Henry Jackson to Henry Knox Commenting on Elections in Boston, Family and Supplies for the War, 22 May 1777

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox Commenting on Elections in Boston, Family and Supplies for the War, 22 May 1777
Author: Henry Jackson
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1777

Colonel Jackson writes to Brigadier General Knox in Morristown, New Jersey. Chides Knox for not writing to him through the last post. Comments that Boston will choose representatives the same day he writes. Expresses relief that Henry's wife, Lucy, and their child recovered from a recent bout of smallpox. In closing, requests Knox to procure an order for the Cloth & Arms & other necessary's for my Regt- dont forget I shall be ambitious to make as good an appearance in field... Relates that in future letters, he will sign as your friend, due to the danger of correspondence falling into enemy hands.

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox Discussing the Poor State of Recruitment for the American Army and His Concerns Over Certain Defenses, 27 May 1777

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox Discussing the Poor State of Recruitment for the American Army and His Concerns Over Certain Defenses, 27 May 1777
Author: Henry Jackson
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1777

Gives details of marching with an unspecified company, and discusses his recent service at Providence, Rhode Island. Refers to a recent election of representatives, possibly in Boston, Massachusetts. Writes, My good friend, we are in a very bad state of defense in this Town & harbor, not a man in all the Forts here... Sent his regiment to recruit soldiers outside of Boston, and they have only raised 26 men: the Country People have got the devil in them... good god Harry if we go on in this way we shall soon be ruined, ruined for ever. Mentions the discrepancy between the current draft of nine months and George Washington's orders to draft for three years or the length of the war. Disapproves of the nine month draft, stating by the time I had got them well disciplined their time would out... then all my time, trouble & expense would be lost. Spotted two British frigates in the [Massachusetts] Bay.

Incomplete Letter from Henry Jackson to Henry Knox Discussing the Ongoing War, 12 May 1777

Incomplete Letter from Henry Jackson to Henry Knox Discussing the Ongoing War, 12 May 1777
Author: Henry Jackson
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1777

Colonel Jackson discusses military details, noting that the Court, (referring to the Court of Massachusetts) has ordered the draft of every seventh man from towns that have not met enlistment quotas. He has persuaded the court to allow drafted men to choose which regiment they will join. Notes that General George Washington has ordered him to send weekly reports of his (Jackson's) proceedings. Wants Knox to apply to George Washington to give an order on his behalf for arms and accoutrements. Asks Knox other military advice, noting, as I have never been in the Service I wish to be as regular as possible, in all my proceedings, & Shall be ambitious to enter the field with as much reputation as possible for your sake, as well as my own. GLC02437.00591 and GLC02437.09451 were originally one document.

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox on the Massachusetts Election and the Society of the Cincinnati, 4 May 1788

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox on the Massachusetts Election and the Society of the Cincinnati, 4 May 1788
Author: Henry Jackson
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1788

Forwards a subscription to Knox from Reverend Freeman (not included). Reports that General Benjamin Lincoln has the majority of votes (for Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts). Comments on a recent visit he paid to James and Mercy Otis Warren in Milton, Massachusetts, noting that Mrs. Warren was made very happy when I inform'd her you proposed paying us a visit this month. Notes that unless Knox attends, Massachusetts will not be represented in the upcoming Philadelphia meeting of the Society of the Cincinnati. Relates that Mrs. Hepzibah Swan, wife of James Swan, sends her love. Marked private on the address leaf.

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox about Possible British War, House Alterations, and the Massachusetts Governor Election, 8 April 1794

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox about Possible British War, House Alterations, and the Massachusetts Governor Election, 8 April 1794
Author: Henry Jackson
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1794

Discusses the possibility of war with the British. States while he hopes war is avoidable, the British should be held accountable for the depredation done to their property. Reports Mr. [Ebenezer] Dunton says the alterations Knox requested to the windows is too difficult and costly to complete. Mentions Mr. [Thomas] Simpson and Mr. Robinson will be heading towards [St. George's House]. Informs Knox you may calculate before this reach's you that the Corner Stone of this Immense Edifice will be laid. Clarifies what type of material and hardware to use on Knox's house. Discusses the election (1794 Governor race in Boston, Massachusetts) between [William] Cushing and [Samuel] Adams.

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox Asking Knox to Prepare Stable and Barn Plans, Boston Elections, Bonds and British Advances, 1 June 1794

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox Asking Knox to Prepare Stable and Barn Plans, Boston Elections, Bonds and British Advances, 1 June 1794
Author: Henry Jackson
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1794

Advises Knox to prepare his plans for the barn and stables (Montpelier). Mentions Mr. [Ebenezer] Dunton will be on hand to prepare for the work and to secure the timber. Notes the left over timber from the house might be salvaged and used on the barn. States he does not believe Captain Seavor will accept a lieutenancy. Discusses various bonds he has drafted and the recent election held in Boston, Massachusetts. Mentions the people's agitation with the advancement of the British.

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox Reporting on the Massachusetts Election for Governor and Lieutenant Governor, 30 March 1788

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox Reporting on the Massachusetts Election for Governor and Lieutenant Governor, 30 March 1788
Author: Henry Jackson
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1788

Reports on the Massachusetts election for governor and lieutenant governor. Encloses newspapers (not included) for Knox, on the election, noting that the papers attack poor Cincin (based on usage in GLC02437.03833, may refer to Benjamin Lincoln). Relates that Benjamin Lincoln and Samuel Adams are splitting the Federal party for lieutenant governor, while the Anti-Federalists support James Warren. John Hancock is expected to be reelected as Governor. Expects that John Langdon will be chosen as New Hampshire's governor, which will disappoint [John] Sullivan. Recently applied to the Committee for the Sale of Eastern Lands to purchase a tract Knox had earlier mentioned. Thinks the committee plans to take advantage of Knox, and expresses his distrust of Mr. Jarvis, who may have been on the committee and was involved in land speculation. Comments that the price of the land is too high, and Jarvis tried to justify it by saying that an academy would be built, and the Great Eastern Road would run through, that specific tract of land. Warns Knox to keep his eye on Jarvis, noting I don't like him. Refers to Knox's appointment as a delegate to represent Massachusetts at the Society of the Cincinnati meeting scheduled to be held in Philadelphia in May.

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox Regarding British Movements, 10 July 1777

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox Regarding British Movements, 10 July 1777
Author: Henry Jackson
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1777

Replies to a letter from Henry from 21 June, in which Knox discussed British movement in detail. Agrees with Knox, that the British in the New York/New Jersey area will form a junction with the Northern [sic] Army. Worries that General George Washington had misleading information, believing William Howe intended to march to Philadelphia (Howe did not march to Philadelphia; refer to Knox's letter to Jackson from 21 June). Expresses misgivings regarding the loyalty of Native Americans near Fort Ticonderoga: These devils will let their Friendship be what it may- will always take up the hatchet on the strongest side. Declares that if Howe captures Philadelphia, Albany, and Ticonderoga, it may help the Continental cause: it would Brake up all our dam'd money makers, who are making their Fortunes on the ruin of their Country. Complains of the poor pay for soldiers and officers in the Continental Army. Discusses his regiment. Gives details of an Independence Day celebration held the previous Friday. Reports that a maritime prize landed in Marblehead [Massachusetts] with Jamaican Rum.

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox on the Battle of Bennington, 24 August 1777

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox on the Battle of Bennington, 24 August 1777
Author: Henry Jackson
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1777

Comments on General John Stark and the Battle of Bennington ( 16 August 1777): I don't think all History from Adam to this day, can produce such an instance, which an unequal number of raw undisciplind militia, have attack'd a Superor number of well disciplined regular Troops intrench in Lines- beat them out & gaind so complete a Victory [sic]-- Describes the celebration held in Boston following news of the victory, including liquor at the Bunch of Grapes Tavern, drum and fife music on a balcony, brass field pieces, and two barrels of grog in the street. Gives an account of a new ship with six women on board that mysteriously sunk near the Newbury Bar [Massachusetts]. Asks Henry to remember him to Henry's secretary (William Knox). In a post script, notes that all of the ship's passengers were saved except for one.

Henry Knox to Henry Jackson with Family News and a Discussion of the Intolerable Acts, 29 August 1774

Henry Knox to Henry Jackson with Family News and a Discussion of the Intolerable Acts, 29 August 1774
Author: Henry Knox
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1774

Comments on the disagreeable current events. Indicates that General Thomas Gage, then the commander-in-chief and governor of Massachusetts, must recede, otherwise carnage & bloodshed seem inevitable - there never was anything like the flame the last 2 Acts has produced...erect a standard and believe in a fortnight there would be ten thousand country people flock to it. Earlier that year, Parliament had passed the intolerable acts--the Boston Port Act, the Massachusetts Bay Regulating Act, the Administration of Justice Act, and the second Quartering Act--in response to the Boston Tea Party and civil unrest in Massachusetts. The two cited by Knox were the Quartering Act (passed 2 June 1774) and either the Massachusetts Bay Regulating Act or the Administration of Justice Act (both passed 20 May 1774). Discusses his marriage to Lucy Flucker on 23 June 1774, the ceremony, and Lucy's parents' opposition. Also gives Jackson some news about his family.