In Vitro Selection and Biochemical Characterization of Trivalent Metal Ion Dependent RNA-cleaving DNAzymes

In Vitro Selection and Biochemical Characterization of Trivalent Metal Ion Dependent RNA-cleaving DNAzymes
Author: Mahsa Vazin
Total Pages:
Release: 2016

DNAzymes are DNA sequences with catalytic activity. So far, all known DNAzymes have been isolated using the high-throughput in vitro selection method. DNAzymes have been used for analytical, biomedical, and nanotechnology applications. All known DNAzymes require metal ions for activity. Therefore, a particularly interesting direction is the isolation of DNAzymes that function only in the presence of specific metal ion cofactors. Metal-specific DNAzymes can be used for developing metal ion biosensors and also provide insights into the interaction between metal ions and DNA. Since the first DNAzyme was reported in 1994, most metal dependent-DNAzymes have been isolated using divalent metal ions, such as Pb2+, Zn2+, Hg2+, UO22+, Cu2+ and Cd2+. Recently, a few monovalent metal dependent DNAzymes were also reported. However, relatively little is known about trivalent metal ions. Compared to DNAzymes using monovalent metal ions, those using divalent metal ions are usually more efficient. Therefore, we suspect that trivalent metal ions may result in even more efficient DNAzymes. At the same time, trivalent metal ions are also very important for technological applications. Hence, the main goal of this thesis is to select and characterize DNAzymes using trivalent metal ions as cofactors, in the hope of developing biosensors for this category of metal ions. There are three types of trivalent metal ions used in this work, including trivalent lanthanide ions (Ce3+, Yb3+ and Lu3+), Group 3A metal ions (Al3+, Ga3+, In3+ and Tl3+), and Cr3+. Different selection strategies were employed to fulfill each metal ion criteria. Among the various types of DNAzymes, this thesis is focused on those cleaving RNA. In each chapter, the conditions and processes of the in vitro selection with the target metal ion are described and the results are discussed. Biochemical studies of the selected DNAzymes are also presented. The first chapter of this thesis gives a general introduction to DNA and DNAzymes, as well as some of their applications. In chapter two, the in vitro selection with Ce3+ was described, which resulted in the reselection of the Ce13d DNAzyme. Ce13d was previously reported in a Ce4+-dependent selection carried out by another member of the Liu lab. This DNAzyme appears to be an optimal sequence for Ce3+, but it is also highly active with all the trivalent lanthanides, Y3+, and to a lesser extent with Pb2+. Interestingly, by changing the cleavage junction from the normal phosphodiester to phosphorothioate (PS), the enzyme has a decreased activity with lanthanide but shows a high activity with all thiophilic metals. Since Ce13d is an interesting DNAzyme, a carful biochemical study of the enzyme was performed. In chapter three, in order to find more specific DNAzymes that distinguish each lanthanide, two new in vitro selections were conducted with Yb3+ and Lu3+, respectively. The new Lu12 DNAzyme was selected. Lu12 is more active with smaller lanthanides and has the lowest activity with the largest lanthanide, Lu3+. Lu12 was extensively studied and some interesting characters of the enzymes were found, such as a pH-rate slope of 2, using pro-Sp for metal binding at the cleavage site, and acceptance of a diverse range of cleavage junctions. Such properties were never previously reported for any known RNA-cleaving DNAzymes. In chapter four, efforts toward the isolation of DNAzymes specific for the group 3A metal ions using in vitro selection were described. Four independent selections were carried out with Ga3+, In3+, Al3+ and Tl3+; however, no specific DNAzymes were identified. The failure in the selection with this group of metal ions was probably due to the very low pKa of these metal ions in aqueous solution, and also their inability to tightly bind to phosphate group of the DNA molecule. The Tl3+-dependent selection was also repeated with PS-modified library, but the selection still did not work, because Tl3+ can desulfurize the substrate back to the normal PO substrate. While no new DNAzymes were isolated in this work, this study has enhanced our understanding of the interaction between Group 3A metals with DNA, and this information is useful for future in vitro selection works using these metals. In chapter five, the cleavage of the previously selected DNAzyme, Ce13d, by Cr3+ was studied, initially. This preliminary study gives us information about the condition for the efficient activity of Cr3+. Then, two new Cr3+-dependent selections were conducted to isolate a specific DNAzyme. To discourage a Ce13d type of sequence, a blocking DNA and a smaller N35 library were tested separately. However, the Cr3+ selections resulted in obtaining a non-specific cleaving DNAzyme as the major product, and accompanied with a small fraction of 17E, suggesting the Ce13d as an optimal sequence for Cr3+. Cr3+ is a highly important metal and is also an environmental contaminant. This study suggests the possibility of using DNAzyme for Cr3+ detection.

In Vitro Selection of Functional DNA for Molecular Catalysis, Conjugation, and Sensing

In Vitro Selection of Functional DNA for Molecular Catalysis, Conjugation, and Sensing
Author: Kun Liu
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2021

As the central theme of this thesis research, in vitro selection has been performed to isolate functional DNAzymes and DNA aptamers for molecular catalysis and sensing. Not only details of the in vitro selection and characterization of functional DNAzymes and aptamers, but also their applications for the catalytic conjugation of biological macromolecules, immobilization of redox functionalities on surfaces, and ultrasensitive detection of total copper in industrial samples are presented. Copper is known to bind DNA on both negatively charged phosphate backbone and nucleobases; through in vitro selection, it has been demonstrated that these interactions can be coordinated in a DNAzyme to catalyze alkyne-azide cycloaddition reaction with ultralow concentrations of either Cu(I) or Cu(II) as a cofactor. The selected DNAzyme, namely, CLICK-17, catalyzes the reaction with high efficiency under both in cis (single turn-over) and in trans (multi turn-over) conditions. After characterization and kinetics studies, three applications of CLICK-17 have been explored: (1) As a biocompatible coupling reagent for labelling azide-functionalized biological macromolecules; (2) As a highly efficient co-catalyst for the immobilization of electrochemical reporters onto azide-terminated self-assembled monolayers (SAMs); (3) As a superior transducer for the construction of an electrochemical biosensor for copper. The isolation of DNA aptamers binding to small molecules is challenging, due to their lack of chemical functionalities to interact with DNA strands. Ferrocene is a particularly refractory target, as a mater of fact. Conventional in vitro selection method (ferrocene immobilized on a supporting bead) and capture selection method (DNA library immobilized on a supporting bead) in isolating aptamers binding to a water-soluble ferrocene derivative have been compared. A ferrocene binding aptamer with moderate binding affinity was isolated with capture selection method. In summary, this research achieved the in vitro selection of a DNAzyme that is useful for developing different types of applications, and a DNA aptamer that can potentially deepen our understanding of molecular recognition between a DNA aptamer and its target.

In Vitro Selection of New Deoxyribozymes as Metal Biosensors

In Vitro Selection of New Deoxyribozymes as Metal Biosensors
Author: Po-Jung Huang
Total Pages: 180
Release: 2015

In vitro selection of metal-specific DNAzymes has been shown to be a powerful method to obtain biosensors for metal ion detection. With 14 independent in vitro selection experiments using each of the trivalent lanthanide as the metal cofactor, five DNAzymes with distinct activity patterns cross the lanthanide series were identified and characterized. In addition, these DNAzyme beacon sensors were developed by using fluorophore/quencher modified pairs. Each of these DNAzymes showed low nM lanthanide detection limit with minimal interference from other metals. A sensor array was prepared to achieve pattern-recognition-based detection using linear discriminant analysis (LDA), where most of the 14 lanthanides can be well separated. In addition, a selection using a phosphorothioate modified DNA library was carried out and a new DNAzyme with high sensitivity and specificity for Cd2+ was obtained.

Functional Dna: Biochemical/biophysical Characterization & Sensing Applications

Functional Dna: Biochemical/biophysical Characterization & Sensing Applications
Author: Eric L. Null
Total Pages:
Release: 2011

In 1990 the Szostak and Gold groups independently discovered that short pieces of RNA can bind to small molecule or biological targets. In 1994 the Joyce group showed that DNA, long thought to be solely for information storage, was capable of catalysis. Naturally occurring ribozymes were discovered in the 1980s by the Cech group. Since then aptamers, which bind targets, and ribozymes or deoxyribozymes, which are catalytically active, have become known collectively as 0́−functional nucleic acids.0́+ The common theme of the works presented herein involves manipulating functional nucleic acids to further increase our understanding of their fundamental properties and to also develop applications for these molecules. Chapter 1 is an introduction to the works presented herein. Chapter 2 discusses conversion of aptamers into sensors for the determination of enantiomeric ratio, leading to a rapid method of detection with high selectivity and portability. Chapters 3, 4, and 5 are tied together through the common thread of the 8-17 DNAzyme and involve biochemical and biophysical characterization of the 8-17 DNAzyme as well as characterization of a novel red Pb2+ species formed upon cleavage of a modified 8-17 DNAzyme. Determination of the enantiomeric ratio is important as many monetarily and functionally valuable molecules are chiral, such as pharmaceuticals and chiral catalysts. For example, Xopenex,® a single enantiomer form of albuterol, has higher efficacy than the racemic mixture. There are currently multiple methods for determining the enantiomeric ratio, all of which work well, with their own particular caveats. Separations-based methods, using a variety of detectors, may require 30 minute runs and often require solvents. NMR and fluorescence-based methods are rapid, though the development of a chiral reporter requires many iterative cycles of design and synthesis. Herein, we use the power of aptamers generated by in vitro selection to design a fluorescence-based system capable of detecting 0.1% L-arginine in a solution of D-arginine in five minutes. The 8-17 DNAzyme is a RNA-cleaving DNAzyme which is active with divalent metal ions, showing the highest activity with Pb2+. The 8-17 DNAzyme has been isolated multiple times by different groups and has been the subject of many studies 0́3 both fundamental and practical. Mutational studies by the Peracchi and Lu groups have shown that certain bases in the DNAzyme are highly conserved, though the metal ion binding site is still unknown. FRET studies by the Lu group have shown that a folding step is necessary before catalysis with either Zn2+ or Mg2+, though Pb2+ does not require a folding step, leading to the postulation of a pre-arranged binding site. FRET, however, is a low-resolution technique and does not provide information on local folding, or rather changes in the conformation of the active site upon metal ion binding. Herein we show that the 8-17 DNAzyme is prearranged for Pb2+ as minimal changes in the 1H NMR spectrum are seen upon Pb2+ titration, supporting a true 0́−lock-and-key0́+ mode of catalysis. Addition of Zn2+ or Mg2+, both of which induce global folding, results in significant changes in the 1H NMR spectrum. These changes are correlated with cleavage activity, indicating local folding accompanies activity. Additionally, we show that mutation of the catalytically essential G0́ØT wobble pair to a G-C base pair results in perturbation of structure as well as reduced Zn2+ and Pb2+ interaction. Chapter 4 discusses very exciting results, demonstrating localization of Pb2+ on the backbone of the 8-17 DNAzyme leading us much closer to understanding the Pb2+ binding site and reinforcing the importance of the conserved residues in maintaining the hydrogen bonding network, rather than serving directly as ligands. Metal ion interactions with the backbone were determined through phosphorothioate mutations. A phosphorothioate is an isostructural mutation consisting of a non-bridging backbone oxygen mutated to sulfur. Metal ion affinity changes upon this mutation based on Hard Soft Acid Base (HSAB) Theory. Activity with a 0́−hard0́+ metal ion such as Mg2+ will be lost if metal ion binding at the phosphorothioate-mutated site is catalytically important, as a hard metal ion has much lower affinity for sulfur than oxygen. Activity assays were performed which showed that several highly-conserved positions are catalytically important for Pb2+ binding, demonstrating interaction of Pb2+ with the backbone for the first time. These results were confirmed via 31P NMR. A phosphorothioate mutation shifts the backbone peak over 50 ppm downfield and metal ion interaction results in a change in the chemical shift. Metal ion titrations were performed and monitored by 31P NMR which showed a larger change in chemical shift upon metal ion binding to catalytically important backbone residues than control residues. Chapter 5 leads directly out of Chapter 4 in that a phosphorothioate mutation at the cleavage site led to a color change upon the addition of Pb2+, resulting in a novel red Pb2+-DNA species that is assigned to a Pb2+-20́ø,30́ø-cyclic phosphorothioate interaction. Cleavage products were characterized by gel-based and instrumental methods which showed that a phosphorothioate mutation at the cleavage site did not result in a change in cleavage mechanism or cleavage behavior (pH dependence, etc.). Small molecule models confirmed that Pb2+ interacted with a pendant phosphorothioate, a 30́ø,50́ø-cyclic phosphorothioate, and a 20́ø,30́ø-cyclic phosphorothioate, though only the 20́ø,30́ø-cyclic phosphorothioate-Pb2+ interaction resulted in a species visible to the naked eye. Hg2+ was also shown to generate a colored species, and the mutation was extended to a phosphorodithioate (where both non-bridging oxygen atoms are substituted) and other DNAzyme systems. This system may be useful for detection of cyclic phosphate where a phosphorothioate mutation can be chemically introduced at the cleavage site of an RNA-cleaving DNAzyme or ribozyme. This system is also the first known soluble red Pb2+ species and is highly specific for 20́ø,30́ø- over 30́ø,50́ø-cyclic phosphorothioates in terms of response.