Essays on the Asset Pricing Anomalies

Essays on the Asset Pricing Anomalies
Author: Kyungyeon (Rachel) Koh
Total Pages:
Release: 2018

This dissertation aims to shed light on the source of the asset pricing anomalies by investigating behavioral and rational explanations. The first essay, "Asset Efficiency and the Asset Growth Anomaly," examines the source of the asset growth anomaly. I present findings that the anomaly is driven by inefficient firms, which support the behavioral hypothesis that investors on average underreact to some firms' overexpansion. Firms with past records of high asset efficiency relative to their industry peers do not suffer lower stock performance following high growth. The overarching impact of asset efficiency shows that firm skill is highly relevant, for effective corporate strategy should balance growth with capability to maintain and profit from that growth. The next chapter, "Do Financing Costs Matter for the Investment Anomalies?" shows supporting evidence for a shared role of behavioral and rational elements in explaining the anomalies. It comprehensively evaluates whether firms' financing constraints explain the investment anomalies, including the asset growth anomaly, incorporating advanced proxies for financing constraints. The main contribution is to demonstrate that both mispricing and investment-friction channels reinforce each other in explaining the negative investment-return relation. The third chapter, "Style Investing: New Evidence from Mutual Fund Flows," empirically validates the style-investing behavior of mutual fund investors and explores the pricing implication for stocks by utilizing mutual fund flows. Barberis and Shleifer (2003) initially explore the idea of style investing with an assumption that investors choose styles based on the recent past style performance. I find evidence that mutual fund investors allocate to winner styles and withdraw from loser styles based on the recent past style performance, consistently with Barbaris and Shleifer's assumption. Next, I examine the pricing implications of the mutual fund flows by style. The evidence shows the Granger-causality of the style flows and the underlying stock returns in both directions. Neither the rationalists nor the behavioralists have been able to comprehensively explain all of financial market dynamics. This thesis urges the current asset pricing research to stay open-minded to consider various possibilities and viewpoints and be prepared to come up with narratives not confined to a single set of theory.

Essays on International Asset Pricing, Cultural Finance, and the Price Effect

Essays on International Asset Pricing, Cultural Finance, and the Price Effect
Author: Ulrich Johannes Hammerich
Total Pages:
Release: 2021

This dissertation is not only a pioneer work in the new finance sphere cultural finance, but also a feat of fundamental research in international empirical asset pricing. I present significant evidence that the most basic stock characteristic, the nominal price, is consequential for stock returns (and associated with higher statistical moments) in a comprehensive cross-country dataset comprising 41 countries and a culture-dependent capital market anomaly (as it was already shown e.g. for the momentum effect). For the case of Germany, I additionally provide an in-depth analysis of the price effect (i.e. a high/low price of an asset goes hand in hand with high/low subsequent returns) as this country offers a unique possibility to investigate the evolution and trigger of this genuinely price-based capital market anomaly due to a rapid and dramatic countrywide dispersion of stock prices in the aftermath of law amendments. Furthermore, I find the explanatory power of risk factor mimicking hedge portfolios (especially RMRF, HML, and WML, i.e. the beta, value, and momentum factors), which are consistently implemented in empirical asset pricing models (like the FF 3-, 5-, and 6-factor models and the Carhart 4-factor model), as well as their effectiveness as investment styles to vary across cultures. That is, the spectrum of this dissertation strikes both implications of the weak EMH that time series data (like the price) should have no informational value for future returns and assumptions of theoretical asset pricing models that (only) systematic risk (CAPM), future investment opportunities (ICAPM) or consumption risk (CCAPM) drives asset returns (universally). Finally, yet importantly, I find evidence that even cultural characteristics in itself (measured via the cultural dimensions of Hofstede and others) have explanatory and predictive power for global, cross-sectional stock returns as well as characteristics-based (hedge) portfolio returns. By virtue of these contributions to pertinent financial research, this dissertation is an empirical primer for possible future fields of research culture-based/culture-neutral asset pricing, asset management, and asset allocation.

Essays in Asset Pricing and International Finance

Essays in Asset Pricing and International Finance
Author: Mary Tian
Total Pages: 115
Release: 2011

This thesis consists of three chapters in asset pricing and international finance. In Chapter 1, I examine the effect of tradability, the proportion of a firm's output that is exported, on its stock returns. The empirical patterns are consistent with the adjustment of the relative price of tradable to non-tradable goods, due to endowment shocks. I find firms that produce tradable goods have asset returns and earnings that are twice as cyclical as firms that produce non-tradable goods. A tradable minus nontradable portfolio of stock returns can predict changes in real exchange rates and the relative quantity of exports. A two-country endowment economy model formalizing the relative price mechanism is able to match the empirical facts. In Chapter 2, joint with Leonid Kogan and Roberto Rigobon, we take an openeconomy perspective on consumption growth predictability. We find that the combination of the U.S. and the world real interest rates predicts U.S. consumption growth. Predictability is highly significant, both statistically and economically, and is strongest at horizons of two to three years. The growth rate of consumption of services is more predictable than the growth rate of consumption of nondurable goods. We interpret this evidence using a two-country equilibrium exchange economy model and conclude that the predictive relation between interest rates and consumption growth is likely generated by output shocks in the non-tradable good sector. In Chapter 3, joint with Leonid Kogan, we examine the effects of data snooping on the performance of linear factor models at explaining asset pricing anomalies. We gather 22 anomalies established in the literature and create three-factor models from sorting firms into portfolios with respect to these anomalies. From 1950-2007, half of the factor models we construct can explain 31% or more of anomalies. In comparison, the CAPM and Fama French models rank in the 20th and 40th percentile of models respectively. Factors constructed from sorting by external financing characteristics (net stock issues and composite issuance) are able to explain a large proportion of anomalies. None of the models are able to explain momentum.