Guida alla Dea Madre in Italia

Guida alla Dea Madre in Italia
Author: Andrea Romanazzi
Publisher: Venexia Editrice
Total Pages: 171
Release: 2014-09-19
Genre: Body, Mind & Spirit
ISBN: 8897688675

La penisola italiana ha accolto nei millenni numerosi riti, tradizioni e culti incentrati sulla Divinità Femminile, dei quali restano ampie e talora vistose tracce. Ed è proprio viaggiando alla loro ricerca, fraterra, acqua, aria e fuoco, che l'autore ha scoperto una serie diemozionanti itinerari in cui rivivere gli arcaici sapori della Grande Madre. La prefazione è di Syusy Blady, conduttrice e regista di "Turisti / Misteri per caso". All'interno, illustrazioni in b/n e 16 mappe con percorsi suggeriti per visitare i luoghi della Dea in Italia.

Guida alle streghe in Italia

Guida alle streghe in Italia
Author: Andrea Romanazzi
Publisher: Venexia Editrice
Total Pages: 233
Release: 2014-08-04
Genre: Body, Mind & Spirit
ISBN: 8897688691

Un viaggio tra i borghi, le valli e le foreste incantate che hanno ospitato i raduni delle streghe. Questi vengono rievocati insieme alla caccia alle streghe, che fece dell'herbara un'entità malefica legata al demonio, e all'eredità pagana, i cui simboli resistettero all'avvento del cristianesimo e ai tentativi dell'Inquisizione di cancellarli. Regione per regione, l'autore narra le leggende e le tradizioni che fecero di queste zone la dimora preferita di maghe e fattucchiere e offre al lettore, grazie a mappe, indirizzi e consigli pratici, gli strumenti per organizzare veri e propri itinerari magici tra i sentieri di campagna e gli anfratti nascosti del territorio italiano, in cui guaritrici e sciamane raccoglievano le erbe medicamentose e officiavano i sacri riti in onore dei loro dèi.

La Stregoneria in Italia

La Stregoneria in Italia
Author: Andrea Romanazzi
Publisher: Venexia Editrice
Total Pages: 201
Release: 2014-08-04
Genre: Body, Mind & Spirit
ISBN: 8897688705

Sin dai tempi più arcaici gli uomini hanno cercato di contrastare le manifestazioni più estreme della Natura attraverso un'azione magica, che si è evoluta nei secoli generando credenze, riti e tabù. In Italia, in particolare, è sorta così una religione popolare di antica origine pagana in grado di proteggere dalla Natura ma soprattutto di rispondere alle esigenze terrene e materiali del devoto. Il libro affronta le espressioni di stregoneria popolari e rurali italiane, in un viaggio tra i rituali e gli scongiuri che sanciscono i momenti di passaggio della vita umana in un attento quadro degli antichi usi e costumi della nostra penisola.

Il ritorno del dio che balla

Il ritorno del dio che balla
Author: Andrea Romanazzi
Publisher: Venexia Editrice
Total Pages: 148
Release: 2013-07-04
Genre: Body, Mind & Spirit
ISBN: 8897688462

Le tradizioni popolari legate al tarantolismo hanno generato culti e riti che hanno dato vita ad alcune delle più vitali musiche e danze popolari: tammurriate, tarantelle e pizziche, il cui rinnovato interesse tra i giovani sta suscitando un forte richiamo internazionale. L'autore analizza l'evoluzione di tali tradizioni, includendo i luoghi di ritrovo e le feste, le sagre e gli appuntamenti legati al culto della Taranta. La prefazione è un'intervista a Teresa De Sio, grande protagonista e studiosa di musica popolare.

Farms, Factories, and Families

Farms, Factories, and Families
Author: Anthony V. Riccio
Publisher: State University of New York Press
Total Pages: 456
Release: 2014-05-08
Genre: History
ISBN: 1438452322

Often treated as background figures throughout their history, Italian women of the lower and working classes have always struggled and toiled alongside men, and this did not change following emigration to America. Through numerous oral history narratives, Farms, Factories, and Families documents the rich history of Italian American working women in Connecticut. As farming women, they could keep up with any man. As entrepreneurs, they started successful businesses. They joined men on production lines in Connecticut's factories and sweatshops, and through the strength of the neighborhood networks they created, they played a crucial role in union organizing. Empowered as foreladies, union officials, and shop stewards, they saved money for future generations of Italian American women to attend college and achieve dreams they themselves could never realize. The book opens with the voices of elderly Italian American women, who reconstruct daily life in Italy's southern regions at the turn of the twentieth century. Raised to be caretakers and nurturers of families, these women lived by the culturally claustrophobic dictates of a patriarchal society that offered them few choices. The storytellers of Farms, Factories, and Families reveal the trajectories of immigrant women who arrived in Connecticut with more than dowries in their steam trunks: the ability to face adversity with quiet inner strength, the stamina to work tirelessly from dawn to dusk, the skill to manage the family economy, and adherence to moral principles rooted in the southern Italian code of behavior. Second- and third-generation Italian American women who attended college and achieved professional careers on the wings of their Italian-born mothers and grandmothers have not forgotten their legacy, and though Italian American immigrant women lived by a script they did not write, Farms, Factories, and Families gives them the opportunity to tell their own stories, in their own words.

Food, Festival and Religion

Food, Festival and Religion
Author: Francesca Ciancimino Howell
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
Total Pages: 224
Release: 2018-08-09
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 1350020885

Food, Festival and Religion explores how communities in northern Italy find a restorative sense of place through foodways, costuming and other forms of materiality. Festivals examined by the author vary geographically from the northern rural corners of Italy to the fashionable heart of urban Milan. The origins of these lived religious events range from Christian to vernacular Italian witchcraft and contemporary Paganism, which is rapidly growing in Italy. Francesca Ciancimino Howell demonstrates that during ritualized occasions the sacred is located within the mundane. She argues that communal feasting, pilgrimage, rituals and costumed events can represent forms of lived religious materiality. Building on the work of scholars including Foucault, Grimes and Ingold, Howell offers a theoretical “Scale of Engagement” which further tests the interfaces between and among the materialities of place, food, ritual and festivals and provides a widely-applicable model for analyzing grassroots events and community initiatives. Through extensive ethnographic research and fieldwork data, this book demonstrates that popular Italian festivals can be ritualized, liminal spaces, contributing greatly to the fields of religious, performance and ritual studies.

When The Drummers Were Women: A Spiritual History of Rhythm

When The Drummers Were Women: A Spiritual History of Rhythm
Author: Layne Redmond
Publisher: Echo Point Books & Media, LLC
Total Pages: 582
Release: 2021-08-05
Genre: History

For millennia, the sacred drummers of pre-Christian Mediterranean and western Asia were women. In this inspiring book, Layne Redmond, herself a renowned drummer, tells their history. Artistic representations reveal that female frame drummers carried the spiritual traditions of many of the earliest recorded civilizations. During those ancient times, the drummer-priestesses held the keys to experience of the divine through rhythm. They were at the center of the goddess worship of matriarchal societies until the ascendance of patriarchal cultures and the loss of drumming as a spiritual technology. With wisdom and passion, Redmond chronicles our species’ deep connection to the drum, our rich heritage of inseparable spirituality and music, and the modern-day women reclaiming it. This book encourages readers—both women and men—to reestablish rhythmic links with themselves, nature, and other people through the power of drumming. Redmond illustrates her message with an extensive collection of images gathered during ten years of research and travel. Woven throughout the book are strands of ancient ritual and mythology, personal stories, and scientific evidence of the benefits of drumming. It is at once a history, a memoir, and a resounding call for spiritual and social renewal.