The Art of Travel

The Art of Travel
Author: Francis Galton
Publisher: 群出版
Total Pages: 588
Release: 2014-09-24
Genre: Crafts & Hobbies

十九世紀末的「旅行」(travel)指的是具有拓荒、遠征、測量等明確目的之行動(expedition),蓋爾頓(Francis Galton)這本《旅行的藝術》所談論的「旅行」,正是就此而言。這樣的旅行對年輕人來說,是名利雙收的機會,老練的旅行者也可以接受各種調查委託而靠旅行維生,或是蒐集各地的物資,例如在非洲獵取象牙,也足以支持生活。當時,旅行經驗有助升遷,文筆不錯的話還可出書牟利。 本書誕生自相當切實的需求,原來,蓋爾頓1850~1851年探索非洲西南部時,苦尋不著參考資料,於是他決定自己蒐集旅人的零碎經驗,加以架構,整理原則,推敲出來的東西當可稱為「旅行的藝術」。 寫作背景既如此務實,蓋爾頓所謂的「藝術」也是條理分明而穩健。行前建設心理,評估自己適不適合旅行,這包括物質和心理條件。接著要組織探險隊——若你獨自上路,蓋爾頓給的建議很簡短:「嗜睡和聾聵之人不適合單獨旅行」,「時時保持清醒與警戒,團隊時時受惠,無庸贅言。」探險隊的成員,僕役、女人、通譯等,蓋爾頓一一提點其功能與挑選的原則,甚至附上跟僕役的合約範本。值得注意的是,此節蓋爾頓筆下的女人,簡直與馱獸無異;他對僕役的看法,今人怕也不大能接受。這些地方都能看出本書的時代侷限,卻也是了解十九世紀末英國帝國的材料。 蓋爾頓如此鉅細靡遺的探討了衣著、槍械、牲口、寢具、釣魚、尋路、繩結、木工等。這些項目,今人在「旅行」途中可能用不上,但蓋爾頓豐富的學識和實務見解,以及偶然拾得的洞見,仍然值得今人參考。 作者簡介 法蘭西斯.蓋爾頓 Francis Galton (1822-1911) 英國維多利亞時期的全才,懂心理學、人類學、優生學,堪稱熱帶冒險家、地理學家、發明家、彗星學家、統計學家等。蓋爾頓是提出演化論的查理斯.達爾文的遠房表弟,優生學的先鋒,由於研究優生學的緣故,也對統計學上的相關係數與迴歸有所貢獻。發表過關於指紋的論文與書籍。

Francis Galton's Art of Travel

Francis Galton's Art of Travel
Author: Francis Galton
Publisher: Independently Published
Total Pages: 368
Release: 2019-10-08
ISBN: 9781698234342

"The Art of Travel" from Francis Galton. English Victorian polymath and psychologist (1822-1911

The Art of Travel Or, Shifts and Contrivances Available In Wild Countries

The Art of Travel Or, Shifts and Contrivances Available In Wild Countries
Author: Francis Galton
Publisher: Prabhat Prakashan
Total Pages: 357
Release: 2005-01-01
Genre: Self-Help

The Art of Travel; Or, Shifts and Contrivances Available in Wild Countries by Sir Francis Galton: This book is a comprehensive guide to traveling in wild and remote regions, providing valuable insights and practical advice for explorers and adventurers. Sir Francis Galton shares his extensive knowledge on survival skills, navigation techniques, and resourceful strategies for coping with the challenges of exploring untamed territories. Key Aspects of the Book "The Art of Travel; Or, Shifts and Contrivances Available in Wild Countries": Wilderness Survival: The book offers a wealth of information on how to survive and thrive in rugged and uncivilized environments, including tips on shelter, food, and water procurement. Exploration Strategies: Galton provides valuable insights into planning expeditions, navigating unfamiliar territories, and dealing with unforeseen obstacles that travelers may encounter. Resourcefulness and Adaptability: The author emphasizes the importance of adaptability and resourcefulness in the face of challenging circumstances, offering innovative solutions and creative ideas for travelers. Sir Francis Galton was an English explorer, scientist, and polymath born in 1822. Known for his contributions to various fields, including biology, statistics, and psychology, Galton had a keen interest in travel and exploration. He embarked on several expeditions to Africa, where he conducted research and collected data on diverse topics. "The Art of Travel; Or, Shifts and Contrivances Available in Wild Countries" reflects Galton's expertise and experiences, providing a valuable resource for adventurers and wilderness enthusiasts.