General Knox in Account with Samuel Shaw [expense Booklet], 14 May 1782 - 12 December 1783

General Knox in Account with Samuel Shaw [expense Booklet], 14 May 1782 - 12 December 1783
Author: Samuel Shaw
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1782

Signed in text by Shaw. Lists expenses incurred dating from 14 May 1782 to 12 December 1783. Expenses and payments received include food, spirits, household items and services, payment to the commander-in-chief's bargemen, a loan to Baron von Steuben, payment to Colonel Brooks toward sending the Massachusetts Committee to Boston [regarding their half-pay memorial], expence of sending a committee to Congress with the address of the Army, Knox's wages and commutation, etc. Mentions on 17 November 1783 the receipt of certificates for nine thousand seven hundred and ninety four dollars, from which he deducts one hundred and sixty dollars for the Society of the Cincinnati.

General Knox in Account with United States, 14 August 1783

General Knox in Account with United States, 14 August 1783
Author: Samuel Shaw
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1783

Lists Knox's transactions with the government for various periods, from June 1780 to November 1781. Includes expenses for Knox and his aide-de-camp in journeys from camp at Springfield, New Jersey to Pennsylvania, 20-25 June 1780, journey from Head Quarters to the four New England states, 7 January to 3 February 1781, among others. Also includes extra expenses, in collecting cannon and stores in Maryland for the siege of Yorktown. Written in the hand of Samuel Shaw. Signed with a note by Joseph Peirce stating The above is the duplicate of an account settled this day the balance of which is charged to Genl Knox's pay.

Gen. Knox in Account with S. Shaw, 10 March 1782

Gen. Knox in Account with S. Shaw, 10 March 1782
Author: Samuel Shaw
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1782

Lists Henry Knox's accounts with Shaw, beginning 8 June 1781 and ending 12 December, 1781. Contains several memoranda and instructions for what Knox owes to Shaw and what the United States government owes Knox. Expenses range from: groceries and house wares to a payment to Frederick for dressing the Generals hat, to Jacob's wife (Peggy) for washing, to Cato Freeman on account of his wages (probably an African-American servant), travel and board expenses From Camp to Philadelphia [August], from Philadelphia to Williamsburg in Virginia [September], and from York to Mount Vernon [October]. A 3 October memo notes The General lent Baron Steuben a sum of money. A 2 November note indicates that Shaw received 500 Dollars for Knox from Pickering on the warrant of the Commander in Chief.

Henry Knox's Account with Samuel Shaw, 20 March 1780 - 20 March 1782

Henry Knox's Account with Samuel Shaw, 20 March 1780 - 20 March 1782
Author: Samuel Shaw
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1780

Account of monies received and expended for General Henry Knox by Samuel Shaw. Includes payments for sundry items such as cloth, food, coffee, etc., household expenses, and services rendered. On page 3, Paid Cato Bradish at 4 payments per recd on account of his wages as a servant to Mrs Knox. Many other mentions of giving Cato money to pay for goods or for his wages. In January 1781, lists travel expenses paid such as ferryage, horses, passage in a sloop, etc. Notes a payment of [dollar sign] 500 made to Mr. Ellison for money borrowed to pay Cato Beals when he was discharged from the army. Payments made to Colonel Timothy Pickering, Richard Frothingham, Lord Stirling, among others. The last page lists accounts Knox must charge the United States for extra services. In June 1780, expences of a journey from camp to Pennsylvania, by order of the Commander in Chief..., and in January 1781 expence for a journey to the four New England States & back to camp...

Major General Henry Knox in Account with United States [Duplicate], 14 August 1783

Major General Henry Knox in Account with United States [Duplicate], 14 August 1783
Author: Samuel Shaw
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1783

Duplicate of GLC02437.02387. Lists Knox's transactions with the government for various periods from 1781 and 1782. Includes transactions for cash paid him by various men, goods delivered at Yorktown, clothing, etc. Written in Samuel Shaw's hand with a note signed by John Peirce stating that Knox received the balance.

Account Book of Henry Knox, 14 March - 25 November 1778

Account Book of Henry Knox, 14 March - 25 November 1778
Author: Henry Knox
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1778

Written in Samuel Shaw's hand. Includes expenses for goods, services and travel. On 30 April [1778] Knox receives money for the travel expense of a journey from New England and for the expense of moving his and General [Nathanael] Greene's baggage last year to Morris Town. On 11 May paid Samuel Holt's travel expenses to Allentown & Lebanon which included mending, shoe repairs, food, etc. Listed expenses also include food: on 12 & 20 May and the 2 June notes food expenses for General [John Peter Gabriel] Muhlenberg's Brigade (Muhlenberg and his troops spent the winter of 1777 at Valley Forge) and on 18 June paid the travel expense for Israel Holt who was left sick at Valley Forge. From the 18th to the 20th June paid for sundry items brought in Philadelphia (because of the date and location, the list of sundry items could be related to the Continental Army's evacuation of Valley Forge on 19 June): hats, hair ribbons, shoe clasps, knifes, forks, six pairs of stocking for Major Frank, books, food, etc. On 7 October he paid: General Benjamin Lincoln for 32 pounds of loaf sugar, payment to porters for moving baggage, payments to his wife (one for a gown made for her on 4 August), payment for various household items and goods, as well as payments for clothing, etc.

Note of Provisions Received for Knox's Family, June 1783

Note of Provisions Received for Knox's Family, June 1783
Author: Samuel Shaw
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1783

Return written for General Henry Knox by Major Samuel Shaw, Knox's aide-de-camp. Lists items received from James Forsyth, Commissary of Issues at West Point, during the month of June 1783 for Knox's family. The list includes: 196 pounds of flour, 205 pounds of beef, 76 Gills of West Indian rum, 88 Gills of common rum, 28 quarts of vinegar, and 154 pounds of Indian meal. Date written at a later date in pencil. See also GLC02437.02210.