Henry Jackson to Henry Knox Asking Knox to Prepare Stable and Barn Plans, Boston Elections, Bonds and British Advances, 1 June 1794

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox Asking Knox to Prepare Stable and Barn Plans, Boston Elections, Bonds and British Advances, 1 June 1794
Author: Henry Jackson
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1794

Advises Knox to prepare his plans for the barn and stables (Montpelier). Mentions Mr. [Ebenezer] Dunton will be on hand to prepare for the work and to secure the timber. Notes the left over timber from the house might be salvaged and used on the barn. States he does not believe Captain Seavor will accept a lieutenancy. Discusses various bonds he has drafted and the recent election held in Boston, Massachusetts. Mentions the people's agitation with the advancement of the British.

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox about Possible British War, House Alterations, and the Massachusetts Governor Election, 8 April 1794

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox about Possible British War, House Alterations, and the Massachusetts Governor Election, 8 April 1794
Author: Henry Jackson
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1794

Discusses the possibility of war with the British. States while he hopes war is avoidable, the British should be held accountable for the depredation done to their property. Reports Mr. [Ebenezer] Dunton says the alterations Knox requested to the windows is too difficult and costly to complete. Mentions Mr. [Thomas] Simpson and Mr. Robinson will be heading towards [St. George's House]. Informs Knox you may calculate before this reach's you that the Corner Stone of this Immense Edifice will be laid. Clarifies what type of material and hardware to use on Knox's house. Discusses the election (1794 Governor race in Boston, Massachusetts) between [William] Cushing and [Samuel] Adams.

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox on Finances, Washington's Birthday and Plans for the Militia, 14 February 1790

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox on Finances, Washington's Birthday and Plans for the Militia, 14 February 1790
Author: Henry Jackson
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1790

Discusses an excise and valuation bill in the House. Writes, The state notes hold their ground much better than the continentals, the moment they are at your marker, I will strike, and with the greatest secrecy as it respects you. Comments that at present he cannot determine how Knox's plan for the militia will be received, as he has heard many different opinions about it. Informs Knox that they celebrated Washington's birthday in Boston.

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox about the New Government and Waldo Land Business, 29 March 1789

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox about the New Government and Waldo Land Business, 29 March 1789
Author: Henry Jackson
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1789

Thanks him for his recent letter. Comments on Knox's accusation that Jackson did not write him when he was supposed to, but provides an excuse. Writes, What a misfortune, that the new government is not yet formed - the Feds are uneasy, & the Antis are rising tip toe in consequence of the delay - however, we keep up our spirits and hope for the best. Discusses the election of the Vice President, and the desire of the people of Boston to support the Federal Government. Reports that he and Benjamin Hichborn are delayed in departing for their visit to New York because Hichborn must remain on the Supreme Court, which is still in session. Mentions that Captain [Thomas] Vose has not returned from the eastward yet, but has written friends that he likes his situation (as one of Knox's agents in the Waldo patent lands). Discusses his attempts to locate high quality fish. Sends his love to Lucy Knox and their children.

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox with Updates from Massachusetts, 7 June 1789

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox with Updates from Massachusetts, 7 June 1789
Author: Henry Jackson
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1789

Writes that he received Knox's last letter, and, noting that Knox did not mention his leg injury, he assumes Knox has recovered. He does remind Knox to be more careful the next time he plays sports. Discusses current politics in Massachusetts, such as the illness of the Governor. Also declares that the General Court is concerned that its members are no longer as influential now that the new federal government is running. Provides information on their friends and acquaintances in Boston as well.

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox about Election Results and Politics, 12 April 1789

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox about Election Results and Politics, 12 April 1789
Author: Henry Jackson
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1789

Received his last letter, with its enclosure for Mr. [James] Swan. Writes that Mr. [possibly Sylvanus or, more likely, Congressman Shearjashub-only provides a first initial, S] Bourne arrived the previous Thursday with election results declaring John Adams to be Vice President. Mentions how Adams will travel to New York, including making a stop to visit Governor [John] Hancock. Writes that General [Benjamin] Lincoln likely will not be elected Governor, as Hancock has probably won reelection, with Mr. [Samuel] Adams elected Lieutenant Governor. Adds information about local elections. Advises Knox not to write back as he will be setting off to visit New York on 22 April and will likely see him by the end of the month.