Henry to Lucy Knox Containing News of the War, 31 October 1781

Henry to Lucy Knox Containing News of the War, 31 October 1781
Author: Henry Knox
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1781

Received Lucy's letter via Martha Washington and is glad to hear his daughter is in good spirits. Hopes to see her in ten days. He has to prepare to transport ordnance in the aftermath of the siege of Yorktown. Mentions that the French army will winter at Yorktown. All the Continental troops south of Pennsylvania, including Knox's, will join General Nathanael Greene. Encloses his brother William Knox's last letter (see GLC02437.01270). Reports that the British ships intended to relieve Lord Cornwallis have just arrived at the Capes too late to help. Comte de Grasse plans to attack them, and Knox opines that It would end the campaign gloriously to take five or six Ships from the imposing english.

Henry Knox to Lucy Knox about His Sadness that They're Apart and News of the War [incomplete], 26 July 1781

Henry Knox to Lucy Knox about His Sadness that They're Apart and News of the War [incomplete], 26 July 1781
Author: Henry Knox
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1781

Knox writes to his wife from Philipsburgh (present-day Sleepy Hollow, New York). ... I have never found any absence from [Lucy] so truly insupportable as the present. I am alone amidst a croud [sic], and unhappy without my companion. Bemoans the War: ...vile I call it because it is a War upon the affections of humanity. It has deprived us of the right enjoyment of six years, long years of our Life-- a period infinitely too long to be engrossed by other objects than the business of Love. Discusses a recent reconnaissance mission to assess the British force in New York City with optimism, stating that many of the British troops in the vicinity will soon depart for Virginia. Reports that some of the Marquis de Lafayette's troops, led by General Anthony Wayne, had a recent encounter with the British under Lord Cornwallis (Knox is possibly referring to the engagement at Green Spring plantation 6 July 1781). Refers to General Nathanael Greene's May-June 1781 Siege of Ninety-Six, and praises Greene's actions in the south: His conduct has exhibited him a great man, and established his reputation beyond the powers of malice to injure it lastingly. Mentions arranging a place for Lucy to stay at a Dr. [Darbys] house. Possibly discussing slaves or servants, asks, whether you are pleas'd with your [Servant]. I want to know whether I can get Cato, you will exchange him for William... Lacks closing and possibly the address leaf.

Henry Knox to William Knox with Family News and Discusses the War and Politics, 20 July 1781

Henry Knox to William Knox with Family News and Discusses the War and Politics, 20 July 1781
Author: Henry Knox
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1781

Thanks William for money he recently sent. Reports that Lucy Knox and their children have gone up the Hudson River on a visit. Discusses his hopes for an end to the Revolutionary War, writing I sincerely pray God that the War may be ended this campaign that public and private felicity may be again restored. Discusses British movement in the South, noting, Our affairs to the Southward have an agreeable aspect and convince us although the Enemy may establish posts, they cannot conquer the Country. Criticizes what he calls vile water-gruel governments which have taken place in most of the States... Praises Massachusetts, stating The same tone, sentiment, & exertion, pervading all the States would indisputably render this the last Campaign. Reports that the British recently sent ships up the Hudson River to sabotage Continental communication but were unsuccessful. Promises to write as often as possible, though the post follows a circuitous route. Written at Philipsburgh, New York (present-day Sleepy Hollow).

Henry Knox to Lucy Knox on War News, 6 October 1777

Henry Knox to Lucy Knox on War News, 6 October 1777
Author: Henry Knox
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1777

Written from Artillery Park Camp, 25 miles from Philadelphia. Notes that he would have written more details earlier, but the success of the enterprise depended upon secrecy.... Gives an account of the Battle of Germantown (4 October 1777), in which a fog which was but moderate at first became so thick from the Continental firing of cannon... that it absolutely became impossible to see... Despite the conditions, reports, Our troops are in prodigious spirits at being able to drive nearly the whole collective force of the enemy so far- Relates that his brother, William Knox, behaved with Spirit. Also notes that General [Francis] Nash was injured by a cannon (Nash died from this wound). Forwarded from Hartford, Connecticut 18 October 1777 by Jonathan Trumbull and signed by Trumbull.

Henry Knox to Lucy Knox Discussing the Siege of Yorktown, 1 October 1781

Henry Knox to Lucy Knox Discussing the Siege of Yorktown, 1 October 1781
Author: Henry Knox
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1781

Responds to his wife's letter dated 29 September 1781 (GLC02437.01199). Discusses investing Yorktown and General Cornwallis' evacuation of his outer works the day before writing this letter. Discusses the Continental Army's prospects to impress our haughty foe with a respect for the combined arms, (of the American and French forces). Asks his wife to give his compliments to Martha Washington.

A Letter from Henry Knox to William Knox on Family and War News, 5 August 1781

A Letter from Henry Knox to William Knox on Family and War News, 5 August 1781
Author: Henry Knox
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1781

Written at camp near Dobbs Ferry by Brigadier General Knox to his brother William Knox. References William's letter of 25 July 1781. Says he wrote last week and hopes he has received the letter as the post office has been unreliable. It seems that someone in Lucy Knox's family is dying, but Henry says he will not tell her because she will be afflicted by it beyond moderation. Says her family in England will want to know of this information, and wants to be informed when a Mrs. Winslow will sail for Plymouth, so he can write to Lucy's sisters and mother. Says the destruction of paper money will damage the cause. Says the stoppage [of paper money] will create a distress here[.] I am pretty certain it will be temporary. I shall consider it as the dawn of returning honesty and industry. Says they have enough troops to defend themselves, but not to undertake an offensive campaign. References Major General Nathanael Greene's siege at Ninety Six in South Carolina. Says Greene could not storm the position, but that the siege forced the enemy to abandon the position and retire to Charleston. Claims that Twice General Greene has fought General Actions [at Guilford Courthouse and Hobkirk Hill] was defeated completely and yet reaped all the consequences of victory. Says the British probably have control of Plymouth, Virginia, Charleston, South Carolina, and Savannah, Georgia. Says the American and French armies are in the most perfect harmony.

Henry Knox to Lucy Knox about War News and the Battle of Ticonderoga, 13 July 1777

Henry Knox to Lucy Knox about War News and the Battle of Ticonderoga, 13 July 1777
Author: Henry Knox
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1777

Knox writes, the shortness of your two last letters were not very agreable [sic] to me... Discusses the Battle of Ticonderoga (2-6 July 1777): We have received... news of the evacuation of Ticonderoga pregnant in my opinion with the most disagreable [sic] consequences of any thing during the War... Mentions Generals John Burgoyne (British), Arthur St. Clair (American), and Philip Schuyler (American). Refers to a wagon of supplies Lucy sent to him. Wishes his brother William would not join the Army, but would instead remain in Boston, serving as a disinterested friend and protector for Lucy. Expects General William Howe to combine forces with Burgoyne at an unspecified point along the North River (the Hudson). Mentions that Mrs. Greene (Catherine Littlefield Greene, wife of General Nathanael Greene) arrived several days before. Discusses a letter he sent to John Hancock, President of the Continental Congress, inquiring if Congress intended to appoint Phillippe du Coudray in command of the Continental Artillery. Reports that Congress resolved that Knox's letter was an infringement on the Liberties of the people.

Henry Knox to Lucy Knox about the Surrender at Yorktown, 19 October 1781

Henry Knox to Lucy Knox about the Surrender at Yorktown, 19 October 1781
Author: Henry Knox
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1781

Announces that a glorious moment for America has arrived, Lord Cornwallis has surrendered at the Battle of Yorktown. Discusses how General Washington refused Cornwallis' request that Britons and Germans be sent back to their countries prior to his surrender, instead giving the British Army the same terms that the Americans received upon their surrender at Charleston in 1780. Washington has ordered Knox to headquarters immediately. Clement Biddle has written Knox to tell him his daughter Lucy is well. Tells his wife he will send her his most recent letter from his brother William Knox, who is tending their financial affairs. Looks forward to seeing her in November. Communicates message from William regarding Lucy's connections in England. Knox has informed George Washington and John Parke Custis of William's trip to Europe. Reports that Martha Washington and Eleanor Calvert Custis are in Williamsburg, Virginia. (See also GLC02437.01231 and GLC02437.01257.).

Henry Knox to Lucy Knox with War News of Plundering, 8 November 1776

Henry Knox to Lucy Knox with War News of Plundering, 8 November 1776
Author: Henry Knox
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1776

Comments on their problems corresponding and reaffirms his love for her. Indicates that the British have stopped pursuing them and their intentions are unknown. Denounces British and Hessian plundering. Describes the Scottish (Highlanders) as the most civil group in the enemy's army, perhaps because they see a commonality with the Americans. Affirms honor of the American efforts to be free. Lists the information about a brigade under General Alexander Leslie that was recently intercepted, including 152 dead.