Final Report for DOE Grant DE-FG02-06ER64160 Retrieval of Cloud Properties and Direct Testing of Cloud and Radiation Parameterizations Using ARM Observations

Final Report for DOE Grant DE-FG02-06ER64160 Retrieval of Cloud Properties and Direct Testing of Cloud and Radiation Parameterizations Using ARM Observations
Total Pages:
Release: 2013

This report briefly summaries the work performed at KNMI under DOE Grant DE-FG02-06ER64160 which, in turn was conducted in support of DOE Grant DE-FG02-90ER61071 lead by E. Clothieux of Penn. State U. The specific work at KNMI revolved around the development and application of the EarthCARE simulator to ground-based multi-sensor simulations.

Final Report (Grant No. DOE DE-FG02-97ER62366) [Retrieval of Cloud Fraction and Type Using Broadband Diffuse and Total Shortwave Irradiance Measurements].

Final Report (Grant No. DOE DE-FG02-97ER62366) [Retrieval of Cloud Fraction and Type Using Broadband Diffuse and Total Shortwave Irradiance Measurements].
Total Pages: 6
Release: 2001

The primary research effort supported by Grant No. DOE DEFG02-97ER62366 titled ''Retrieval of Cloud Fraction and Type Using Broadband Diffuse and Total Shortwave Irradiance Measurements'' was application of clear-sky identification and cloud fraction estimation algorithms developed by Charles N. Long and Thomas P. Ackerman to the downwelling total, direct and diffuse shortwave irradiance measurements made at all of the central, boundary, and extended facilities of the DOE Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program Southern Great Plains (SOP) site. Goals of the research were finalization and publication of the two algorithms in the peer-reviewed literature and operational application of them to all of aforementioned data streams from the ARM SGP site. The clear-sky identification algorithm was published as Long and Ackerman (2000) in the Journal of Geophysical Research, while a description of the cloud fraction estimation algorithm made it to the scientific literature as Long et al. (1999) in the Proceedings of the 10th American Meteorological Association Conference on Atmospheric Radiation held in Madison, Wisconsin. The cloud fraction estimation algorithm relies on empirical relationships between the outputs of the clear-sky identification algorithm and cloud fraction; as such, the cloud fraction estimation algorithm requires significant amounts of data both to properly develop the empirical relationships and to thoroughly test them. With this perspective in mind the major focus of our research efforts in the later half of the project became the operational implementation of the clear-sky identification algorithm on DOE ARM SGP data so that we could develop the data set necessary for final tuning of the cloud fraction estimation algorithm in research extending beyond the lifetime of the project.

Final Technical Report on Scaling Models of the Internal Variability of Clouds DoE Grant No. DE-FG02-04ER63773

Final Technical Report on Scaling Models of the Internal Variability of Clouds DoE Grant No. DE-FG02-04ER63773
Total Pages: 48
Release: 2008

The purpose of this proposal is to gain a better understanding of the space-time correlations of atmospheric fluctuations in clouds through application of methods from statistical physics to high resolution, continuous data sets of cloud observations available at the Department of Energy Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program archive. In this report we present the accomplishments achieved during the four year period. Starting with the most recent one, we report on two break-throughs in our research that make the fourth year of the project exceptionally successful and markedly outperforming the objectives. The first break-through is on characterization of the structure of cirrus radiative properties at large, intermediate and small, generating cells scales by applying the Fokker-Planck equation method and other methods to ARM millimeter wavelength radar observations collected at the Southern Great Plains site. The second break-through is that we show that different characterizations of the cirrus radiative properties are obtained for different synoptic scale environments. We outline a stochastic approach to investigate the internal structure of radiative properties of cirrus clouds based on empirical modeling and draw conclusions about cirrus dynamical properties in the context of the synoptic environment. Results on the structure of cirrus dynamical properties are consistent with the structure of cirrus based on aircraft in situ measurements, with results from ground-based Raman lidar, and with results from model studies. These achievements would not have been possible without the accomplishments from the previous years on a number of problems that involve application of methods of analysis such as the Fokker-Planck equation approach, Tsallis nonextensive statistical mechanics, detrended fluctuation analysis, and others. These include stochastic analysis of neutrally stratified cirrus layers, internal variability and turbulence in cirrus, dynamical model and nonextensive statistical mechanics of liquid water path fluctuations, etc.

Analysis of In Situ Observations of Cloud Microphysics from M-PACE Final Report, DOE Grant Agreement No. DE-FG02-06ER64168

Analysis of In Situ Observations of Cloud Microphysics from M-PACE Final Report, DOE Grant Agreement No. DE-FG02-06ER64168
Total Pages:
Release: 2009

This report summarizes the findings and accomplishments of work performed under DOE Grant Agreement No. DE-FG02-06ER64168. The focus of the work was the analysis of in situ observations collected by the University of North Dakota Citation research aircraft during the Mixed-Phase Arctic Cloud Experiment (M-PACE). This project was conducted in 2004 along the North Slope of Alaska. The objectives of the research were: to characterize certain microphysical properties of clouds sampled during M-PACE, including spatial variability, precipitation formation, ice multiplication; to examine instrument performance and certain data processing algorithms; and to collaborate with other M-PACE investigators on case study analyses. A summary of the findings of the first two objectives is given here in parts 1 and 2; full results are contained in reports listed in part 3 of this report. The collaborative efforts are described in the publications listed in part 3.

Final Technical Report for the Award DE-FG02-08ER64574, with List of 30 Refereed Journal Articles that Acknowledge Support from this Award

Final Technical Report for the Award DE-FG02-08ER64574, with List of 30 Refereed Journal Articles that Acknowledge Support from this Award
Total Pages:
Release: 2012

In this project, we focused on applications of the new warm-rain and ice microphysics schemes to simulate various cloud systems. The overall goal was either to evaluate and improve specific aspects of the schemes (through comparisons with ARM/ASR observations) or to understand the coupling between aerosols, cloud microphysics and cloud dynamics in variety of situations. These studies are relevant to the indirect impact of atmospheric aerosols on climate. Below we report on selected key aspects of the research and then list all peer-reviewed papers that acknowledge support from this grant. Overall, studies partially supported by this grant resulted in 30 peer-reviewed publications (listed below), several dozens of conference presentations (including posters and oral presentations at the ASR Science Team Meetings), and two PhD dissertations. More detailed summaries of our accomplishments are included in yearly reports. Here we summarize only major efforts.

Final Report

Final Report
Total Pages:
Release: 2008

The report on the final phase of the project describes improvements in the ice and liquid cloud retrieval algorithms due to the use of three-parameter particle size distributions in which all three parameters may vary with height, testing of the improved retrievals by comparisons of measured and calculated fluxes, and further improvement in liquid retrievals obtained by adding liquid water path information from the microwave radiometer to radar and visible optical depth information.

Testing Cloud Microphysics Parameterizations and Improving the Representation of the Wegner-Bergeron-Findeisen Process in Mixed-phase Clouds in NCAR CAM5

Testing Cloud Microphysics Parameterizations and Improving the Representation of the Wegner-Bergeron-Findeisen Process in Mixed-phase Clouds in NCAR CAM5
Author: Meng Zhang
Total Pages: 52
Release: 2017
Genre: Arctic regions
ISBN: 9780355325027

Mixed-phase clouds are persistently observed in the Arctic and the phase partition of cloud liquid and ice in mixed-phase clouds has important impacts on the surface energy budget and Arctic climate. In this study, we test the NCAR Community Atmosphere Model Version 5 (CAM5) in the single-column and weather forecast modes and evaluate the model performance against observation data obtained during the DOE Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program’s M-PACE field campaign in October 2004 and long-term ground-based multi-sensor measurements. We find that CAM5, like other global climate models, poorly simulates the phase partition in mixed-phase clouds by significantly underestimating the cloud liquid water content. An assumption of the pocket structure in the distribution of cloud liquid and ice based on in situ observations inside mixed-phase clouds has provided a possible solution to improve the model performance by reducing the Wegner-Bergeron-Findeisen (WBF) process rate. In this study, the modification of the WBF process in the CAM5 model has been achieved with applying a stochastic perturbation to the time scale of the WBF process relevant to both ice and snow to account for the heterogeneous mixture of cloud liquid and ice. Our results show that the modification of the WBF process improves the modeled phase partition in mixed-phase clouds. The seasonality of mixed-phase cloud properties is also better captured in the model compared with long-term ground-based remote sensing observations. Furthermore, the phase partitioning is insensitive to the reassignment time step of perturbations.

Comparisons of Cloud Cover Estimates and Cloud Fraction Profiles from ARM's Cloud-detecting Instruments and GOES-8 Data

Comparisons of Cloud Cover Estimates and Cloud Fraction Profiles from ARM's Cloud-detecting Instruments and GOES-8 Data
Total Pages:
Release: 1999

The DOE's Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program employs both upward- and downward-looking remote-sensing instruments to measure the horizontal and vertical distributions of clouds across its Southern Great Plains (SGP) site. No single instrument is capable of completely determining these distributions over the scales of interest to ARM's Single Column Modeling (SCM) and Instantaneous Radiative Flux (IRF) groups; these groups embody the primary strategies through which ARM expects to achieve its objectives of developing and testing cloud formation parameterizations (USDOE, 1996). Collectively, however, the data from ARM's cloud-detecting instruments offer the potential for such a three-dimensional characterization. Data intercomparisons, like the ones illustrated in this paper, are steps in this direction. Examples of some initial comparisons, involving satellite, millimeter cloud radar, whole sky imager and ceilometer data, are provided herein. that many of the lessons learned can later be adapted to cloud data at the Boundary and Extended Facilities. Principally, we are concerned about: (1) the accuracy of various estimates of cloud properties at a single point, or within a thin vertical column, above the CF over time, and (2) the accuracy of various estimates of cloud properties over the Cloud and Radiation Testbed (CART) site, which can then be reduced to single, representative profiles over time. In the former case, the results are usable in the IRF and SCM strategies; in the latter case, they satisfy SCM needs specifically. The Whole Sky Imager (WSI) and ceilometer data used in one study were collected at the SGP CF between October 1 and December 31, 1996 (Shields, et. al., 1990). This three-month period, corresponding to the first set of WSI data released by ARM's Experiment Center, was sufficiently long to reveal important trends (Rodriguez, 1998).