This publication, Army Techniques Publication ATP 3-11.41 MCRP 3-37.2C NTTP 3-11.24 AFTTP 3-2.37 Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Consequence Management Operations July 2015, provides commanders, staffs, key agencies, and military members with a key reference for planning and conducting chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) consequence management (CM). It provides the tools for CBRN responders to effectively manage the consequences of a CBRN incident. It may also serve as a reference for the development and refining of training and exercises, but shall not supersede Service policy. The principal audience for this multi-Service publication is for CBRN responders who plan and conduct CBRN CM operations in domestic, foreign, or theater operational environments, to include military installations. Department of Defense (DOD) personnel responding to a CBRN incident may be responsible for CBRN CM and/or crisis planning and may be required to execute plans across the conflict spectrum. This publication provides a reference for planning, resourcing, and executing CBRN CM in support of domestic or foreign agencies responding to a CBRN incident. This multi-Service publication incorporates the CM guidance and framework identified in JP 3-40 and JP 3-41. The previous multi-Service tactics, techniques, and procedures (MTTP) also discussed the CBRN aspects of CM as it related to the Federal Response Plan, which was the current guidance at that time. This MTTP provides information on the National Response Framework (NRF), which replaced the National Response Plan (now obsolete) in 2008. The NRF aligns federal coordination structures, capabilities, and resources into a unified, all-discipline, and all-hazards approach to domestic incident management. This manual now complies with the NRF, as appropriate. This publication is designed for use at the tactical level, but has implications at the operational and strategic level for CBRN CM operations supporting strategic objectives. The document will support command and staff planning in preparing for and conducting CBRN CM operations. This manual focuses on DOD support to domestic or foreign CBRN CM operations and a companion reference, TM 3-11.42/MCWP 3-38.1/NTTP 3-11.36/AFTTP 3-2.83 addresses the CBRN defense response on a DOD installation. The National Incident Management System (NIMS) is a comprehensive approach to all aspects of incident management, regardless of size, complexity, or cause. The guidance for NIMS was published by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in March 2004, and the guidance continues to be refined and updated by the NIMS Integration Center. One of the six primary elements of NIMS is the use of a standardized command and management system for incident scene operations, the Incident Command System (ICS); and for supporting operations centers, the Multiagency Coordination System. In addition, NIMS prescribes specific standards regarding all aspects of preparedness, including planning, training, certification, equipment, and information systems. DOD guidance embraces NIMS, and this manual adopts NIMS when applicable. This manual also incorporates updated information concerning mass casualty decontamination (MCD) operations that was not previously available. Specific tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) are included in the appendixes. This manual incorporates the joint doctrine elements from JP 3-11, JP 3-40, and JP 3-41 for conducting CBRN CM (foreign and domestic), including planning, preparation, response, and recovery considerations. During operations, this publication is subordinate to current joint publications addressing this topic.