Essays on Insurance Economics

Essays on Insurance Economics
Author: Ruo Jia
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2016

This dissertation consists of four essays on insurance economies. It aims to answer questions in the fields of insurance transactions (Essays I and IV) as well as insurance operations and strategies (Essays II and III). These questions are relevant both to the insurance academic community and to the insurance industry. The methodologies explored in the dissertation are mainly empirical economics including multivariate regressions, data envelopment analyses, among others. The first essay, "Between-group adverse selection: Evidence from group critical illness insurance", demonstrates the presence of adverse selection in the group insurance market even if individual choices are not allowed. It shows that group insurance alone is not effective enough to eliminate adverse selection, i.e., between-group adverse selection exists, which, however, disappears over time if the group renews with the same insurer for a certain period. The results thus indicate that experience rating and underwriting based on information that insurers learn over time are important in addressing adverse selection. The second essay, "The structure of the global reinsurance market: An analysis of efficiency, scale, and scope", uses a multidimensional data envelopment analysis to study economies of scale, economies of scope, and cost efficiency in the reinsurance industry. Reinsurers with total assets less than USD 2.9 billion exhibit scale economies, while those with assets greater than USD 15.5 billion do not. Large reinsurers are characterized by high cost efficiency. Small reinsurers exhibit superior efficiency when they are specialized. The third essay, "Internationalization and performance: The role of industry context and cost efficiency", analyzes the impact of globalization strategies (inter-regional internationalization) on insurers' performance and show that the impact is different for life and nonlife insurers. It introduces the cost efficiency to expl.

Essays on the Economics of Selected Multi-Period Insurance Decisions with Private Information

Essays on the Economics of Selected Multi-Period Insurance Decisions with Private Information
Author: Petra Steinorth
Publisher: VVW GmbH
Total Pages: 146
Release: 2011
Genre: Business & Economics
ISBN: 3862980790

"Petra Steinorth präsentiert in ihrer in englischer Sprache vorgelegten kumulativen Dissertationsschrift drei theoretische Modelle, die Versicherungsentscheidungen über mehrere Perioden und bei privater Information seitens der Versicherungsnehmer ökonomisch untersuchen. Die Dissertation leistet einen wichtigen Beitrag zur theoretischen Forschung im Bereich Versicherungsökonomie, da insbesondere zu mehrperiodigen Fragestellungen noch großer Forschungsbedarf besteht: Der Beitrag ""Impact of Health Savings Accounts on Precautionary Savings, Demand for Health Insurance and Prevention Effort"" untersucht den Einfluss von steuerlich begünstigten Gesundheitssparkonten auf das Sparverhalten, die Nachfrage nach Krankenversicherung und Prävention. Im zweiten Beitrag ""Yes, No, Perhaps - Explaining the Demand for Risk Classification Insurance with Imperfect Private Information"" wird untersucht, welche Granularität der Risikoklassifizierung optimal ist, wenn die Versicherungsnehmer unvollständige private Information über ihren zukünftigen Risikotyp haben. Der dritte Beitrag ""The Demand for Enhanced Annuities"" analysiert die Reaktion des Marktes auf die Einführung von sogenannten Enhanced Annuities. Dabei handelt es sich um Rentenversicherungsprodukte, die die individuelle Lebenserwartung bei der Tarifierung berücksichtigen. Die wissenschaftliche Arbeit ist auch für Mitarbeiter in Versicherungsunternehmen von Interesse, da sie wichtige Bereiche des Produktmanagements in der Lebens- und Krankenversicherung behandelt. Petra Steinorth ́s dissertation consists of three theoretical models, which all examine the economics of selected multi-period insurance decisions with private information on the part of the insured. The thesis makes an important contribution to insurance economics literature as multi-period problems have not yet been widely studied. The article ""Impact of Health Savings Accounts on Precautionary Savings, Demand for Health Insurance and Prevention Effort"" investigates how tax incentives like health savings accounts influence savings for medical costs, the demand for health insurance and ex ante moral hazard. The second article ""Yes, no, perhaps - Explaining the Demand for Risk Classification Insurance"" examines the optimal risk classification in case the insured have incomplete private information regarding their future risk type. The third article ""The Demand for Enhanced Annuities"" analyzes the market reaction to the introduction of so-called enhanced annuities, which are annuities that take individual factors influencing life expectancy into account for pricing. The scientific dissertation is also of interest to insurance practitioners as it examines important issues in the field of health and life insurance product management."

Essays on Insurance Policyholder Behavior - A Behavioral Economics Perspective

Essays on Insurance Policyholder Behavior - A Behavioral Economics Perspective
Author: Christian Knoller
Publisher: VVW GmbH
Total Pages: 129
Release: 2013
Genre: Law
ISBN: 3862982432

Die Arbeit erscheint in englischer Sprache. Dieses Buch zeigt anhand von drei Forschungsprojekten, dass verhaltensökonomische Forschungsansätze dazu beitragen können, bisher unerklärtes Verhalten auf Versicherungsmärkten besser zu verstehen. Das erste Projekt liefert anhand einer experimentellen Untersuchung einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Lösung des in der Wissenschaft intensiv diskutierten 'Annuity Puzzle', also der Frage, warum in vielen Versicherungsmärkten nur sehr wenige Menschen private Rentenversicherung nachfragen. Anhand einer empirischen Untersuchung des Stornoverhaltens von Versicherungsnehmern für ein Variable Annuity Produkt in Japan wird gezeigt, dass die finanzwissenschaftliche Ausbildung ('Financial Literacy') des Versicherungsnehmers das Verständnis für den Wert der im Vertrag enthaltenen Optionen und damit auch das Stornoverhalten beeinflussen kann. Das dritte Projekt untersucht die Nachfrage nach Zusatzdeckung gegen Naturkatastrophenschäden anhand des Hausratversicherungsportfolios eines deutschen Versicherungsunternehmens. Viele Versicherungsnehmer scheinen ihre Gefährdung für Hochwasserschäden eher gering einzuschätzen. Die Untersuchung liefert jedoch Hinweise, dass Versicherungsvermittler in der Lage sind, die Versicherungsnehmer bei der Analyse ihrer Gefährdungssituation zu unterstützen. Die Arbeit richtet sich sowohl an Wissenschaftler als auch an Mitarbeiter in Versicherungsunternehmen, die in der Produktentwicklung oder im Risikomanagement tätig sind. Risiken aus dem Verhalten von Versicherungsnehmern, z.B. das Stornorisiko, gewinnen im Zuge von Produktinnovationen immer mehr an Bedeutung. Dies zeigt sich besonders deutlich bei der Entwicklung neuer Garantiekonzepte in der Lebensversicherung.

Insurance, Risk Management, and Public Policy

Insurance, Risk Management, and Public Policy
Author: Sandra G. Gustavson
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
Total Pages: 199
Release: 1993-10-31
Genre: Business & Economics
ISBN: 0792394100

Five years ago the world lost one of its most prolific insurance scholars, Dr. Robert I. Mehr. His death in 1988 signalled the passing of not only a gifted writer and researcher, but also a pioneering teacher, mentor, and friend. The essays compiled within this volume are intended as an appropriate tribute to this occasionally outrageous individual who touched the lives of so many within the insurance community. Bob Mehr was a teacher who expected and demanded nothing less than perfect scholarship and flawless, efficient writing. Among alumni of the University of lllinois insurance doctoral program, stories still abound of late night and early morning sessions in which students and professor painstakingly debated precise words and phrases for dissertations, journal articles, and textbooks. Bob's respect for language was both immense and contagious, if at times more than a little compulsive. He joked that he could not read letters or novels without pencil in hand for editing. Bob's respect for his doctoral students was equally evident. The confidence he displayed in his students' abilities was sometimes startling, but "competence assumed" often begot "competence in fact." The accomplishments and records amassed by the many who studied with Bob Mehr are impressive and ongoing. On the dedication page in his final textbook, Fundamentals of Insurance, Bob spoke of his affection for those he called his "academic progeny" and wished them happiness as they build their own academic families.

Risk, Information and Insurance

Risk, Information and Insurance
Author: Henri Loubergé
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
Total Pages: 275
Release: 2012-12-06
Genre: Business & Economics
ISBN: 9400921837

Orio Giarini The "Geneva Association" (International Association for the Study of Risk and Insurance Economics) was founded in 1973. The main goal was to stimulate and organize objective research in the field of risk, uncertainty, and insurance, in a world in which such issues were clearly becoming of greater and greater relevance for all economic actors. This was a pioneer ing effort, especially as economic theory and the teaching of economics were still anchored to the key notion of general equilibrium under an assumption of certainty. Thus, we had to start our work almost from scratch. One of the first initiatives was to bring together in Geneva, in June of 1973, all the academics in Europe already involved in risk and insurance economics. We found eight from five different countries who never had met before. This seminar chaired by Raymond Barre, the first president of The Geneva Association, was the first of an annual series that became known as the seminar of "The European Group of Risk and Insurance Economists." Since then more than 100 economists from most European countries as well as participants from two other continents and in particular from the United States have taken part in this seminar.