How Robots Influence Future Developing Countries Developed

How Robots Influence Future Developing Countries Developed
Author: Johnny Ch LOK
Total Pages: 758
Release: 2021-07-09

⦁ How (AI)helps tourism industry to reduce cost ? In the future, robotics or artificial intelligence systems dominate the tourism industry, they may include chat bots, travel assistants, and service robots to any travel agents service providers. Their roles may include these several aspects to any travel agents service providers. They may include searching and being inspired, discovering , planning and booking , refining and improving, how excites the tourist experiencing to the journey service arrangement, reflecting and how raising his/her tourism leisure enjoyment feeling during the whole tourism journey from customer intelligence platform service. However, future travel agent intermediaries as well as inventory providers will start to focus on their quality of offering and journey arrangement service. Thus, they invest comparable less in operational excellence, e.g. concentration of digital systems at the search and booking phase and robots at the experience phase of the customer journey is almost self-explanatory, journey searching, planning and booking via internet is nowadays the norm. This, these are no hybrid systems necessary. However, during the experience phase, in which the traveler leaves the realms of the digital world, physical interaction, which can only be delivered by robots, regains importance. Since char bots , travel assistants as well as service robots are all representatives of systems used at the travelling customer interface. However, supposing when the travelling agent decides to install (AI) systems, can not be explained by the trend of a rebound on customer journey experience. However, during the expert discussions, it was revealed that most of the tourism industry does not consider technology a core competency and often lack the capacities to self-develop and install such (AI) systems. However, it may also seem that AI can impact automatization tasks to tourism industry, chat bots or service robots are typical representatives in which artificial intelligence is used to automate a task previously done by humans. This can be called the automatization effect. Nevertheless, automatization through (AI) systems should not be equated with other forms of technology utilization which are called automatization too. Nowadays, the automatization through self-serving terminals, whether at airports through self-check terminals or at hotels through self check in systems is quite common in the tourism service industry. However, in travel agents service industry sector, the (AI) systems process itself is not automated, but rather changed from the airport check in / out organizations to the travel agent journey arrangement customer service organizations. Artificial intelligence on the other side truly automates these process. So that neither a human at the airport or travel agent journey service arrangement organizations nor the travelling customer much do it. A recent example are (AI) supermarkets , such as the " Amazon Go" store in which can artificial intelligence system, which can recognize persons and objects, tracks people and the objects which they put in their shopping-bad and automatically bills their purchases on the customers bank account (Stark, 2017). Another similar system is imaginable at hotels and airports in which a face-recognition system recognizes the arrival of guests and automatically checks them in. JetBlue is already testing such a system a Boston airport (Entis, 2017).

How Robots Bring Positive Or Negative Impacts To Global Societies

How Robots Bring Positive Or Negative Impacts To Global Societies
Author: John Lok
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2023-10-11
ISBN: 9789358815948

I write this book aim to let readers to feel whether how artificial intelligent technology will influence future technological development to influence human life. How can artificial intelligent tools can bring positive or negative impact to influence future technological development to developing and developed countries ? The another research questions: Should robotic production of factor of technology be caused to economic development? What is future (AI) artificial intelligent products development trend and reasonable development stages? How to predict consumer behaviors to persuade who to feel (AI) products are more satisfactory to their needs? Why do consumers feel them to need to buy any (AI) products to use? Will it have other similar products to replace (AI) any products? How is the reasonable stages to achieve future (AI) development in success? What are the different development stages between developed and developing countries ? Whether (AI) robotic workers can be instead of traditional human workers in these different new markets to bring positive or negative impaction to change human job nature change? In recent years, machines had been used to be human's tasks in the performance of certain tasks related to intelligence, such as aspects of image recognition. Experts also forecast that rapid progress in the field of specialized artificial intelligence will continue. Then, it also brings this question: Does (AI) exceed that of human performance on more and more tasks to replace human jobs? If it is truth, will some of human jobs to be disappeared? (AI) will be instead of human some simple jobs, then unemployment rate to the low skillful and low educated workers will be increased. Whether (AI) will be raised either production or performance or unemployment to bring human job market more advantages or more disadvantages? In my this book, I shall explain whether (AI) will bring benefits or disadvantages to human job market.

Can Robots Influence Developing Countries Develop in Success

Can Robots Influence Developing Countries Develop in Success
Author: Johnny Ch LOK
Total Pages: 585
Release: 2021-07-11

Why do developed countries people need AI ? Why do we assume that AI will require more and more physical space and more power when human intelligence continuously manages to miniaturize and reduce power consumption of its devices. How low the power needs and how small will the machines be by the time quantum computing becomes reality? Why do we assume that AI will exist as independent machines? If so, and the AI is able to improve its Intelligence by reprogramming itself, will machines driven by slower processors feel threatened, not by mere stupid humans, but by machines with faster processors? What would drive machines to reproduce themselves when there is no biological incentive, pressure or need to do so? Who says superior AI will need or want to have a physical existence when an immaterial AI could evolve and preserve itself better from external dangers. What will happen if AI developed by competing ideologies, liberalism vs communism, reach maturity at the same time, will they fight for hegemony by trying to destroy each other physically and/or virtually. If AI is programmed to believe in God, and competing AI emerges programmed by muslims, christians or jews, how are the different AI's going to make sense of the different religious beliefs, are we going to have AI religious wars? What if the "powers that be" greatest fear is the emergence of a super AI that police's and rationalizes the distribution of wealth and food. A friendly super AI that is programmed to help humanity by, enforcing the declaration of Human Rights (the US is the only industrialized country that to this day has not signed this declaration) ending corruption and racism and protecting the environment.Most benefits of civilization stem from intelligence, so how can we enhance these benefits with artificial intelligence without being replaced on the job market and perhaps altogether? Key to the process of machine learning are neural networks. These are brain-inspired networks of interconnected layers of algorithms, called neurons, that feed data into each other, and which can be trained to carry out specific tasks by modifying the importance attributed to input data as it passes between the layers. During training of these neural networks, the weights attached to different inputs will continue to be varied until the output from the neural network is very close to what is desired, at which point the network will have 'learned' how to carry out a particular task. A subset of machine learning is deep learning, where neural networks are expanded into sprawling networks with a huge number of layers that are trained using massive amounts of data. It is these deep neural networks that have fuelled the current leap forward in the ability of computers to carry out task like speech recognition and computer vision. In conclusion, when developed countries continue to develop AI, it may bring positive advantages to bring raising productivies, or efficiencies, but it may also raise unemployment ratio to any low skill or low knowledge jobs in ther societies. However, human future society will need to change to be better to raise our living standard. But AI is one kind the best choice tool to achieve this aim in our future, so I agree developed countries continue to develop or research AI to be the super -human machine.

Can Robots Only Bring Benefits To Develop Society

Can Robots Only Bring Benefits To Develop Society
Author: John Lok
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2023-09-22
ISBN: 9789358819472

I write this book aim to let readers to feel whether how artificial intelligent technology will influence future technological development to influence human life. How can artificial intelligent tools can bring positive or negative impact to influence future technological development to developing and developed countries ? The another research questions: Should robotic production of factor of technology be caused to economic development? What is future (AI) artificial intelligent products development trend and reasonable development stages? How to predict consumer behaviors to persuade who to feel (AI) products are more satisfactory to their needs? Why do consumers feel them to need to buy any (AI) products to use? Will it have other similar products to replace (AI) any products? How is the reasonable stages to achieve future (AI) development in success? What are the different development stages between developed and developing countries ? Whether (AI) robotic workers can be instead of traditional human workers in these different new markets to bring positive or negative impact to change human job nature change? In recent years, machines had been used to be human's tasks in the performance of certain tasks related to intelligence, such as aspects of image recognition. Experts also forecast that rapid progress in the field of specialized artificial intelligence will continue. Then, it also brings this question: Does (AI) exceed that of human performance on more and more tasks to replace human jobs? If it is truth, will some of human jobs to be disappeared? (AI) will be instead of human some simple jobs, then unemployment rate to the low skillful and low educated workers will be increased. Whether (AI) will be raised either production or performance or unemployment to bring human job market more advantages or more disadvantages? In my this book, I shall explain whether (AI) will bring benefits or disadvantages to human job market.

Can Robotic Worker Apply to Developing Countries Development

Can Robotic Worker Apply to Developing Countries Development
Author: Johnny Ch LOK
Total Pages: 145
Release: 2021-06-11

⦁ Why does human need artificial intelligence machines? One of major division in (AI) is between humans who think (AI) is the only serious way of finding out how we ( human) work and human who want companies to do very smart things, independently of how we ( human) work. This is the important distinction between cognitive scientists vs engineers. One of another major division in (AI) is between symbolic (AI), which represents information through symbols and their relationships. Specific Algorithms are used to process these symbols to solve problems or deduce new knowledge and connectionist. So ( AI) , which represents information in network. Biological processes underlying learning, task performance and problem solving are imitated from human mind behaviors. Thus, it is possible that artificial intelligence machines can do the better judgicious behavior to compare human. ⦁ How does artificial intelligence influence future working changing in automation employment and productivity aspects? In the automation changing influence aspect, as companies increasingly use robots on production lines or algorithms to optimize their logistics manage inventory, any carry out other core business functions. Technological advances are creating a new automation age in which ever-smarter and more flexible machines will be deployed on an ever larger scale in the marketplace. However, researching artificial intelligence with how influences human working nature. We need to answer these questions: How will automation transform the workplace? What will the implications for employment? And what is likely to be its impact both on productivity in the global economy and on employment? Defining developed and developing countries differences ⦁ What are the developed countries and developing countries characteristics What factors cause the differences between developed countries and developing countries? Do they have significant unique characteristics to be discovered to influence their differences? I shall attempt to indicate evidences to explain whether these are significant different unique characteristics between any developed countries and developed countries as below: ON economic measurement aspect, low-and middle income economies are usually referred to as developing economies , and the upper middle income and the high income are referred to as developed countries. So, a developing country also called a less developed country or emerging market, it has a lower gross domestic product( GDP) than developed countries, with a less nature and sophisticated economy. The difference is between developed and developing countries. It may indicate that developed countries refer to the Sovereign ( independent) nation/state whose economy has highly progressed and possesses great technological improvement, as compared to other nations.

Robots Influence Future Global

Robots Influence Future Global
Author: Johnny Ch LOK
Total Pages: 178
Release: 2021-08-04

How robots bring positive Impact of Mass Media job market in Developing Countries Radio, newspapers, television, Internet, social media, etc., all of these are forms of mass media. Each of these outlets has the capability of bringing information to thousands of people with one device. While in some communities it is easy to take advantage of these communication outlets such as television and Internet access, not everyone has access to such outlets. Radio is one of the most common forms of mass media in developing countries because it's affordable and uses less electricity than many other forms of mass media, but only approximately 75 percent of people in developing countries have access to a radio, and roughly 77 percent of people in rural areas have access to electricity. For developing countries that have implemented forms of mass media in their communities, there have been numerous positive outcomes are influenced to impact developing countries mass media by artificial intelligence as below: When AI is participated to developing countries mass media, it can influence any radio, television audiences raise more attention to each other through social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter and create, organize and initiate street protests and campaigns. Furthermore, having access to social media in developing countries, people are able to connect to those that they usually wouldn't have the chance to talk to. Moreover, AI Provides educational opportunities- In many countries, the division between local and national languages as well as issues of literacy can make communication difficult. With the use of mass media, a bridge can be built between these two gaps. In India, there is a radio station that provides information in local languages and respects local culture and traditions. One of the main ways is to create public awareness of what is going on with businesses and government officials. The media plays an important role in giving people the opportunity to act against injustice, oppression and misdeeds that they otherwise wouldn't know about. Information on available healthcare, a mass radio broadcast was sent out encouraging parents to seek treatment at local healthcare facilities for their sick children. With this mass outreach on healthcare, the encouragement of people to take their children to healthcare facilities saved thousands of lives. This easy way of encouraging others and bringing awareness about certain diseases was made possible through a simple radio broadcast. Finally, when AI is particiapted to media, it may bring many social issues to life that otherwise would remain unknown to many people. In developing countries and communities like Burkina Faso, when the radio broadcast was released about malaria, diarrhea and pneumonia, people were educated and moved to action and knew to take their children to healthcare facilities for preventative care. As it is seen, having access to different media outlets is vital for those in developing countries. Here are three ways that those in developing countries can implement mass media to help their people and communities.

Robots Future Good And Bad Development

Robots Future Good And Bad Development
Author: John Lok
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2023-07-29
ISBN: 9789357902793

This book concerns to be given my opinions to explain how artificial intelligent technology will impact our life and will influence economic development in the future as well as how to influence human job market change. In labor market part, I shall indicate how artificial intelligence technology influences future macro global economy change. Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) technology is for the progress in critical areas, such as health, education, energy, economy inclusion, social welfare and the environment. Thus, it brings this question: Which (AI) workers be instead of traditional human workers in these different new markets? In recent years, machines had been used to be human's tasks in the performance of certain tasks related to intelligence, such as aspects of image recognition. Experts also forecast that rapid progress in the field of specialized artificial intelligence will continue. Then, it also brings this question: Does (AI) exceed that of human performance on more and more tasks? If it is truth, will some of human jobs to be disappeared? (AI) will be instead of human some simple jobs, then unemployment rate to the low skillful and low educated workers will be increased. Whether (AI) will be raised either production or performance or unemployment to bring human job market more advantages or more disadvantages? In my this book, I shall explain whether (AI) will bring benefits or disadvantages to human job market. I shall give example to let my readers to think how to support my final view point. In macro economy change part, chapter one, I shall explain what the (AI) functions are benefited to human and I shall indicate whether how it can impact human job nature as well as I shall explain whether (AI) can influence to change to human job market to be better or worse in future global labor market. In chapter two, I shall indicate how (AI) will influence global economic technology productivity change as well as I shall indicate whether (AI) technology can impact global service management industry development. In chapter three, I shall indicate whether (AI) technology will influence digital industry economic change as well as I shall indicate whether (AI) technology can influence developing countries' economic change and health and manufacturing change, even global economic change in our future life. Part four concerns how to apply AI technological development to tourism industry. It has these two research questions need to be answered? (1) Can apply (AI) learning machine predict travelling consumer behavior? (2) Can (AI) big data gathering learning machine be replaced to human travelling marketing research method, e.g. survey or traveler psychological and travelling marketing research or travelling environment micro and macro economic human judgement of traveler consumption behavior prediction methods to predict travelling consumer behaviors more accurate?

Disrupted Development and the Future of Inequality in the Age of Automation

Disrupted Development and the Future of Inequality in the Age of Automation
Author: Lukas Schlogl
Publisher: Springer Nature
Total Pages: 108
Release: 2020-01-13
Genre: Social Science
ISBN: 3030301311

This open access book examines the future of inequality, work and wages in the age of automation with a focus on developing countries. The authors argue that the rise of a global ‘robot reserve army’ has profound effects on labor markets and economic development, but, rather than causing mass unemployment, new technologies are more likely to lead to stagnant wages and premature deindustrialization. The book illuminates the debate on the impact of automation upon economic development, in particular issues of poverty, inequality and work. It highlights public policy responses and strategies–ranging from containment to coping mechanisms—to confront the effects of automation.