Evaluation of Aerosol Pollution Determination from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Satellite Retrievals for Semi-arid Reno, Nevada, United States of America with In-situ Measurements

Evaluation of Aerosol Pollution Determination from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Satellite Retrievals for Semi-arid Reno, Nevada, United States of America with In-situ Measurements
Author: Sandra Marcela Loria-Salazar
Total Pages: 208
Release: 2013
Genre: Electronic books

The aim of the present work is to carry out a detailed analysis of ground and columnar aerosol properties obtained by in-situ Photoacoustic and Integrated Nephelometer (PIN), Cimel CE-318 sunphotometer and MODIS instrument onboard Aqua and Terra satellites, for semi-arid Reno, Nevada, USA in the local summer months of 2012. Satellite determination of local aerosol pollution is desirable because of the potential for broad spatial and temporal coverage. However, retrieval of quantitative measures of air pollution such as Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) from satellite measurements is challenging because of the underlying surface albedo being heterogeneous in space and time. Therefore, comparisons of satellite retrievals with measurements from ground-based sun photometers are crucial for validation, testing, and further development of instruments and retrieval algorithms. Ground-based sunphotometry and in-situ ground observations show that seasonal weather changes and fire plumes have great influence on the atmosphere aerosol optics. The Apparent Optical Height (AOH) follows the shape of the development of the Convective Boundary Layer (CBL) when fire conditions were not present. However, significant fine particle optical depth was inferred beyond the CBL thereby complicating the use of remote sensing measurements for near-ground aerosol pollution measurements. A meteorological analysis was performed to help diagnose the nature of the aerosols above Reno. The calculation of a Zephyr index and back trajectory analysis demonstrated that a local circulation often induces aerosol transport from Northern CA over the Sierra Nevada Mountains that doubles the Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) at 500 nm. Sunphotometer measurements were used as a 'ground truth' for satellite retrievals to evaluate the current state of the science retrievals in this challenging location. Satellite retrieved for AOD showed the presence of wild fires in Northern CA during August. AOD retrieved using the "dark-target algorithm" may be unrealistically high over the Great Basin. Low correlation was found between AERONET AOD and dark-target algorithm AOD retrievals from Aqua and Terra during June and July. During fire conditions the dark-target algorithm AOD values correlated better with AERONET measurements in August. Use of the Deep-blue algorithm for MODIS data to retrieve AOD did not provide enough points to compare with AERONET in June and July. In August, AOD from deep-blue and AERONET retrievals exhibited low correlation. AEE from MODIS products and AERONET exhibited low correlation during every month. Apparently satellite AOD retrievals need much improvement for areas like

Satellite Aerosol Remote Sensing Over Land

Satellite Aerosol Remote Sensing Over Land
Author: Alexander A. Kokhanovsky
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
Total Pages: 398
Release: 2009-08-24
Genre: Science
ISBN: 3540693971

Aerosols have a significant influence on the Earth's radiation budget, but there is considerable uncertainty about the magnitude of their effect on the Earth's climate. Currently, satellite remote sensing is being increasingly utilized to improve our understanding of the effect of atmospheric aerosols on the climate system. Satellite Aerosol Remote Sensing Over Land is the only book that brings together in one volume the most up-to-date research and advances in this discipline. As well as describing the current academic theory, the book presents practical applications, utilizing state-of-the-art instrumentation, invaluable to the work of environmental scientists. With contributions by an international group of experts and leaders of correspondent aerosol retrieval groups, the book is an essential tool for all those working in the field of climate change.

Retrieval of Aerosol Optical Depth from Modis Data at 500 M Resolution Compared with Ground Measurement in the State of Indiana

Retrieval of Aerosol Optical Depth from Modis Data at 500 M Resolution Compared with Ground Measurement in the State of Indiana
Author: Fahed Alhaj Mohamad
Total Pages: 78
Release: 2015
Genre: Air

Objective: "The purpose of this research is: Study the use of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data in retrieving the aerosol optical depth (AOD) over Indiana State at high resolution of 500 meters. Examine the potential of using the resulted AOD data as an indicator of particulate air pollution by comparing the satellite derived AOD data with the ground measurements (provided from the continuous air monitors available over the study area). If an association should be found, AOD data would be used to map particulate matter (PM) concentration. Assess current and future ambient concentrations of air pollutants in the State of Indiana using the AOD."

Aerosol Characterization in the Southeastern U.S. Using Satellite Data for Applications to Air Quality and Climate

Aerosol Characterization in the Southeastern U.S. Using Satellite Data for Applications to Air Quality and Climate
Author: Erica J. Alston
Total Pages:
Release: 2012
Genre: Air

Tropospheric aerosol information from NASA satellites in space has reached the milestone of ten years of continuous measurements. These higher resolution satellite aerosol records allow for a broader regional perspective than can be gained using only sparsely located ground based monitoring sites. Decadal satellite aerosol data have the potential to advance knowledge of the climatic impacts of aerosols through better understanding of solar dimming/brightening and radiative forcings on regional scales, as well as aid in air quality applications. The goal of this thesis is to develop and implement methodologies for using satellite remotely sensed data in conjunction with ground based observations and modeling for characterization of regional aerosol variations with applications to air quality and climate studies in the Southeastern U.S. This region is of special interest because of distinct aerosol types, less warming climate trends compared to the rest of U.S., and growing population. To support this primary goal, a technique is developed that exploits the statistical relationship between PM2.5 (particulate matter that has an aerodynamic radius of 2.5 æm or less) and satellite AOD (Aerosol Optical Depth) from MODIS (Moderate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) where a probabilistic approach is used for air quality assessments in the metropolitan Atlanta area. The metropolitan Atlanta area experiences the poorest air quality during the warmer seasons. We found that satellite AODs capture a significant portion of PM2.5 concentration variability during the warmer months of the year with correlation values above 0.5 for a majority of co-located (in time and space) ground based PM2.5 monitors, which is significant at the 95% confidence interval. The developed probabilistic approach uses five years of satellite AOD, PM2.5 and their related AQI (Air Quality Index) to predict future AQI based solely on AOD retrievals through the use of AOD thresholds, e.g., 80% of Code Green AQI days have AOD below 0.3. This approach has broad applicability for concerned stakeholders in that it allows for quick dissemination of pertinent air quality data in near-real time around a satellite overpass. Examination of the use of multiple satellite sensors to aid in investigating the impacts of biomass burning in the region is performed. The utility of data fusion is evaluated in understanding the effects of the large wildfire that burned in May 2007. This wildfire caused PM2.5 in the metropolitan Atlanta area to exceed healthy levels with some measurements surpassing 150 æg/m3 during the month. OMI (Ozone Monitoring Instrument) AI (Aerosol Index), which qualitatively measures absorbing aerosols, have high values of more than 1.5 during May 26 - 31, 2007. CALIPSO (Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations) a space based lidar was used to determine the vertical structure of the atmosphere across the region during the active fire period. CALIPSO was able to identify wildfire aerosols both within the planetary boundary layer (likely affects local air quality) and aloft where aerosol transport occurs. This has important implications for climatic studies specifically aerosol radiative effects. In-depth analysis of the satellite and ground based aerosol data records over the past decade (2000 - 2009) are performed from a climatic perspective. The long temporal scale allowed for better characterization of seasonality, interannual variability, and trends. Spatial analysis of ten years of AOD from both MODIS and MISR (Multi-angle Imaging Spectroradiometer) showed little variability of AOD during the winter with mean AOD below 0.1 for the entire region, while the summer had decidedly more variability with mean AOD around 0.33 for MODIS and 0.3 for MISR. Seasonal analysis of the PM2.5 revealed that summer means are twice as high as winter means for PM2.5. All of the datasets show interannual variability that suggests with time AOD and PM2.5 are decreasing, but seasonal variability obscured the detection of any appreciable trends in AOD; however, once the seasonal influence was removed through the creation of monthly anomalies there were decreasing trends in AOD, but only MODIS had a trend of -0.00434 (per month) that statistically significant at the 95% confidence level. Satellite and ground-based data are used to assess the radiative impacts of aerosols in the region. The regional TOA (Top Of the Atmosphere) direct radiative forcing is estimated by utilizing satellite AOD from MODIS and MISR both on Terra, along with satellite derived cloud fraction, surface albedo (both from MODIS), and single scattering albedo (SSA) from MISR data from 2000 - 2009. Estimated TOA forcing varied from between - 6 to -3 W/m2 during the winter, and during the warmer months there is more variation with [delta]F varying between -28 to -12.6 W/m2 for MODIS and -26 to -11 W/m2 for MISR. The results suggest that when AOD, cloud fraction and surface albedo are all consider they add an additional 6 W/m2 of TOA forcing compared to TOA forcing due to aerosol effects only. Varying SSA can create changes in TOA forcing of about 5 W/m2. With removal of the seasonal variability timeseries anomaly trend analysis revealed that estimated TOA forcing is decreasing (becoming less negative) with MODIS based estimates statistically significant at the 95% confidence level. Optical and radiative 1-D radiative transfer modeling is performed to assess the daily mean TOA forcing and forcing at the surface for representative urban and background aerosol mixtures for summer and winter. During the winter, modeled TOA forcing is -2.8 and -5 W/m2 for the WB and WU cases, and the modeled summer TOA forcings (SB = -13.3 W/m2) also generally agree with earlier estimates. While surface forcings varied from -3 to -210 W/m2. The radiative forcing efficiency at the TOA (amount of forcing per unit of AOD at 550 nm) varied from -9 to - 72 W/m2 [tau]-1, and RFE at the surface varied from -50 to -410 W/m2 [tau]-1. It was found that the forcing efficiency for biomass burning aerosols are similar to the forcing efficiency of background aerosols during the summer that highlights the importance of possible increased biomass burning activity. Ultimately, the methodologies developed in this work can be implemented by the remote sensing community and have direct applicability for society as a whole.

Determination of the Single Scattering Albedo and Direct Radiative Forcing of Biomass Burning Aerosol with Data from the MODIS (moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) Satellite Instrument

Determination of the Single Scattering Albedo and Direct Radiative Forcing of Biomass Burning Aerosol with Data from the MODIS (moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) Satellite Instrument
Author: Li Zhu
Total Pages: 382
Release: 2013

Biomass burning aerosols absorb and scatter solar radiation and therefore affect the energy balance of the Earth-atmosphere system. The single scattering albedo (SSA), the ratio of the scattering coefficient to the extinction coefficient, is an important parameter to describe the optical properties of aerosols and to determine the effect of aerosols on the energy balance of the planet and climate. Aerosol effects on radiation also depend strongly on surface albedo. Large uncertainties remain in current estimates of radiative impacts of biomass burning aerosols, due largely to the lack of reliable measurements of aerosol and surface properties. In this work we investigate how satellite measurements can be used to estimate the direct radiative forcing of biomass burning aerosols. We developed a method using the critical reflectance technique to retrieve SSA from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) observed reflectance at the top of the atmosphere (TOA). We evaluated MODIS retrieved SSAs with AErosol RObotic NETwork (AERONET) retrievals and found good agreements within the published uncertainty of the AERONET retrievals. We then developed an algorithm, the MODIS Enhanced Vegetation Albedo (MEVA), to improve the representations of spectral variations of vegetation surface albedo based on MODIS observations at the discrete 0.67, 0.86, 0.47, 0.55, 1.24, 1.64, and 2.12 μm channels. This algorithm is validated using laboratory measurements of the different vegetation types from the Amazon region, data from the Johns Hopkins University (JHU) spectral library, and data from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) digital spectral library. We show that the MEVA method can improve the accuracy of flux and aerosol forcing calculations at the TOA compared to more traditional interpolated approaches. Lastly, we combine the MODIS retrieved biomass burning aerosol SSA and the surface albedo spectrum determined from the MEVA technique to calculate TOA flux and aerosol direct radiative forcing over the Amazon region and compare it with Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) satellite results. The results show that MODIS based forcing calculations present similar averaged results compared to CERES, but MODIS shows greater spatial variation of aerosol forcing than CERES. Possible reasons for these differences are explored and discussed in this work. Potential future research based on these results is discussed as well.

Integration of Satellite Remote Sensing and Ground-based Measurement for Modelling the Spatiotemporal Distribution of Fine Particulate Matter at a Regional Scale

Integration of Satellite Remote Sensing and Ground-based Measurement for Modelling the Spatiotemporal Distribution of Fine Particulate Matter at a Regional Scale
Author: Jie Tian
Total Pages: 378
Release: 2008

Accurate information on the spatial-temporal distributions of air pollution at a regional scale is crucial for effective air quality control, as well as to impact studies on local climate and public health. The current practice of mapping air quality relies heavily on data from monitoring stations, which are often quite sparse and irregularly spaced. The research presented in this dissertation seeks to advance the methodologies involved in spatiotemporal analysis of air quality that integrates remotely-sensed data and in situ measurement. Aerosol optical depth (AOD) data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) is analyzed to estimate fine particulate matter (PM2.5) concentrations as the target air pollutant. The spatial-temporal distribution of columnar aerosol loading is investigated through mapping MODIS AOD in southern Ontario, Canada throughout 2004. Clear distribution patterns and strong seasonality are found for the study area. There is a detectable relationship between an AOD level and underlying land use structure and topography on the ground. MODIS AOD was correlated with the ground-level PM2.5 concentration (GL-[PM2.5]) at various wavelengths. The AOD-PM2.5 correlation is found to be sensitive to spatial-temporal scale changes. Further, a semi-empirical model has been developed for a more accurate prediction of GL-[PM2.5]. The model employs MODIS AOD data, assimilated meteorological fields, and ground-based meteorological measurements and is able to explain 65% of the variability in GL-[PM2.5]. To achieve a more accurate and informative spatiotemporal modelling of GL-[PM2.5], a method is proposed that integrates the model-predictions and in situ measurements in the framework of Bayesian Maximum Entropy (BME) analysis. A case study of southern Ontario demonstrates the procedures of the method and support for its advantages by comparison with conventional geostatistical approaches. The BME estimation, coupled with BME posterior variance, can be used to depict GL-[PM2.5] distribution in a stochastic context. The methodologies covered in this work are expected to be applicable to the modelling or analysis of other types of air pollutant concentrations.

Aerosol Retrieval Using Remote-sensed Observations

Aerosol Retrieval Using Remote-sensed Observations
Author: Yueqing Wang
Total Pages: 182
Release: 2012

Atmospheric aerosols are solid particles and liquid droplets that are usually smaller than the diameter of a human hair. They can be found drifting in the air in every ecosystem on Earth, leaving significant impacts on human health and our climate. Understanding the spatial and temporal distribution of different atmospheric aerosols, therefore, is an important first step to decode the complex system of aerosols and further, their effects on public health and climate. The development of remote-sensing radiometers provides a powerful tool to monitor the amount of atmospheric aerosols, as well as their compositions. Radiometers aboard satellites measure the amount of electromagnetic solar radiation. The amount of atmospheric aerosols is further quantified by aerosol optical depth (AOD), defined as the amount of solar radiation that aerosols scatter and absorb in the atmosphere and generally prevent from reaching the Earth surface. Despite efforts to improve remote-sensing instruments and a great demand for a detailed profile of aerosol spatial distribution, methods needed to provide AOD estimation at a reasonably fine resolution, are lacking. The quantitative uncertainties in the amount of aerosols, and especially aerosol compositions, limit the utility of traditional methods for aerosol retrieval at a fine resolution. In Chapter 2 and 3 of this thesis, we exploit the use of statistical methods to estimate aerosol optical depth using remote-sensed radiation. A Bayesian hierarchy proves to be useful for modeling the complicated interactions among aerosols of different amount and compositions over a large spatial area. Based on the hierarchical model, Chapter 2 estimates and validates aerosol optical depth using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, while chapter 3 resorts to an optimization-based approach for faster computation. We extend our study focus from the aerosol amount to the aerosol compositions in Chapter 4. Chapter 1 briefly reviews the characteristics of atmospheric aerosols, including the different types of aerosols and their major impacts on human health. We also introduce a major remote-sensing instrument, NASA's Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR), which collects the observations our studies base on. Currently, the MISR operational aerosol retrieval algorithm provides estimates of aerosol optical depth at the spatial resolution of 17.6 km. In Chapter 2, we embed MISR's operational weighted least squares criterion and its forward calculations for aerosol optical depth retrievals in a likelihood framework. We further expand it into a hierarchical Bayesian model to adapt to finer spatial resolution of 4.4 km. To take advantage of the spatial smoothness of aerosol optical depth, our method borrows strength from data at neighboring areas by postulating a Gaussian Markov Random Field prior for aerosol optical depth. Our model considers aerosol optical depth and mixing vectors of different types of aerosols as continuous variables. The inference is then carried out using Metropolis-within-Gibbs sampling methods. Retrieval uncertainties are quantified by posterior variabilities. We also develop a parallel Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm to improve computational efficiency. We assess our retrieval performance using ground-based measurements from the AErosol RObotic NETwork (AERONET) and satellite images from Google Earth. Based on case studies in the greater Beijing area, China, we show that 4.4 km resolution can improve both the accuracy and coverage of remote-sensed aerosol retrievals, as well as our understanding of the spatial and seasonal behaviors of aerosols. This is particularly important during high-AOD events, which often indicate severe air pollution. Chapter 3 of this thesis continues to improve our statistical aerosol retrievals for better accuracy and more efficient computation by switching to an optimization-based approach. We first establish objective functions for aerosol optical depth and aerosol compositions, based upon MISR operational weighted least squares criterion and its forward calculations. Our method also borrows strength from aerosol spatial smoothness by constructing penalty terms in the objective functions. The penalties correspond to a Gaussian Markov Random Field prior for aerosol optical depth and a Dirichlet prior for aerosol mixing vectors under our hierarchical Bayesian scheme; the optimization-based approach corresponds to Bayesian Maximum a Posteriori (MAP) estimation. Our MAP retrieval algorithm provides computational efficiency almost 60 times that of our Bayesian retrieval algorithm presented in Chapter 2. To represent the increasing heterogeneity of urban aerosol sources, our model continues to expand the pre-fixed aerosol mixtures used in the MISR operational algorithm by considering aerosol mixing vectors as continuous variables. Our retrievals are again validated using ground-based AERONET measurements. Case studies in the greater Beijing and Zhengzhou areas of China reassure that 4.4 km resolution can improve the accuracy and spatial coverage of remotely-sensed retrievals and enhance our understanding of the spatial behaviors of aerosols. When comparing our aerosol retrievals to the extensive ground-based measurements collected in Baltimore, Maryland, we encountered greater uncertainties of aerosol compositions. It is a result from both the complex terrain structures of Baltimore and its various aerosol emission sources. Chapter 4, as result, extends the flexibility of our previous aerosol retrievals by incorporating a complete set of the eight commonly observed types of aerosols. The consequential rise in model complexity is met by a warm-start Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling scheme. We first design two Markov sub-chains, each representing an aerosol mixture containing only four types of the commonly observed aerosols. Combining the samples generated by these two sub-chains, we propose an initialization for the Markov chain that contains all eight types of commonly observed aerosols. Partial information on the interactions of different types of aerosols from the samples generated by the sub-chains proves to be useful in choosing a more efficient initial point for the complete Markov chain. Faster computation is achieved without compromising the retrieval accuracy nor the spatial resolution of the estimated aerosol optical depth. In the end, through case studies of aerosol retrievals for the Baltimore area, we explore the potentials of remote-sensed retrievals in improving our understanding of aerosol compositions.

Comparison of Satellite Observations of Aerosol Optical Depth to Surface Monitor Fine Particle Concentration

Comparison of Satellite Observations of Aerosol Optical Depth to Surface Monitor Fine Particle Concentration
Author: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Total Pages: 278
Release: 2018-06-27
ISBN: 9781721943685

Under NASA's Earth Science Applications Program, the Infusing satellite Data into Environmental Applications (IDEA) project examined the relationship between satellite observations and surface monitors of air pollutants to facilitate a more capable and integrated observing network. This report provides a comparison of satellite aerosol optical depth to surface monitor fine particle concentration observations for the month of September 2003 at more than 300 individual locations in the continental US. During September 2003, IDEA provided prototype, near real-time data-fusion products to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) directed toward improving the accuracy of EPA s next-day Air Quality Index (AQI) forecasts. Researchers from NASA Langley Research Center and EPA used data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) instrument combined with EPA ground network data to create a NASA-data-enhanced Forecast Tool. Air quality forecasters used this tool to prepare their forecasts of particle pollution, or particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in diameter (PM2.5), for the next-day AQI. The archived data provide a rich resource for further studies and analysis. The IDEA project uses data sets and models developed for tropospheric chemistry research to assist federal, state, and local agencies in making decisions concerning air quality management to protect public health. Kleb, Mary M. and AlSaadi, Jassim A. and Neil, Doreen O. and Pierce, Robert B. and Pippin, Margartet R. and Roell, Marilee M. and Kittaka, Chieko and Szykman, James J. Langley Research Center 613-23-01

Final Technical Report for Grant # DE-FG02-06ER64169

Final Technical Report for Grant # DE-FG02-06ER64169
Total Pages:
Release: 2007

The Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) program is funding this project to improve the methodology of ground-based remote sensing of the vertical distribution of aerosol and cloud optical properties, and their effect on atmospheric radiative transfer. Remotely-sensed and in situ observed aerosol, cloud physical, and optical properties collected during the May 2003 Aerosol Intensive Operational Period (AIOP) and the Aerosol Lidar Validation Experiment (ALIVE), conducted from September 11-22, 2005, are the basis for the investigation. We have used ground-based lidar, airborne sunphotometer and in situ measurements and other data to evaluate the vertical profile of aerosol properties. We have been pursuing research in the following three areas: (1) Aerosol Best Estimate Product--Sensitivity Study: ARM is developing an Aerosol Best Estimate (ABE) Value Added Product (VAP) to provide aerosol optical properties at all times and heights above its sites. The ABE is used as input for the Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) VAP, whose output will be used to evaluate the radiative treatment of aerosols and clouds in climate models. ARM has a need to assess how much detail is required for the ABE and if a useful ABE can be derived for the tropical and arctic climate research facilities (CRFs) where only limited aerosol information in the vertical is available. We have been determining the sensitivity of BBHRP to the vertical profile of aerosol optical properties used in ABE. (2) Vertically Resolved Aerosol and Cloud Radiative Properties over the Southern Great Plains (SGP): The AIOP delivered an unprecedented airborne radiometric and in situ data set related to aerosols and clouds. The Center for Interdisciplinary Remotely-Piloted Aircraft Studies (CIRPAS's) Twin Otter aircraft carried solar pointing, up- and down-looking radiometers (spectral and broadband, visible, and infrared) with the uplooking radiometers mounted on a stabilized platform. We are performing an integrated analysis of the largely unexploited radiometric data set to provide observation-based quantification of the effect of aerosols and clouds on the radiation field. We will link aerosol and cloud properties measured in situ with the observed radiative fluxes using radiative transfer models. This over-determined dataset will provide validation of the BBHRP VAP. (3) Integrated Analysis of Data from the Aerosol Lidar Validation Experiment: The ABE VAP relies on continuous lidar observations to provide the vertical distribution of the aerosols above the ARM sites. The goal of ALIVE, conducted in September 2005, was the validation of the aerosol extinction profiles obtained from the SGP Raman lidar, which has been recently refurbished/updated, and the Micro Pulse Lidar, for which a new algorithm to retrieve aerosol profiles has recently been developed, using the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Ames Airborne Tracking 14 channel Sun photometer. We are performing and publishing the integrated analysis of the ALIVE data set.