Henry Knox to William Knox with News of Lucy, 4 July 1776

Henry Knox to William Knox with News of Lucy, 4 July 1776
Author: Henry Knox
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1776

Notes that Lucy Knox and others have gone to Fairfield, Connecticut, away from potential fighting in New York. Indicates that he gave Colonel David Mason a draft for fifty dollars to be paid by William (see GLC02437.00358). Asks William to write fully & frequently. Alluding to the impending battle in New York comments that You may expect something great before long.

Henry Knox to Lucy Knox Urging Her to Go to New Haven, 15 July 1776

Henry Knox to Lucy Knox Urging Her to Go to New Haven, 15 July 1776
Author: Henry Knox
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1776

Responds to a letter from Lucy in which she remonstrated Henry over their recent separation in which she left New York and went to Connecticut. Henry is both grieved an angry because Lucy blames Henry for her inconveniences even though it is in her power instantly to remedy them. Moreover, if she does not like it there, it is within her power to go elsewhere. Warns her against anyone contradicting his advice. Urges her to use her own good sense and see that there can be no essential difference as you have a carriage and Horses, between coming [to New York] from New Haven or Fairfield than from Stamford. Mentions that Burr (possibly Aaron Burr) has told him Fairfield is crowded and lacks provisions. Claims New Haven has good accommodations good Company & good provisions and mentions some officers that plan to go there. Reiterates that New York would be a bad place for Lucy because it would cause Henry too much worry. Strongly urges her to go to New Haven. Restates that their separation makes him miserable. Reports little activity since the British sailed up the Hudson on 12 July 1776 except the disappointing news that the ships were not damaged by the artillery fire. Remarks that This Summer will be the most important that America ever saw. Describes an attempt by General William Howe to have a letter delivered seeking a truce, which was rejected because it was addressed to Mr. Washington instead of General Washington. In a reference to the Declaration of Independence, the messenger claimed the letter was of a civil matter, not a military one. Relays news from William Knox in Boston concerning smallpox and the activities of several members of Lucy's family.

Henry Knox to Lucy Knox with News and Talk of Money, 4 July 1776

Henry Knox to Lucy Knox with News and Talk of Money, 4 July 1776
Author: Henry Knox
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1776

Explains that he wrote her at Fairfield, Connecticut to check on her well being and tell her how much he values her, to tell her that the British had landed at Staten Island but had not attacked New York yet, and that he believes when they do, the Americans will be able to beat them back. He also asked her to send money after taking what she needed and to ask where to send her trunks. Reports that General Nathanael Greene, Jonathan Pollard, and Mrs. [Herey] are all well an in good spirits, information that Lucy could pass on to spouses and loved ones in Connecticut. Asks if Lucy took the fifty dollars Colonel David Mason gave Henry.

Henry Knox to William Knox about Lucy and His Patriotic Feelings, 11 July 1776

Henry Knox to William Knox about Lucy and His Patriotic Feelings, 11 July 1776
Author: Henry Knox
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1776

Thanks William for his recent letter. Discusses Lucy Knox's hasty evacuation from New York when British ships were spotted in the Hudson and the unhappiness it caused both Lucy and himself (also see GLC024327.00364). Lucy is distressed but Henry feels he is not at liberty to attend her as my country calls. Explains that his apprehension was disguised by scolding Lucy for not leaving sooner. Comments that Mrs. Nathanael Greene and Mrs. Jonathan Pollard went with Lucy, and describes Mrs. Pollard as an unfit companion because of her Melancholy dumpish disposition. If Lucy is unhappy in Fairfield, Connecticut, he will ask William to take her to Boston, since they are expecting active fighting in New York. The British attacked the following day.

William Knox to Henry Knox about Lucy Knox's Movements and a Reading of the Declaration of Independence, 18 July 1776

William Knox to Henry Knox about Lucy Knox's Movements and a Reading of the Declaration of Independence, 18 July 1776
Author: William Knox
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1776

Remarks on Henry's talent for burlesquing William's writing. Expresses sympathy for Lucy's situation, in which she has to stay in Connecticut away from Henry. Offers to leave the bookstore in someone's care and go to Fairfield to bring Lucy back to Boston. Mentions that the Declaration of Independence will be read in Boston on the day of this letter's writing. Remarks that he heard the British sailed up the Hudson, which they did on 12 July 1776, and conjectures it to be by way of experiment. Mentions that Captain Harry Johnson came in from Halifax. Also mentions that two persons were bound for a Mr. Phillips[.] I mention'd in my last for 400 each for his good political behavior for 1 year.

Henry Knox to Lucy Knox about Death and News of the War, 21 July 1776

Henry Knox to Lucy Knox about Death and News of the War, 21 July 1776
Author: Henry Knox
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1776

Thanks her for writing and remarks that Religion and virtue dictated every line of her last letter. Discusses death from a religious perspective. Informs Lucy that this letter will be delivered by Elbridge Gerry, a member of the Continental Congress from Massachusetts, and asks her to be as civil towards him as her circumstances will allow. Notes that Gerry will tell her about General Charles Lee's recent victory over the British at Fort Moultrie in Charleston (28 June 1776), South Carolina, and Knox provides some details about the battle. Briefly mentions the unsuccessful attempt of an adjutant general from General William Howe's army to deliver a letter addressed to George Washington Esqr. Etc while under a flag of truce and promised to write about it more fully tomorrow (see GLC02437.00385).

Henry Knox to Lucy Knox about Servants, Health and Her Family, 22 July 1776

Henry Knox to Lucy Knox about Servants, Health and Her Family, 22 July 1776
Author: Henry Knox
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1776

Indicates that he found an indentured servant, Thomas Eliot, for Lucy (see Lucy's request for one in GLC02437.00383) and has purchased three years of his labor. Mentions that Captain Sebastian Bauman's family have gone into the Jersies and asks why she inquired about them. Comments on Lucy's loyalist family. Tells the story of a formal visit of adjutant general of General William Howe's army in which he attempted to deliver a letter addressed to George Washington Esqr. The envoy failed for the same reason as an earlier attempt to deliver a letter to negotiate a truce: because it refused to expressly acknowledge George Washington as a general (see GLC02437.00375 and GLC02437.00378). The messenger also claimed that he came with powers to pardon and it was retorted that he came to the wrong place because the Americans had not offended. Knox praises how Washington dealt with the situation and remarks that Colonel Israel Putnam was awe struck by it. Relays news of General Charles Lee's recent victory over the British at Fort Moultrie in Charleston, South Carolina. Discusses the possibility of Lucy and their baby daughter going to Boston to contract the weak strain of smallpox circulating there in order to be inoculated, as was suggested by William Knox (see GLC02437.00382).

Henry Knox to Lucy Knox about Inoculation and Acquaintances, 25 July 1776

Henry Knox to Lucy Knox about Inoculation and Acquaintances, 25 July 1776
Author: Henry Knox
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1776

Explains that he was disappointed to not receive a letter from Lucy by the most recent post and wonders if the difficulty of her journey to New Haven, Connecticut, prevented her writing. Reports via his brother, William Knox, that the people inoculated for smallpox in Boston are all recovering well. Discusses the possibility of Lucy being inoculated. Mentions that he sent Lucy an indentured servant, Thomas Eliot. Comments on meetings with acquaintances. Discusses the war and remarks that there has been little activity. He believes the British are awaiting reinforcements.

Henry Knox to Lucy Knox about Her Movements, 4 July 1776

Henry Knox to Lucy Knox about Her Movements, 4 July 1776
Author: Henry Knox
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1776

Laments that Lucy had to abruptly leave New York, although it was for her safety. They believed the British would attack but they landed on Staten Island instead, where they were received with a hearty welcome by its rascally Tory inhabitants. Mentions that the people in New Jersey were assembling their militia (see GLC02437.00357). Favorably assesses their artillery preparations for battle. Asks Lucy to send his trunk back, which has his papers and money in it, and asks where to send her clothes. Pressing business prevents him from writing more. Gives love to their baby.

Henry Knox to Lucy Knox about Her Movements and News of British Ships and an Artillery Accident, 13 July 1776

Henry Knox to Lucy Knox about Her Movements and News of British Ships and an Artillery Accident, 13 July 1776
Author: Henry Knox
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1776

Henry is upset that Lucy is taking others' advice over his and reiterates his recommendation for her to go to Fairfield or New Haven immediately. Mentions various people going to New Haven who Lucy could meet up with. Discusses the British attack of New York the previous day. Knox lost six men in an accident, which he casts as a learning experience for the others, who will learn to moderate their fiery courage. After the attack the British ships sailed north to Tappan Bay, near Tarrytown New York. Knox will send Lucy's clothes to New Haven, where he hopes she will go. He reaffirms his love for her. Also notes a rumor that General William Howe was aboard one of the ships that sailed up the Hudson River.