From Conflict to Communion – Including Common Prayer

From Conflict to Communion – Including Common Prayer
Author: The Lutheran World Federation
Publisher: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt
Total Pages: 146
Release: 2016-10-01
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 3374049478

[Vom Konflikt zur Gemeinschaft. Erweitert um den Ökumenischen Gottesdienst zum gemeinsamen Reformationsgedenken 2017] Im Jahr 2017 werden Katholiken und Lutheraner gemeinsam auf die Ereignisse der Reformation vor 500 Jahren zurückblicken. Zugleich werden sie 50 Jahre offiziellen ökumenischen Dialog auf weltweiter Ebene bedenken. In dieser Zeit ist ihre neu gewonnene Gemeinschaft weiter gewachsen. Das ermutigt Lutheraner und Katholiken, ihr gemeinsames Zeugnis für das Evangelium von Jesus Christus, der das Zentrum ihres gemeinsamen Glaubens ist, miteinander zu feiern. Jedoch werden sie bei dieser Feier auch Anlass haben, das Leid, das durch die Spaltung der Kirche verursacht wurde, wahrzunehmen und selbstkritisch auf sich zu schauen, nicht nur im Blick auf die Geschichte, sondern auch angesichts der heutigen Realitäten. "Vom Konflikt zur Gemeinschaft" entwickelt eine Grundlage für ein ökumenisches Gedenken, das sich deutlich von früheren Jahrhundertfeiern unterscheidet. Die Lutherisch/Römisch-katholische Kommission für die Einheit lädt alle Christen ein, diesen Bericht aufgeschlossen, aber auch kritisch zu prüfen und auf dem Weg zur vollen, sichtbaren Einheit der Kirche weiterzugehen. In 2017, Catholics and Lutherans will jointly look back on events of the Reformation 500 years ago. At the same time, they will also reflect on 50 years of official ecumenical dialogue on the worldwide level. During this time, the communion they share anew has continued to grow. This encourages Lutherans and Catholics to celebrate together the common witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, who is the center of their common faith. Yet, amidst this celebration, they will also have reason to experience the suffering caused by the division of the Church, and to look self-critically at themselves, not only throughout history, but also through today's realities. "From Conflict to Communion" develops a basis for an ecumenical commemoration that stands in contrast to earlier centenaries. The Lutheran-Roman Catholic Commission on Unity invites all Christians to study its report both open-mindedly and critically, and to walk along the path towards the full, visible unity of the Church. This editition is Including Common Prayer.

Common Prayer

Common Prayer
Author: Lutheran-Roman Catholic Commission on Unity. Liturgical Task Force
Total Pages: 17
Release: 2017
Genre: Christianity

From Conflict to Communion

From Conflict to Communion
Author: Lutheran World Federation
Publisher: Eerdmans
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2017
Genre: Christian union conversations
ISBN: 9780802873774

Over the last fifty years, Lutherans and Roman Catholics have engaged in profound theological dialogue leading to increasingly close ties between two church bodies that have historically been divided. From Conflict to Communion contains the report produced by the Lutheran-Roman Catholic Commission on Unity along with an accompanying study guide and liturgical material suitable for a joint Catholic-Lutheran worship service. This book presents the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation as an opportunity for deeper communion between Roman Catholics and Lutherans and for celebration of their common witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Including a timely new introduction by William G. Rusch, this will be a valued re-source not only for Lutheran and Catholic theologians but also for people around the world who seek greater unity in the church.

From Conflict to Communion - Including Common Prayer

From Conflict to Communion - Including Common Prayer
Author: Lutheran-Roman Catholic Commission on Unity
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2016
Genre: Christian union
ISBN: 9783374045693

In 2017, Catholics and Lutherans will jointly look back on events of the Reformation 500 years ago. At the same time, they will also reflect on 50 years of official ecumenical dialogue on the worldwide level. During this time, the communion they share anew has continued to grow. This encourages Lutherans and Catholics to celebrate together the common witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, who is the center of their common faith. Yet, amidst this celebration, they will also have reason to experience the suffering caused by the division of the Church, and to look self-critically at themselves, not only throughout history, but also through today's realities. 'From Conflict to Communion' develops a basis for an ecumenical commemoration that stands in contrast to earlier centenaries. The Lutheran-Roman Catholic Commission on Unity invites all Christians to study its report both open-mindedly and critically, and to walk along the path towards the full, visible unity of the Church. This edition is Including Common Prayer.