F and G Black Mambas

F and G Black Mambas
Author: Nancy White
Total Pages:
Release: 2009-01-01
ISBN: 9781597168915

The black mamba is one of the most dangerous snakes in the world. It is big, fast, and very aggressive when threatened. It is also highly poisonous: a black mamba's potent venom can kill a person within 20 minutes. A single bite has enough venom to kill 20-40 grown men! Needless to say, without treatment a black mamba bite is 100% fatal. Packed with fascinating facts and large, colorful photos, Black Mambas: Sudden Death! introduces emergent readers to the natural habitat, physical characteristics, diet, and behavior of this deadly serpent.

Strike of the Black Mamba

Strike of the Black Mamba
Author: Ian Krüger
Publisher: Ian Kruger
Total Pages: 278
Release: 2008-02-14
ISBN: 1434860477

The unthinkable has happened. An environmental organization warned the world against it. Still, nobody believed that it would turn out like this. But Donald Morse proves everyone wrong. Defying all security measures, he manages to steal a shipment of nuclear material from a cargo ship destined for Japan's nuclear power reactors. Could anything be worse than this scenario? Perhaps the fact that Donald Morse knows that South African scientists developed extremely dangerous nuclear weapons during the apartheid years, weapons that the world thought were not possible to construct. Donald has information where these deadly weapons are hidden - and he has plans to get them out. Ken Palmer is sent by the FBI to find Donald Morse and to arrest him. But Ken has to deal with traitors from within as well as onslaughts on his life. However, he discovers the real spine-chilling reason for Donald's need for the nuclear weapons and he realizes that Donald has to be stopped in any way possible.

Novel Psychoactive Substances

Novel Psychoactive Substances
Author: Ornella Corazza
Publisher: Springer
Total Pages: 192
Release: 2017-08-09
Genre: Business & Economics
ISBN: 331960600X

In light of the recent emergence of Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS) on a global scale, this book provides a timely analysis of the social and economic impact of the NPS phenomenon, and of the global policy and regulatory responses to it. It presents the first comprehensive overview of the international regulation, policy and market structure of the NPS phenomenon, offering a guide to inform legislative discussions and demonstrating from a comparative perspective the different approaches used to address the rise of NPS to date. It covers topics such as organized crime, drug markets, clinical evidence on NPS, and different regulatory approaches also in less explored settings such as prisons and sport environments. Overall, this highly informative and well-structured repository of different experiences with NPS policy, law and regulation offers an essential primary source of evidence for anyone interested in the area of drug and NPS policy, health economics and p ublic health.

Handbook of Novel Psychoactive Substances

Handbook of Novel Psychoactive Substances
Author: Ornella Corazza
Publisher: Routledge
Total Pages: 403
Release: 2018-10-10
Genre: Psychology
ISBN: 1351655523

Handbook of Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS) provides a comprehensive overview of the challenges that clinicians face when dealing with NPS and discusses how the profile of patients and their socio-demographic characteristics frame the serious public health concern that NPS pose. It presents various clinical cases, as well as detailed accounts of symptoms, psychopathology, toxicity, and overall clinical management that NPS require. This handbook brings together a unique collection of chapters written by leading experts in the field, who have felt the need to share their knowledge and experience to improve the clinical practice on NPS and the wellbeing of their patients.

Lord Dunsany

Lord Dunsany
Author: S. T. Joshi
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield
Total Pages: 304
Release: 2013-12-13
Genre: Reference
ISBN: 0810893142

Anglo-Irish writer Lord Dunsany (1878–1957) was a pioneering writer in the genre of fantasy literature and the author of such celebrated works as The Book of Wonder (1912) and The King of Elfland’s Daughter (1924). Over the course of a career that spanned more than five decades, Dunsany wrote thousands of stories, plays, novels, essays, poems, and reviews, and his work was translated into more than a dozen languages. Today, Dunsany’s work is experiencing a renaissance, as many of his earlier works have been reprinted and much attention has been paid to his place in the history of fantasy and supernatural literature. This bibliography is a revision of the landmark volume published in 1993, which first charted the full scope of Dunsany’s writing. This new edition not only brings the bibliography up to date, listing the dozens of new editions of Dunsany’s work that have appeared in the last two decades and the wealth of criticism that has been written about him, but also records many obscure publications in Dunsany’s lifetime that have not been previously known or identified. In all, the bibliography has been expanded by at least thirty percent. Among this new material are dozens of uncollected short stories, newspaper articles, and poems, and many books, essays, and reviews of Dunsany’s work published over the past century. Altogether, this bibliography is the definitive listing of works by and about Dunsany and will be the foundation of Dunsany studies for many years to come.

An insight into the metabolism of New Psychoactive Substances

An insight into the metabolism of New Psychoactive Substances
Author: Jakob Wallgren
Publisher: Linköping University Electronic Press
Total Pages: 108
Release: 2020-09-09
Genre: Electronic books
ISBN: 9179298036

New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) is an umbrella term covering hundreds of substances across different drug groups. Many of these substances were originally developed for therapeutic use but have later appeared on the recreational drug market. The use of NPS has been associated with many outbreaks leading to hospitalizations and has been implicated in numerous fatalities worldwide. To be able to analytically detect drugs in a forensic setting is vital in the fight against the abuse of NPS. One of the most notable challenges in detection of NPS is the identification of major urinary metabolites for use as biomarkers. Furthermore, given the lack of reference standards in most metabolism studies, the major urinary metabolites can often only be tentatively determined. This thesis describes the synthesis and analysis of potential metabolites used to identify the exact structures of major metabolites of the synthetic cannabinoid AKB-48, fentanyl and five fentanyl analogues in authentic human urine samples and/or hepatocyte incubations. Synthetic targets were chosen based on previous metabolism studies by our research group. Subsequently, synthetic routes were developed to produce numerous potential metabolites across the studied NPS. The synthesized reference standards were analyzed by LC-QTOF-MS alongside hepatocyte drug incubations and authentic human urine samples. Comparison of the resulting analytical data was used to determine the exact structures of many metabolites. This includes urinary metabolites of AKB-48 with a single hydroxyl group situated on a secondary carbon of the adamantane moiety, or position 3 or 5 of the pentyl side chain. For the studied fentanyls, the ?-OH and the 4’-OH metabolites were abundant metabolites identified in hepatocyte incubations while the 4’-OH, 4’-OH-3’-OMe and 3’,4’-diOH were the favored metabolic motifs among the metabolites identified in urine. Additionally, a concise synthetic route to produce synthetic cannabinoid metabolites with the 4-OH-5F pentyl side chain motif was developed and demonstrated for four synthetic cannabinoids. These findings and the developed synthetic routes can be used to provide forensic toxicology laboratories with urinary biomarkers for drug detection. Moreover, the synthesized reference standards of major metabolites can be studied to better understand the toxicity of their parent drugs. Nya psykoaktiva substanser (NPS) är det officiella namnet för den grupp droger som tidigare har kallats för designerdroger, nätdroger eller internetdroger. NPS definieras som droger som utgör ett likvärdigt hot mot folkhälsan som droger som återfinns på Förenta Nationernas narkotikakonventioner men som själva inte återfinns under dessa konventioner. Det finns hundratals olika rapporterade NPS spridda över olika droggrupper, såsom syntetiska cannabinoider och syntetiska opioider. Vissa av dessa droger syntetiserades ursprungligen i forskningssyfte, men tog sig senare in på den illegala drogmarknaden. De mer nyligen framtagna NPS är ofta designade att efterlikna effekterna av etablerade droger, såsom morfin eller ?9-THC, vilket är den huvudsakliga psykoaktiva substansen i cannabis. Användandet av NPS har associerats till många kluster av intoxikationer som har lett till hospitaliseringar. Många har även dött till följd av användandet av NPS. Inte minst i USA där en grupp av NPS kallad för fentanylanaloger är högst delaktig i den pågående opioidkrisen. Den ständiga inströmningen av nya NPS leder till att detektion av och diskriminering mellan dem utgör en svår utmaning för forensiska toxikologilaboratorier. Tillgången av lämpliga referenssubstanser möter inte deras efterfrågan, delvis på grund av att vilka biomarkörer som är optimala för drogdetektion inte alltid är uppenbart. Till exempel så är metabolismen av syntetiska cannabinoider i regel både snabb och omfattande. Av den anledningen kan användandet av modersubstansen som biomarkör vid analys av urin leda till falskt negativa resultat. Urin som biologisk matris har många fördelar jämfört med blod. Till exempel så har urin ett längre detektionsfönster och högre drogkoncentrationer. För att kunna identifiera optimala biomarkörer för droganalys av urinprover så måste drogernas metabolism utredas. De flesta metabolismstudier använder sig av humana levermikrosomer eller hepatocyter som inkuberas tillsammans med droger för att generera metaboliter in vitro. Urinprover från individer i vilkas blod det har återfunnits droger används också men tillgången är tyvärr begränsad. Dessa metaboliter separeras sedan med hjälp av kromatografiska tekniker och deras kemiska strukturer bestäms med hjälp av masspektrometri. Dock så är utvärderingen av masspektrometridata komplicerad och det är heller inte möjligt att skilja på vissa positionsisomerer genom att enbart analysera masspektrometridata. För att kunna möjliggöra exakt strukturutredning så krävs referensstandarder. Därför var målet med denna avhandling att addera syntes och analys av referensstandarder till de etablerade tillvägagångssätten att studera metabolismen av NPS. Ett stort antal potentiella metaboliter av AKB-48 och andra syntetiska cannabinoider samt av fentanyl och fentanylanaloger syntetiserades. Genom att använda dessa referensstandarder i metabolismstudier så kunde de exakta kemiska strukturerna för många metaboliter bestämmas. Dessutom så identifierades mönster i de metaboliska profilerna bland fentanyl och fentanylanaloger. Dessa mönster kan användas för att förbättra predikteringen av metaboliter för andra nuvarande och kommande fentanylanaloger. Dessa resultat samt de utvecklade syntesvägarna kan nyttjas i framställningen av referenssubstanser i syfte att användas som biomarkörer för att i urin kunna detektera drogmissbruk. Referenssubstanserna kan även användas för att studera metaboliternas farmakologiska egenskaper vilket kan leda till en djupare förståelse kring toxiciteten hos modersubstanserna.

A Formal Approach to Discourse Anaphora

A Formal Approach to Discourse Anaphora
Author: Bonnie Lynn Webber
Publisher: Routledge
Total Pages: 176
Release: 2016-11-18
Genre: Language Arts & Disciplines
ISBN: 1315403323

First published in 1979, this book starts from the perspective that dealing with anaphoric language can be decomposed into two complementary tasks: 1. identifying what a text potentially makes available for anaphoric reference and 2. constraining the candidate set of a given anaphoric expression down to one possible choice. The author argues there is an intimate connection between formal sentential analysis and the synthesis of an appropriate conceptual model of the discourse. Some of the issues with the creation of this conceptual model are discussed in the second chapter, which follows a background to the thesis that catalogues the types of anaphoric expression available in English and lists the types of things that can be referred to anaphorically. The third and fourth chapters examine two types of anaphoric expression that do not refer to non-linguistic entities. The final chapter details three areas into which this research could potentially be extended. This book will be of interest to students of linguistics.

Proteolytic Enzymes

Proteolytic Enzymes
Author: Gertrude E. Perlmann
Publisher: Gulf Professional Publishing
Total Pages: 968
Release: 1970
Genre: Blood coagulation
ISBN: 9780121819453

The critically acclaimed laboratory standard, Methods in Enzymology, is one of the most highly respected publications in the field of biochemistry. Since 1955, each volume has been eagerly awaited, frequently consulted, and praised by researchers and reviewers alike. The series contains much material still relevant today - truly an essential publication for researchers in all fields of life sciences.

Black Mamba Rising

Black Mamba Rising
Author: Alfred Temba Qabula
Total Pages: 90
Release: 1986
Genre: South African poetry (English)