Expectations for the National Spherical Torus Experiment's High Harmonic Fast Wave System

Expectations for the National Spherical Torus Experiment's High Harmonic Fast Wave System
Total Pages: 5
Release: 1998

High harmonic fast waves (HHFW) have been chosen as the primary method to drive steady state currents in the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX). The somewhat limited experience with this frequency range in conventional tokamak plasma indicates that the coupling to electrons should be successful; however, there is no experimental data base for HHFWs in the unique and rapidly varying plasma regimes expected for NSTX. In this paper, the authors describe how the HHFW antenna was designed for NSTX using the computer codes to help make decisions that might affect the system's performance and operation. The antenna geometry has been optimized to maintain the power handling and phase control requirements within engineering constraints. The physics issues that lead to the choice of poloidal current strap orientation are discussed. Expectations for current profile control using the antenna's phase control system are also discussed.

Exploration of Spherical Torus Physics in the NSTX Device

Exploration of Spherical Torus Physics in the NSTX Device
Total Pages:
Release: 2001

The National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX) is being built at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory to test the fusion physics principles for the Spherical Torus (ST) concept at the MA level. The NSTX nominal plasma parameters are R[sub 0]= 85 cm, a= 67 cm, R/a greater than or equal to 1.26, B[sub T]= 3 kG, I[sub p]= 1 MA, q[sub 95]= 14, elongation[kappa] less than or equal to 2.2, triangularity[delta] less than or equal to 0.5, and plasma pulse length of up to 5 sec. The plasma heating/current drive (CD) tools are High Harmonic Fast Wave (HHFW) (6 MW, 5 sec), Neutral Beam Injection (NBI) (5 MW, 80 keV, 5 sec), and Coaxial Helicity Injection (CHI). Theoretical calculations predict that NSTX should provide exciting possibilities for exploring a number of important new physics regimes including very high plasma beta, naturally high plasma elongation, high bootstrap current fraction, absolute magnetic well, and high pressure driven sheared flow. In addition, the NSTX program plans to explore fully noninductive plasma start-up, as well as a dispersive scrape-off layer for heat and particle flux handling.

High-harmonic Fast-wave Heating in NSTX.

High-harmonic Fast-wave Heating in NSTX.
Total Pages:
Release: 2001

High-Harmonic Fast-Wave (HHFW), a radio-frequency technique scenario applicable to high-beta plasmas, has been selected as one of the main auxiliary heating systems on the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX). The HHFW antenna assembly comprises 12 toroidally adjacent current elements, extending poloidally and centered on the equatorial plane. This paper reviews experimental results obtained with a symmetrical (vacuum) launching spectrum with k= 14 m(superscript ''-1'') at a frequency of 30 MHz. We describe results obtained when HHFW power is applied to helium and deuterium plasmas, during the plasma-current flattop period of the discharge. Application of 1.8-MW HHFW pulse to MHD quiescent plasmas resulted in strong electron heating, during which the central electron temperature T(subscript ''eo'') more than doubled from approximately 0.5 keV to 1.15 keV. In deuterium plasmas, HHFW heating was found less efficient, with a central electron temperature increase of the order of 40% during a 1.8-MW HHFW pulse, from approximately 400 eV to approximately 550 eV. (At HHFW power of 2.4 MW, central electron temperature increased by 60%, reaching 0.625 keV.) HHFW heating in presence of MHD activity is also discussed. A short neutral-beam pulse was applied to permit charge-exchange recombination spectroscopy (CHERS) measurement of the impurity ion temperature T(subscript ''i''). Preliminary CHERS analysis show that ion temperature approximately equals electron temperature during HHFW heating. Of special interest are deuterium discharges, where the application of HHFW power was done during the current ramp-up. We observe the creation of large density gradients in the edge region. In the latter case, the density rose spontaneously to n (subscript ''eo'') less than or equal to 8 x 10 (superscript ''13'') cm (superscript ''-3'').

High-harmonic Fast Wave Heating Experiments in CDX-U.

High-harmonic Fast Wave Heating Experiments in CDX-U.
Total Pages: 4
Release: 1997

One of the primary objectives of the proposed National Spherical Tokamak Experiment (NSTX) is the investigation of very high [beta] regimes. Consequently, finding efficient methods of non-inductive heating and current drive required to heat and sustain such plasmas is of considerable importance. High-frequency fast waves are a promising candidate in this regard. However, in NSTX, the field-line pitch at the outer midplane will range from 0 up to 60 degrees from plasma start-up to current flattop. Thus, antenna strap orientation with respect to the edge magnetic field may have a serious impact on power coupling and absorption. To address this issue, the vacuum vessel of the Current Drive Experiment -- Upgrade (CDX-U) spherical tokamak has been upgraded to accommodate a rotatable two-strap antenna capable of handling several hundred kilowatts in short pulses. Details of the antenna design and results from loading measurements made as a function of power, strap angle, and strap phasing will be presented. Results from microwave scattering experiments will also be discussed.