Experimental and Analytical Determination of Integrated Airframe Nozzle Performance

Experimental and Analytical Determination of Integrated Airframe Nozzle Performance
Author: Edsel R. Glasgow
Total Pages: 714
Release: 1972
Genre: Airframes

An experimental and analytical investigation of the installed thrust and drag of various isolated nozzle and twin-nozzle/aftbody configurations indicated that empirical correlations provide the best means of predicting aft- end performance, especially for the early stages of the aircraft design. Both subsonic and transonic isolated nozzle drag data were correlated using IMS (integral mean slope) as the geometric parameter. A correlation of twin-nozzle/aftbody drag data at subsonic and transonic speeds was developed by combining Spreiter's transonic similarity parameters with the IMS of the equivalent body of revolution. A correlation of inviscid MOC pressure drag, achieved through use of IMS combined with similarity parameters obtained from linearized supersonic flow theory, provided an accurate and rapid means of estimating drag for arbitrary axisymmetric boattail contours at supersonic speeds. Twin-nozzle/aftbody drag data at supersonic speeds was correlated with the equivalent body drag obtained from the axisymmetric MOC correlation. Improved thrust and drag performance was obtained by modifying the aft-end design of five selected aircraft configurations. The rationale for these modifications was derived from design guidelines and criteria developed during the program. Improvements in mission radius for a fixed takeoff gross weight aircraft were obtained, in general, by utilizing convergent-divergent nozzles, a horizontal wedge interfairing with the trailing edge terminating at the exit plane of the nozzles, a single vertical stabilizer, and a narrow lateral nozzle spacing.

Experimental and Analytical Determination of Integrated Airframe Nozzle Performance

Experimental and Analytical Determination of Integrated Airframe Nozzle Performance
Author: Edsel R. Glasgow
Total Pages: 142
Release: 1972
Genre: Airframes

A computer program has been developed for predicting twin-nozzle/aftbody drag and internal nozzle performance for fighter type aircraft having twin buried engines and dual nozzles. The program is capable of generating the installed thrust-minus-drag data required for conducting mission analysis studies of aircraft of this type. The configuration variables which can be analyzed include (1) nozzle type (convergent flap and iris, convergent-divergent with and without secondary flow, and shrouded and unshrouded plug), (2) nozzle lateral spacing, (3) interfairing type (horizontal and vertical wedge), (4) interfairing length, and (5) vertical stabilizer type (single and twin). The performance prediction methods incorporated in the program are based almost entirely on empirical correlations. Specifically, correlations used in conjunction with one-dimensional flow relationships are employed for the prediction of the nozzle thrust and discharge coefficients, and correlations of the test data obtained during the contracted effort are employed for prediction of the aft-end drag. The prediction methods account for the effects of nozzle pressure ratio and flow separation on both internal and external nozzle surfaces. This manual describes the operation of the computer program in terms of program input requirements, performance prediction methods, and output format and includes a presentation of sample input/output cases and a complete computer listing of the program. The program has been developed for use on the CDC 6600 computer.