Essays on Volatility Risk, Asset Returns and Consumption-based Asset Pricing

Essays on Volatility Risk, Asset Returns and Consumption-based Asset Pricing
Author: Young Il Kim
Total Pages: 176
Release: 2008
Genre: Assets (Accounting)

Abstract: My dissertation addresses two main issues regarding asset returns: econometric modeling of asset returns in chapters 2 and 3 and puzzling features of the standard consumption-based asset pricing model (C-CAPM) in chapters 4 and 5. Chapter 2 develops a new theoretical derivation for the GARCH-skew-t model as a mixture distribution of normal and inverted-chi-square in order to represent the three important stylized facts of financial data: volatility clustering, skewness and thick-tails. The GARCH-skew-t is same as the GARCH-t model if the skewness parameter is shut-off. The GARCH-skew-t is applied to U.S. excess stock market returns, and the equity premium is computed based on the estimated model. It is shown that skewness and kurtosis can have significant effect on the equity premium and that with sufficiently negatively skewed distribution of the excess returns, a finite equity premium can be assured, contrary to the case of the Student t in which an infinite equity premium arises. Chapter 3 provides a new empirical guidance for modeling a skewed and thick-tailed error distribution along with GARCH effects based on the theoretical derivation for the GARCH-skew-t model and empirical findings on the Realized Volatility (RV) measure, constructed from the summation of higher frequency squared (demeaned) returns. Based on an 80-year sample of U.S. daily stock market returns, it is found that the distribution of monthly RV conditional on past returns is approximately the inverted-chi-square while monthly market returns, conditional on RV and past returns are normally distributed with RV in both mean and variance. These empirical findings serve as the building blocks underlying the GARCH-skew-t model. Thus, the findings provide a new empirical justification for the GARCH-skew-t modeling of equity returns. Moreover, the implied GARCH-skew-t model accurately represents the three important stylized facts for equity returns. Chapter 4 provides a possible solution to asset return puzzles such as high equity premium and low riskfree rate based on parameter uncertainty. It is shown that parameter uncertainty underlying the data generating process can lead to a negatively skewed and thick-tailed distribution that can explain most of the high equity premium and low riskfree rate even with the degree of risk aversion below 10 in the CRRA utility function. Chapter 5 investigates a possible link between stock market volatility and macroeconomic risk. This chapter studies why U.S. stock market volatility has not changed much during the "great moderation" era of the 1980s in contrast to the prediction made by the standard C-CAPM. A new model is developed such that aggregate consumption is decomposed into stock and non-stock source of income so that stock dividends are a small part of consumption. This new model predicts that the great moderation of macroeconomic risk must have originated from declining volatility of shocks to the relatively large non-stock factor of production while shocks to the relatively small stock assets have been persistently volatile during the moderation era. Furthermore, the model shows that the systematic risk of holding equity is positively associated with the stock share of total wealth.

Essays on Volatility Risk Premia in Asset Pricing

Essays on Volatility Risk Premia in Asset Pricing
Total Pages:
Release: 2008

This thesis contains two essays. In the first essay, we investigate the impact of time varying volatility of consumption growth on the cross-section and time-series of equity returns. While many papers test consumption-based pricing models using the first moment of consumption growth, less is known about how the time-variation of consumption growth volatility affects asset prices. In a model with recursive preferences and unobservable conditional mean and volatility of consumption growth, the representative agent's estimates of conditional moments of consumption growth affect excess returns. Empirically, we find that estimated consumption volatility is a priced source of risk, and exposure to it predicts future returns in the cross-section. Consumption volatility is also a strong predictor of aggregate quarterly excess returns in the time-series. The estimated negative price of risk together with the evidence on equity premium predictability suggest that the elasticity of intertemporal substitution of the representative agent is greater than unity, a finding that contributes to a long standing debate in the literature. In the second essay, I present a simple model to show that if agents face binding portfolio constraints, stocks with high volatility in states of low market returns demand a premium beyond the one implied by systematic risks. Assets whose volatility positively covaries with market volatility also have high expected returns. Both effects of this idiosyncratic volatility risk premium are strongest for assets that face more binding trading restrictions. Unlike the prior empirical literature that obtains mixed results when focusing on the level of idiosyncratic volatility, I investigate the dynamic behavior of idiosyncratic volatility and find strong support for my predictions. Comovement of innovations of idiosyncratic volatility with market returns negatively predicts returns for trading restricted stocks relative to unrestricted stocks, and comovement.

Essays in Technology Diffusion and Asset Pricing

Essays in Technology Diffusion and Asset Pricing
Author: Ziemowit Konrad Bednarek
Total Pages: 368
Release: 2010

First chapter of this thesis finds a new consumption growth predictor linked to macroeconomic fundamentals: the technology gap, the dierence between potential and actual productivity of capital. I construct a representative firm business cycle model, in which the technology gap generates specic patterns of short- and long-run consumption growth, and consumption growth volatility. Intuitively, a high technology gap acts as an economic shock that increases consumption in the long term due to a higher future productivity level. I use quality-adjusted price indices of durable investment goods to create a proxy for the technology gap. Consistent with the model, I find empirical evidence that a high technology gap predicts: (i) strong consumption growth at longer horizons, (ii) high consumption growth volatility, and (iii) high risk-free rate. Second chapter demonstrates the relationship between research and development expenditure, and firm productivity. I construct a model which implies that firm-level R & D optimal policy should be dependent on ex-ante productivity. Firms ex-ante further from the frontier optimally invest more in R & D. Ex-post productivity depends on the amount of R & D investment and the match between new technology and existing production factors. Firms investing more in R & D are ex-post on average closer to the frontier, controlling for theoretically motivated endogeneity. I present empirical evidence supporting the model. Using data envelopment, I construct a measure of firm-level distance from industry-wide productivity frontier. On average, a 1% larger distance from the frontier causes a 0.5% increase in R & D intensity next quarter. R & D activity in turn predicts high stock return volatility. Third chapter tests the existing durable consumption-based asset pricing model of Yogo (2006). Consumption risk is measured by the covariance between asset returns and future durable consumption growth, rather than contemporaneous growth, as in the original model. I present empirical evidence that excess returns on Fama-French portfolios are correlated more with future than contemporaneous durable consumption growth. I transform the original Euler equations of the model to use information about the future consumption growth. As its correlation with returns is higher, the estimate of risk aversion from the model decreases substantially compared with Yogo (2006). I also find that the altered consumption risk measure increases the explanatory power of the model. I approximate the original model and show that it can be estimated in the simple OLS framework. Cross-sectional R square is highest when the consumption growth is sampled over six to eight quarters ahead. This result is robust to dierent sets of test assets.

Essays on Equilibrium Asset Pricing

Essays on Equilibrium Asset Pricing
Author: Aoxiang Yang (Ph.D.)
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2022

My dissertation is developed to address unresolved issues in the asset pricing literature, focusing on both risk premium levels and dynamics. Chapter 1 addresses short-horizon risk premium dynamics. In the data, stock market volatility weakly or even negatively predicts short-run equity and variance risk premia, challenging positive risk-return trade-offs at the heart of leading asset pricing models. I show that a puzzling negative volatility-risk premia relationship concentrates in scattered high-uncertainty states, which occur about 20\% of the time. While at other times, the relationship is strongly positive. I develop a micro-founded learning model in which due to learning frictions investors underreact to structural breaks in high-volatility periods and overreact to transitory variance shocks in normal times. The model can successfully explain the novel time-varying volatility-risk premia relationship at short and long horizons. The model can further account for many other data features, such as a robust positive correlation between equity and variance risk premium, the leverage effect, and negative observations of equity and variance risk premia at the onsets of recessions. Chapter 2, coauthored with Professor Bjorn Eraker, focuse on equilibrium derivatives pricing. It is motivated by the observation that leading asset pricing models typically can not explain the levels or dynamics of VIX options prices. We develop a tractable equilibrium pricing model to explain observed characteristics in equity returns, VIX futures, S\&P 500 options, and VIX options data based on affine jump-diffusive state dynamics and representative agents endowed with Duffie-Epstein recursive preferences. A specific model aimed at capturing VIX options prices and other asset market data is shown to successfully replicate the salient features of consumption, dividends, and asset market data, including the first two moments of VIX futures returns, the average implied volatilities in SPX and VIX options, and first and higher-order moments of VIX options returns. In the data, we document a time variation in the shape of VIX option implied volatility and a time-varying hedging relationship between VIX and SPX options which our model both captures. Our model also matches many other asset pricing moments such as equity premia, variance risk premia, risk-free interest rates, and short-horizon return predictability. To derive our specific model, we first develop a general framework for pricing assets under recursive Duffie-Epstein preferences with IES set to one under the assumption that state variables follow affine jump diffusions, as in \citet{DPS00}. Relative to the literature, our framework has a clear marginal contribution that it is an endowment-based equilibrium model with (i) clearly stated affine state variable dynamics and (ii) precisely characterized equilibrium value function, risk-free rate, prices of risks, and risk-neutral state dynamics. We prove our state-price density is a precise $IES\to1$ limit of that approximately solved in \citet{ErakShal08}. The recursive preference assumption implies that higher-order conditional moments of the economic fundamental, such as its growth volatility and volatility-of-volatility, are explicitly priced in equilibrium. Since VIX derivatives depend on these factors, this in turn implies that the former carry non-zero risk premia.

Essays on Stock Prices and Equity Premium

Essays on Stock Prices and Equity Premium
Author: Seunghan Lee
Total Pages: 99
Release: 2017
Genre: Cash flow

This dissertation studies the role of cash flow in explaining stock price variations and the determination of equity premium after correcting for the measurement error of cash flow growth. In Chapter 1, we incorporate price-total payout (dividends plus repurchases) ratio into the models of Binsbergen and Koijen (2010) and Campbell and Ammer (1993) to reassess the role of cash flow in stock price movement. We find that the existing results of a high persistence in expected returns and a strong dependence of stock price variation on discount rates are partly attributable to the use of price-dividend ratio with measurement error as a predictor of stock returns. The incorporation of price-total payout ratio enables the models i) to improve an in-sample goodness of fit for return and cash flow growth, ii) to produce a lower persistence of expected returns, which leads to a smaller shock to stock prices from the discount rate channel, iii) to show a higher contribution of cash flow channel to stock price movement in terms of variations in price-cash flow ratio and unexpected return. These results apply to medium and large cap portfolios as well as to aggregate market index. In Chapter 2, we explore the effects on stock market variation of other factors than stock repurchases that could account for the non-stationarity of price-dividend ratio by incorporating regime shifts in the mean of price-total payout ratio into the models of Binsbergen and Koijen (2010) and Campbell and Ammer (1993). Compared to the results of Chapter 1, we achieve i) an improvement in in-sample goodness of fit for return and cash flow growth, ii) a lower persistence and higher volatility of expected returns, iii) stronger role of cash flow channel in stock market variation, all of which show that not only stock repurchases but also other structural factors such as persistent decline in consumption volatility affecting the relationship between stock prices and cash flows should be taken into account when we attempt to investigate the sources of stock price variations. In Chapter 3, we incorporate price-total payout ratio and endogenously generated consumption volatility with regime shifts into the dynamic asset pricing model of Bansal, Kiku, Shaliastovich, and Yaron (2014) (hereafter, "BKSY model"), which stresses the role of a sizable positive risk premium from the macroeconomic volatility channel in explaining the equity premium by introducing the volatility risk into traditional consumption-based asset pricing model. Our extension of the BKSY model provides a different identification of the consumption volatility risk by including the effects of the economic agent's revision of expectation on the volatility states on each of three channels to determine the equity premium. From annual samples of 1930 to 2015, we find that our model shows a much smaller contribution of the consumption volatility risk to the total equity premium, most of which is now explained by the cash flow risk. This finding applies to cross-sectional portfolio returns as well as to aggregate market index return. Our model also indicates that the consumption volatility risk is not large enough to reverse a negative correlation between equity return and human capital return.