History of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Volume VI

History of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Volume VI
Author: Joint Chiefs of Staff
Total Pages: 342
Release: 2019-10-18
ISBN: 9781700657657

Established during World War II to advise the President regarding the strategic direction of the armed forces of the United States, the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) continued in existence after the war and, as military advisers and planners, have played a significant role in the development of national policy. Knowledge of JCS relations with the President, the National Security Council, and the Secretary of Defense in the years since World War II is essential to an understanding of their current work. An account of their activity in peacetime and during times of crisis provides, moreover, an important series of chapters in the military history of the United States. For these reasons, the Joint Chiefs of Staff directed that an official history be written for the record. Its value for instructional purposes, for the orientation of officers newly assigned to the JCS organization, and as a source of information for staff studies will be readily recognized.

History of the Joint Chiefs of Staff - Volume VI

History of the Joint Chiefs of Staff - Volume VI
Author: Department of Defense
Total Pages: 210
Release: 2017-10-14
ISBN: 9781549970320

When this Volume first saw the light of day some 20 years ago, the United States and the Soviet Union were frozen in one of the most frigid antagonisms of the cold war. Each country was making every effort to develop and deploy the new weapons of mass destruction, to strengthen its own bloc of allies, and to expand its influence and control around the world. To deal with this potent potential enemy, the Eisenhower administration had redirected its strategy and force planning to emphasize strategic retaliatory striking power. Nuclear weapons delivered by ballistic missiles were the essential components of the New Look, as the policy came to be called. Robert J. Watson has described the JCS role in the creation of the New Look in Volume V of this series. This Volume VI is primarily concerned with the way the Joint Chiefs of Staff sought to "fine tune" the New Look through strategic plans, the force levels to support them, and allocation of responsibility among the military services for developing and operating the new weapons systems. This turned out to be a contentious process owing to interservice disagreement. Other important matters involving the Joint Chiefs of Staff included the strengthening of NATO, extension of collective security to the Middle and Far East through CENTO and SEATO, commenting on arms control proposals, and helping prepare the military assistance program. Organizational matters, which are the subject of other publications by the Historical Office, are omitted. 1. Basic National Security Policy, 1953 * Policy Issues at the Beginning of 1953 * Early Decisions of the New Administration * A New Statement of National Security Policy: NSC 153/1 * Project Solarium * The New Joint Chiefs of Staff and Their Recommendations * A New Policy Directive: NSC 162/2 * Military Strategy Reexamined: JCS 2101/113 * Differences among the Joint Chiefs of Staff * The New Look and Its Interpretation * 2. Basic National Security Policy, 1954 * Framework of Policy Discussion in 1954 * NSC 162/2 and the FY 1956 Budget * JCS Appraisal of Free World Military Posture * First Budget Guidelines * JCS Views on Negotiations with the Soviets * Interim Policy Revision: NCS 5422/2 * Policy Debate Continued * A Revised National Security Policy: NSC 5501 * The Direction of Policy in 1954 * 3. Force Levels and Personnel Strengths * FY 1954 Goals under the Eisenhower Administration * The JCS Interim Look for FY 1955 * The FY 1955 Budget: Impact of the New Look * FY 1956 Plans and the Indochina Crisis * The Issue of Support Force Recommendations * The Decision to Accelerate Retrenchment * Force Levels under the New Ceilings * FY 1956 Defense Budget * Force Levels and Strategy, 1953-1954 * 4. Strategic Planning, 1953-1954 * The JCS Planning Program: Policy Memorandum 84 * Planning at the Beginning of 1953 * Progress of the Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan * Development of the Joint Strategic Objectives Plan * The Joint Long-Range Strategic Estimate * The Planning Program Reconsidered * The First Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan Completed * The Joint Mid-Range War Plan * The 1955-1956 Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan * Revision of the Planning Program * The JCS Planning Program: The First Two Years * 5. Continental Air Defense * Plans, Organization, and Forces for Air Defense * Legacy of the Truman Administration * The New Administration Confronts a Dilemma * Service and Continental US Defense Planning Group Proposals * A New Policy for Continental Defense: NSC 159/4 * Continental Defense and the FY 1955 Budget * Canada's Role in the Early Warning System * A Second Look at Continental Defense Plans * Command and Organizational Changes * The Net Capabilities Evaluation Subcommittee * Northern Canada (Distant Early Warning) Line * Objectives for FY 1956 * Continental Defense at the End of 1954 * 6. Mobilization Planning

History of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Volume I

History of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Volume I
Author: Joint Chiefs of Staff
Total Pages: 366
Release: 2019-10-18
ISBN: 9781700646972

Established during World War II to advise the President regarding the strategic direction of armed forces of the United States, the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) continued in existence after the war and, as military advisers and planners, have played a significant role in the development of national policy. Knowledge of JCS relations with the President, the National Security Council, and the Secretary of Defense in the years since World War II is essential to an understanding of their current work. An account of their activity in peacetime and during times of crisis provides, moreover, an important series of chapters in the military history of the United States. For these reasons, the Joint Chiefs of Staff directed that an official history be written for the record. Its value for instructional purposes, for the orientation of officers newly assigned to the JCS organization, and as a source of information for staff studies will be readily recognized.

History of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Volume V

History of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Volume V
Author: Joint Chiefs of Staff
Total Pages: 460
Release: 2019-10-18
ISBN: 9781700659552

Established during World War II to advise the President regarding the strategic direction of the armed forces of the United States, the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) continued in existence after the war and, as military advisers and planners, have played a significant role in the development of national policy. Knowledge of JCS relations with the President, the National Security Council, and the Secretary of Defense in the years since World War II is essential to an understanding of their current work. An account of their activity in peacetime and during times of crisis provides, moreover, an important series of chapters in the military history of the United States. For these reasons, the Joint Chiefs of Staff directed that an official history be written for the record. Its value for instructional purposes, for the orientation of officers newly assigned to the JCS organization, and as a source of information for staff studies will be readily recognized.

History of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

History of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Author: Joint Chiefs of Staff
Total Pages: 364
Release: 2019-10-18
ISBN: 9781700900203

Established during World War II to advise the President regarding the strategic direction of the armed forces of the United States, the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) continued in existence after the war and, as military advisers and planners, have played a significant role in the development of national policy. Knowledge of JCS relations with the President, the National Security Council, and the Secretary of Defense in the years since World War II is essential to an understanding of their current work. An account of their activity in peacetime and during times of crisis provides, moreover, an important series of chapters in the military history of the United States. For these reasons. the Joint Chiefs of Staff directed that an official history be written for the record. Its value for instructional purposes, for the orientation of officers newly assigned to the JCS organization, and as a source of information for staff studies will be readily recognized.

History of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

History of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Author: Joint Chiefs of Staff
Total Pages: 318
Release: 2019-10-18
ISBN: 9781700651136

Established during World War II to advise the President regarding the strategic direction of the armed forces of the United States, the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) continued in existence after the war and, as military advisers and planners, have played a significant role in the development of national policy. Knowledge of JCS relations with the President, the National Security Council, and the Secretary of Defense in the years since World War II is essential to an understanding of their current work. An account of their activity in peacetime and during times of crisis provides, moreover, an important series of chapters in the military history of the United States. For these reasons, the Joint Chiefs of Staff directed that an official history be written for the record. Its value for instructional purposes, for the orientation of officers newly assigned to the JCS organization, and as a source of information for staff studies will be readily recognized.

History of the Joint Chiefs of Staff - Volume IX

History of the Joint Chiefs of Staff - Volume IX
Author: Department of Defense
Total Pages: 300
Release: 2017-10-14
ISBN: 9781549970634

This volume covers an unhappy period in US as well as JCS history. As the Vietnam War turned into a bloody stalemate, the strategy of "close-in" containment for the Far East proved to be unbearably costly. After the Six Day War of 1967, the Middle East became increasingly polarized between East and West. NATO had to cope with France's secession from the integrated command. Across a broad range of issues, the Joint Chiefs of Staff found themselves at odds with Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara. They wanted to escalate sharply the air campaign against North Vietnam, preserve superiority in strategic nuclear capability, and restore a US-based reserve of conventional units being drained by Vietnam's demands. Many times, their recommendations were rejected by President Lyndon B. Johnson who accepted instead those of Secretary McNamara. Indeed, the sidelining of the Joint Chiefs of Staff emerges as the dominant theme of this volume. The Vietnam War dominated and ultimately consumed Lyndon B. Johnson's presidency. In March 1964, President Johnson set the objective of preserving an independent, non-communist South Vietnam.1 But as 1965 opened, communist forces-Viet Cong guerrillas supported by North Vietnamese soldiers-were close to victory. During March, the United States started a systematic bombing campaign against the North and began committing large ground forces in the South. Defeat was averted, but steady escalation followed as the communists persevered. By 1968, there were 549,500 US military personnel in South Vietnam. Vietnam's Impact * 2. Strategic Nuclear Forces: The End of US Superiority * 3. Losing the ABM Debate * 4. The Overstretching of Conventional Capabilities * 5. Arms Control Inches Forward * 6. NATO: Surviving Challenges from Within * 7. NATO'S Flexible Response: Reality or Mirage? * 8. Phasing Out the Military Assistance Program * 9. Latin America: The Instruments of Influence * 10. Upheaval in the Middle East * 11. Africa: Avoiding Direct Intervention * 12. South Asia: US Influence Shrinks * 13. The Far East: The Climax of Containment 1. Overview: Vietnam's Impact * Reputations Tarnish * Decisionmaking Mechanisms Become Muddled * The PPBS under Stress * The "Two-War" Strategy vs. Diminishing Resources * 2. Strategic Nuclear Forces: The End of US Superiority * Force Planning in 1965 * Force Planning in 1966 * Refining the SIOP * Force Planning in 1967 * Force Planning in 1968 Perspectives * 3. Losing the ABM Debate * Force Planning in 1965 * Force Planning in 1966 * Force Planning In 1967 * Force Planning in 1968 * Aftermath * 4. The Overstretching of Conventional Capabilities * Force Planning in 1965: Losing the Slack * Force Planning in 1966: Tautness * Force Planning in 1967: Fraying Faster * Force Planning in 1968: The Snap * Afterthoughts * Appendix: Forces in Being * 5. Arms Control Inches Forward * Killing the Comprehensive and Threshold Test Bans * Fissionable Material Production: No Cutoff * Signing an Outer Space Treaty * Negotiating a Non-Proliferation Treaty * SALT: Hopes Raised and Blighted * A Qualified Conclusion * 6. NATO: Surviving Challenges from Within * Coping with France's Secession * Re-Cementing the German Connection * Greece, Turkey, and Cyprus * 7. NATO'S Flexible Response: Reality or Mirage? * Cross Currents * The Evolution of MC 14/3 * Conventional Capabilities Start to Dwindle * Until Czechoslovakia Compels a Turnabout * 8. Phasing Out the Military Assistance Program * The FY 1966 Program * The FY 1967 Program * The FY 1968 Program * The FY 1969 Program * Preparing the FY 1970 Program * Conclusion * 9. Latin America: The Instruments of Influence * The Dominican Imbroglio * A Political Quagmire? * Internationalizing the Occupation * Resolution and Extrication * Panama: Toward a New Canal Treaty * Aircraft Sales: Pro and Con * 10. Upheaval in the Middle East * Israel and Jordan: An Unattainable "Balance" * Countdown * The Six Day War