Detected from Satellite Ionization Gauge Measurements
Author: J. P. McIsaac
Total Pages: 56
Release: 1980
Genre: Atmospheric density

esults obtained from the S3-1 ionization gauge measurements are statistically examined for hemispheric asymmetries in neutral density behavior. The parameter analyzed in this study is the mean value R, the ratio of the measured density to the Jacchia 71 model value. Over 150,000 values obtained during the period from November 1974 to May 1975 and covering the altitude range from perigee (about 160 km) to 300 km are considered. Results are presented in the form of frequency histograms and graphs of mean ratios vs latitude. Significant hemispherical asymmetries are found and described in detail.

Densities from Satellites OV1-15 and OV1-16

Densities from Satellites OV1-15 and OV1-16
Author: Kenneth S. W. Champion
Total Pages: 32
Release: 1969
Genre: Artificial satellites

The objectives of satellites OV1-16 (Cannon Ball I) and OV1-15 (SPADES) were to measure atmospheric density and related properties in the lower thermosphere with particular emphasis on the altitude region 120 to 150 km. This region is where least data are available and where data are urgently required for Air Force Systems vehicles and for accurate calculations of the re- entry locations of satellites. To achieve an orbit at the lowest possible altitude the mass-to-area ratio of Cannon Ball I was maximized and a spherical shape chosen to optimize the accuracy of the drag density measurements. Both satellites were launched into a polar orbit on 11 July 1968. The initial perigee of Cannon Ball I was 148 km and the apogee 575 km. The initial perigee for SPADES was 158 km and the apogee 1850 km. A considerable amount of density data was obtained from orbital drag and from an onboard triaxial accelerometer on Cannon Ball I and from orbital drag, accelerometer, and ionization gauges on SPADES.

Satellite Density Measurements with the Rotatable Calibration Accelerometer (ROCA)

Satellite Density Measurements with the Rotatable Calibration Accelerometer (ROCA)
Author: Frank A. Marcos
Total Pages: 28
Release: 1979
Genre: Accelerometers

Satellite accelerometer measurements of atmospheric density have provided significant improvement in our understanding of the structure and dynamics of the lower thermosphere. Derivation of accurate data with this technique requires removal of instrument bias from the total sensor output. The ROCA (Rotatable Calibration Accelerometer) experiment was flown to provide and orbital calibration capability on the three-axis stabilized S3-4 satellite. The ROCA sensitive axis could be operated in either of two orientations selectable by ground command. For density measurement (normal operating mode) the sensitive axis was aligned with the satellite velocity vector. For direct measurement of bias, the sensitive axis was aligned perpendicular to the velocity vector. Utilization of the inflight calibration technique showed a dependence of the bias upon the instrument operating temperature. Removal of the bias-temperature component from the total acceleration signal obtained in the normal operating mode permits derivation of accurate density data. Measurements of atmospheric density were obtained during approximately 600 orbits over a five month period. The resulting ROCA data will be utilized for improved satellite ephemeris computations and for detailed studies of the lower thermosphere, particularly those related to energy inputs at high latitudes. (Author).

Ion Gauge Measurements of Latitudinal Density Variations at Night

Ion Gauge Measurements of Latitudinal Density Variations at Night
Author: Barbara K. Ching
Total Pages: 18
Release: 1974

Atmospheric densities have been obtained from a cold cathode ion gauge flown on the satellite 1972-32A in April-May 1972. The satellite orbit was inclined at 81.5 degrees in a noon-midnight configuration. Data obtained at heights between 200 and 275 km during a very quiet period have been examined for latitudinal effects. Transformed to a constant altitude of 230 km, the data show a variation on the dark side by as much as a factor of 2, the highest density being at high northern latitudes and the lowest at middle to high southern latitudes. General agreement was obtained between the data and both the Jacchia 1971 and OGO-6 models. An equatorial maximum was sometimes observed that closely resembled the pure N2-distribution as described by the OGO-6 model. (Author).

Atmospheric Density Variations in the Southern Hemisphere at Low Satellite Altitudes

Atmospheric Density Variations in the Southern Hemisphere at Low Satellite Altitudes
Author: F. A. Marcos
Total Pages: 28
Release: 1975
Genre: Accelerometers

Accurate density measurements are required to develop predictive atmospheric models. Of particular concern is the altitude region below 250 km. Few measurements are presently available in this region and data are urgently required by the Air Force for accurate ephemeris, trajectory, and reentry predictions. Profiles of neutral atmospheric density obtained at low satellite altitudes in the southern hemisphere during geomagnetically quiet conditions are described in this report.